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A Sobering Message from the Constitution Party

One of our party leaders received the following article from a Russian acquaintance who succeeded in leaving Ukraine with his family and immigrated to the United States. He has since become an American Citizen and has become increasingly alarmed at what he sees transpiring in our nation. His comment to our party member was:

“You Americans have no idea what is happening to your country.”

Below is what was forwarded to our party member. What he shared is thought-provoking and alarming! The author of the article is Garret Geer, but the source of the article was not shared with our party member. Geer shared with his readers eight rules promoted by Saul Alinsky in his book entitled Rules for Radicals. Below is a portion of the article:

How to create a social state by Saul Alinsky:

There are eight levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a social state. The first is the most important.

  1. Healthcare – Control healthcare and you control the people.
  2. Poverty – Increase the Poverty level as high as possible: poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
  3. Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
  4. Gun Control – Remove the ability to defend themselves from the government. That way you are able to create a police state.
  5. Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).
  6. Education – Take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school.
  7. Religion – Remove the belief in the God from the government and schools.
  8. Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent, and it will be easier to take (tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.

Does any of this sound like what is happening to the United States?

Alinsky merely simplified Vladimir Lenin’s original scheme for world conquest by communism under Russian rule. Stalin described his converts as “Useful Idiots.”

The useful idiots have destroyed every nation in which they have seized power and control. It is presently happening at an alarming rate in the United States.

“It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.”

For those who are members of the Constitution Party, the above warning is nothing new. But what is alarming is the breathtaking speed at which we see the above events unfolding in our nation. The message is clear: those of us who are aware of the unfolding plan must act with urgency to alert our fellow Americans. We cannot remain silent when our way of life and the rule of law is threatened by those who have no love for our country.

A Case in Point: Critical Race Theory

Being pushed by the media and our government is the concept of Critical Race Theory. It is being promoted to our youngest students and on college campuses, in large corporations, and now even in the military. The goal of the program is to pit one race against another with white people being the oppressors.

The truth that we are all Americans and all need to be treated equally before the law is being totally ignored. Students are being encouraged to report any thoughts or comments made by their parents contrary to CRT to their school leaders. The young Russian man who shared his concerns to our party member explained that he and his fellow conservative-minded students never express their political thoughts in class. They know that not only will they be ridiculed by their professors and fellow students for such opinions, but their grades and ability to graduate and continue with post-graduate studies may also be negatively affected. That is a real tragedy!

To counter this movement our members must become involved in public affairs: i.e. becoming involved in local community affairs, running for school board positions, and running for local town and city council offices. Serving your community with integrity is an effective way to gain credibility and assure your voice is heard. Millions of parents are concerned and are looking for leadership. School board members are being recalled. This has become a hot issue in a growing number of states and provides an excellent opportunity for our voices to be heard. Let’s take advantage of this open door!

Your Continued Financial Support is Appreciated

As a result of our last newsletter, a number of first-time donations were received at the party headquarters. Your financial support is critical to future growth and deeply appreciated. Interest in the party is at an all-time high and your donations will enable us to expand our marketing efforts and move forward with ballot access for the 2022 election cycle.

Please consider committing to a monthly donation through the Howard Phillips Legacy Society. More details on the Society and its benefits can be found here.

Once again, our sincere thanks to those first-time donors and our monthly supporters. Without your generosity, we could not stay in the fight. We can all agree, we must press forward with a message of truth and hope.


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Introduction to a Reformed Millennial

A Message From Your Digital Paul Revere

Several members of the Constitution Party’s mailing list have expressed curiosity as to who I am. It’s a fair question, and so I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself, my experiences, and why I am writing for the Constitution Party. I strongly encourage all patriots to set aside a few minutes to read all the way to the end. I understand that it is a lot of writing to take in in one go, but I believe firmly that it is to your benefit, and to the benefit of the nation.

I am an American millennial who, over the past several years, has discovered his calling to the Constitution. Recently, I have been writing on a volunteer basis for the party as a way of providing a Millennial’s perspective on the present state of the Western World. Several months ago, upon my return to the United States after spending more than a decade under socialist oppression in China, I reached out to Frank Fluckiger to get involved. I became a member of the Constitution Party. I became a Constitutionist.

I am writing to you because I have witnessed firsthand the absolute horror of socialism. These essays are not newsletters. They aren’t meant to bring you recent Party news. They are long-form commentaries on current events happening in our country. They are viewpoints, seen through the lens of a Millennial American who has lived for a significant length of time under a true socialist dictatorship: China. These essays are meant as an olive branch to young Americans, frustrated by the perversion of the political process today, alienated by the major political parties, crushed under unimaginable debt with little hope of ever having the means to repay it, and “politically homeless”. They are also meant to give older generations of Americans a glimpse into the future that awaits your children and grandchildren, should you fail to act now.

In these essays, I hope to provide a point of view that will help fellow American patriots see the danger that our nation is in and call to action all who wish to see the situation improve. I can tell you with absolute conviction that many Americans do not know the extent to which socialism has corrupted our systems and institutions. I didn’t know either. It is only after having lived under true socialism that I can see the telltale signs of its growing influence on our country.

In our day and age, the US is under the very real threat of being taken over by socialists who desire to tear down our way of life and replace it with a system of governance and economics that has been tried, and failed, numerous times, and to the tune of a hundred million civilian deaths since around 1917. For the reasons of debt, little hope for meaningful employment, and political homelessness, many young Americans are beginning to turn to socialism. We can see its growing influence in the recent election of open socialists to Congress. I am writing to you as an American youth who wishes to sound the alarm to this danger and to call fellow patriots to the defense of our society. If it helps, you can think of me as a Digital Paul Revere. Only, instead of warning that the British are coming, I am warning that the Red Terror is coming. I make this call for the defense of our way of life. If we don’t act to defend our civilization, then by the time my generation reaches retirement age, our way of life will be dead and buried. And that is not an exaggeration. History marches ever onward, and it doesn’t care about our feelings. It only cares about our actions, and that is because it is our actions that create history. If we don’t act, then others will, and they will not act in our best interest.

Radical socialists own and control most of the high-tech companies that we use to get information: News outlets, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and more. Their brand of socialism is called “Progressive Intersectionality”. That means the intersection of the interests between various self-described “protected victim groups” based on race, gender, sexual orientation, and their united resistance to those whom they view as being the oppressors. In their eyes, that means Western conservatives. This is a modern take on the original socialist ideology, which was based on economic classes rather than racial groups and social classes. This is well known to a large portion of American youth, but perhaps not so well known to older generations who did not grow up as “Internet Natives”.

These days, our lives are online. Our communications are online, our banking is online, we even get our television streamed through the internet. Everything we say and do is extensively monitored and tracked. With their extensive control over how we share and consume information, they can simply erase our history and replace it with whatever they choose to. They already do. We can see this in the ways that Google uses AI and computer algorithms to manipulate search results on its search engine and on YouTube to favor far-left organizations and people while demonizing centrist and conservative opinions. The reason they do this is because centrist and conservative Americans tend to favor small government, with a heavy emphasis on individual liberty, while the further Left you go, the more you are generally in favor of expansive and invasive government control.

I have seen firsthand the results of these exact policies that are being enacted as you read these words. The censorship that China employs to control the thoughts and actions of its citizens are now being employed here by big tech companies and the mainstream media. The big tech companies even produce software for the Chinese Communist Party to better monitor and track its citizens. Artificial Intelligence platforms, intelligent closed-circuit security camera systems, software embedded in everything ranging from televisions to mobile phones to listen to and record video and conversations. It’s for this reason that I write under a pen name. Using my real identity to share these points of view puts my friends and colleagues under serious threat of reprisal by the Chinese government, both in China through its state security apparatus, as well as here in the US through their use of embassy officials with diplomatic immunity from prosecution. All of this is real, and the information is out there should you take it upon yourself to find it.

The extent to which China has reverted back to hardcore communism and what that means in practice is beyond the average American’s ability to fully realize. Our Constitution protects us from the vast majority of State persecution. Theirs does not. The horrors that have been unleashed upon the Chinese people, in addition to seeing those very same seeds begin to sprout here in the US are what prompted me to return. It simply must not be allowed to happen here. Many people do not understand that communism and socialism are two sides of the same coin. So when you hear people like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez talk about “democratic socialism”, understand that it functionally means the exact same thing as “communism”. As Karl Marx, the father of socialism once said; “Democracy is the road to socialism.” That is why we are NOT a democracy. We are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. The Founding Fathers knew what democracy inevitably leads to, and they gave us the tools to resist it.

All throughout my education, my classmates and I had teachers who subverted our sense of patriotism. Some of my earliest memories of elementary school, up through high school and college were teachers dissuading students from expressions of patriotism, and encouraging students to cultivate a disdain for our way of life and our history. I have spent time volunteering in American schools since coming back, and I can tell you most assuredly that the program of indoctrination has expanded greatly since I left. After spending so much time in China, I can tell you that these are the exact same tactics used by the Communist Party to exercise thought control and political indoctrination over students there.

One of the main goals of the Communist Party since its inception has been to erase traditional Chinese culture by burning down traditional places of worship, smashing statues of historical figures, making observance of traditional customs and festivals illegal, and replacing them with images and activities approved by the CCP. We see this same thing happening among schools in the US. Just think about how public schools increasingly disallow observance of Christmas customs in the US, how university students tear down statues because they are “symbols of hate” due to their connection to our history. In Revolutionary China, it was the students, indoctrinated by socialist teachers, who perpetrated these acts throughout the mid-twentieth century, just as it is in the US now.

I was taught that Americans are racist, intolerant, religious zealots, incapable of critical thought, and not deserving of the land that we had “stolen” from noble Native Americans. I was never taught that the conquest that won this land for our nation was common among nations of the world at the time (including among Native American tribes). I was taught that the US government is akin to the Fourth Reich. A proto-fascist, Nazi State, and that if I supported the country with patriotism, then that would make me a Nazi as well. I was ridiculed for the American flag pin on my backpack in middle school by students and teachers alike. You can see this echoed in the national media, now, as people of my generation begin to take positions of influence and power. What they didn’t teach us is that Nazi is shorthand for “NationalsoZialistische”, National Socialist. It wouldn’t make them look so good if people knew that Nazism is, in fact, a socialist ideology. Look it up.

All around me, friends, classmates, and acquaintances believed the same thing. It didn’t matter which social circles one was in. To be a patriot was equal to being a Nazi, except for the very most conservative of the Christian students. They were viewed as the enemy by those indoctrinated. That was how we were taught to think. Now, hardly a day goes by without some indoctrinated Millennial or Generation Xer publishing an article or running a “news” segment in which they proclaim that this person or that group are “fascists”, “right-wing extremists”, or “hate groups”. This is becoming so common because my generation was educated to believe this to be the case, now they are old enough to be taking positions of influence within companies and news outlets across the country. When I came back to the US to visit friends, I was shocked to see that they never grew out of their indoctrination, but that it had grown within them.

When President Trump talks about the China threat, he is not exaggerating. He is not simply using China as a boogeyman to scare Americans with. If anything, he understates the threat that emanates from China. It has its fingers in American economic and academic pies all across the country, and it’s using this influence to foster a socialist revolution in the US. It uses the breakdown of American Civic awareness and division within American society and government to further its own agendas. Members of both of the major political parties take a variety of payouts from China, even without realizing it. And this has tainted them beyond redemption.

I chose to reach out to the Constitution Party because it seemed to be the only political party in the US that seeks to reestablish the Constitution to its place of primacy in our society. The Democrats hate the Constitution for the restrictions it places on government authority and the power it places in the hands of everyday Americans to resist tyranny, and the Republicans pay lip-service to the Constitution in public, while passing legislation to undermine it in private. Think “Patriot Act”, and you may get the picture.

Just remember: How goes the United States, so goes the whole world. If the United States falters, the world falls with it, and who do you think will be there to pick up the pieces? We just celebrated the end of World War 1 recently, and we would do well to understand the nightmare that the world would enter if the world fell into chaos, manipulated by the Chinese Communist Party, would far exceed either of the world wars both in terms of geographic scope, and destruction.

We must ALL do our parts to ensure that the US returns to a Constitutional form of governance. I am doing my party by bringing a patriotic Millennial’s perspective to the table, in order that other American youths be turned on to the Constitution Party. You, fellow patriots, can do your part by donating what you can do the cause that we all benefit from, and by spreading this message far and wide. The greatest thing any average American can do right now is to WAKE UP as many sleeping patriots as possible before our opportunity passes us by, and we are trapped asleep, in the nightmare from which there is no waking.

If we don’t, then the future is lost for your children, their children, and their children. That’s a simple, but inconvenient truth.


Digital Paul Revere


Constitution Party Logo





Member At Large

Glen Miller is the sixth in a family of ten children. Being in a large family he learned at an early age the value of hard work. He worked in the family business of selling greeting cards and helping with paper routes. Glen also learned from his parents to have faith in our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ.

He attended college at Brigham Young University and earned a three-year ROTC scholarship. After graduating with a degree in Business Management, he served on active duty as an Officer for eight years and then an additional three years in the reserves where he developed an abiding love for our country and the freedom we have.

Glen was introduced to the Constitution Party by his older brother and joined in 2008. Glen has served at the County and State level and has been on the National Executive Committee since 2019. In 2022, Glen became the author and editor of the Victory Report, the Party’s Howard Phillips Legacy Society’s monthly newsletter.

Glen has been married to Lori for 47 years. They have six wonderful children and 26 amazing grandchildren.

Western States Regional Chairman

Janine Hansen

186 Ryndon Unit 12, Elko, Nevada 89801

775-397-6859, Janine [at] janinehansen [dot] com

Janine Hansen Biographical and Professional Information


  • Married, mother of four children, two of whom were homeschooled. Grandmother of sixteen.
  • Native Nevadan born and raised in Sparks. Moved to Elko in 2005.
  • Graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in Child and Family Relations from Brigham Young University in 1976.
  • Raises heritage turkeys, chickens and gardens.
  • Named “Conservative of the Year for 2010 in Nevada” by Citizen Outreach.
  • Citizen advocate at the Nevada Legislature 1971-2021 and since 1991 a full-time volunteer citizen lobbyist for Nevada Families/Eagle Forum and the Independent American Party.
  • State President of Nevada Families for Freedom the State Affiliate of Eagle Forum. Editor Nevada Families/Eagle Forum monthly newsletter since 1974.
  • State Chairman Independent American Party of Nevada, formerly Executive Director and National Committeeman.
  • Founder, Publisher and Editor of the Nevada Families Voter Guide published every general election between 1988 and 2014.
  • Constitutional Issues Chairman for national Eagle Forum.
  • Instrumental in defeating the state applications for a New Constitutional Convention under Article V and the defeat of the related Conference of the States, currently coordinating Eagle Forum’s national efforts to defeat an Article V Constitutional Convention including the Convention of the States and National Popular Vote.
  • Northern Nevada Director Nevadans for Sound Government (Axe the Tax) sponsoring referendum to repeal the $836 million tax increase and an initiative to prohibit government employees from serving in elected office 2004.
  • Organizational member of the Nevada Campaign to Defeat the USA PATRIOT ACT.
  • Executive Director of the Nevada Committee for Full Statehood which is working to restore jurisdiction over Nevada’s lands to Nevada and implementing the principles of the Tenth Amendment since 2000.
  • Initiative Petition Chairman for 16 of Nevada’s 17 Counties for the successful Coalition for the Protection of Marriage to keep marriage between and man and a woman, 2000.
  • 1996, 2004, 2008 National Ballot Access Coordinator of the Constitution Party. Served as National Treasurer and currently serves as Western States Co-Chairman.
  • State Chairman of the Choose Life Campaign 1990 to stop a ballot question, which locked abortion into the Nevada Constitution. First testified opposing abortion in the Nevada Legislature in 1971.
  • Co-Chairman of the Choose Life Coalition, which has sponsored a full-page pro-life ad with 400 sponsors in the Nevada Gazette Journal, Reno News & Review, Elko Daily Free Press for 32 years and previously organizer of the annual Choose Life Rally & Life Chain in Reno for 20 years.
  • Host of the radio talk show the Constitution and you during the 1987 Constitution Bicentennial.
  • Pro-family elected delegate and Pro-family Caucus Chairman to the National Conference on Families in 1980 in Los Angeles.
  • Chairman Pro-Family Coalition, which achieved a 68% victory, defeating the ERA on the Nevada statewide ballot in 1978.
  • Nevada Chairman STOP E.R.A. 1974-1978.
  • Member of ABATE of Northern Nevada (A Brotherhood Aimed at Education) motor cycle organization working to protect liberty.

The Message of Liberty Is Our Priority: All Americans Committed to the Founding Principles Welcome Here


In response to questions raised regarding the search for a third party to field candidates from the Republican Party, Constitution Party National Chairman Frank Fluckiger issued the following statement:

“The Constitution Party national convention has been held, and our candidates have been selected.  There is no provision in our bylaws of which I am aware  that would permit us to do anything but move forward as we now are doing.  To even consider another choice at this point would create nothing less than confusion and only hinder our progress.  We would have to circulate petitions anew in some states.  As important and as appealing a candidate might be, if we forget that it is our message of liberty first and foremost that resonates in the hearts of our supporters, we will in due time just become another political party.”

All Americans who hold to the idea of a constitutionally limited government, who believe in the sanctity of life and the traditional family, and who can agree with the principles found in our platform are welcome in the Constitution Party as it moves forward in this election year.  Many such Americans have already joined our effort to elect a president who is committed to such ideals in the person of Darrell Castle, and our doors are open to all who will come.

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January 2016 American Constitutionist


14 January 2016

Dear Patriot:

As a supporter of the Constitution Party, you understand effective politics is not to just to complain about issues, or shake your fist at the establishment.

Action and ideas make the difference. You can read about what we are doing in this month’s newsletter.

Recent voter surveys show that among all likely voters, 80 percent support deportation for illegal immigrant convicted felons. Just 11 percent are opposed; among all likely voters, 51 percent said they favored building a border wall, with 37 percent disagreeing, and 12 percent who were not sure. We have a way to introduce these frustrated voters to the Constitution Party — an attractive hand out card with the facts and figures addressing the issue, and and how to resolve the problem using the Constitution as a measure of success. Please take a look at this important tool you can use to introduce voters to the Constitution Party — order some today.

Other issue cards on traditional marriage and abortion — subjects that the other parties dare not talk about — are in the works. We are defining the Constitution Party as the clear-cut choice for value voters fed-up with politics-as-usual.

Salon News Service, a very liberal media outfit, recently noted that, “Both parties, to varying degrees, have developed interests separate and apart from those of the country. Controlled by the corporate class.” Since 1988, when Gallup began conducting polls on partisanship, fewer Americans have identified as Republican and Democrat. We have the answer to these dissatisfied voters: support the Constitution Party. One way to introduce voters to our party is a simple brochure that outlines why we offer a third party choice and why we stand on the principles of the Constitution as our standard.

We are moving ahead on our 2016 battle plans. I urge you to use these tools to stay on the front lines as an effective freedom fighter.


Frank Fluckiger,
National Chairman

Support the Constitution Party

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Get involved in your state party:  State Party Contacts



Tell the TRUTH about Illegal Immigration: The Founding Fathers Did

by National Chairman Frank Fluckiger

The voters have long been frustrated, even frightened, by the illegal alien invasion, and well they should be. Former  Congressman Tom Tancredo just reported that “between 2008 and 2014, 40% of all murder convictions in Florida were criminal aliens; in New York it was 34% as was California and Texas. Every state has a serious crime rate due to illegal aliens.” Every single one.

That’s why the Constitution Party is telling the truth about illegal immigration. Americans must have the facts and know there is a political party that works for them.

Our September newsletter is a no-holds-barred look into the crisis we face. We are blunt about impact of the illegal immigration because America needs the truth about the invasion of illegal aliens.

I urge you to read the newsletter carefully, post it on Facebook, and email it to friends and fellow patriots. There is an ad for our new party recruitment card highlighting our take on illegal immigration in the newsletter. The cards are designed to fit into an envelope and can be purchase for just $6 per hundred – postage included. Please distribute them as an educational piece and as an introduction to the Constitution Party.

I must tell you that your financial support is key to telling the truth about the illegal alien invasion, and joining the Howard Phillips Legacy Society is the best way to invest in your Constitution Party. September’s American Constitutionist has all the reasons to join this exclusive party affiliate.

We must inform the voters that the Founding Fathers had it right when it came to immigration. Read more about that on page one of The American Constitutionist.

Special Summer Edition of the American Constitutionist

by Frank Fluckiger, National Chairman.

The Special Summer Issue of our newsletter is filled with information that should be posted on Facebook and sent to friends and fellow patriots.

I especially urge you to read the essay from a journalist reprinted on page seven — fairness toward third parties in ballot access, and a free market of ideas on election day, are issues even the news media understand.

This message is short, because I want to to read the attached, and start posting it on the internet.

One more thing: over the summer months, income goes down because of family vacations and other summer projects. That’s understandable. However, the work of your Constitution Party continues every day of every season. Quite frankly, we are behind in our annual budget and we do not want to cut back on critical ballot access drives at this critical time. You can help by doing two things:

1. Order the new party brochure and the card insert on illegal immigration (ordering information and prices are in the newsletter). We need more patriots in this fight, and these tools will help you to recruit them.

2. Please invest a generous contribution to put our budget back on track. 25 members donating $100 each, and 25 members giving $50 are what we need right now — gifts of $15, $20, $25, or whatever you can give, will quickly put to good use. I have no other way of saying that it is urgent we must receive financial support right away.

Jack McLain, RIP: Florida Patriot Had Long Role

by Karen Murray, National Communications Director

jack mclain

It is with regret that we announce the passing of long-time Constitution Party member from Florida, Jack McLain. Jack, and his wife Lois, were an inseparable duo, and faithfully worked to build the Constitution Party both in their state and at the national level, having served as National Committee members for many years.   Jack was also the author of a book, “Which Way America?” and a newsletter entitled “Viewpoint”, in which he examined the issues facing American from a biblical and constitutional point-of-view.

John “Jack” McLain, 88, of Jupiter, Florida, passed away Saturday, July 25, 2015. Jack was born in Stratford, New Jersey on August 21, 1926 to James and Dorothy McLain. He graduated from Haddon Heights High School, Rutgers College and Tennessee Temple Seminary. Jack loved his Lord and his Country. Jack served in the U.S. Army and ran for the U.S. Congress in 2002 and 2004. He is survived by his wife, Lois; daughters, Gail Johnson of Rochester, New York and Joanne Costello of Orlando, Florida; step-children, Karen Shade of Chesapeake, Virginia and John Pangaro of Prattville, Alabama; and seven grandchildren. He is predeceased by his parents; brothers, James McLain and David McLain; and a grandson, Benjamin Johnson. Jack is interred in South Florida National Cemetery.

Constitution Party of Georgia State Chairman Ricardo Davis, in his role as Southern States Area Chairman for the national Constitution Party, was well-acquainted with Jack and wrote this wonderful tribute to a great Christian Patriot:

“Our fellow patriot Jack McLain, Florida State Party Vice-Chairman, stepped off the field of this life and stepped into eternity in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ on Saturday morning, July 25th. Jack’s online obituary can be found at the Taylor & Modeen Funeral Home site. I would encourage all who have been touched by his life and work to sign the online memory book. Please pray that the Holy Spirit would comfort his wife Lois and their family and fill their hearts with rejoicing that Jack is now with his Savior.

Jack’s life had been changed by the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and it was evident. He had a great heart for people, and he understood that this short life is preparation for eternity. I have been blessed to work with Jack in building the Constitution Party for almost 20 years, and “steadfast” would be the word to describe his life’s efforts. Jack was faithful in the work of ministry at Beacon Baptist Church, and he was a stalwart activist whose faith compelled him to never give up.

Jack’s “Viewpoint” newsletter for Thanksgiving 2013 is illustrative of his steadfast spirit. He noted, “Occupy till I come’ does not mean just to occupy a pew in church once a week, or more. It means ‘to do business’ for the Lord while awaiting His return. Jude wrote, ‘[To] exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints’ (Jude 3). Christians should expect contention and be ready always to defend their faith and freedoms.” Men like Jack have inspired generations to faithful Christian service whether at home, church, or the public forum. A number of Jack’s articles are available at the National Constitution Party’s website in the Our Principles > CP Commentary section.

In the January 2014 “Viewpoint” newsletter Jack wrote:

We believe that America is worth saving! We hope and pray that Christians and patriots will agree and that a great number will become active participants in the cause for survival of our national heritage… We must realize that our voice does count. Our actions count. Our pen is mighty. Our talents and treasures are accountable to God. They are needed to be available by those in the front lines of the battle. There is a battle for the souls of men and there is a battle for the future of our country.

May his legacy inspire us to pray and work to restore the American Republic!