Glen Miller is the sixth in a family of ten children. Being in a large family he learned at an early age the value of hard work. He worked in the family business of selling greeting cards and helping with paper routes. Glen also learned from his parents to have faith in our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ.
He attended college at Brigham Young University and earned a three-year ROTC scholarship. After graduating with a degree in Business Management, he served on active duty as an Officer for eight years and then an additional three years in the reserves where he developed an abiding love for our country and the freedom we have.
Glen was introduced to the Constitution Party by his older brother and joined in 2008. Glen has served at the County and State level and has been on the National Executive Committee since 2019. In 2022, Glen became the author and editor of the Victory Report, the Party’s Howard Phillips Legacy Society’s monthly newsletter.
Glen has been married to Lori for 47 years. They have six wonderful children and 26 amazing grandchildren.