Randall Terry to Attend US Taxpayers Nominating Convention

July 13, 2024


DO YOU KNOW:  the Republican National Committee (RNC) has removed ALL references to God and standing for the “Sanctity of Life” out of its Platform?

If this horrifies you, then now is the time for Pro-Life Patriots to come together to save our country and to save our children.


The Great Lakes State of Michigan is ground zero in this fight for America!


We are inviting everyone across the United States to come to Michigan and be a part of the U.S. Taxpayers Party Nominating Convention. (USTP is the official Constitution Party affiliate in Michigan).

Be a part of the solution by joining us on Saturday, July 27, from 10 am to 4 pm

Lost Arrow Resort
1749 Bowmanville Rd
Gladwin, MI 48624

1 hr. NW of Midland/Bay City or 42 minutes north from Mt. Pleasant

Randall Terry, long-time pro-life warrior, will be the Keynote Speaker and our nominee for President of the United States. The campaign theme is to, “DEFEND CHILDREN……DEFEAT BIDEN……DESTROY THE DEMOCRAT PARTY. He is funny, energetic, inspiring, and…


Learn more about Mr. Terry here: Terry 2024

Randall Terry is the Founder of the anti-abortion group, Operation Rescue, and has led the largest peaceful civil disobedience in American history from 1987 to 1994. He’s been arrested 49 times, and spent more than one year in various federal, state, and local prisons for standing in the gap for the unborn.

The target of his and his Vice-Presidential running mate, Pastor Stephen E. Broden, is the black community and Catholics who still vote for the “baby killing” Democrats.


We will begin with each County nominating candidates for local offices followed by the nomination and election of the convention officers and proceed with the nomination of candidates for the November 2024 election.

When:  Saturday, July 27, 10 am to 4 pm

Registration Fee Schedule: 

$55/person for each current paid USTPM Member

$90/person, includes new membership

$35/person for child aged 10 – 17 years

Pay via credit card here:  USTPM Convention Registration

Food Included comprises of grazing snacks & desserts

Contact Person:  Donna Brandenburg
Text or leave message at (616) 430-4410, email  Chairman [at] USTPM [dot] org

This is history in the making.  Please pass this information on to anyone you know in Michigan and invite them to come to our convention.

We are NOT looking for money as much as getting the word out person to person…social media, phone calls, texts, etc. to family, friends, and those in your networks.

Thank you for your support.

We look forward to seeing you in MICHIGAN.


Randall Terry will be on the North Carolina Ballot


Randall Terry, Constitution Party Presidential Candidate, will be on the ballot in North Carolina

July 9, 2024, North Carolina — In a significant development, the Constitution Party’s presidential nominee, Randall Terry, has successfully secured a spot on the ballot in North Carolina for the upcoming election. Prominent candidates, Bobby Kennedy and Cornel West, are still not on the ballot in this state. Randall Terry stated, “Our presence on the ballot ensures we can pursue our battle planDefend Children, Defeat the Democrat Nominee, and Destroy the Democrat Party.’ “Terry emphasized the strategic focus of his campaign, highlighting the specific demographics they aim to influence. “Our television ads target Catholic and African American voters, encouraging them to abandon the Democrat Party,” he explained. Samples of these ads can be viewed on his campaign website, Terry/Broden TV Ads.

Script for TV ad: Catholics and African Americans –

“Stop Voting Democrat! “What do you call people who tell a boy he can cut off his penis…to become a girl? Or tell a girl she can cut off her breasts…to become a boy? Or give children pornographic material and birth control without telling their parents…and call it “sex education? “What do you call people that mock morality, commit black genocide, and cheer killing unborn babies until the day of birth? (Pause)You call them…the Democrat Party. And what do you call people who vote for them? Sadly, you call them (pause) Catholics and African Americans. Why do Catholics and Blacks vote for those who are at war with their families and faith? The Democrat Party – its godless agenda – is a fortress of evil that must be destroyed. Don’t betray your children and your God with your vote. Don’t vote Democrat. I’m Randall Terry, and I approve this message. (The ad will be full of heart wrenching images & video!)

The above TV ad script was written by Vice Presidential Candidate, Pastor Stephen Broden.

Kevin Hayes, Vice-Chairman of the North Carolina Constitution Party, praised the decision of the state board of elections saying,

“The state board of elections did the honorable thing by voting to allow the Constitution Party on the ballot in North Carolina because our petition had more than the required number of verified signatures. Today’s decision was a long time coming, and I’m thankful we will be able to provide the citizens of North Carolina with the ability to vote for candidates who support life and follow the Constitution.”

North Carolina continues to refuse ballot access for RFK, Jr and Cornel West.

For more information or to interview Mr. Terry or Pastor Broden,

Contact: Jackie Jones
Truth PR
Jackie [at] tuthpr [dot] com


BIG thank you to all the generous donors who helped the Party win this battle to gain ballot access in North Carolina.

Questions or Comments, contact Donna Ivanovich, Administrative Assistant to the National Chairman

Terry/Broden Campaign Gains National Attention!


12 July 2024
5 – 7 pm Pacific Time
Caesar’s Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada


FreedomFest Flyer
Click here for more details about the Free & Equal Elections Presidential Debate moderated by Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY)
FreedomFest Details


Randall Terry Preps for Debate

Some presidential candidates prep for their debate by spending a week in the woods.  Click on this link to see what the CP presidential candidate is doing to prep for his Free and Equal Debate on Friday, July 12.  (1 minute long)


Watch Vice-Presidential candidate, Pastor Stephen E. Broden, speak on the Stacy Washington TV program last week.  He addresses why black voters must DESTROY the DEMOCRATIC PARTY.

Support FREE and EQUAL ELECTIONS!  Help us spread the word by donating to nationwide TV ads. Click to:  Donate to TV Advertising

OR support the Constitution Party here: JOIN/DONATE

Defend, Defeat, Destroy

Defend Children…Defeat Biden…Destroy the Democrat Party!
“The 3 Ds”

June 27, 2024

Dear Friends of Life and Liberty,

“The 3 Ds” is the goal of the Constitution Party presidential/vice-presidential candidates, Randall Terry & Pastor Stephen Broden.


 Click here to learn more about these candidates!



Randall Terry, an outspoken advocate for the unborn, is the Founder of the anti-abortion group, Operation Rescue, who led the largest, peaceful civil disobedience in American history from 1987 to 1994.


Since the election of the Terry/Broden ticket (the Campaign) in the first round of voting at the National Convention in Salt Lake City, much interest in the Party has been generated in many states.  While most ballot-qualified states will be placing the Terry/Broden candidates on their ballots, the energy and message of the Campaign has inspired non-ballot qualified states to work towards obtaining ballot access.




The Campaign’s goal is to be on the ballot in at least 20 states. Any campaign for the presidency that has ballot access in at least ten states qualifies to advertise TV ads nationally, without censorship, 60 days before the election.  These ads can be strategically placed on stations in ballot qualified states which broadcast into states where we do not have ballot access.

Therefore, I am writing to request that our faithful supporters make their most generous donation to help us place ads on TV for the Campaign.  These professional ads will create a media FIRESTORM that will give HUGE attention, like never before, to the Constitution Party. No other presidential candidate in the CP history has placed TV ads to get this type of recognition.


Click here (or copy and paste into your browser) to see this awesome Constitution Party TV ad:  America Is In Crisis!


We are urging all supporters to contribute towards this effort, no matter what the amount. I believe this effort will benefit the Party’s growth and create better name recognition for the future.  The Campaign has already been doing lots of interviews, and a number of articles have been written about them as well as radio and podcast interviews, including interviews by the Washington Post and the Epoch Times.


UPCOMING EVENTS: Stephen Broden plans to speak at the convention of the Constitution Party of Wisconsin, as well as media interviews in the days prior to the convention. Randall Terry will be speaking at the convention of the U.S. Taxpayers Party, which is the Constitution Party affiliate in Michigan.



  1. Will you host a Zoom call?  For more information, contact the Terry/Broden Campaign Manager Joe Slovenec at Joe [at] Terry2024 [dot] com
  2. Contact other Constitution Party members, or like-minded supporters in your state, and ask them to donate to TV advertising and/or ballot access.  Getting these ads in front of American voters is essential for promoting the party and obtaining ballot access in more states in time for the 2024 election!




We are using professional petitioners to help obtain ballot access in a few more states — West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Tennessee, Vermont, and New Hampshire.

Your help is needed to make this happen




Thank you.

Together, for the cause,

Jim Clymer
National Chairman

Support the Constitution Party

Comments or Questions: Click here to contact Donna Ivanovich, Administrative Assistant to the National Chairman



Darrell Castle talks about how the world seems to be arming up for global war which now appears more and more likely and less avoidable.

Transcription / Notes


Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 21st day of June in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about how the world seems to be arming up for global war which now appears more and more likely and less and less avoidable. The apparently unstoppable movement toward world war is very reminiscent of the start of World War I as the world celebrates the 110th anniversary of the start of World War I this August.

Once again, I find myself talking about war which is ongoing and threatening to spread out of control. The U.S. in particular seems intent on making the war in Ukraine into a global war against Russia and Russia is lining up its partners who are willing to sign on to resist the financial control of the U.S. and its Western allies. Old friends like Thailand and even NATO member Turkey have applied to join the BRICS. Putin was in North Korea to meet with the little rocket man this week, and they signed a mutual defense agreement.

Yes, there are ominous trends happening in the world which any sane leader would pay attention to but in the West, it appears that few, if any, are listening. In the Middle East Israel is fighting on two fronts as hundreds of missiles and rockets rain down on northern Israel. A broad, vicious, and very dangerous war is in the process of getting underway against the Iranian sponsored terrorist group Hezbollah, as hundreds have already died.

In Ukraine the United States has a proxy or ally if you prefer, which is led by a president who refused to allow elections to be held and refuses to leave office after his term expired. Mr. Zelensky is therefore illegitimate, or if you prefer the term, a dictator. He is what the Democrats in the United States have accused Donald Trump of being.

Mr. Putin tells us that the longer the range of U.S. missiles being fired into Russia the deeper the buffer zone between Ukraine and Russia will have to be. In other words, the missiles accomplish nothing positive and have many negative results. The missiles and any other weapons sent to Ukraine cannot resurrect the depleted and dead Ukrainian army, so it seems to me to be an excuse to involve NATO in a broader war and an excuse for NATO troops in Ukraine. Let’s find a way to make it worse if we possibly can and never seek peace.

If that were to happen the French seem to be the chosen ones to lead the effort. Words fail me in my efforts to convey to you how stupid and pointless this all is. I’m sitting here reviewing what happened in 1914 all over again. Didn’t the world just go through this 110 years ago and didn’t it learn anything. Well, the French have a violent history with Russia don’t they, having spent some time there in 1812 just 212 years ago this month so I guess history is repeating itself or politicians are repeating the same stupid mistakes.

The last time the French army went into Russia it sent a Grand Army of 680,000 men and about 26,000 of them were able to return to France alive so it seems the French are slow learners. Despite the French people’s efforts to reign in their out-of-control politicians nothing seems able to slow the egotistical drive toward war of Emmanuel Macron. In recent parliamentary elections Marine Le Pen’s conservative party beat Macron’s pro mass immigration, pro war, pro there is no such thing as French people party, but that doesn’t seem to have stopped his drive to get France into a world war.

President Biden just made a deal with Ukraine to supply funding and weapons for 10 years. There is absolutely no advantage or benefit to the United States in the agreement whatsoever but that doesn’t stop the rush toward suicide. I suppose it’s a kind of insurance policy in case Trump wins the election so that his hands would be tied, and the madness would continue.

It seems pretty simple to me that the more weapons the U.S. sends to Ukraine the less that it has available for its own defense and the less it has for the other wars it is fomenting around the world. Another thing about U.S. shipments to Ukraine and Israel as well is that adversaries have been able to examine the high-tech cutting-edge U.S. smart weapons and develop counter measures for them. The result is that the weapons are not so cutting edge and not so smart anymore because they have been reengineered and tested by our enemies.

For example, the long-range missiles fired into Russia have allowed Russia to figure out how to jam the guidance systems coming from U.S. satellites and so their targeting is no longer as accurate as before. The same is true in reverse regarding the U.S. Patriot anti-missile defense system and the Iron Dome system supplied to Israel. The Russians and Iranians have hypersonic missiles and if they are not truly hypersonic what difference does it make. The point is that they are getting through and several of the defense batteries have been destroyed.

This comes at a time when it appears that U.S. politicians have lost touch with reality. If so, that would be very appropriate with all the videos and audio recordings evidencing President Biden’s obvious lack of hold on reality. The U.S. media, including his minister of propaganda at the press corps, tell us that we are not seeing this and that its just fake. For example, when he was in Italy for the G-7 conference and all the heads of state were watching a skydiving exhibit arranged by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, and he wondered off from the group like some inattentive lost child.

Prime Minister Meloni casually, without attracting attention, just went over and took him by the arm and brought him back to the group. My opinion of her, already high, went up about 100% by the way she handled the situation. She then went on to defy pressure from Biden to include statements supporting abortion on demand as well as pride month in the G-7 statements about the conference. No, she said, we will not do such anti-family things in Italy as it would be “profoundly wrong “so good on you Prime Minister.

This all comes at a time when the U.S. has $35 trillion of debt up from $5.6 trillion in 1999 so in about 25 years it has added about $30 trillion. The interest this year is predicted to finally approach or even exceed the bloated trillion-dollar defense budget so a good dose of reality would serve us well in Washington. To grease the wheels of our decline even more on June 9 the 50-year deal with Saudi Arabia commonly known as the Petro Dollar deal expired and the Saudis said they would not renew it.

Simply put the deal allowed the U.S. to export its dollars and the Saudis to export their oil. If you wanted to buy Saudi Oil, and everyone did, you had to use U.S. dollars for the purchase. The Saudis would then use the dollars to purchase U.S. Treasury Bonds thus continuing the cycle to infinity and beyond. The added incentive for the Saudis was that the U.S. would use its military to keep the Saudi Royal Family in power and off the backs of Israel. To emphasize the importance of the deal it was probably, but I admit I’m guessing, the reason the U.S. attacked Iraq and Afghanistan rather than Saudi Arabia after 9-11 since almost all the hijackers were Saudis. One doesn’t go attacking a nation that is a major holder of its debt.

Everything the U.S. does now costs a lot more than it costs the people they do it to. For example, the U.S. and Uk Navies have been fighting the Houthis in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden in an effort to keep shipping lanes open. The primitive Houthi tribes, supplied with missiles and drones by Iran, have proven incredibly resistant to annihilation. According to reports of the U.S. military more than $1 billion has been expended in munitions alone. The navy has conducted bombing strikes inside Yemen, but I get the feeling that if the U.S. Navy dropped a nuclear bomb the desert Houthis would crawl out of the rubble with an anti-ship missile.

Remember that every time President Biden has some new “gun control” measure pending he comments on the idea that arms were necessary to the founders to reign in an out-of-control government. In other words, to resist tyranny guns are necessary and a right of Americans. He always gives the same response he gave the other day just a little slurred. If you want to fight the government you can’t do it with guns, you need F-16’s and nuclear weapons.

Well, Mr. president I have to point out that after 20 years of war you offered an unconditional surrender of American forces and its weapons to a bunch of primitive cave dwellers in Afghanistan. They had no F-16’s and no nuclear weapons just their guts and blood but they drove the U.S. powerful, high-tech military out of their country. The Houthis have proven to be made of the same stuff. The Red Sea is still a deadly corridor, and many companies are avoiding it because of those primitive tribes, with their gunboats and missiles as well as some Iranian drones.

That story of Joe Biden’s lack of understanding of what the modern world is like is illustrative of what the U.S. government has apparently come to believe and through its captive media has been able to convince the American people of. The story is that the U.S. is invincible and can strut around the world provoking nuclear armed countries with impunity. As a result, the U.S. has reacted to its lost war in Ukraine in two ways. The first by threatening to send NATO troops with the French as the lead cannon fodder. The 2nd is to supply ever longer-range missiles to hit deeper into Russia, I suppose to provoke Russia to an attack on NATO thus justifying something they apparently already intend to do.

To keep all this madness going and to keep the plates in the air for a few more days the U.S. House, last Friday or one week ago passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) by a vote of 217-199 largely, but not totally, along party lines. The Republican majority managed to get several amendments added in an effort to prevent some of the social engineering being conducted in the military right now. Most Democrats voted against the bill due to the conservative amendments and most Republicans voted in favor so we will see what the senate does with it very soon.

Continuing the theme of our title and in preparation for global war, the bill also contains an interesting new section that might be of interest to anyone between the ages of 18 and 26. Most people apparently don’t know this, but all-American males are required to register for the draft when they turn 18. Most people just ignore the requirement, and I would guess that many don’t even know about it. Apparently, the Democrats are anticipating a big global war because a Democrat Amendment to the NDAA passed by voice vote.

“Section 531. Selective Service System: Automatic Registration. Sec.3. (a)(1) Except as otherwise provided in this title, every male citizen of the United States, and every other male person residing in the United States, between the ages of 18 and 26, shall be automatically registered under this Act by the Director of the Selective Service System.”

So, if the bill passes in its current form Congress will take steps toward automatic conscription of your children. The new law will automatically register them so they can’t just ignore the requirement. They will be notified in writing that they have been registered and are required to provide date of birth, address, social security account number, phone number, and email address. Congress wants your children to know that wars of stupidity and wars of aggression have consequences and those consequences might just be their lives.

There are currently more than 16 million eligible males in this automatic registration and if it is extended to females as some members of congress advocate there would be over 32 million. About 1.5 million undocumented immigrants are also subject to this new law so perhaps they could be persuaded to return across the border rather than be conscripted to fight an unnecessary, debt funded, stupid, pointless war that can only end badly and has no upside except the stock prices of defense contractors.

In conclusion, I am indebted to Dennis Kucinich for much of the information on the automatic registration section. Dennis has been out of Congress for 10 or 12 years I believe, but he is running again in Ohio as an independent.

Finally, folks, I close this Castle report with a quote from President Biden’s recent D-Day speech quoted from Politico, “The price of unchecked tyranny is the blood of the young and the brave.” Well, yes indeed Mr. President, you have never spoken truer words.

At least that’s the way I see it,

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.

(Image credit: Illustration by Stephen Kelly / Getty Images / Shutterstock)

Ballot Access Battle Looms in North Carolina

June 29, 2024

FROM: National Chairman Jim Clymer

TO: All Patriots!

We need immediate help for the Party in North Carolina. They have worked tirelessly for three-and-a-half years to gather the required 13,865 verified signatures, and they submitted over 19,000 signatures with 14,504 verified by the counties.

This should have been the end of the matter.  But an outrage has occurred.


On Wednesday, June 26, the Board of Elections met and refused ballot access because the State Party Chairman’s “address” had changed since the start of the 3-1/2 year process.

According to Richard Winger from Ballot Access News, there is no legal precedent to rule in this fashion. For equally ridiculous reasons, the Board of Elections ruled against the “We The People Party” (RFK) and the “Justice for All Party” (Cornel West). There are five members on the board—three Democrats and two Republicans—and you guessed it, the Democrats voted against us.

The Constitution Party of North Carolina, along with these other two parties, decided to team up together and hire a legal team to sue the state to protect our ballot access.


We must fight and fight we will!

This is where you come in.

Like all state parties, North Carolina is not flush with cash by any means and cannot fight this on their own with no money. We are asking fellow patriots and the party faithful to dig deep into your bank accounts and help finance this legal battle. We cannot sit idly by after North Carolina labored for over three years to acquire this many signatures.

These elites know that minor parties like ours never have much extra money and think they can bully us because we don’t have the means to fight back.  Well, they picked the wrong Party to bully.


We must stand with our brothers and sisters in North Carolina and fight this grave injustice. This hard work must not be in vain. Please be as generous as possible. This fight will not be cheap, but it will cost less because we are banding together with others in the fight.

Please take the time NOW and DONATE TO BALLOT ACCESS. All funds will go to this fight, and if there is any money left over, it will go into our ballot access fund to help other states gain ballot access.


I cannot stress how important and urgent this is. Please click on the link above and donate TODAY!

Click here: DONATE TO BALLOT ACCESS and PLEASE be as generous as possible. Remember, all funds will go to this fight, and if there is any money left over, it will go into our ballot access fund.

Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication to our cause. Together, we will overcome this injustice and ensure that every voice is heard.

Questions or Comments?  Click here to contact Donna Ivanovich, Administrative Assistant to the National Chairman

Republican Endorsement of Constitution Party Candidates Brings Abortion Center Stage in 2024

Written by:  Rebecca Terrell

June 3, 2024 – The New American

Former U.S. Republican House Majority Leader Tom DeLay of Texas has endorsed Randall Terry in his bid for U.S. president. The Constitution Party chose Terry in April as its presidential nominee for the 2024 election. Pastor Stephen Broden of Dallas is Terry’s running mate and a long-time member of the John Birch Society.

“The ‘3-D’ battle plan of the Terry/Broden campaign is political genius!” DeLay announced on the campaign website. “Every Republican should invest in this mission to DEFEND babies, DEFEAT Biden and DESTROY the Democrat Party.”

“My biggest regret after leaving Congress was that we didn’t get rid of abortion,” DeLay told The New American in a phone interview. He has since helped get heartbeat bills passed in Texas and Ohio, but he says that is only a start.

“It’s time to have a national debate on abortion, and those who believe in saving lives must go on the offensive, driving the narrative. Randall Terry is the first person I have see who’s running for president and talking about the truth of what is happening to babies.”

“Our campaign can be the secret weapon — the torpedo — that blows a hole in the Biden camp and the Democrat Party,” Terry told The New American. He founded the anti-abortion group Operation Rescue and led it from 1987 until 1994. His goal is to expose the gruesome reality of abortion — what it does to unborn babies as well as to women, the victims of those who convince them that murdering their offspring is a solution to problems.

Support the Constitution Party and make your most generous donation to help get Randall on a few more state ballots!

Questions or Comments? Click here to reach the Administrative Assistant to the National Chairman

Constitution Party Presidential Nominee Randall Terry Takes the National Debate Stage


Free and Open Elections will conduct a National debate at FreedomFest in Las Vegas on July 12, 2024.
Click here for details:   https://www.freedomfest.com/

So far, 7 candidates have been invited.  Randall Terry, Constitution Party presidential candidate and founder of the pro-life group, Operation Rescue, has confirmed his participation along with Chase Oliver, the Libertarian candidate, and Jill Stein, Green Party candidate.  Independent candidate, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has also been invited to this national debate.

Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) will be the moderator.

Stay tuned for more details…

Help the Constitution Party promote constitutional candidates in 2024 and beyond with your most generous donation.

Donate Here to Ballot Access

Comments or Questions?  Click Here to reach the Administrative Assistant to the National Chairman

We need volunteers too!  https://constitutionparty.nationbuilder.com/