Western States Regional Chairman

Janine Hansen

Janine Hansen

186 Ryndon Unit 12, Elko, Nevada 89801

775-397-6859, Janine [at] janinehansen [dot] com


Janine Hansen Biographical and Professional Information


  • Married, mother of four children, two of whom were homeschooled. Grandmother of sixteen.
  • Native Nevadan born and raised in Sparks. Moved to Elko in 2005.
  • Graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in Child and Family Relations from Brigham Young University in 1976.
  • Raises heritage turkeys, chickens and gardens.
  • Named “Conservative of the Year for 2010 in Nevada” by Citizen Outreach.
  • Citizen advocate at the Nevada Legislature 1971-2021 and since 1991 a full-time volunteer citizen lobbyist for Nevada Families/Eagle Forum and the Independent American Party.
  • State President of Nevada Families for Freedom the State Affiliate of Eagle Forum. Editor Nevada Families/Eagle Forum monthly newsletter since 1974.
  • State Chairman Independent American Party of Nevada, formerly Executive Director and National Committeeman.
  • Founder, Publisher and Editor of the Nevada Families Voter Guide published every general election between 1988 and 2014.
  • Constitutional Issues Chairman for national Eagle Forum.
  • Instrumental in defeating the state applications for a New Constitutional Convention under Article V and the defeat of the related Conference of the States, currently coordinating Eagle Forum’s national efforts to defeat an Article V Constitutional Convention including the Convention of the States and National Popular Vote.
  • Northern Nevada Director Nevadans for Sound Government (Axe the Tax) sponsoring referendum to repeal the $836 million tax increase and an initiative to prohibit government employees from serving in elected office 2004.
  • Organizational member of the Nevada Campaign to Defeat the USA PATRIOT ACT.
  • Executive Director of the Nevada Committee for Full Statehood which is working to restore jurisdiction over Nevada’s lands to Nevada and implementing the principles of the Tenth Amendment since 2000.
  • Initiative Petition Chairman for 16 of Nevada’s 17 Counties for the successful Coalition for the Protection of Marriage to keep marriage between and man and a woman, 2000.
  • 1996, 2004, 2008 National Ballot Access Coordinator of the Constitution Party. Served as National Treasurer and currently serves as Western States Co-Chairman.
  • State Chairman of the Choose Life Campaign 1990 to stop a ballot question, which locked abortion into the Nevada Constitution. First testified opposing abortion in the Nevada Legislature in 1971.
  • Co-Chairman of the Choose Life Coalition, which has sponsored a full-page pro-life ad with 400 sponsors in the Nevada Gazette Journal, Reno News & Review, Elko Daily Free Press for 32 years and previously organizer of the annual Choose Life Rally & Life Chain in Reno for 20 years.
  • Host of the radio talk show the Constitution and you during the 1987 Constitution Bicentennial.
  • Pro-family elected delegate and Pro-family Caucus Chairman to the National Conference on Families in 1980 in Los Angeles.
  • Chairman Pro-Family Coalition, which achieved a 68% victory, defeating the ERA on the Nevada statewide ballot in 1978.
  • Nevada Chairman STOP E.R.A. 1974-1978.
  • Member of ABATE of Northern Nevada (A Brotherhood Aimed at Education) motor cycle organization working to protect liberty.