None Dare Call It Treason – 50 Years Later – The Vision of John A. Stormer
10 March 2014 –
by Jack McLain, Constitution Party of Florida –
When I read None Dare Call It Treason in 1964-65, it was so startling that I read it slowly over several weeks. To me it seemed that America as we knew it could not last but a few more years. Mountains of evidence and quotations made the facts undeniable. It changed my life.
Thinking recently upon the date of its writing, it occurred to me that author John A. Stormer wrote this momentous book 50 years ago. Tribute needs to be paid here to this stalwart patriot who is now quite advanced in age. His efforts to awaken America should be recognized, appreciated, examined, and heeded by all, even at this late date.
John Stormer’s book took America by storm in presidential election year 1964. It became the largest selling political paperback ever in our history with 7 million copies sold and distributed. Its cover statement read: “1964 is a year of crisis and decision. Will America continue to aid the communist enemy, to disarm in the face of danger, to bow before communist dictators in every corner of the earth? The decision is yours.”
The thoroughly documented warnings concerning the inroads of communism in America should have been enough to stir millions of Americans to action. Many of us were so awakened and stirred that we recognized that we needed to be involved as never before. We will never forget this reading and how it answered so many questions that had plagued us. My main question was why we had allowed communism to take control of Cuba, a nation just 90 miles from our shores. Answer: The American press was already sufficiently leftist that this action was condoned and accepted by the media. Fidel Castro was promoted as an “agrarian reformer,” not a communist. Our State Department covered his communist connections.
Stormer is a dedicated man who spent four years researching his 236 page book. It was not to be discredited. He was unbiased, as a former editor and general manager of a leading electrical engineering magazine, enriching his conclusions through some 800 references from a multitude of sources including major newspapers, Congressional documents, speeches, hearings of Dept. of Justice, National Review, Time magazine, Senate reports, Newsweek, Human Events, House Committee on UnAmerican Activities, Sports Afield, The Worker, Reece Committee, and dozens more.
The title of Stormer’s book is taken from a quotation of Sir John Harrington (1561-1612): “Treason doth never prosper, what’s the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Stormer summarized his book as follows: “[Communists] have infiltrated every conceivable sphere of activity: youth groups; radio, television, and motion picture industries; church, school, educational and cultural groups; the press; national minority groups and civil and political units…We cannot defeat Communism with Socialism, nor with secularism, nor with pacificism, nor with appeasement or accommodation…a ‘soft’ attitude toward Communism can destroy us.”
Americans, and especially our leadership, have had a “soft” attitude toward communism for well over the 50 years of Stormer’s writings. I dare say that the average American knows little and understands less about communism, even as it is thrust upon us today in full force.
John Stormer was so thoroughly knowledgeable and concerned about the inroads of communism in America that he updated his book, entitling it None Dare Call It Treason…25 Years Later, published in 1990, adding 160 pages, 13 chapters, titled, “The Treaty Traps,” “Why Do Our Leaders Betray Us?”, “How Communists Manipulate Society,” “Communist Influence in America,” “The Communist Plan: Conquest Without War,” “Know Your Strengths—And the Basis of Victory,” and more.
In addition to these books, Stormer has written others: The Anatomy of a Smear, The Death of a Nation, None Dare Call It Education, and Betrayed By the Bench (Judge-made Law). For 18 years he was pastor of an independent Baptist Church in Missouri and administrator of a large Christian school. Through his experiences, he wrote the book, Growing Up God’s Way. “None Dare Call It Treason” was dedicated to his daughter: “To Holly, May her future be as bright as mine was at age 5.”
Stormer served in the Air Force during the Korean War. He was called to preach after trusting Jesus Christ to be his Savior and Lord in 1965. From 1977 until 2008, he conducted a weekly Bible study in the Missouri Capitol for members of the legislature. In 2005, he wrote Something Was Missing, subtitled, “Until God, Through Faith, Gave Joy and Peace and Full Assurance of Salvation,” helping others to know Christ as Savior through his testimony.
He has published all his books through his organization, Liberty Bell Press, Florissant, Missouri. We met John and have come to know him as a friend and brother through his affiliation with the Constitution Party of Missouri.
What have Americans learned from this man who is so well learned in the evil nature and designs of communism? Now some 50 years later, it would seem that many Americans still have much to learn. Most of the ten planks of communism have been fulfilled in our nation. Socialism, kin to communism, has taken root and many Americans for decades now are very content in letting government supply their needs. A full-fledged Marxist president, though completely ineligible, has been elected twice and is rapidly putting his programs into place under the name of “change.” He and his cohorts very obviously plan a socialist/communist state.
Many organizations, including the Constitution Party, are very active in attempting to awaken and inform our citizens concerning our constitutional principles, while strong inroads opposing us are implanted by leaders and representatives who claim we are a “democracy,” though we have always been a Republic, a nation of laws. Many are socialists and would have us even surrender our freedoms for the foulness of the United Nations and world government.
The question, “Do you remember September 29, 1959?” came across our computers recently. The answer was a photo and quote from Nikita Khrushchev pounding his shoe on the podium at the United Nations and exclaiming: “Your children’s children will live under Communism. You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept Communism outright; but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of Socialism until you will finally wake up and find that you already have Communism. We won’t have to fight you; we’ll so weaken your economy, until you fall like overripe fruit into our hands.”
Then, a photo of a smiling Obama and the words: “We’re almost there.”
The ranting of this enemy nearly 55 years ago have gradually come to pass while many Americans seemingly know little about how they have been indoctrinated, much less as to what to do to turn our nation back to sanity, wisdom, righteousness, and the freedoms that we once knew. Many of us have turned back to the Bible for answers. God requires repentance and faith for personal, eternal salvation and national deliverance. God gives and honors wisdom. Wisdom and action are necessary for the continued existence of our once-blessed nation. Every parent and grandparent should be seriously concerned about the future of his children and grandchildren. Every patriot should be involved and asking, “What can I do?” Today is the day to start! We have suggestions if you’re still not sure which way to turn.
“History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse, or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster.” – General Douglas MacArthur.
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Our soul waiteth for the Lord: He is our help and our shield. (Psalm 33:12,20).