Message From the Chairman

Why 25?

MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN Frank Fluckiger – 10 October 2014 – It’s 25 days until the election, and I urge you to invest $25 in the Constitution Party. Why? Our hard-working Alabama state chairman Joshua Cassity puts it this way,  “This is what ballot access law have accomplished: come November, 62 percent of our Alabama

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Do You Know Christian Fioravanti?

MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN Frank Fluckiger – 7 October 2014 –  Christian Fioravanti, running for State Senate in Idaho, is one of our many outstanding candidates for office this year. He is a successful entrepreneur, radio personality, and a tireless campaigner. He has been endorsed by a former GOP candidate for state wide office (who cut

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It’s Us vs. Them

Message from National Chairman Frank Fluckiger:  According to a poll published today by the respected Gallup organization,“A majority of U.S. adults, 58 percent, say a third U.S. political party is needed because the Republican and Democratic parties ‘do such a poor job’ representing the American people.” On the left, political activist Ralph Nader observes, “All

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20 August 2014 by Frank Fluckiger, National Chairman The Constitution Party is a unique and reliable political force in America. Our candidates use the Constitution as the basis of their platforms, and freely quote the Founding Fathers to underscore their positions.For example, our platform is inequitably pro-life: “We affirm the God-given legal personhood of all

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We’re Fighting at Every Turn!

11 August 2014 –  by Frank Fluckiger, National Chairman   I’ll be brief and to the point.It’s time to take advantage of the opportunities that we have: more than 150 Constitution Party candidates are running for office this year. On August 4, attorneys for Wyoming told a U.S. District Court that they will not try

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Your July Newsletter

30 July 2014 –  by Frank Fluckiger, National Chairman I’m very excited about our newsletter — we have plenty of announcements and even some things to brag about. Fielding over 150 candidates is one of them. I urge you to read the commentary on illegal immigration. It’s a comprehensive look at this controversial subject, but

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