Message From the Chairman

Fourth of July Greetings

by Frank Fluckiger, National Chairman 4 July 2014   I must admit the Fourth of July is just about my favorite time of year: back yard barbecues bring together friends and family, and the squeals of children as the fireworks go off are as exciting as the booms themselves. It’s a day of contrasts too.

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Democrats Say It Better Than I Can

In a memo to his fellow Democrats, former Clinton White House political director Doug Sosnik writes  about “an increasing populist push” across the political spectrum. At the core of Americans’ anger and alienation is the belief that the American Dream is no longer attainable. But increasingly, Americans haveI concluded that the rules aren’t fair and that the system has been rigged

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Congratulations — You Did It!

11 June 2014 by Frank Fluckiger, National Chairman The Constitution Party of Wisconsin is now officially on the ballot, and has two statewide candidates running. If just one contender receives a minimum of one percent of the vote, we remain on the ballot for the all-important 2016 presidential campaign. Ballot access simply means the opportunity for the Constitution

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Your Newsletter!

30 May 2014 by Frank Fluckiger, National Chairman  I don’t usually put exclamation points in my correspondence like I did in the subject line, but the party’s May newsletter is exciting and informative … it deserves much more than a simple announcement that a new issue is attached. We had 55 Constitution Party candidates in

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High Priority Message

21 May 2014 by Frank Fluckiger, National Chairman Below is an urgent message I just received from our National Finance Committee that outlines the opportunities — and challenges — we face. I was asked to relay their concerns, but their message is urgent and clear enough. I think you should read it as originally written.There are 171

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by Frank Fluckiger, National Chairman 7 May 2014 Retired Admiral James Lyons, who was senior U.S. military representative to the United Nations, has warned, “Fixing our porous borders is one of combating the threat of terrorism that America faces. In the various efforts to reform the U.S. immigration system, often overlooked in the debate is its impact

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Throw The Bums Out?

by Frank Fluckiger, National Chairman The Republicans and Democrats have much to fear in 2014 … and beyond. According to a recent Rasmussen Report poll, 53 percent of voters do not believe the major parties represent their best interests … 72 percent say it would be better for the country if most incumbents in Congress

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A Short, Sweet, But Urgent Message…

by Frank Fluckiger, National Chairman Recently the political website Opposition News, a news service dedicated to third party and independent candidates, had this to say about our Constitution Party … The Constitution Party is on a roll. New websites, new newsletters, rallies, voter drives, fundraisers – what impressive grassroots action will the party’s National Chairman

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97 and Counting!

We had 25 Constitution Party candidates in February. There were 30 more in March. Now, as of April, your Constitution Party is fielding 97 candidates across the country … there will even be more next month. The offices sought range from County Assessor to State Representative to U.S. Senate.  This is a major milestone in our progress — and it’s another sign that your financial

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