Randall Terry Wins the Constitution Party Nomination on the First Ballot

Selection of Pastor Stephen Broden for Vice-President Approved by Acclamation




Randall Terry has been a ProLife Leader, Speaker, Musician and Author for 30 years. He earned a master’s degree in foreign relations and international Terrorism. His speaking ability, his knowledge of history, his candor, and passion to train others makes him a lethal weapon to the enemies of God, and a vital teacher to those who wish to learn. He has made it his goal to raise up an Army of Righteous Leaders and activists.

Pastor Stephen Broden is the founder and Senior Pastor of Fair Park Bible Fellowship for over 35 years (a non-denominational inner-city church) in Dallas, Texas, a resident of the Dallas area for over forty-three years.

These two, outspoken pro-life warriors met on the abortion battlefield and forged a kinship to this day.


Learn more about the candidates at their campaign website: Terry2024.com

Joseph Buchman, Ph.D., writer for the Independent Political Report did an exclusive interview with Randall Terry, Pastor Broden and their campaign manager, Joe Slovenec, just after his nomination on April 27, 2024.


IPR EXCLUSIVE: Interview with Constitution Party’s Randall Terry, Stephen Broden, and Joe Slovenec

The Constitution Party needs your financial support now more than ever before.




Comments or Questions?

Contact Donna Ivanovich, Assistant to the National Chairman


Eight Candidates Vie for Constitution Party Nomination

May 1, 2024

Dear Friends of the Constitution Party,

The Constitution Party conducted its National Convention this past weekend in Salt Lake City, Utah, and I am pleased to report it was a resounding success having been well attended by a majority of the affiliated states. It was highly organized featuring guest speakers with interesting topics, delicious meals, and amazing musical entertainment by the Sanpete Family Choir and the Curated Arts Center.

Go to the bottom and please read the article below this message from the Independent Political Report, which focuses on third party and independent candidates. The article describes each of the presidential candidates and their persuasive campaign presentations at the Convention.for Then please visit our website to learn more about our subsequently elected presidential and vice-presidential nominees, Randall Terry and Stephen Broden.  Click here: CP Candidates for President & Vice President

Lastly, I hope all of you will mark your calendars and begin planning today to attend the Fall 2024 National Committee Meeting in Raleigh, North Carolina on Friday & Saturday, November 8 – 9, 2024.

For Liberty,

Jim Clymer
National Chairman



Author:  Joseph G. Buchman, Ph.D., Independent Political Report (Edited for brevity)

Click here for the article in its entirety:  Constitution Party Convention: Eight Candidates Vie for Nomination – Independent Political Report

Seven of the eight candidates, who qualified to be considered for the Constitution Party’s POTUS nomination, gave a series of 18-minute presentations to the 110 delegates present from 23 states. The eighth candidate, identified as “Admiral Louis C. Hook”, was not present, provided neither a video nor other campaign materials, and no one spoke on his behalf.


Presentations, in alphabetical order, were as follows:


Dr. Daniel Clyde Cummings

Mr. David Gillie introduced Dr. Cummings as a man of honor who has spent over 60 years as a student of the US Constitution. So much so that Dr. Cummings knows that if elected he would “likely be assassinated.” (Dr. Cummings later shared that his wife shares that concern.)

Dr. Cummings then described the Democratic Party as an “organized crime” enterprise; and the Republican Party as a “disorganized crime” one. He then suggested while it was indeed an honor to be considered as a presidential nominee, it was in fact rather a “trust” and that while he would take an oath to the Constitution, his primary oath was one “written in heaven” and therefore more important than either the Supreme Court of the United States or of the US Congress.

Dr. Cummings also promised zero funding for the US Department of Education, other than the funds required for its “liquidation.”


Brandon L. McIntyre
In what proved to be the most lighthearted presentation of the day, Mr. McIntyre presented his “Let’s Go Brandon” campaign strategy, further noting that his middle initial “L” positioned him to be not only the Constitution Party Presidential Candidate with the best rallying cry (Let’s Go Brandon!) but also as the only BLM candidate (Brandon L. McIntyre).

While Mr. McIntyre is currently only 34, he was born 6 May 1989, he will make the age requirement for president of the United States in a bit over a week. He promised his campaign “will make it to the White House” where he will then ensure that both prayer and the US Constitution are returned to our public schools, private schools, and family homes.


Joel Skousen

Mr. Skousen began his remarks by indicating that he is 77 years old and had served as a pilot for the US Marine Corps. (In answer to a subsequent question, he promised to fly his personal aircraft to campaign events in support of the Constitution Party even if he was not the nominee.)

He then promised to “build the party not on the illusions of victory, but slowly with the truth”, further declaring, “I know conspiracy better than anyone in the USA” and that, “Vince Foster was killed by the deep state”.

Mr. Skousen closed his remarks to the convention by declaring, “I know I will not win (the nomination, because) most of you are locked up for another candidate; but were I to win the Presidency, I would pardon all of the January 6th protesters.”

He then took questions from the audience regarding social security and draining the swamp.


Ben Stewart

Mr. Stewart began his presentation by declaring “My slogan is: Love America, Be an American, Be part of the solution, not part of the problem”.

He then proposed turning the US Mexican border into a “New Panama (like) Canal” where immigrants could only enter over the drawbridges (when they were closed), and where for those who did not seek US citizenship (to be made available at public libraries), the only humanitarian aid would be available on the other side of the US/Mexican border.

He recommended all prescription drugs should be Made in America, because “foreign (made) pills could be poison.”

Mr. Stewart then offered a novel solution to paying down the US debt, saying . . .”I do not like the idea of selling off Alaska to pay for the debt.” He then proposed legalizing and taxing cannabis, asking the delegates, “Do you know how many people would smoke pot saying: ‘I’m helping pay down the national debt’?” Legalizing cannabis he declared would cause people who are currently broke to become business people who profit from producing and selling the product.

Regarding students he proposed, “teaching every American child to hunt, fish, and grow their own food.” Kids today “don’t know the difference between Xbox and a real gun.”


Randall Terry

Mr. Terry began his presentation with three television commercials which were projected on a screen at the front of the room, advocating for abortion prohibition.

Darrel Castle, long-time Constitution Party member, then introduced Mr. Terry saying that he initially declined the request for an endorsement but having had a change of mind regarding the images of the aborted – now wishes he could, “take those baby carcasses, hang one on every politician in D.C., and they could wear it for the rest of their lives.”

“A slaughter is happening in the Black community: the systematic murder of Black babies. Democrats and the Congressional Black caucus are pushing death-by-abortion on Black women and their babies. Our so-called leaders have sold . . . us . . . out. They have blood on their hands, blood from the murder of Black babies.  We must repent of voting for those who promote murder.”

Following the three-video presentation, Mr. Terry began his remarks with: “This is not a face you will see in the White House; I will not get elected. I do not want a place at a table with Planned Parenthood; I want to turn that table into firewood!

Regarding abortion: “The Democrats are running on it; the Republicans are running from it; I want to run at it!  Run to the Roar!  We will not equivocate”.


Samm Tittle

In a rapid-fire, passionate, presentation, the following exemplar quotes were made:

“I am going to be your president.  I ran for you in 2012, 2016, and 2020 and this is it!”

“I want immigration just the way they do it in China; you don’t get to get in for free.”

“I’ve danced with the only five-star General . . . Omar Bradley.:

“I do not fear a man who can take my body; I fear a God who can take my soul.”

“I won New Mexico for the Constitution Party in 2020.”

“All lives matter, stupid!  Jesus rode an ass.”

“I want your vote.”

With 10 minutes remaining, the floor was opened for questions. Comments in the Q&A included:

“We need to get the land back from the Bureau of Land Management.”

“Let’s get children back to work (on their education) after we get the illegals out with a note in their own language that says – If you come back, you will be housed in a federal penitentiary.

“The globalists are right here; China is among us.”

“Lawyers can file class action suits in Utah to reclaim land from the federal government.”


Paul Venable

Mr. Venable was introduced by Donna Brandenberg. “We cannot do this with money. We need knowledge, strategy, and a team.

Mr. Venable shared about an experience in January of 2003 when he awoke with a clear knowledge that he was to move to Idaho and work to preserve the US Constitution.

At some point after he was old enough to discover what was on the other side of midnight, he was up late with his father, a veteran of World War II, and while they were watching TV together, eventually it was time for the station to sign off. The Star-Spangled Banner started, signaling the end of the broadcast day when a little past half-way through, his father got up, walked across the room and turned off the television (we did not have remotes back then).  He noticed Paul’s unspoken but quizzical inquiry. To which he just calmly responded, “I never want to hear America’s song end”.  Paul said that he could not have conveyed in a thousand words what he had taught him in that moment.

“I want to thank my parents; they taught me liberty.  Ephesians 6:12 says there will be wickedness in the high places.  I had no idea how deep the deep state is.  We are fighting an enemy that gains power and money from blood – the bloodshed of the womb, the bloodshed in Ukraine . . . at our border.”

“We need a Constitutional Repentance and Spiritual Revival.  The Constitution is not dead; it is abused, scarred, walked on, and ignored.  By who?  By you!  By We the People. It is We, the people, who must stand up and enforce the Constitution.”

Comments or Questions: Contact Donna Ivanovich, Administrative Assistant to the National Chairman


2024 Election of Executive Officers and Area Chairmen


DATE:    April 30, 2024

After a total of 16 years serving the Constitution Party as your National Chairman, with three 4-year terms from 1999 to 2012, and then again for one 4-year term from 2020 to 2024, it is time for me to step down and hand the reigns over to someone else.

At the Spring 2024 National Committee Meeting this past weekend and following the National Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah, I am happy to announce that Justin Magill was nominated and was elected to the position of National Chairman.

Justin is an attorney and lives in Erie, PA, where he serves as the Vice-Chairman and the NW Regional Chairman for the Constitution Party of Pennsylvania.  He also served as a Member-At-Large on the Executive Committee for the last 4 years.

I am proud to also announce the following people as newly elected members now joining the Executive Committee.  They are:

Glen Miller from Utah has accepted the nomination as National Vice-Chairman.  Glen joined the Constitution Party in 2008 and has also served on the Executive Committee as a Member-At-Large since 2019.  I’m sure many recognize Glen as the author and editor of the Howard Phillips Legacy Society’s monthly “Victory Report“.

Megan Schmitt of our newest affiliated Party in New Hampshire has accepted the position as our National Secretary.  Megan is a founding member of the Constitution Party of New Hampshire where she serves as their State Secretary and prepares their monthly Newsletter.  She is passionate and energetic, and I know she’s going to be a responsible secretary.

Gerald (Jerry) Wistrand from a Kansas City suburb of Missouri has accepted the very important position as our National Treasurer.  Jerry has been an IT Auditor for 36 years and is the Constitution Party of Missouri’s State Treasurer.  He is currently coordinating Missouri’s ballot access petition campaign while also serving as the Chairman of Jackson County and as an Alternate Member to the National Committee.

Bob Goodrich, the State Chairman of the Constitution Party of Pennsylvania and a National Committee Member, has accepted the position as Eastern States Area Chairman.

Kristen Jackson, the State Co-Chairman of the newest affiliated Constitution Party of New Hampshire and a National Committee Member, has accepted the position as Eastern States Area Co-Chairman.

Dan (Red) Phillips, M.D. has been an active member of the Constitution Party of Georgia for several years as well as a National Committee Member.  He wants to help grow the Party as the Southern States Area Co-Chairman along with re-elected Southern States Area Chairman, Kevin Hayes, from North Carolina.

Dr. Steven Sylvester, the State Chairman of the Constitution Party of Illinois and a National Committee Member, was nominated and accepted the position as Mid-Western States Area Co-Chairman along with re-elected Mid-Western States Area Chairman, Paul Venable, from Missouri.

Janine Hansen from Nevada and Kirk Pearson from Utah were re-elected as the Western States Area Chairman and Co-Chairman.

Won’t you please join me in giving these members a hearty congratulations for volunteering to help lead the Constitution Party in the way it should go.

As my last reminder and request, the Constitution Party needs your financial support more now than ever before.  Your donations will help us garner ballot access in some states as well as promote our newly elected presidential candidate, pro-life warrior, Randall Terry.

This is a critical time in our country.

It is time for concerned patriots to man the ramparts.

It has been an honor to serve you and the Party I have loved from the beginning of its creation.  I will still be around in a training capacity during the transition period until the Fall 2024 National Committee Meeting in Raleigh, North Carolina on November 8-9, 2024.

For Liberty,

Jim Clymer
National Chairman


Randall Terry for President

Randall Terry and Stephen Broden win the nomination for Constitution Party Presidential Ticket



Randall Terry won the nomination on the first ballot and his selection for Vice President of Pastor Stephen Broden was approved by acclamation.


Randall Terry is a Pro-Life Leader, Speaker, Musician and Author for 30 years. He has a master’s degree in foreign relations and international Terrorism. His speaking ability, his knowledge of history, his candor, and passion to train others makes him a lethal weapon to the enemies of God, and a vital teacher to those that wish to learn. He has made it his goal to raise up an Army of Righteous Leaders and activists.

Pastor Stephen Broden is the founder and Senior Pastor of Fair Park Bible Fellowship for over 35 years (a non-denominational inner-city church) in Dallas, Texas, a resident of the Dallas area for over forty-three years.


Learn more about the candidates at their campaign website https://www.terry2024.com/candidates


The Constitution Party Announces Candidates Seeking Their Presidential Nomination

The Constitution Party is happy to announce five candidates seeking nomination for U.S. President have qualified for consideration having garnered the required nominations in advance of their National Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah on April 24-27, 2024.

There is still time for other candidates to qualify for consideration and join these five between today and until no later than Friday morning, April 26, 2024.


Daniel Cummings
Louis C. Hook
Joel Skousen
Randall Terry
Sheila (Samm) Tittle


For more information about the process, please email:

secretary [at] constitutionparty [dot] com




Welcome to the Constitution Party 2024 Presidential Nominating Convention and April National Committee Meeting!


Join Consitutionists across the country as they gather to select a presidential candidate committed to re-establishing America’s Constitutional Republic.





The Lunacy of War

Darrell Castle talks about the lunacy and sheer madness of war.


Transcription / Notes


Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 9th day of February in the year of our Lord 2024. My topic, my beat today, is war, and specifically the lunacy and sheer madness of war. The Biden administration participates in foreign wars as an empire struggling desperately to maintain hegemony over the powers of the earth. War is the first thing that comes to mind as a tool to gain and maintain power.

Once again Washington finds itself at war in the Middle East but perhaps it’s the same war just continuing after a brief rest. Is this simply a continuation of a civilizational war between Islam and the West? The words coming from the minds of Western leaders, especially American leaders, try very hard to make it clear that there is no such war. Middle Eastern leaders, on the other hand, may say the same, but I have no doubt that they see the struggle as a civilizational war and that Islam will ultimately prevail in that struggle. In Western Europe the migration figures tell us that Islam is well on its way to success in its civilizational war against the West.

None of this current Middle East morass makes any logical sense to me, but I suppose it makes sense to the military, industrial, security, complex. To paraphrase a rock music legend the late, great Buffalo Springfield, something’s happening here but what it is ain’t exactly clear. It’s not exactly clear but I have my theories. Junior Samples would say I don’t know much but I suspect a lot. I have a theory about the Middle East and the struggle for world dominance today.

My theory is that war must be fought to keep the world in a state of chaos, the people in obedience through fear, and of course, to keep the profits flowing into the hands of those who profit from the manufacture, sale, and use of arms. There is always a justification and an excuse for the next war. The War in Ukraine is about to wind down into a kind of unspoken stalemate and eventually a negotiated agreement and that is creating panic. Its true that the “Border Security Bill” contains $60 billion for Ukraine and only $20 billion for the U.S. border, but it doesn’t look like it will pass in that form.

When the war started, we were told by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin that the best reason for the U.S. and its NATO allies to ship hundreds of billions in cash and arms to Ukraine was to weaken Russia. Yes, this is an opportunity, the Secretary said, to bleed Russia and degrade its ability to wage war and to compete internationally. Unfortunately for Washington the struggle has had the opposite result. It is the U.S. which has been bled and weakened by its decision to fund this war. Stockpiles of munitions have been depleted and the massive unpayable debt is even more massive. Russia’s economy and military are stronger than ever and now they are sharpened and hardened by war. I wonder if Vladimir Putin is smart enough to have anticipated the result of this conflict and planned it all in advance. No, I don’t think so because that’s impossible isn’t it.

The war in Ukraine is lost, or at least being lost so that’s a tragedy right. No folks that’s not how it works because the goal is not victory, but perpetual, never ending war. So, we simply pivot to an up-and-coming war in the Middle East to see if there is something we could do to make it worse and of course there is. What starts out as a terrorist attack in Israel resulting in an invasion of Gaza by the Israeli military morphs into a full region wide, ever-expanding war. This war along with the war in Ukraine would not be possible without the generous efforts of the American taxpayer. When you look at your check stub next week and see the chunk taken by the government, you will know that you are doing your fair share to bring death and destruction to some part of the world completely meaningless to you. Perhaps I should stop beating this dead horse, but I want people to know that when they read that half a million are dead in Ukraine, they contributed their fair share to that result.

So, the Houthis, an Iranian proxy group we are told, starts attacking shipping in the narrow straits leading into the Red Sea and the Suez Canal as a contribution to the war in Gaza. That is one of the most important shipping lanes in the world so the world must keep it open.  Egypt which operates the canal, is reportedly losing millions of vitally important dollars every day from shipping which now takes the 4000-mile journey around Africa to get to Europe. Egypt profits from operation of the canal, and Europe is the destination of the vast majority of ships being denied use of the canal.

Why then, can’t European and Egyptian navies keep the shipping lanes open? Why does it fall to the U.S. Navy to do so because any action taken by the U.S.is a magnet attracting an escalation of violence. In this case the U.S. maintains a remote base in Jordan near the Syrian border and that base was attacked by drone aircraft from somewhere killing three U.S. soldiers and wounding about 30 others. Biden was slow and deliberate in his decision of what to do but he finally decided that he would order air strikes against Iranian targets in Syria. Over 125 precision missiles along with tons of bombs hit targets inside Syria, but no targets in Iran proper. How does the U.S. know those drones were Iranian? Well, don’t ask because it just knows.

The result was a massive U.S. strike against 85 targets in Syria supposedly containing Iranian forces or those who support them. I read where one retired U.S. general said that we punched 85 useless holes in an already useless desert. The Iranians said they had nothing to do with those drone attacks, but U.S. airstrikes did kill about 40 people on the ground mostly civilians. There is a simple fact that military planners understand, but politicians and media personalities don’t seem to. When you put American troops or American assets out there in remote bases in harms way then attack the local enemy those forces will be attacked. Those attacks are called war, which is politically out of favor to admit now, at least in that name, but that’s what it is.

Primitive tribes have proven to be pretty effective at fighting the high-tech U.S. military. The Afghans, whether Taliban or Mujahideen, have had more than two thousand years to perfect their craft. The tactic is simple, i.e. just hold on for as long as it takes, take as many casualties as necessary, inflict as many casualties as possible, and bleed your high-tech enemy until his people start wondering and perhaps voting in a new set of brave arm-chair warriors. That tactic does require outside assistance of course, and there always seems to be plenty of groups who hate the U.S. enough to supply the weapons necessary to kill the young men and now young women of America when they are so cavalierly sent into harm’s way by politicians indifferent to their suffering.

The tactic I just mentioned was used in Afghanistan going back to the time of Alexander the Great which was 325 years before Jesus was on the earth, all the way through today. The American taxpayers supplied the Afghan tribes with weapons to fight the Russians and they eventually drove the Russians out, but the U.S. quickly decided to take their place just as they took the place of the French when they were driven from Indochina, now Vietnam. The weapons delivered to Chang Kie Shek to help him fight the Communists of Mao were then used against American troops in Vietnam just as the weapons delivered to the Mujahideen in Afghanistan were later used against U.S. troops fighting the Taliban. Fast forward to today and you will see that weapons abandoned in Afghanistan by President Biden were and still are being used by Russians in Ukraine, and by terrorists around the world.

Weapons delivered to Ukraine with no accounting of cost or where they went or what happened are now appearing in the hands of Hamas in its war with Israel. Yes, it seems that the U.S. has a very healthy and robust arms industry.  That’s why when I hear the hand wringing in Washington about deaths of women and children and civilian deaths anywhere in the world, the hypocrisy makes me a little nauseated. A few weeks ago, when the Israeli Airforce hit a refugee settlement in Gaza with two 1000-pound bombs which killed about 150 civilians most of them women and children the bombs had our names on them. Made in U.S.A. means your name and my name if, like me, you vote and pay taxes. The Israelis did respond to the criticism by saying that they had hard evidence that a Hamas leader was in the camp and so the attack was necessary. My point is that it would not be possible without American assistance.

Next week the U.S. Congress, that is the house of representatives because that is constitutionally where spending bills originate, will vote on an aid package to Israel of $14.3 billion, which is of course, exclusive of the $3 billion given to Israel each year as a form of welfare sent abroad. I vote no to this bill not because I have anything against Israel, but for reasons I will explain. The first reason is that I am opposed to foreign aid in general except in the most dire circumstances and this doesn’t appear to be one of those.

The second reason, we have already discussed, and that is that without our help the Israelis would have to make some kind of deal thus saving lives and money. Third, the U.S. already has massive unpayable debt which is killing growth and growth is one of only a handful of ways to deal with the debt before interest exceeds income. Further, Israel has a lower debt-to-GDP ratio than the U.S. The bill being voted on has no offsets so the entire amount goes directly on the debt column and interest must be paid on it forever. Granted, most of the money goes straight into the hands of the military, industrial, security, intelligence complex to increase their stock prices, but I vote no on this spending bill. Oh yes, I know that I don’t really have a vote because I’m just a taxpayer. I suppose the vote I will cast against my congressman who votes in favor is my vote.

I don’t want to be called an antisemite because I oppose foreign aid, I really don’t. I’m not a sensitive sort who can’t stand criticism. I just don’t want to be accused of bad things of which I am not guilty. Perhaps I could use my Jewish wife of 46 years as a character reference. I don’t know how I will explain my position on the U.S. border except to say that its security is more important to me than the borders of Israel and Ukraine. It seems, however, that American leadership will defend foreign borders with our lives and our children’s’ lives, but U.S. borders they have no regard for.

In conclusion folks, the war in Ukraine has given Russia and Mr. Putin exactly what he wanted and what he vowed to obtain when he assumed Russian leadership. He wanted to make Russia a great power again, preferably through economic cooperation and alliances and not through conquest. The U.S. policy of trying to control the world through sanctions has given countries the opportunity to band together to avoid sanctions and form powerful alliances. Many of these nations have natural resources as the basis of their economies and that provides trade outside sanctions. In short, in an effort to weaken and bleed Russia the Biden administration may have given Russia the opportunity to become a great power again.

Finally, folks, this seems like total madness because it is. There is now very clear evidence that power-mad lunatics run the United States of America. Saying that and knowing that to be true does not solve anything so what can we do. Perhaps one last ballot effort to rescue our country from the deep state then if we fail we echo the words of Thomas Paine in his 1776 pamphlet Common Sense, “For God’s Sake Let Us Come To a Final separation.”

At least that’s the way I see it,

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.

Darrell Castle is a Marine Corps veteran, a practicing attorney in Memphis, Tennessee and was the 2016 Constitution Party candidate for President of the United States.  You can hear his weekly messages at the Castle Report – castlereport.us

Come home to the Constitution Party – Find Liberty minded friends in your state: https://constitutionparty.com/contact/state-parties/

Celebrating Another Success Story

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.

So said Margaret Mead.  Never doubt that the Constitution Party of New Hampshire is living up to this standard.