Please Accept My Personal Invitation

I am pleased to announce that the Constitution Party of North Carolina will be hosting the Fall 2024 National Committee Meeting and Issues Conference on November 8 & 9, 2024 in the city of Raleigh, North Carolina.

As your out-going Chairman, I would be honored if all supporters will attend.

This will be a special time when the baton is handed over to the newly elected Chairman, Justin Magill, and to the newly elected Executive Committee officers below:

Glen Miller, Vice-Chairman
Megan Schmitt, Secretary
Dan Phillips, Southern States Area Co-Chairman
Bob Goodrich, Eastern States Area Chairman
Kristen Jackson, Eastern States Area Co-chairman
Steven Sylvester, Midwestern States Area Co-Chairman
Donna Laclair, Treasurer (appointed and pending confirmation by the National Committee)

Please see registration details on the Constitution Party website:  CLICK HERE


For Liberty,

Jim Clymer
National Chairman, 1999 – 2012 and 2020 – 2024

THE CASTLE REPORT: The Feds Admit They Censor Americans

August 30, 2024


Darrell Castle talks about a letter written to the House Judiciary Committee in which Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted to Congress and the American people that under pressure from the Biden/Harris Administration, his social media platform censored American content related to COVID and Hunter Biden’s laptop during the 2020 election.

Transcription / Notes


Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 30th day of August in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about a letter written to the House Judiciary Committee in which Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted to Congress and the American people that under pressure from the Biden/Harris Administration, he censored them. He admitted to a censorship campaign that targeted content related to COVID and Hunter Biden’s laptop during the 2020 election.

Yes folks, in addition to donating hundreds of millions to the Biden/Harris campaign, Zuckerberg admitted to depriving Americans of real information and feeding them false information that was designed to affect their health, possibly fatally. That wasn’t enough for Zuckerberg and Biden, they also had to cheat, lie, and steal an election all the while telling us that trump is Hitler and a threat to democracy. If you don’t lie down while we steal this election through subterfuge, we will tell the rest of America that being a MAGA Republican is akin to being a NAZI.

In a government the size of America the typical voter is hopelessly torn to bits by the flood of information that is constantly fed to him and her. Who is to know what is worthwhile and what is not so one is just blown along by the winds of relentless propaganda fed to him by his own government through its various ministries of propaganda like Zuckerberg and Facebook. The voter hasn’t met any of these people and he doesn’t even know anyone like them. He normally doesn’t associate with power obsessed people but nevertheless they are out there looking to deceive him in order to gain and keep power at any cost.

The elite media seek to wash the voters’ minds collectively and individually clean each day. They control the government, and they tell him they have a higher moral purpose that involves a better use of his money than he could ever make. They have to save the planet from climate change and from all those evil Russians. They have to stimulate the economy so their fake numbers will be even more fake, and they must feed all those poor and sick. Their fake claims are just ways to distribute more and more of the fruits of the labor of hard-working Americans to powerful insiders. The higher purpose is nothing but an illusion and a swindle.

So, Mr. Zuckerberg formally admitted to Congress that he allowed himself and his company to be a part of this swindle of the American people. Facebook, he said, implemented a vast digital censorship regime on behalf of the federal government to suppress the speech of American citizens. Freedom of speech or the protected right of Americans to say what they think and want to say whether it offends or not, is the most basic of freedoms and without it no American is free whether he is a MAGA Republican or a totally sold out Joe Biden/Kamala Harris Democrat.

Zuckerberg’s letter admitted and outlined how Facebook colluded with officials from the federal government including White House representatives to silence content contradicting the establishment consensus regarding COVID and Hunter Biden’s laptop. Quote from Mark Zuckerberg:

“In 2021, senior officials from the Biden administration, including the White House, repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain COVID-19 content, including humor and satire, and expressed a lot of frustration with our teams when we didn’t agree. Ultimately, it was our decision whether or not to take content down, and we own our decisions, including COVID-19 related changes we made to our enforcement in the wake of this pressure.”

He went on to express regret at his company’s accommodation of the government’s “requests”. Somebody, and perhaps a lot of somebody’s, should have to respond in damages for what they did if not also in jail time. They deserve jail much more than the J-6 political prisoners sitting in jail because of an evil false flag event conducted by an evil government led by evil people. This is probably happening right now and will continue because the government is staffed by devoted ideological leftists who believe passionately that they are so morally superior that their end justifies any means.

Zuckerberg’s regret doesn’t resolve the issue, not by a long shot. It really means that he was feeling the heat from congress and needed to get ahead of the game. Joe Biden is a lame duck and already well under the bus. He was removed by Democrat elites so that Harris could pretend to be washed clean of his dirt as if she had nothing to do with it. She might possibly just be low enough on the IQ scale to not know but the same elites who ran the country when Biden was pretending to be president are running it now and will run it if she is elected, and then pretends to be president.

The various social media platforms are now so closely associated with the government that they are virtually one and the same. Free speech conducted and denied on these platforms affects your health i.e. denial of helpful information about COVID and the vaccines as well as wealth, safety and general happiness and enjoyment of life. It seems very wrong to me to allow the federal government to legally provide false information to us about vital events, etc. but the case of Murthy v. Missouri seems to allow it. In that case the Supreme Court ruled that states and individual plaintiffs who challenged the Biden administration’s censorship programs don’t have standing to sue because they cannot establish a clear link between the government’s pressure and the platform’s actions. In light of this Zuckerberg letter what will Congress and the state AG’s do now that the link is clearly established and admitted.

In addition to providing us with government lies about COVID, Facebook spiked the Hunter Biden laptop story thus affecting the election or said differently, allowing or assisting the theft of a U.S. presidential election. Everyone, including the Democrats’ Stasi, otherwise known as the FBI, now admits that the laptop was real and if known could have affected the election outcome. The laptop revealed a lot more than the obvious story that Hunter is a drug addicted sexual pervert. It revealed Hunter’s traveling the world from Communist China to Ukraine, to Romania, to act as broker in the selling of the political influence of his father, the big guy. So, Zuckerberg and Facebook contributed to Joe Biden’s coverup and theft of the presidency.

The fact that this is now a better late than never situation does not detract from the impact of Zuck’s letter. Americans can now look at it and say oh my God Zuck, you lied to us, deceived us, and let us think that Biden was good, and Trump was literally Hitler. He admitted that he was “wrong” to suppress information about Hunter’s laptop and that he regrets doing so. That’s nice isn’t it because his regrets are so meaningful almost four years after the stolen election.

I wonder if Zuck regrets helping Democrats flood the country with illegals thus allowing unprecedented violent crime including rape and murder of many women and little girls. Does he regret assisting Biden with taking us to the brink of nuclear war in two parts of the world while working to foment another in the Pacific. What about the radicalization of our K-12 children to the point that parents are shut out, not listened to and even prosecuted. I don’t give Zuck a pass on anything because he said he regrets giving in to certain demands, not to all demands, so I suppose he picks and chooses his regrets.

Donald Trump had something to say about Zuck’s letter; “Zuckerberg admits that the White House pushed to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story and much more. In other words, the 2020 presidential election was rigged.” Yes, it was rigged, but in light of this admission if we had a real Republican Party and a real Speaker of the House with the courage to do the right thing, perhaps something could be done, but oh well.

Why would it take so much courage for the Speaker of the House or any other public figure to do the right thing and bring forth the charges that this admission deserves. If you take positions in public that have not been approved by the consensus that makes up the powers that be, no one will come forward to debate you, instead you will be referred to as a kook, a nut, etc. The most admirable politicians of our era have been treated that way. Ron Paul was called all those names and much more, often by people in his own party and often by people unworthy of him. Influential people told Americans that Ron was a nut so they repeated it as if they believed it.

Ron tried to tell the American people that the Federal Reserve was robbing them, and he tried to tell them that the military industrial complex was doing the same thing with the Federal Reserve’s help. People wouldn’t listen and they shunned him as a nut but those of us on the outside listened and the young helped bring him forward, but once again the establishment wasn’t having any of it. The Republican nomination in many states was denied to him in what amounted to unfair tactics to deny him votes. It wasn’t as blatantly obvious as what the Democrats have done with Kamala Harris but cheating, nevertheless.

So, here we are just about two months from the 2024 presidential election and the Democrats have selected their chosen candidate for us. Ms. Harris got zero votes, has so far given zero press conferences, zero interviews, but she and Tim Walz did stage buying a bag of Doritos all I suppose to make them look normal. The people who selected her have inflicted a ridiculous anti-democratic joke on the American people. In reality, she is a bubbleheaded actress with the right skin color for today’s Democrats, the right hair and the right smile. It’s all choregraphed without a single original thought.

It is especially distressing when you consider how far American elections have degraded. We are at the point now where candidates who stand in opposition to those selected for us are charged with non-crimes and indicted and convicted of basically nothing and if that isn’t enough, they are shot at, wounded, then the alleged lone nut shooter is cremated before evidence can be processed, just like in the removal to China of World Trade Center evidence and debris. We are supposed to look at it and just say well that’s politics so just move along, nothing to see here.

Nothing having to do with the federal government can be believed or trusted anymore. The department of justice covering the FBI which is supposed to be investigating itself in the Trump near assassination should get a long look as should the government within a government, the CIA but who has the courage.

I’m sure you are aware that Robert Kennedy, jr. has dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed Trump. Tulsi Gabbard, still on the Terrorist watch list, also endorsed him. I read an article in the Babylon Bee humor paper which said that Trump wanted Kennedy in the campaign because he would draw most of the sniper fire away from Trump, funny and a little sobering.

Tulsi said, “We are closer to the brink of nuclear war than we ever have been before. This is one of the reasons I am committed to doing all that I can to send Trump back to the White House where he can once again serve as our Commander-in-Chief.”

Finally, folks, I close this Castle Report once again with the words of the great H.L. Mencken:

“Every normal man must be tempted at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.”

At least that’s the way I see it,

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.

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THE CASTLE REPORT: Harris’ Plan to “Fix” the Economy

August 23, 2024


Darrell Castle talks about the announced plan of Kamala Harris to “fix” the American economy along with a discussion of that most undemocratic of institutions, the Democrat Party.

Transcription / Notes


Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 23rd day of August in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the announced plan of Kamala Harris to “fix” the American economy along with a discussion of that most undemocratic of institutions, the Democrat Party.

Why do I refer to the Democrat Party as undemocratic. There are many reasons but primarily that Party seems to regard the will of the people as nothing but a nuisance to keep the ruling elite of the Party from having their way. For example, Hillary Clinton received more primary delegates than Barack Obama, but he was nominated because he had more “super delegates.” The current nominees, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz received no delegate votes at all, not a single vote but they have the nomination and not Joe Biden who received 14 million primary votes.

Far a perfect explanation of American politics, and the entire election process I turn to the incomparable H.L. Mencken:

“The state—or, to make matters more concrete, the government—consists of a gang of men exactly like you and me. They have, taking one with another, no special talent for the business of government; they have only a talent for getting and holding office. Their principal device to that end is to search out groups who pant and pine for something they can’t get, and to promise to give it to them. Nine times out of ten that promise is worth nothing. The tenth time it is made good by looting A to satisfy B. In other words, government is a broker in pillage, and every election is a sort of advanced auction on stolen goods.”

I search in vain for a finer explanation of the American political system and American politicians than Mencken’s, but what of Kamala Harris and her solutions to our troubles. I will focus my attention right here at home for now because we have so many issues and despite the dangerous climb up the escalation ladder abroad, I look inward for today. Home where our families live and home where we struggle to feed them in spite of various government decisions which try to keep us from doing so. Inflation is obviously a problem right now and Kamala Harris wants us to know that she is aware of it and intends to fix it. Her solutions are even more interesting since she is now vice president and has been in that office while inflation was embedding itself in the economy.

The consumer price index has charts available that tell us what inflation is and how it affects our daily lives and our ability to maintain our standard of living. When we notice, little by little, that our living standard is slipping away the information from the consumer price index tells us at least partially, why that is true. For example, a U.S. dollar from 1971 is equivalent to $7.77 in 2024 an increase of 677%. So, the real value, or purchasing value of a dollar decreases over time. Does your income increase correspondingly because if not then your standard of living is declining. In some areas of the country, Ms. Harris’s California for example, the change has been even more pronounced. Politicians such as Kamala Harris will try just about anything to solve the problem of inflation except the only solution that will actually work. The only solution is cut public spending drastically or raise taxes drastically or both, but those things will not buy very many votes.

The great economist Milton Friedman famously put it like this, in his dictum, “inflation is always and everywhere a monetary problem.” In other words, if you’ve got inflation as we have today, you are printing too much money. Who wants to live within their means in this day and age of empire and entitlement. We want to run the world, and we want to stay in power and those things cost a lot of money. They cost a lot more than can be extracted from working people therefore the answer is not stopping spending, but it is obviously borrow more and print the payments.

These things, empire and entitlement, may seem reasonable at the moment, but in the long run we pay dearly for them. For example, the Covid stimulus checks we got of about $1200 provided some immediate relief for what the government was doing to us but in the long run we pay dearly for them in terms of how much more food and fuel cost today as a result. It must be terribly hard for politicians to think long term because long term thinking is hard and the solutions to problems caused by politicians are usually painful and difficult. You won’t persuade many to sell you their votes by promising to cut government spending.

The Vice President of the United States and potentially the future President of the United States has a plan for solving the problems that we, as working Americans, have. When I heard her first idea that she promises to do if elected I cringed because of the simple-minded stupidity of it. She said she would provide up to $25,000 in down payment support for hundreds of thousands of first-time home buyers. Notice that she said I will provide this money, or I will give this money so I thought that’s really nice of her and she must be a lot richer than I thought.

It turns out that her statement was unfortunately just a figure of speech because she will not be giving, but instead she will be stealing. Yes, she plans to steal this money from working Americans or add it to the already $35 trillion debt thus destroying the standard of living of our children and future generations. On an annual basis there are 1.8 million first-time homeowners in America. Using that figure would result in $45 billion in annual spending but I’m certain it would trigger a lot more applications than 1.8 million so the cost would be much higher. That’s not much I know, for people who give $120 billion to Ukraine, but still, it’s money the U.S. does not have.

I will give you just a few of my thoughts about this idea of hers or whoever thought it up. It does not result from simple-minded stupidity, but it is instead an obvious vote buying scheme. It’s a way of saying to her base, I know you are whores so I’m just curious, how much do you charge. It has no productivity attached, so zero benefit will be returned. It will, in turn, make homes more expensive so the average buyer now and in the future will be less likely to be able to afford a home. In other words, this idiotic idea will make the “housing crises” a lot worse, but it might buy enough votes to win and gain power. Finally, it would put a lot of people in homes who can’t afford to live in them thus sparking a mortgage foreclosure crisis that we saw with the Obama years. That’s why I suspect he probably thought it up.

That is unfortunately, not the only tried before, stupid idea that she has in store for us. She is going to “ban corporate price-gouging” at grocery stores. Yes, she resents the 1% to 2% profit in the food and grocery industry. She’s OK it seems, with the 10% to 15% profit in the defense industry. See folks the reason food costs 10% per cent more this year than last is not her administration’s idiotic, bumbling with the economy because it’s all those 1% to 2% margin grocery stores that are just price-gouging. She is going to use the most totalitarian method of good socialists everywhere to make this problem much worse and that is to tell grocery stores they can’t raise prices. So, if their suppliers raise their prices what is the store to do. Don’t worry about that because she has the answer. Just tell the suppliers they can’t raise their prices either and tell the transport people the same thing.

O.K. Madame President, what if the allowed prices are below the level of profitability for my business or what should I do if it cost me more to produce than I get from your prices. Well folks, anyone with a functioning brain and anyone who has even a modest understanding can see that this type of top-down control always results in disaster. She promises to do it joyfully though so at least we have her joyful cackle going for us. The bureaucrats in Washington are so much better at turning us into Venezuela, Cuba and other such places than actual producers could.

O.K. what else can she do to damage this country. How about a government home building program to put another nail in our coffin. Yes, she will build three million new housing units at a proposed cost of $40 billion. The cost would be worth it you see, because it would create a lot of shovel-ready jobs. Adding three million new government homes should bring down the cost of homes, especially if they are built in your neighborhood. It would bring down the cost of your home and that’s for sure, but I would wager that the chances of all the homes being built are close to zero.

So far, we have added $100 billion to the annual deficit and debt with zero benefit to the country or its people. The only result so far would be a probable food shortage and crises resulting and inflation being made much worse, not better. Can it get any worse than this, well yes it can, and we can depend on VP Harris to find that way. Once again, she said she proposes to give each newborn child $6000 to help end child poverty. What would be the best treatment for child poverty, lower inflation by reducing government spending and cutting unnecessary regulations so their parents can work to earn a living.

I’m always interested when I find one of the many forms of government hypocrisy. I’m going to give $6000 to each newborn implies that she thinks she actually has that authority, and with the office comes this vast pool of money she can do with as she chooses. The only reason more money isn’t “given” to people who vote for the giver is because of selfishness. We don’t have the money so that’s easy just add it to the debt but then you have the interest until the final demise of the nation the advent of which will be accelerated by the gift. Speaking of hypocrisy, she will give money to newborns while at the DNC there is a bus providing free abortions and free vasectomies.

This woman who wants to hold the office of President of the United States is clueless and that makes her even more dangerous than the not even sentient Joe Biden. When he was sentient, a long time ago, I doubt very much if he would have gone for such a destructive plan. This lady is proposing full-fledged tyrannical totalitarianism.

According to information released by the Harris-Walz campaign she doesn’t see it the same way I do. She will make tackling inflation a day one priority and she will outline her plan to lower costs for middle class families, take on and defeat corporate price gouging, and just simply lower costs for all Americans. The costs of all these giveaways, according to Ms. Harris, will be paid by taxes on the rich and powerful. She doesn’t say that those rich and powerful people are the very same elites who now control her and the Democrat Party and the tax system and policies of the nation.

Most likely, the costs will not be borne by the rich and powerful, but by us normal Americans since it will simply be added to the debt and eventually paid for by the people for whom she tells us she is doing it. So, I guess we already have on our books $35 trillion of vote buying and war making boondoggles and idiotic wasteful schemes so what is a few $100 billion more. The costs always end up on the least informed and least protected group and that is we the people.

To this extent each candidate is in on the rigging of the game and that is that neither will do the one thing that would help reduce costs for middle class families and that is cut back on government itself. Cut everything and eliminate a lot of things if you sincerely want to save this country for future generations. Instead, both of them propose new costly programs to expand its reach and intrusion into our lives.

In conclusion, what Ms. Harris seems intent on doing is setting racial and ethnic minorities along with Third World immigrants against the middle class of American society for the purpose of transferring a free and self-ruled country into a corporatist totalitarian left-wing globalist state. I’m sure she knows that if the nation does not continually inflate its currency thus devaluing its debt the interest on the debt could not reasonably be funded so as Mencken said it’s all lies and posturing fabricated to cover the Democrats real agenda.

Finally, folks these Democrats, now led by Kamala Harris, a simple-minded, inarticulate woman have grown so comfortable with lying that they have no problem with turning the American people out as whores selling their votes. They and the people have lost their way and have sunk into moral darkness so deep they can no longer see any way out.

At least that’s the way I see it,

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.

Photo Credit: Malte Mueller | Getty Images

THE CASTLE REPORT: Terrorist or Freedom Fighter

August 16, 2024


Darrell Castle talks about former member of Congress, Tulsi Gabbard, and how she has been investigated, followed and branded publicly as a potential domestic terrorist under the government’s new “Quiet Skies” program.


Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 16th day of August in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about former member of congress Tulsi Gabbard and how she has been investigated and followed and branded publicly as a potential domestic terrorist under the government’s new “Quiet Skies” program.

Yes, it seems that Tulsi has upset all the wrong people or all the right people depending on your point of view, and she has been placed on what amounts to a dangerous terrorist watch list under the Quit Skies program. She has been and is being tracked by government agents in a program that reminds one of the surveillance regimes of the Soviet Union or perhaps East Germany before the Soviet breakup.

This all came to light because one of those agents was disturbed by what he was ordered to do and became a whistleblower by contacting an organization called Uncover DC. The whistleblower said that Tulsi was singled out as a terror threat and Tulsi said his report matched her experiences and explained why she had been having so much trouble moving about the world in recent days. She went abroad for a short trip just a couple of days ago and was harassed at each leg and in each airport of her journey.

She and her husband had their boarding passes marked with the quadruple SSSS designation which means Secondary Security Screening Selection. The quad S is usually a marker that tells the agents of TSA or any other airport personnel that the person so designated is a terror threat. So, from this point just imagine Tulsi as a threat to commit an act of terror. Perhaps she might say or write something the regime that seems to be in control of all Western nations considers to be not in compliance, but actual terror.

For Tulsi the quad S meant delays of up to 45 minutes every time she went through an airport security process. Tulsi, an Iraq war veteran and current Army reservist said she usually packs light but sometimes that made it even more difficult because it was easier for them to go through and examine with their eyes and their hands each item of clothes she had in her carry-on bag. She said she had a couple of blazers; workout clothing and underwear and they squeezed every inch of each item at each airport change for her trip.

Agents unzipped the lining inside the roller boards of her suitcase and examined every inch of the liner. She was ordered to take out every piece of electronics and turn each one on including her military phone and computer. Tulsi said she normally uses her military ID to get through security but for several trips including one trip to her reserve base in Oklahoma, the ID failed to get her through. One agent saw the quad S and said how can you be quad S and be in the military. I suppose that’s a good question would have been her answer but that’s just a guess.

She reports that on one flight there were at least six agents doing her screening, along with dog teams. There were dogs in Dallas and dogs at the gates where she had to wait. Yes, indeed Tulsi Gabbard is quiet the terror threat. The whistle blower said that she had been placed on a domestic terror watch list. According to him she had two explosive detection canine teams, one Transportation Security Specialist (for explosives), one plainclothes TSA supervisor, and three Federal Air Marshalls assigned to every flight she boards.

Uncover DC said she was placed on the list July 23 and the trio of Air Marshalls began flying with her on July 25. So far at least three Marshalls have flown with her on at least eight flights. The goal, according to the Quiet Skies program, is to surround people with human watchers. There are potentially 15 such Marshalls or human watchers assigned to each gate where the quad S flyer is waiting.

Tulsi said, “this is not a woe me situation, instead it’s bringing to the forefront how brazen the political retaliation and abuse of power continues to be under the Biden-Harris administration.” It seems to me that all this abuse heaped on Tulsi has served to confirm that she has been right about things all along. Tulsi’s not the first to be tracked by this Stasi imitation government that we are under right now and she won’t be the last, but she is perhaps the most high-profile target, and I might add the most obviously undeserving of such treatment.

The quiet skies program was expanded to identify and follow each person who could be identified as having been in the capital on January 6th, 2021. The government does this by pressuring their servants in the corporate world to hand over credit card information for every person who purchased anything within several miles of the capital that day. They also examined every camera in the capital and used facial recognition software to track each individual.

It’s bad enough that Americans are so corrupt that they will follow other Americans for no reason, but Tulsi is different. She is a war veteran with no connection to January 6th or any other government false flag operation. Her appearance on a terror watch list is an indication that the event we were warned could happen has in-fact happened. The surveillance powers surrendered by congress to the various intelligence agencies that make up homeland security have been turned against the American people who through their words demonstrate that they are not one hundred percent in lock step with the regime.

How does Tulsi feel about all this and about how she has been treated by the government she risked her life to serve. “I enlisted because of the terrorist attack on 9/11. I was like a lot of Americans. We enlisted to ensure the safety, security, and freedom of the American people and go after the terrorists who attacked us. And so now to have confirmation—I guarantee there are other men and women in uniform or veterans now being targeted. I can’t think of a word that adequately captures how I feel. The closest I can think of is the deepest sense of betrayal. It cuts to the core.”

I know she feels betrayed, and it has left her with a sadness that she lost something precious. I can see it in her face when she appears on video, and I can hear it in her voice. She went on to talk about the Homeland Intelligence Experts Group which was led by psychotic lunatic John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper. The documents recently released identify Trump supporters, people in the military, or religious people as indicators for extremism or terrorism. The intelligence community she tells us is therefore targeting people of “many stripes”, but especially those who wear the uniform or have worn the uniform.

Why Tulsi, why put her on the list when she is so obviously not a terroristic threat. She has been a persistent critic of the politicians in the current administration. She was a member of congress in the Democrat Party from the State of Hawaii, but she left congress for her own reasons and ran for President in the 2020 Democrat primaries. Her rebuke of Kamala Harris ended Harris’ campaign without a single primary delegate. Perhaps that has something to do with her current persecution.

The day before she was apparently placed on the list, she appeared on the Ingraham Angle and criticized the “proxy war” in Ukraine. She said the administration was using “crap” excuses to turn Ukraine into another Afghanistan. Her put down of Harris during the campaign, I imagine stung and was not forgotten by the newly chosen one. She put over 1500 people in jail, Tulsi said, and then laughed about it when asked if she ever smoked marijuana.

There is absolutely no legitimate reason for Tulsi Gabbard to be placed on the Quiet Skies program. Being listed as a potential terrorist, followed by 9 Air Marshalls and three canine teams everywhere she goes is horrible even by the almost non-existent standards for decency of this administration. This is an administration that opens the border for anyone who wants to enter thus permitting the rape and murder of women and little girls across the country. The new candidate for vice president on the ticket with Kamala Harris said he wished he could give ladders to all those people so they could climb in easier.

So, what is Tulsi to do about this persecution that has been cast upon her. She posted on X this statement. “My own government, my president, my commander-in-chief is targeting me as a potential domestic terrorist, the closest word that comes to mind is a complete sense of betrayal. After serving over 21 years and continuing to serve in our nations’ military, my own government has labeled and is targeting me directly now as a domestic terrorist. They’re using people like the air marshals as weapons and pawns to target their political opponents. Of course, there’s no explanation given, which is why we are taking legal recourse.”

What does she mean by taking legal recourse. It’s a little too early to know right now, but there has been some action. Empower Oversight is a firm that has represented whistleblowers and others in the Quiet Skies program as well as the IRS special agents who testified in the Hunter Biden case. Their lawyers sent a letter to Homeland Security demanding an immediate investigation into the Tulsi Gabbard matter. However, Empower says that it has learned that instead of calling off the dogs (literally) assigned to Tulsi the government is proceeding against the Quiet Skies whistleblowers.

Quiet Skies says that this is a program using a risk-based approach to identify and apply enhanced security measures on some domestic and outbound international flights. Simply applying this risk-based rule to passengers does not necessarily mean anything derogatory, etc. so on and so forth, or said this way blah, blah blah. You don’t have to worry about whether these people have probable cause because they admit that almost none of their search’s results in court proceedings so probable cause is unnecessary. I’m sure that if a court proceeding did result, then probable cause would be found very quickly.

Homeland Security tells us that the terrorist watchlist has greatly expanded lately. The new targets are not Muslims flying in from the Middle East, but domestic terrorist threats. You know all those grandmothers who visited D.C. on a particular day. They also have to pay very close attention to grandmothers who prayed in D.C. on January 6th. Yes, a 72-year-old lady who had lived her life squeaky clean without even a traffic ticket was just sentenced to a fine of $103,000, 6 months house arrest, 12 months’ probation and loss of internet privileges. Yes, I said privileges because speaking is now a privilege in this country and speaking the truth is a crime. Rebecca Lavrenz is known by her friends as the praying grandma, but the Biden Administration says she is a criminal.

In conclusion, Tulsi said that a TSA agent told her that he had noticed that the well-known Quad S targets he had seen were most often supporters of a former president. Can the deep state be dismantled or can the toothpaste be returned to the tube. It’s very doubtful but a good start would be to dismantle George W. Bush’s Department of Homeland Security with a hard look at each of its 270,000 employees to see whether each can continue under the component agencies. Without freedom to speak our minds we are definitely not free, and the Government of the United States of America is working night and day to criminalize speech and deprive us of freedom.

Finally, Folks, it’s too bad about Tulsi. She is a woman who should be honored and lifted up by the government as an example for all of us but instead she is persecuted. She is persecuted because the government is wicked, evil and satanic, and simply will not tolerate dissent. I understand why she is persecuted, but I don’t understand why people continue to vote for the descent of our country into satanic evil.

At least that’s the way I see it,

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.

Photo Credit:

Tennessee is Inches Away!

Friday, August 9, 2024

Hello Friend,

Randall Terry Here – Nominated for Presidential Candidate at the Constitution Party National Convention.


PLEASE FORWARD THIS CRY FOR HELP to ANYONE who is a registered voter in Tennessee.  We ALL know someone in TENNESSEE!


I am carrying this cross – this burden – and I beg you to help right away if you can. Namely, the mission to be a voice for unborn babies in this election.

Now that Kamala is the “Standard Bearer for Death,” we MUST oppose her, and the godless Democrat Party. By noon on this coming Thursday, August 15th, we need only 100 more valid voter signatures from the state of Tennessee in order to be on the ballot.


By being on the ballot, I can run TV ads that tell the truth about child killing.  Click here to see TV ads


All I need you to do is print and sign this petition (if you are a registered voter) and maybe get your spouse or a friend or two, to also sign.






SIGN THE PETITION (and maybe your child or spouse too)




Randall Terry for President
P. O. Box 420
Ellendale, Tennessee 38029

If you have ANY QUESTIONS about the petition, email Joe at Joe [at] Terry2024 [dot] com 


Please friend, please, if you live in Tennessee, or you know anyone who lives in Tennessee, please help us reach our goal.

God bless you,

Randall Terry

Candidate for President of the United States

THE CASTLE REPORT: Failure of Imagination

August 9, 2024


Darrell Castle talks about the Secret Service and its recent series of abject failures to perform its function even modestly let alone in the fashion we have come to expect from that vaunted agency.

Transcription / Notes


Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 9th day of August in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the Secret Service and its recent series of abject failures to perform its function even modestly let alone in the fashion we have come to expect from that vaunted agency.

I decided to resist my natural instinct to devote all my attention to the coming war in the Middle East which I predict the United States will find it impossible to resist and instead devote my attention to something just about as dangerous right here at home. Yes indeed, the Secret Service is the rock of the United States Government and is filled with the most highly trained and dedicated agents in all of government, right. Well, no folks that is no longer right as we will see in this Report.

The Service is secret because its agents are supposed to be invisible. They are seen but not seen as part of the landscape you hardly notice them, but they are always there. The philosophy of the Service as well as the agents who staff it has been similar to doctors. The doctor doesn’t rejoice in the recovery room when his work is successful, and he doesn’t weep in the cemetery when it isn’t, he just tries to find out what is going on and then keeps going. The agent doesn’t care who he is assigned to protect he just does his job with professionalism and competence putting his own life on the line in the process.

The agents are not responsible for the behavior of their protectees, only their protection. If the protectee cheats on his wife or is a drunk or does business with underworld characters that is not the agent’s concern, only safety. Things seem to have changed at the Service in recent years to the point that we have come to expect lying, stonewalling, and obfuscation regarding the failure of the agents to properly do their jobs. It is very clear right now that the Service has not been forthright with the investigation of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. So, the American people can no longer depend on the Service to protect its assigned protectee unless that person happens to have a political philosophy and agenda in line with the Service and its controllers.

What we can depend on with certainty is the Service lying about its failure to do the job with which the American people have entrusted it. Little by little information about the attempted assassination leaks out from whistle blowers inside the Service and with each revelation it looks worse. The series of security failures was so large that it seems obvious that the Service is no longer even competent let alone elite. Lies follow lies but some are just too obvious. The director of the FBI covering for the Service by saying that perhaps Trump was not shot. His lie was quickly put to rest by doctors but why would he tell such a lie. Perhaps it was a cover for the Service but more likely just a difference of political views.

My favorite lie though, was from the interim director of the Service, or perhaps it wasn’t a lie just simple incompetence and lack of intelligence. When director Kimberly Cheatle resigned a new director or interim director had to be appointed and that was Ronald Rowe, a man with 24 years of service. While being questioned by members of Congress about how this attempted assassination could have happened, he said it was “a failure of imagination.” The Service never imagined that anybody would want to take a shot at Donald Trump. The more you think about that response, the more hilarious it becomes, and it could take us down a number of rabbit trails, but nevertheless that was his answer.

So, the Service just could not imagine that we live in a dangerous world and that is why its agents were tasked with protecting one of the highest profile and most polarizing people in the world. I can’t help but wonder how such a man managed to rise to his position in the federal government.  A lack of imagination then, caused the Service’s counter sniper team to not attend the pre-event coordination meeting with local law enforcement and had zero communication local SWAT teams.

That is only one of a series of failures and inexplicable things that happened during this event. In fact, it is harder to find things the Service did right than it is to pinpoint mistakes. One wonders if all these failures to properly do the job of protecting Trump were just stupid incompetence or whether something more sinister was going on. In many countries around the globe, those we often refer to as 3rd world, we would immediately assume the incompetence was a cover-up for something more sinister. Here in America, we are the essential and exceptional nation, and above all that and we walk with pride in the knowledge that we are not just physically and intellectually superior, but morally superior as well.

Government conspiracies are very difficult to pull off as we all know because they usually require the silence of hundreds, perhaps thousands of people, which would be very unlikely. On the other hand, if the people heading the event were as obviously incompetent as Kimberly Cheatle and Robert Rowe who denied resources to Trump’s security detail and assigned inexperienced agents to it, perhaps there is something to it. There are many problems here, but all we know for certain right now is that resources were strangled, and substandard agents were assigned to the team. Is that enough to suspect something sinister, perhaps but it gets worse.

What we have been discussing is all pre-shooting failures and incompetence. Once shots were fired the incompetence continued. When the alleged shooter, Thomas Mathew Crooks, was killed by counter sniper fire (apparently) there was an autopsy of his body. By the way isn’t it interesting how the lone nut always has three names. Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan Sirhan Sirhan, James Earl Ray and now Thomas Mathew Crooks. Post shooting investigations of the lone nut’s background usually reveal that he was never referred to by three names, but that is how we are to remember him.

I have seen reports of the autopsy from this past week but the Butler County Coroner’s office released cause and manner of death on July 21st. Cause and manner do not constitute an autopsy as any good lawyer can tell you. It seems that an autopsy has been conducted but it is doubtful whether we will ever be able to see its results. Virtually everything having to do with physical evidence in this case including position of the body, location of wounds, consistent with the sniper rifle that supposedly killed him, all are being guarded like state secrets. Why, nobody seems to know why the public can’t see this evidence. What all the secrecy does is fuel doubt, and cause speculation and a belief that something sinister is going on.

It seems to me that it is incumbent on the part of the Service, its boss Homeland Security, and their boss, the President, to be more forthright with their answers. I’m a little sick of their, go away peon attitude. If you want to know why everything seems like a conspiracy, it’s because they make it so. What is the burden of proof here. Is it the criminal standard of beyond a reasonable doubt or the civil standard of its more likely than not because using that standard it’s starting to look bad for the service.

The Service has many other issues that might lead one to the belief that leadership is less than forthright with us. Somebody left cocaine in plain view in the White House, but the Service has no clue who did it. The cocaine, it has now been revealed, was in a container which had DNA evidence in it but still we the people are not entitled to know who left and apparently used cocaine in our house. A Secret Service Uniformed Division officer found the bag of cocaine on July 2, 2023, on a Sunday while the President was in Camp David. The ensuing dispute between the Uniformed Division, the Forensics Services Division, and the Secret Service leadership became public knowledge. The leadership, meaning Kimberly Cheatle, apparently wanted to protect her friends and boss in the Biden family but the other divisions refused to go along. That is the story now that Kimberly Cheatle is no longer the director.

Secret Service Agents took Vice President-elect Harris to the DNC, that’s the Democrat National Committee, before the January 6th protest, riot, insurrection, or whatever you choose to call it and whatever you choose to believe.  I realize that it is extremely hard to discern what to believe and too often it comes down to a person’s pre-conceived political biases. The sketchy information, otherwise known as lies, is revealed to us piecemeal and in a fashion that tells us what to believe. For example, the pipe bomb placed on the bench outside DNC headquarters that day was clearly visible on video. Children played near it but no one stopped them. The supposed bomb was of the comic book variety with a timer like a large kitchen clock.

So, for the Service and for this government some questions need to be answered. There are many others but some that occur to me are these. Was the pipe bomb inert or active. Why was EOD people not called to dispose of the bomb. If it was an active as opposed to inert bomb, why didn’t the explosive detection dogs find it. Why did it take the Service more than a year to reply to the Inspector General’s request for January 6th documents. When the Vice President-Elect said she felt threatened or that her life was in danger, why did it take a year to learn that she was not even in the capitol complex that day.  Why did the Service and its agents and leadership sit by while people they knew to be innocent were given enhanced sentences because of a threat to the Vice President-Elect.

There are many questions to be asked and answered about the attempted assassination as well as cocaine gate and insurrection gate. Once Director Cheatle fell on her sword, why was no one fired for incompetence. The answer is the same shuffling one that we always get and that is that the investigation is ongoing, etc. Some in congress and even some in the conservative press are suggesting that because of this administration’s emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) the standards may have been lowered to the level of incompetence in favor of identity politics.

The Service’s web site is revealing and might give one reason to think that might just be the case. Its various categories for recruitment include outreach to African Americans, Pacific Islanders, Hispanic, Indigenous Nations, Federal Women’s Program. LGBTQ, Persons with Disabilities/Disabled Veteran, Office of the Ombudsman, and Inclusion and Engagement Council. What is missing from this list is merit and there is nothing about being willing to take the bullet meant for the protectee.

This makes me think that morale and job satisfaction among all those dedicated dark suits and dark glasses can’t be very high. To be thought of as an incompetent failure must be difficult for them and being politically correct and loyal like a good lapdog is not much of a compromise. Whatever happened to honor and the refusal to compromise or what used to be known as character and integrity.

Finally, folks, the lack of imagination the interim director blamed for this debacle cost a man his life and deprived his family of his love, provision, and protection. It also caused several people to be wounded and a presidential candidate to be wounded and almost killed. Is the destruction and dissolution of our society planned. Quoting the interim director, the investigation is still ongoing, etc.

At least that’s the way I see it,

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock | 92916328

THE CASTLE REPORT: Behold a Pale Horse

August 2, 2024


Darrell Castle talks about the real meaning of the Paris Olympics.

Transcript / Notes


Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 2nd day of August in the year of our Lord 2024.I will be talking about the Paris Olympics and explaining to you why I can’t watch the greatest spectacle in sports anymore, at least not this Olympics. Look at me, the Paris Olympic Committee says, look upon my gross ugliness both inner and outer. Look upon the banal ugliness of my subculture of tiresome neurotics who cannot seem to drudge up from their souls one single beautiful thing so they must tear down, destroy, smudge in their filth and dirt everything that is beautiful, creative and without malice.

As a backdrop to this Report, let me tell you some of the things going on with the 2024 Olympic Games. This is France so you know the sports and the athletes cannot just stand for themselves. No, in France there has to be an ideological statement thus the opening ceremony. There are some other things the French want to get across to us so we can look at a few of them. This was to be a green Olympics with no air conditioning, but the athletes could not sleep because of the heat, and they could not open their windows because of mosquitoes so they had an emergency order of window units. They were going to feed the world’s greatest athletes fake meat of the lab grown variety. The food made them all sick to eat it and even to think about it so steak, the real kind, had to be flown in on an emergency basis. The beds were all cardboard to keep the athletes from having sex with each other, so they don’t want them having sex, but they are allowing male boxers to fight women. This is what first world France has done to itself. In the meantime, the Seine River is so polluted and filled with e-coli the triathlon could not be held there.

I’m sure you all know by now what the opening ceremony of the 2024 summer games was all about, but I will endeavor to refresh your memory just a little bit today. Included in the opening ceremony was a parody of the Last Supper as it was portrayed by Leonardo de Vinci in his famous painting of Jesus and his disciples. In Paris, all the disciples were drag queens and Jesus was portrayed as a fat lesbian. There were transvestites along with one child in the scene and in front of them was a French actor virtually naked except for blue body paint. He moved sexually in an attempt to portray the Greek god Dionysus.

Sex dominated the scene as other actors displayed their sexual organs and it included a menage a trois with three young people or at least I think they were people. This was a mockery of one of the most sacred moments in the Christian faith and for all Christians for all time. These were the very founders of Christianity having their last meal with Jesus on this earth. To mock such a scene is immoral obviously, but to do it in front of an audience of millions is despicable. The Olympic games is supposed to represent the coming together of mankind through sport unburdened by politics and the other things that divide us. To perform such a mockery in such a setting is to consciously use their depravity as an affront to the holiness of God.

So, instead of honoring athletes and sport and recognizing the best athletes from every corner of the globe so that one by one they can stand on the podium before the whole world and say today I was the best in the world at what I do. Instead of that the athletes were dishonored by allowing themselves to be used as a weapon in a satanic war against Christianity. This Olympics should forever be known as a tribute to drag queens and child grooming and an attack on everyone who believes the gospel. This was a conscious attack on our Christian brothers and sisters around the world many of whom died as martyrs for the faith. We don’t have to be that dramatic of course, we can just remember our mothers, grandmothers, wives, and husbands who lived their lives holding on to that faith with nothing else to hold on to.

Aside from the Last Supper, the ceremony included a depiction of a headless Marie Antoinette, the last queen of France, who was married to Catholic King Louis XVI. Louis was executed by beheading during the revolution in 1789 and his queen followed him later at the age of 37. There was also a golden calf portrayed along with some type of horned beast which I took to be a satanic goat. A pale horse with a rider in pale white armor galloped down the Seine River thus the name of this Castle Report.

Revelation 6:8 “I looked and behold a pale horse! Its rider was named death, and hell followed with him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.”

This is evidence of a war against religion that is ongoing. There seems to be an understanding that if the vile, wicked, and satanic are to prevail in this struggle then God must be discredited and destroyed in the minds of the people. Once God is destroyed the people will worship the true god of state power. That god fears truth like superman fears kryptonite. That god equals authority and a desperate quest for prestige, power and honor. Ther is a constant fight among adherents of the state religion to control the state god and that is fine as long as all participants in the struggle acknowledge that the state is god.

The state god equals authority, and its authority must be final. There can be no other gods before it. Its word is final and ultimate. Since it is the supreme authority, it cannot withstand rivals because otherwise it would fall into question and since it is supreme it cannot allow that to happen. Its hypocrisy becomes evident because although it mocks and degrades any perceived rivals it cannot endure mockery or ridicule. Once its undeniable incompetence is exposed to the whole world it is ready and willing to fight, kill and destroy

This challenge to the state as god was used in France to neutralize the influence of traditional Christian views of sexuality in favor of the new views evolving through the sexual revolution. Christian rites and imagery are a threat to the new sexual revolution because they stand in opposition. Sadly, many Christian denominations protestant and catholic have bought into the new way as a form of unity and inclusion, but how can we unify with such things and still be Christians. Their way is a perverse, sexualized, anti-human version of the real thing. They want the Christian imagery to be just another token presented in their perverse world as a competitor.

So, there is a war against religion, not just Christianity, but against all religions. I can’t see Mr. Macron doing to Islam what he did to Christianity, can you?  If he did, he would not get the peaceful Christians voicing their objections, but he might instead get thousands of immigrants burning down Paris. You have to pick enemies from among those who won’t fight back and are therefore weaker to the point of being defenseless. The French did recognize what they have done and at least made a token effort at apology. To me, no apology, no matter how well meaning is acceptable because I’m concerned with what is inside of you, not your meaningless words.

Yes, they apologized to anyone who was offended during the opening ceremonies. It’s more like another attempt to say something about inclusivity than an apology. They include all forms of perversion, but not the religion of billions. Here’s the quote from the committee’s news conference.

“Clearly there was never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group. On the contrary, I think with Thomas Jolly, we really did try to celebrate community tolerance. Looking at the result of the polls that we shared, we believe that this ambition was achieved. If people have taken any offense we are, of course, really, really, sorry.”

So that is just so much clap trap because it’s the old non-apology. I don’t apologize for what I did but if it offended you I’m sorry. People from around the world including even the European Union voiced their objection. Many athletes demonstrated as they could by wearing crosses etc. but not everyone shares my view of the ceremony and that gives us a chance to know who we are up against when we vote. When you look at all the various things a person does or says just think about which ones hold the person you call Lord in the kind of contempt the French Olympic Committee does.

The First Lady of the United States attended the ceremony and thought it was “spectacular.” “So, last night, it was spectacular, the rain did not dampen our spirits. Every step of the way, I was thinking to myself, oh my god, oh my god. How are we going to top this?” Dr. Jill was referring to the summer games scheduled for Los Angeles in 2028, but fortunately Dr. Jill you will not have to worry about topping it. Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States also praised the ceremony and said it was beautiful and spectacular. I wonder how Christians justify in their minds voting for people who hold them and everything they hold dear in such contempt.

The Pope has, as yet refused to condemn the ceremony, but Archbishop Vigano is guilty of no such refusal. Vigano, recently excommunicated by the Pope was not shy about expressing his view of the ceremony.

“The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games is the latest in a long series of vile attacks on God, the Catholic Religion and natural morality by the antichristic elite that holds Western countries hostage. We had seen no less disconcerting scenes at the 2012 London Olympics, the 2016 inauguration of the Gotthard Tunnel, and the 2022 Commonwealth Games, featuring infernal figures, goats, and terrifying animals. The elite who organize these ceremonies demand not only the right to blasphemy and the obscene display of the foulest vices, but even their mute acceptance by Catholics and decent people, who are forced to suffer the outrage of seeing the most sacred symbols of their Faith and the very foundations of the Natural Law desecrated.”

I like the way the archbishop worded his rebuke in saying decent people are forced to suffer the outrage. How can we avoid the outrage of this insult to what we consider to be sacred? By not watching and by not buying the stuff their sponsors sell. By way of disclaimer, I will submit to you that there is literally no one who has loved the Olympic games like I once did. For most of my young life I dreamed of making the Olympic Track Team. If I could just run a qualifying time I could make the trials and who knows, anything could happen, but it never happened for me. I knew the names of every track and field athlete at each level of the trials and the final team and I watched every minute of it.

So, sports, which I have spent my life enjoying and watching and competing in are over for me. Kneeling for the National Anthem ruined football, the Dodgers Anti-Catholic transvestite pride night with drag queens dressed as nuns ruined baseball, which I loved more than anything and now this has ruined the Olympics. What will I do now is the question I keep asking myself. How can I not only stop watching, but also stop caring. I have loved European Bicycle racing since I was old enough to ride and race, but now I can’t watch the road race in the Olympics although once this grotesque spectacle is over I can go back to watching the tour of Spain and the world championship of cycling.

So, I’ll stop watching and I know that will get them. You see that empty seat on my couch, well that one is mine so take that. No, folks, it’s not that I think I can personally affect them or their bottom line its instead that I actually believe all that Christian stuff, so I have to put my money where my mouth is. In conclusion I came across a great quote from the late great baseball player, Rogers Hornsby via Rabbi Michael Barclay’s column in PJ Media. When Rogers was asked what he did in the off season he said I stare out the window and wait for spring. I guess I will be staring out the window pretty much the year around now.

Finally, folks, I close this Castle Report with some good news from the bible in Matthew chapter 5:11-13.

“Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.”

At least that’s the way I see it,

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.

Photo Credit: Rider on a Pale Horse | Robert Goodman | Flickr

Former Delegate Wilson Runs for Governor in West Virginia as Constitution Party

CHARLESTON, WV (WOWK News) – Former West Virginia Delegate, Marshall Wilson, has officially qualified for the November ballot as a Constitution Party candidate in the race for West Virginia Governor.

Wilson needed 8,000 signatures from registered voters in order to make the cut.  Just last week, he was 2,000 short.  On Tuesday afternoon, he delivered the extra signatures he needed to Secretary of State Mac Warner’s office.

“All of us in the Constitution Party wish to extend our hearty CONGRATULATIONS to Marshall and his team for stepping up to the plate, overcoming the challenge and achieving this monumental success.  Marshall will make an incredible Governor.  We are so proud of him and all the hard-working supporters who helped collect the signatures.”

Jim Clymer, National Chairman, Constitution Party National Committee


Speaking to Marshall about this momentous news, he emphasizes that NOW,
We need CAMPAIGNERS to power our message forward. Please accept this open invitation to COME to “Wild, Wonderful West Virginia!”
HERE, we can Advance the Cause of Liberty!
A cause that We the People are READY for!!

Contact us and…



Comments or Questions: Contact Donna Ivanovich, Administrative Assistant to the National Chairman

Last Push for Signatures in New Hampshire

August 7th is the deadline for turning in signatures to the Supervisors of the Checklist – if you want to help us achieve Ballot Access for the next election, please click the link below for our full slate of candidates!

*This is not an endorsement or vote; it simply allows us to be on the ballot in November.


Randall Terry ( for President

Edmond Laplante ( for Governor

Megan Schmitt ( for State Representative


*Print, sign, and mail it to PO Box 3841 Concord NH 03301