Constitution Party Files Brief with SCOTUS in Support of Don Blankenship’s Defamation Lawsuit

The Constitution Party has filed an amicus brief in support of Don Blankenship’s defamation lawsuit.  Don was the 2020 Constitution Party candidate for President and previously a Republican candidate for U. S. Senate from West Virginia.

Mr. Blankenship has expended significant resources to clear his name and at the center of the argument is a longstanding interpretation of a previous Supreme Court Case, New York Times v, Sullivan.

Joining the Constitution Party National Committee in this Supreme Court filing are these organizations:

    • Free Speech Coalition
    • Free Speech Defence and Education Fund
    • America’s Future
    • Public Advocate of the United States
    • U. S. Constitutional Rights Legal Defense Fund
    • Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund
    • Restoring Liberty Action Committee

Read the Brief...


Gorsuch Condemns COVID Policies for Violating Civil Liberties


Gorsuch Condemns COVID Policies for Violating Civil Liberties: Where Are the Rest?

Written by: Robert W. Peck, former Executive Committee Member, State Chairman of the Constitution Party of Washington and current continuing supporter

In a statement relating to the case of Arizona v. Alejandro Mayorkas (Secretary of Homeland Security), US Supreme Court Justice, Neil Gorsuch, condemned government-imposed COVID policies that turned the legal and legislative process on its head and violated civil liberties. The justice’s review of actions taken by local, state, and federal governments over the past three years reads like a report on human rights abuses from the socialist Soviet Union era. Previous generations of Americans would have thought the justice’s statements were from a dystopian novel, not current events.

Here are some key passages from Justice Gorsuch’s statement.

“Since March 2020, we may have experienced the greatest intrusions on civil liberties in the peacetime history of this country. Executive officials across the country issued emergency decrees on a breathtaking scale. Governors and local leaders imposed lockdown orders forcing people to remain in their homes. They shuttered businesses and schools, public and private. They closed churches even as they allowed casinos and other favored businesses to carry on… They divided cities and neighborhoods into color-coded zones, forced individuals to fight for their freedoms in court on emergency timetables, and then changed their color-coded schemes when defeat in court seemed imminent.

“Federal executive officials entered the act too… They deployed a public-health agency to regulate landlord-tenant relations nationwide. They used a workplace-safety agency to issue a vaccination mandate… They threatened to fire noncompliant employees, and warned that service members who refused to vaccinate might face dishonorable discharge and confinement. Along the way, it seems federal officials may have pressured social-media companies to suppress information about pandemic policies with which they disagreed.

“While executive officials issued new emergency decrees at a furious pace, state legislatures and Congress—the bodies normally responsible for adopting our laws—too often fell silent. Courts bound to protect our liberties addressed a few—but hardly all—of the intrusions upon them. In some cases, like this one, courts even allowed themselves to be used to perpetuate emergency public-health decrees for collateral purposes, itself a form of emergency-lawmaking-by-litigation.”

Amen Justice Gorsuch–someone finally said it!

But where are the rest?

For over three years now, governors, presidents, and a plethora of agents and agencies under their charge have usurped powers not constitutionally delegated to them and trampled on rights once held sacred. The lawless and oppressive nature of lockdown-shutdown-maskup-vaxup orders was able to be known from day one (Why Covid Orders Are Not Law) . Statements like that of Justice Gorsuch could have and should have been issued by every public official in the land, including two Presidents that presided over the pandemic, 535 members of Congress, 50 governors, 7,558 state legislators, thousands of county commissioners, thousands of county sheriffs, and tens of thousands of mayors and city councilmen.

Yet of those thousands of public officials whose duty it is to defend our God-given rights and uphold the constitutional rule of law, we now have this statement issued by one Supreme Court justice, two governors who either declined to implement, or stood up against unlawful policies (South Dakota and Florida), and Rand Paul, who continues to be a voice for liberty in the US Senate.

So again, I ask, where are the rest?

Are there any others in elected office anywhere in the land who comprehend the concept of inherent, immutable, God-given rights and who hold fidelity to the plain text and original intent of the Constitution provided for the preservation of those rights?

There has been discussion about the effectiveness of masks and the safety of the shots, though relatively little of that has come from elected officials. But frankly, those discussions distracted us from the paramount issue. From day one, the salient question has been whether we will remain free and autonomous souls with rights bestowed by our Creator, or become the slavish wards of an almighty state.

So again, I ask, where are the voices of other public officials championing the rule of law and decrying the violation of rights?

Where were the hundreds of Republican members of Congress who could have provided national leadership by issuing a joint statement denouncing such policies as unlawful and violating civil liberties?

Where was the Republican Party, which could have issued a statement akin to that of Justice Gorsuch, then threatened to expel from the party any governors issuing emergency orders that violate the God-given rights of their citizens?

Where were the large, well-funded organizations of the right–the ones that beg Granny for her social security check so they can save the grandkids from the libs by electing more Republicans–organizations that could have mounted major legal battles in defense of churches, small businesses, and workers rights?

Finally, where was the Christian-conservative-right, the voting block that talks about liberty, complained about masks and mandates, then went back to the polls to reelect nearly every Republican regardless of whether they perpetrated, or merely tolerated the violation of our rights?

It would appear the favored party of the right, nearly all its office holders, and the people who elect them have all collectively lost the understanding of, and forsaken devotion to, the concept of God-given rights and constitutionally limited government.

No, I’m not exaggerating. Just look at the results. The violations outlined by Justice Gorsuch occurred in every blue state and over 90 percent of red states, including states with complete Republican control (23 states after the 2020 election). The land of liberty has lost its constitutional compass, and the conservative right has forgotten the rights it set out to conserve.

This is the fruit produced by a policy of pursuing victory through compromise.

For over 30 years now, I’ve watched as the Christian-conservative-right has consistently moved away from candidates who embodied its professed values in favor of those the pundits and party hacks told them could “beat the Democrat.” Over this same time, the right gradually forgot the principles it was compromising away to win at the polls. Slowly and subtly, conservatives assimilated the policies and practices of those they were taught to cheer for as their perceived deliverers. The result is that today the right supports a party and votes for politicians its predecessors would have tried for treachery.

The loneness of Justice Gorsuch’s voice crying in the political wilderness demonstrates the degree to which there is no longer a major political party or a significant faction within a party that retains the American ideals of liberty through inherent, immutable, God-given rights protected by the constitutional rule of law.

Yes, a few small activist organizations have pursued remedy against COVID policies in the courts, and a rare few alternative media commentators have voiced a constitutional and rights-based view on the matter. But there is no body of elected leaders, no well-funded political organizations, and no populist movement left in the land acknowledging and holding fidelity to the Creator as the source of rights and the Constitution as the source of law. There may be some politicians who give lip service to such, but their inaction during COVID belies them.

Without the acknowledgment of the Creator as the source of rights and the Constitution as the source of law, we are left to drift on a sea of secular humanist philosophy where the passions of human opinion and whims of government edict reign supreme, arbitrarily decreeing who, if any, has rights and what they might be on any given day.

Yes, I’m saying that all our human institutions, including the popular organizations of the right, have failed us, and we’re now beyond all political hope of recovering the republic. But that’s a good thing. It’s good if it leads us to give up hope–false hope that is. And indeed, all hope that looks to man, man-made institutions, and man’s political machinations is false hope.

The only valid basis for all true hope is faith in the integrity of our Creator and the veracity of His word.

Does that mean we should withdraw from the political realm? Not at all. Quite the opposite.

The proper role of the church as ambassadors for the owner and soon-coming king of this planet is to declare our Lord’s counsels, principles, and purposes to mankind, including to the institutions of men and their civil societies, so that they might know how to govern themselves according to His will and be blessed.

However, it is utterly perverse for the people of God to go around looking to human political institutions for power by which to save ourselves, prostituting ourselves and our professed principles in exchange for a seat at their table. Satan has twisted our minds and turned the tables on us. He has us seeing ourselves as beggars seeking power from the world by which to save ourselves from the world.

In reality, all power, both in heaven and on earth, belongs to our Lord, and the power that this world’s leaders currently wield is on loan to them from him. They will soon give an account to him for their use of it. And we will give an account of our ambassadorship and whether we have used it to properly represent our king and the counsels of his kingdom.

No, I’m not saying we should despair of hope and give up.

I am saying that it’s time for Christians in America to turn off the TV news, turn off the talk radio, put down the column by our favorite pundit, and instead go aside, get quiet, get alone with our own thoughts, and ask God to begin showing us again what are the first principles of His revealed will for human society and its civil governance. Then, return to the standard that the Lord shows us and refuse to be moved from it even if it means standing alone; even if it means voting alone; even if it means writing in the name of the one person we know who overtly honors God and upholds the rule of law.

You see, God’s ability to bless, honor, protect, and provide is not determined by who is in office. God’s honor comes upon those who honor Him (1 Samuel 2:30), and blessing is to those who forsake trust in man and human might and return to trusting in the Lord (Jeremiah 17:5).

Please support returning our nation to a constitutional republic by making your most generous donation in support of the Constitution Party.  Click here:

Constitution Party

Comments or Questions: Contact Donna Ivanovich, Adm Asst to the National Chairman

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The ReAwakening versus The Great Reset

From our Friends at Church and State – Caleb Collier and Pastor Gabe Blomgrem


The Importance of Thanksgiving

Dear Lovers of Liberty,

As we begin Thanksgiving week, we must be reminded that our country was founded on a quest for freedom and independence.

It was not an easy task back in the days of the Pilgrims, but it remains ever so challenging in the year of our LORD 2022!

The Constitution Party has been struggling against the 2-Party stranglehold since its founding in 1992.

While many Americans gather freely with their loved ones enjoying turkey and all the trimmings, we should remember those who are unable to do so.

Those include individuals, who entered the Capitol on January 6, some of whom were angry and frustrated that they were not being listened to in their presentation of evidence that the 2020 election had been stolen. Their intent was to petition Congress to constitutionally return the electoral results to those states where there were election anomalies for re-evaluation.  The vast majority did not assault or threaten anyone, and the deaths on that day were only of unarmed protesters, including Roseanne Boyland and unarmed Air Force veteran, Ashli Babbitt, both at the hands of government actors.

Our fellow patriots, who have been rotting in the D.C. jail still awaiting trial for nearly 2 years, will not be afforded the same opportunity of gathering with family to celebrate Thanksgiving.

Ashli’s mother has encouraged Patriots to attend a Prayer Vigil outside the jail at 4:00 PM on Thanksgiving Day.  They will sing the “National Anthem” as has been done nightly since their incarceration.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, the Constitution Party encourages you to reflect on your life of freedom and liberty as you gather with your family.

Click here to support the Constitution Party

Comments or Questions: Contact Donna Ivanovich

Election Fraud

Election Deniers or Election Questioners?

Another Reason Why America Needs the Constitution Party

According to Sidney Powell, an attorney and former prosecutor, we have been blatantly reminded this past week that Election Fraud is a massive problem in our country.  Although many people have worked on this problem and suffered major consequences from speaking out, efforts to secure the integrity of our elections have been few and meager.

There ARE solutions, but our elected representatives in Washington have not had the courage and strength of character to employ them.

The Democrats cannot win elections without extensive ballot fraud, and the Republicans don’t seem to care.  Rampant fraud was known and exposed following the 2020 election.  Uncorrected, they blatantly repeated their tactics last week.

What did the Republicans do about it?

The Constitution Party may appear small in numbers, but what we lack in size is made up in constitutional principle.

For instance, under the “Election Reform” plank in the Constitution Party Platform, it is stated in part,

“In order to avoid election fraud, we insist electronic and mechanical voting processes provide a clear, auditable and verifiable paper trail. At a minimum, elections should be audited at random at the precinct level after the polls close.”
There is a growing movement within the states and nation to undermine our right of a “Secret Ballot” by making people vote by absentee ballot. This move away from a “Secret Ballot” and “Vote-in-person” approach is an insecure system, not only because the Post office has been losing and misplacing mail for many years, but also because of increasing fraud and vote rigging, such as voter suppression, vote buying, and ballot box stuffing.
Even though Vote- By-Mail seems to increase voting percentages in the short-term, it has proven to cause a long-term decline. Also verifying signatures “after the fact” greatly increases the cost of an election.
Since true freedom requires being inconvenienced and putting forth extra effort from time- to-time, we oppose any movement to codify or use Vote-By-Mail and other such schemes which undermine the liberty-preserving privilege of voting in secret, in person, at precinct-based polling places.”

Click here to read the entire Constitution Party Plank:

Election Reform

There is anecdotal evidence all over the place.

1)  The Gateway Pundit – Maricopa County Election Judge Believes the Machines Were Programmed to Reject Ballots on Election Day.

Michele Swinick was an election judge in Maricopa County on election day last week. Following the election Michele stepped forward to discuss what she experienced in Maricopa County on Election Day.

Michele worked at a center in a heavily Republican district. According to Michele, the tabulators worked perfectly well the night before the election. Then on Election Day they quit working. Only 1 in 10 ballots were accepted through the tabulators. The officials were told to put the defective ballots into a different section called “Door 3.”

Michele believes this was all planned. The election officials knew that republicans were going to come out in force on election day as they did in the primary. This was a planned operation.

It defies logic how many odd unexplained little breakdowns happen on Election Day.

2) The Daily Wire – Nevada County Confirms Livestream Video of Vote-count Areas Went Dark for 8 hours.

“We know that our election livestream cameras went dark overnight. We investigated what happened and how to prevent it happening again,” Washoe County’s Twitter account posted Thursday afternoon.

Unsurprisingly, the tweet went viral, racking up thousands of reactions, which included questions concerning election integrity.

“The livestream computer application lost connection with the courtesy cameras at 11:24 p.m. the evening of November 9,” the county said on its website. “All staff had left for the night about 60 minutes earlier and did not arrive back at the office until 7 a.m. Connection was restored at 7:53 a.m. the morning of November 10.”

Questions over election integrity have dominated news cycles in recent years. One main issue is certainly the influx of vote-by-mail initiatives that lead to vote-counts lingering for days or even weeks after Election Day.

How is it possible to run out of ballots on Election Day?

3) FOX NewsTexas Gov. Abbott calls for investigation into Harris County’s Election Day problems.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott called for an investigation into Harris County’s elections after several polling places failed to open on time and ran out of paper ballots on Election Day last week.

“The allegations of election improprieties in our state’s largest county may result from anything ranging from malfeasance to blatant criminal conduct,” Abbott said in a statement.

“Voters in Harris County deserve to know what happened. Integrity in the election process is essential. To achieve that standard, a thorough investigation is warranted.”Harris County Elections Administrator Cliff Tatum said that his office is “fully committed to transparency” regarding the midterm elections, noting that the county has been selected to participate in the Texas Secretary of State’s 2022 audit.

American Voters need to wake up and have the courage to support the Constitution Party.  Begin preparing for 2024.  We can make a difference.

Click here to see how you can support the  Constitution Party

Questions or Comments: Contact: Donna Ivanovich


Why Should YOU Elect Constitution Party Candidates?

The outrageous FBI raid on Mar-A-Lago Monday evening indicates our justice system is broken, and the federal government is corrupt.

The IRS has hired 87,000 agents to police innocent American citizens.  Taxes are being raised during a recession.  Moms and dads are being declared terrorists for showing up at school board meetings.   Criminals and fentanyl are flooding across our open border killing 109,000 Americans in one year!

What are Democrats and Republicans doing to fight this TYRANNY?  What are they doing to keep our LIBERTY? 

Paul Venable shares these concerns.  He is a Constitution Party candidate running for U.S. Senate in Missouri, who we are featuring in today’s Newsletter.

This is Paul’s story:

 “Why am I a candidate for Missouri’s United States Senate? Well… what does Liberty look like? Do you believe that you and I are living it right now? Are we not seeing, over the years, and especially the last two, a condition that rivals what prompted the Declaration of Independence? For those of us who remember September 11, 2001, do you feel freer today – I didn’t say safer – I said freer, than you felt on the previous day, September 10?”  Paul Venable, State Chairman of the Constitution Party of Missouri


Why are you here? I imagine that like me, you can plainly see that there is something very wrong in America and the current political practices are not improving anything.

  • There’s an invasion taking place – in America
  • Many American cities have burned, and their streets are unsafe
  • Americans are being divided against each other
  • Our children are being robbed of their futures, intellectually and economically
  • An inflated currency is taxing us behind our backs
  • …and that’s not a fraction of the issues we face today!

We could all go on pointing out what’s wrong in America right now and many of us are standing up – right now – in one way or another, whether it is fighting for free speech, the Second Amendment, pro-life, election integrity, community safety, health freedom or against the abominable practices in our schools. It’s like fighting a hydra, but…

It doesn’t have to be this way!

Every single one of these issues has two root causes and two root solutions. The first cause is ignorance. NO ONE ELSE IS TELLING YOU THIS, but our ignorance of the power that we, as a people and our several states, have to right the wrongs in our communities and nation can be our undoing.

One of those things we need now is…

Constitutional Repentance

Yep… every one of these maladies we are facing as a result of our out-of-control government has a root solution. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE! It is, the Constitution!

The flouting of the Constitution is so flagrant in the Biden Administration, that it defies reason, whether it is promoting an invasion on our southern border, to fighting an undeclared war in Ukraine to hog-tying our local officials using federal dollars with strings, to smashing our own energy production, and more… far more! Every bit of it defies the Supreme Law of the Land, the Constitution! But…

Let me give you the good news!

This is a wide open door for a People with Power who understand the Constitution and apply it, and I have heard this statement attributed to both Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson…

…that we must “Know the law, and be well disposed to use it!”

The Constitution is the solution!

It was the miracle that saved our young Republic, after the Revolutionary War!

Root causes require root solutions. Returning to the Constitution is one root solution.

What Does Liberty Look Like?

How many of you are old enough to remember when there were only three or four television stations in our communities. We didn’t grow up with 24/7 video news and entertainment. In out day, a television station would start around 6 a.m. with test pattern and tone and then they would end, often between 1and 2 a.m. Do you remember how these stations would sign on and sing off?

Of course! In the morning, there was static. At the scheduled time, a test pattern and tone would appear, followed by maybe the pledge of allegiance and always our National Anthem.

At some point after I was old enough to discover what was on the other side of midnight, I was up “late” with my father, a veteran of World War II. While we were watching TV together, eventually it was time for the station to sign off. The Star Spangled Banner started, signalling the end of the broadcast day when a little past half-way through, my father got up, walked across the room and turned off the television (we did not have remotes back then).

He noticed my unspoken, but quizzical inquiry, to which he just calmly responded, “I never want to hear America’s song end.” He could not have conveyed to me in a thousand words what he taught me in that moment.

So… what does Liberty look like?

“We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal…”

Of course, you recognize where this phrase comes from? Here’s more:

     “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, that to secure these rights, government are institution among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…”

What is the bottom line here? Our rights come from God – not government – and it is the purpose, it is the duty, it is the mission of government to secure these rights!

I submit that if we are to expect a political correction in America, we must also have a spiritual revival in America. That is the other root solution.

Why am I doing this? Because of the hope I have, that my posterity and yours, may have the opportunity in their lifetimes, to know what Liberty looks like.

Click here to hear Paul in his own words:

So… WHAT do I propose to do?

I will ADVANCE the Cause of Liberty.

This is not a conservative position. I am not seeking to conserve – or preserve a status quo, which continues to slide further from stated “Conservative” principles as more and more elements of our rights and liberty are abandoned to “bipartisanship,” driven by the attraction of wealth and power within a conclave that exempts itself from its own laws.

This is not a Liberal position, which appears to seek government solutions for issues outside of its authority.

To ADVANCE the Cause means that we recover the territory that has been lost, restore order and Reclaim the Republic!


 Those elected or appointed to any office of public trust at every level of government in our Republic, swear or affirm by oath to support and defend The Constitution of the United States and, if applicable, their respective State Constitutions. That Oath or affirmation is their contract agreement with you and with me, to promote and follow the laws that advance our Liberty and spend wisely and within the proscribed limits, the treasure that we provide for them to do so.

Beginning 3 January, 2023, my first obligation will be to honor that oath, every moment I am in office and to, within my responsibilities, alert my fellow office holders – and you – when government steps outside of those bounds.

I have a project for you. Next time you encounter any elected or appointed officer, ask this simple question (don’t be shy, like you they are just another human and fellow citizen – and your servant). Here is the question:

“What is the purpose of government?”

If the response is anything other than to secure the rights of its Citizens, you can know for yourself, that this individual is violating his or her Oath of office, even if unknowingly. Get in touch with me and let’s find someone to replace them. If they give you the right answer, check their record and see if it matches their words.

I will use the power of the Constitution to restore the Rights of the People and require full compliance to it.

The Constitution has TEETH, and we the People and our state legislatures have power in their exercise thereof.

With the Constitution, we can get the attention of our government officials, require their compliance to it, and if they fail to comply, we can remove them from office.

Remember in the Wizard of Oz, when Dorothy was told that she’d always had the power to return home? Well, so do we! We have the power to return to Liberty, but it is not couched in the Liberal vs Conservative, Red vs Blue, Democrat vs Republican paradigm. How’s that worked out for ya over the last 100+ years.

The Liberty Bell has these words from Leviticus 25:10 cast upon it:

“Proclaim liberty throughout the land, unto all the inhabitants thereof.”

What do I propose to do? I am doing it right now. As I proclaim Liberty throughout the land, I have this question for you:

(Click here to donate. You don’t have to live in Missouri to help)

 Will you help?


Please support the Constitution Party  and our candidates by clicking here:

Questions or Comments: Contact executivedirector [at] constitutionparty [dot] com

Health Care or Sick Care?

It is the Mission of the Constitution Party to require full compliance to the Constitution at every level of government, including the freedom to choose your own healthcare and reject medical mandates

 “I am not in favor of government providing healthcare. It is not a constitutionally enumerated power. Neither am I in favor of the insurance system in general. It has ruined healthcare in America. And really… is it healthcare? No it’s a sick-care system pumping people full of drugs sponsored by our own tax dollars being forked over to big pharma from our stinkin’ government. We need a revival of real healthy living in America again.”  Marissa Selvig, Constitution Party of Wyoming Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives

Marissa Selvig is the Constitutional alternative to Liz Cheney

Marissa is a breath of fresh air, Pro-America Patriot compared to Liz Cheney!

Marissa will vote to keep government out of your medical decisions!

Help us elect Marissa and other Constitution Party candidates so we can STOP the tragedies and constant negative stories as described in the brief articles below:


America is now the only country in the world that authorizes COVID shots for infants

It appears that the United States just became the only country in the world to “vaccinate” babies and toddlers with COVID injections.

The FDA authorized mRNA COVID shots (both Pfizer and Moderna) under emergency use authorization for children under 5 years old, all the way down to 6 months of age.

This is unprecedented anywhere in the world.

The approval made its way through the halls of the federal bureaucracy, regardless of any studies showing a positive benefit for injecting young children with mRNA shots, which, even in adults, do not effectively prevent coronavirus infection.


Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)

Excess mortality has dramatically increased

Recently, a new term has been highlighted in media outlets: “sudden adult death syndrome”, or SADS.

Underlying factors for SADS include undiagnosed myocarditis, inflammatory conditions and other conditions that cause irregularities in the electrical system of the heart, thereby triggering cardiac arrest.

Cancer has been on the rise for decades, thanks to dietary factors, but the COVID jabs appear to dramatically accelerate the disease process. Many doctors report cancer patients with stable disease, and those who have been in remission for years, will suddenly and rapidly develop Stage 4 disease


Young Athletes

Data compiled by the International Olympic Committee shows 1,101 sudden deaths in athletes under age 35 between 1966 and 2004, giving an average annual rate of 29, across all sports.

Meanwhile, between March 2021 and March 2022 alone – a single year – at least 769 athletes have suffered cardiac arrest, collapsed, or have died on the field, worldwide.

Among EU FIFA (soccer/football) athletes, sudden death increased by 420 percent in 2021.  Historically, about five soccer players have died while playing the game each year.  Between January and mid-November, 2021, 21 FIFA players died from sudden death.



If so, then consider this:

Forced vaccinations, vaccine passports to enter buildings and businesses, media censorship and increasingly restrictive gun laws are all clear signs that the very freedoms our forefathers fought for are being eroded.

Join us in the fight to keep the very freedoms our country was founded on.

If you are outraged and want to support a political party with candidates who will stand firmly on the U.S. Constitution to protect your God-given rights and freedoms to keep government out of your medical decisions, then make your most generous donation to help us by clicking here

Join / Donate – Constitution Party


Consider donating to Marissa’s campaign in her battle against anti-America/Pro-Medical Mandates, Liz Cheney, by clicking here:

NOTE: You don’t have to live in Wyoming to help her high-profile campaign


Here’s the plank on “Healthcare and Government” from the Constitution Party Platform:

~  Health Care and Government  ~

James Madison, Federalist Papers #45

“The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined.”

U.S. Constitution, 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

The Constitution Party opposes the governmentalization and bureaucratization of American medicine. Government regulation and subsidy constitutes a threat to both the quality and availability of patient-oriented health care and treatment.

Hospitals, doctors and other health care providers should be accountable to patients – not to politicians, insurance bureaucrats, or HMO Administrators.

If the supply of medical care is controlled by the federal government, then officers of that government will determine which demand is satisfied. The result will be the rationing of services, higher costs, poorer results – and the power of life and death transferred from caring physicians to unaccountable political overseers.

We denounce any civil government entity’s using age or any other personal characteristic to: preclude people and insurance firms from freely contracting for medical coverage; conscript such people into socialized medicine, e.g., Medicare; or prohibit these people from using insurance payments and/or their own money to obtain medical services in addition to, or to augment the quality of, those services prescribed by the program.

We applaud proposals for employee-controlled “family coverage” health insurance plans based on cash value life insurance principles.

The federal government has no Constitutional provision to regulate or restrict the freedom of the people to have access to medical care, supplies or treatments. We advocate, therefore, the elimination of the federal Food and Drug Administration, as it has been the federal agency primarily responsible for prohibiting beneficial products, treatments and technologies here in the United States that are freely available in much of the rest of the civilized world.

We affirm freedom of choice of practitioner and treatment for all citizens for their health care.

We support the right of patients to seek redress of their grievances through the courts against insurers and/or HMO’s.

We condemn the misrepresentations made by the Federal Administration in securing passage of the recently enacted Medicare prescription drug bill and the use of such legislation to secure government subsidies to special interests such as the HMOs, and to protect the artificially high cost to consumers of prescription drugs.

Please get involved and help us elect Marissa and other Constitution Party candidates by clicking here:

Constitution Party

Questions or Comments:  Contact executivedirector [at] constitutionparty [dot] com