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CASTLE REPORT: The Neo-Ottoman Empire


Darrell Castle tries to make sense of the Syrian Civil War which has been raging sometimes hot and sometimes cold for many years.

Transcription / Notes:

Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 13th day of December in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the Syrian Civil War which has been raging sometimes hot and sometimes cold for many years. It’s very difficult to make sense out of something that makes no sense, but I will try to do so.

This is the Christmas season here in the Castle household and therefore it is the last Friday that I will be able to bring the Castle Report this year. I will join you again, God willing, on Friday, January 3, 2025. Enjoy the holidays with those you love and by all means celebrate Christmas.

The title of this report indicates that I am taking the position that Turkey won the Syrian Civil War because the fall and removal of strong man Bashar al Assad paves the way for strong man Recep Tayyip Erdogan to emerge and reap the benefits of the demise of the Assad family’s hold over Syria which has lasted for some 60 years. Erdogan came to power in Turkey in 2014 and my position is that he imagines himself to be the return of Suleiman the Magnificent who ruled the Ottoman Empire in the 1500’s when it was at the peak of its power. The Ottoman Empire served as the connection between the Middle east and Europe for some 600 years.

The Ottoman Empire, sometimes referred to as the Turkish Empire, ruled the Middle East until it was defeated and dissolved with the British and American victory in World War l. The destruction of the Ottoman Empire led to the power vacuum that has existed, at least to some degree, until today. Great Britain created the nations of the Middle east after its victory by simply drawing lines on the sand and making a map with those lines as separate countries which were really just a collection of Nomadic Tribes. I believe Erdogan came to power in Turkey with a dream of returning his country to the greatness it once had, and he is currently going about the business of rebuilding the Ottoman Empire under Turkish control.

His rebuilding uses overt war as we have recently seen, but it also operates through diplomacy and even subterfuge which he used to gain acceptance into NATO. Yes, that’s right, this Muslim country of Turkey, whose culture, religion, and way of life is completely averse to those of the West is a full-fledged NATO member. A close member of Erdogan’s inner circle of advisors recently said in a public interview that the goal of the Erdogan administration is the destruction of Western Civilization. The NATO alliance should remove Turkey because of that, but the problem is that the NATO charter has no provision for involuntarily removing a member or kicking someone out.

A majority of NATO members may want Turkey out, but the alliance is pretty woke right now and must think this is a woke world, so they try to read the tea leaves and apparently that requires more fear of being labeled Islamophobic than it does having an enemy nation in its midst. Erdogan, in the meantime, apparently seeks to Islamize Europe through Muslim immigration. He has, in essence, held Europe hostage and demanded money to prevent refugees from traveling upward from Syria through Turkey into Europe. The Europeans have paid the ransom in the past but right now one out of every 20 Syrians in the world resides in Germany thanks to Erdogan and the policies of former Chancellor Angela Merkel.

I could go on with this Neo-Ottoman story all day but to sum it up a little he is putting together a collection of Sunni nations in opposition to the Shiites that have ruled Syria in the past by way of Iran and to some extent Iraq. This is a coalition against Iran in other words, which brings me to how this played out in the war. I imagine that right now the leaders in Iran are feeling regret that they allowed their proxy in Gaza, Hamas, to launch the October 7, 2023, attack on Israeli civilians. That attack led to a general war between Israel and the proxy terrorist forces, of Iran. The civil war that ousted Assad from power would not have been possible without Israel’s destruction of Hezbollah in Lebanon as well as the other forces which helped Iran resupply Hezbollah with the missiles which have been raining down on Israel.

Assad could no longer be resupplied in Syria by Iran and apparently the Iraqi military was unwilling to help him. He was crumbling under the assault from three directions and to avoid capture he just got on a plane and flew to Moscow where he reportedly holds significant personal assets including real estate. Putin has said he would grant his old friend asylum. Erdogan apparently believes that the collection of Sharia Jihadists now in charge of Syria will be inclined in his direction. A Sunni Muslim group calling itself Hayat Tahrir al Sham or HTS was the prime mover in the conflict that ousted Assad. The group was previously associated with Al Qaeda and is officially designated a terrorist group by the United States as well as Turkey. That is part of the confusing mess that is Middle East politics.

Turkey’s military has protected the group in northern Syria by shielding them from attacks by pro-Assad military. Turkey also has served as a conduit for resupply of food and weapons to the group. Turkey is also the conduit for international aid into the region as well, so when the United States through some UN agency, delivers a few hundred million of aid it filters through Turkey and thereby gives Turkey influence and legitimacy.

I’m going to pause the military discussion for a moment and talk about all this aid coming from the United States taxpayers into the Middle East as well as into Ukraine. To a very large degree the aid is a self-perpetuating chain of money laundering for the officials on the ground like Zelensky in Ukraine and Erdogan in Turkey. They receive the billions from America which creates the money on a computer. The money is then simply added to the already existing 36 trillion of debt which burdens the American people in terms of future prosperity. The recipients of the aid dollars use part of it to contribute to the reelection efforts of various American politicians who then vote to give them more aid. Yes, folks I’m afraid that the reality is that this whole thing is at least partially a giant money laundering scam but that is international relations today.

This is all part of the problem with democracy and with democratic governments today. The problem with the welfare/warfare state as it conducts its affairs in the Middle East is that the more resources it gets, the more power it has. That concept is then transferred to those who wind up at the feeding trough as well. The more power the state has the more corrupt and parasitic its rulers become, and the more difficult it becomes to ever bring it under control.

So, finally Assad is out of the picture and Erdogan is ready to cash in on the investment he has made in all these terrorist groups for many years. The investment, to a large degree, has been made with American money, your money and mine, but it’s not like we got nothing for it. This is all part of the campaign started by Obama when he first took office which he called Assad must go. It took some years, but he finally achieved his goal. Even though Erdogan appears hostile to the U.S. a lot of times he knows where his money comes from. In return, Turkey lets the U.S. operate a large Air Force base called Incirlik in Turkey for use attacking targets all over the region. That base, Incirlik, is also where the U.S. stores nuclear weapons as a threat or warning for everyone in the area, especially Russia I presume.

This has made the Turkish American relations a lot more difficult. The U.S. has long supported the Kurds including giving them weapons and other supplies while Turkey considers them a hostile force on the Turkish border extending into Turkey from Syria and Iraq. The U.S. begged the Kurds to help destroy ISIS, but I’ll wager they are now glad the Kurds didn’t destroy ISIS. This is some of the intrigue that probably seems like fun to the chess masters who run or presume they run world affairs. The U.S. and Turkey are both NATO allies, but Turkey considers the Kurds a hostile enemy right on the Turkish border and the U.S. arms the Kurds presuming they will help fight ISIS which has been instrumental in the overthrow of Assad. Did you get all that, folks? Me either, but as confusing as it seems there are people who purport to understand it. The jest of it all is that it serves to make Turkey feel betrayed and therefore even more hostile.

Iran, as the chief and most hated enemy of Israel, comes out of this a big loser. The Iranians must feel embarrassed and even humiliated by their loss of an entire region. They are cut off and unable to resupply Hezbollah and therefore, Hezbollah is virtually powerless and virtually dead. Israel is free then and very much alive in the region. What does Israel want from all this war and bloodshed. Does the Jewish state want only to live in peace with its friendly neighbors as its leaders say or does it want territorial expansion into what many call “Greater Israel.”

Netanyahu said in his speech about the fall of Assad that Israel seeks peace with the Jihadi militias which toppled the Assad regime and also the other groups which occupy the area including the Kurds, the Druze militias, and the groups that once made up Al Quada and ISIS. He didn’t mention Turkey but one must presume that the hostilities between those nations will continue. He wants peace with those who want to live in peace with Israel and to prosper going forward or so he says.

In the meantime, Israel deployed paratroopers into Syria and the Golan Heights which once served as a kind of demilitarized zone between Hezbollah and Israel. Now, however, Netanyahu recently said, “the collapse of the Syrian regime is a direct result of the severe blows with which we have struck Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran.” He went on to say in a video address from the Golan Heights, that Israeli forces secured the entirety of the region as a security measure, and now the 1974 agreement between Israel and Assad is dissolved after Assad fled the country.

A 155-mile demilitarized zone to act as a buffer was established by the United Nations after the 1973 Yom Kippur war between Israel and a coalition of Arab states. Israel, through its military, now controls this entire region and Netanyahu made it clear that this region is part of Israel forever as he put it. The UN says that the Israeli occupation is a violation of the agreement, but Israel says no that agreement was dissolved when Assad fled to Moscow. So, greater Israel or just self-defense. I suppose we will know more in time.

Where does the United States stand in all this destruction. Does the U.S. have a role to play here other than the obvious one that a stable Middle East is in the best interest of the U.S. Despite ISIS helping to topple Assad, the U.S. continues to bomb suspected ISIS targets in Syria. Last Sunday, the day that Damascus fell to rebel forces, the U.S. hit 75 ISIS targets in Syria. Waves of B-52 strategic bombers, F-15 strike fighters, and A-10 air to ground jets struck targets all over Syria. U.S. officials stated that the strikes were not connected to the day’s events in Damascus but also pointed out that the targets were no longer defended by Russia which I suppose also implies that they once were. Very confusing because one almost needs a program to even figure out who the players are let alone which team they represent.

Apparently, these attacks were ordered by Joe Biden upon his hearing his successor’s statement about the Assad fall. Trump said that since the Russians and Iranians are both on the run, he doesn’t see that the U.S. has a further role to play in it. In other words, I surmise that he meant. This is not our war so let’s stay out of it. Biden then ordered the bombing attacks on the people who led the attacks against the enemy Assad. The President made a speech from the White House and admitted that he ordered the attacks to make sure there could be no resurgence of ISIS. That makes no sense at all and I’m still trying to find some sense in it. Quote from the President.

“It’s a moment of historic opportunity for the long-suffering people of Syria to build a better future for their proud country. It’s also a moment of risk and uncertainty. As we all turn to the question of what comes next, the United States will work with our partners and the stakeholders in Syria to help them seize an opportunity to manage the risk.”

Finally, folks, Donald Trump says this is not our war and we should stay out of it, but Joe Biden in his own words, says that the U.S. must lead all over the world and I guess he thinks that requires giving away money which is really just more debt and also making all regional wars bigger and worse.

At least that’s the way I see it,

Until January 3rd folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.

Photo Credit: Omar HAJ KADOUR / AFP

CASTLE REPORT: Tainted Legacy?


Darrell Castle talks about the decision of President Joe Biden to issue a blanket, all-encompassing pardon for his son Hunter despite repeatedly promising he would not do so.

Transcription / Notes


Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 6th of December in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the decision of President Joe Biden to issue a blanket, all-encompassing pardon for his son Hunter. The pardon covers all acts known and unknown including the crimes for which he was convicted and the crimes for which he pled guilty as well as any crimes from murder to treason which are currently unproven, but which may have occurred between January 1st, 2014, and December 1st, 2024.

The pardon is now a done deal. The most surprising thing about it is that it was not surprising and many, including me, thought the president was lying when he repeatedly said he would never pardon his son. Hunter was convicted of crimes and pled guilty to others but none of those addressed what might be in that laptop portrayed to us by the media as Russian disinformation. It doesn’t matter anymore, does it? There is no longer a reason to wonder if the laptop contained any secrets about influence peddling by Hunter’s father, the big guy. Whether or not that last statement is completely true or whether there is wiggle room to some extent is up to Congress.

The President said repeatedly that he would not pardon his son but in true Biden fashion, he did. Pardons reside with presidents and governors who are supposed to use them to correct an injustice, but sometimes they are used for other purposes such as rewarding a political donor or to avoid hostile testimony from the one pardoned. That brings me to why this is up to Congress to some extent at least. If Congress wanted to conduct hearings into influence peddling by then former president Biden it could call Hunter to testify.

If a person is questioned under oath about something that could possibly implicate him in a crime, he can always take shelter under the 5th Amendment. In that event he would respond to the question by saying I decline to answer on the grounds that my answer might tend to incriminate me, or he could simply say I plead the 5th. He could then not be held in contempt for not answering the question but if he had been previously pardoned the 5th amendment protection would no longer be available to him.

Since he has been pardoned in such a blanket all-encompassing pardon, Hunter would no longer be subject to criminal charges so fear of self-incrimination would no longer be valid. If he were, for example, asked if he shared any of the proceeds from his influence peddling, his bribery, etc. with his father, the big guy, and he refused to answer he could be held in contempt and sent to jail. If he lied, under oath, and his statement was later proven to be a lie, then he could be prosecuted for perjury, which is a felony. Congress could, therefore, make things hard for President Biden but I doubt that would ever happen.

Hunter was convicted of a felony and pled guilty to other felonies, but he was pardoned before he served a day of any possible sentence. We are told that this is merely an example of a father looking after the welfare of his son. I would argue that it is more an example of a father looking after himself and anyone else involved in his corruption of the various agencies of the federal government but in any case I imagine there are many sons sitting in prison who would be free if their fathers had been able to issue a ten-year-get-out of-jail free pass to them for any crime, even treason.

Biden, of course, couldn’t do one honest thing and say look I know I said repeatedly that I would not pardon him, but I saw my only living son facing prison and I just could not let that happen. Even that statement would have been another lie, but not as embarrassingly bad as the one he told. I suppose it would not be Joe Biden if he did not explain the pardon with another big presidential lie, so this was his explanation. “No reasonable person who looks at the facts of Hunter’s cases can reach any other conclusion than Hunter was singled out only because he is my son, and that is wrong.” So, he pretended that the charges against Hunter were politically motivated and designed to hurt the president. That is despite the fact that the FBI and DOJ covered up the laptop and the evidence contained within it for years. They repeatedly made-up stories and sent them to the New York Times and Washington Post that the laptop was just Russian disinformation.

We can think Joe Biden for one thing and that is that his disaster of a presidency brought about the utter destruction of the Democrat woke movement. He put the final period on that movement with the pardon of his son. Oh, don’t get me wrong I know he is still out there trying his best to cause more death and destruction in Ukraine and Gaza, and now Syria as well, but this was the big lie that is so difficult to explain any other way than the obvious way.

We were promised by the media that Biden would never do such a thing as pardon his son because of some principle that he and all Democrat politicians hold sacred. When you look at the time frame of 2014 the question arises about why that exact date. That is coincidentally the date Hunter was given a seat on the board of Burisma despite having no qualifications for the job. Ana Kasparian of the New York Times pointed out that the date coinciding with the exact appointment to the Board of Burisma was super fishy. Yes Ana, the date is super fishy, and it sure looks like the President was trying to pardon himself.

The hypocrisy of it all has left any Democrat statements about respect for the rule of law, and no one is above the law in a messy pile so Joe Biden will return to Delaware and the Democrat Party will try to clean up the mess and spin it so that it doesn’t stink quite so much. Law Professor Jonathan Turley sums up the pardon like this:

“This is one of the most disgraceful pardons in the checkered history of presidential pardons. President Biden has lied to cover up a corruption scandal that reportedly brought his family millions in raw influence peddling. His portrayal of his son as a victim stands in sharp contrast to the sense of betrayal. There were diamonds as gifts, lavish expense accounts, and a sports car, in addition to massive payments that Hunter claimed were loans. There are messages where Hunter belies the President’s portrayal of a political witch hunt, including messages like the one to a Chinese businessman openly threatening the displeasure of Joe Biden if money is not sent to them immediately.”

I will spare you the entire message with the Chinese businessman, but it is bad and very difficult for the media to spin. So, far a party that prides itself on the moral high ground, a ground that is so high that if you are not on it with them you must, therefore, be at least a fascist and possibly a Nazi, the pardon is a very bad look. I have a feeling that the president is not through because he has several more family members who are exposed and that exposes him. Dr. Jill, Uncle Frank, Uncle Jim, Ashley, and all other members of the Biden family who received curious amounts of money from Hunter. Will they all get protective and blanket pardons from the big guy before January 20. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised.

Was the Hunter pardon a stain on the legacy of President Biden or just business as usual. For many reasons the pardon fits the cliches adopted primarily by sports announcers to indicate a very unfavorable result. It was a trainwreck decision, a dumpster fire of a decision, and the American people, especially the democrat Party got boat raced by the decision. The man, Hunter Biden, and even his father can no longer be painted as saints or victims. It’s not just about his addiction to crack and prostitutes which he publicly pursued all across the world. He lied about his influence peddling operation as did his father. He was found guilty of federal gun charges and pled guilty to tax evasion charges earlier this year.

The pardon did something else in case there were some of us still harboring doubts. It proved the justice system operates differently for the wealthy and well-connected. It also emphasized to the American people that they were correct to bring in Trump’s message of reform. The pardon then, can serve as the capstone on the legacy of this corrupt man. It is perhaps the final chapter, at least I hope it’s the final chapter in the tainted legacy of this disaster of a presidency. It’s not the end though, I can sense the next few weeks will be very important considering how much damage is left for this administration to do.

Normally, the lame duck time, or the interim between elections and inauguration is an uneventful one. That is because most presidents have enough honor to respect the mandate given by the people to the incoming administration. It has always been understood that the incoming administration had been given a mandate and so the outgoing administration just went quietly away with the memories of their days in the sun. This president, however, has decided to run roughshod over the will of the people.

Whoever is running the country for Joe Biden, and I don’t know who that is, I only suspect who it is, has apparently decided to thwart the peace mandate given to Trump by making peace very difficult to achieve. To bring America to the brink of nuclear war with Russia, Biden approved firing long range US missiles into the heart of Russia. Biden had promised that he would not do it because as he put it, “make no mistake, that’s called World War lll.” Since the missiles are complicated and the targeting must be done by Americans, then American missile officers are firing directly into Russia something unimaginable even during the cold war.

U.S. defense officials have stated that the president ordered them to ship as much in weapons and material to Ukraine as remained in their budgeted amount before January 20. I suppose that would be to kill every last Ukrainian and Russian possible in the 50 days or so that is left. It is probably also likely that he wants to give Zelensky the opportunity to continue the bloody sacrifice after Trump demands that it be stopped. The U.S. is preparing to send another $725 million in military assistance including counter-drone systems, and ammunition for the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System. In addition, about $7.1 billion in weapons would be sent from the Pentagon’s existing stockpiles.

Zelensky has already seen the handwriting on the wall to some degree and has admitted that Ukraine does not have the manpower to retake the Crimea and the eastern Russian speaking provinces. He said he would be open to negotiation if Western guarantees of protection were available. Nato membership, in other words, would bring Ukraine’s war to a close. I certainly hope that Donald Trump would resist even a discussion of such a proposal. Nato literally on the border of Russia is something that ensures war for many years in the future thus making the neocons, the globalists, the WEF, and the military contractors happy, but the part of mankind that bears the burden, very unhappy.

The President took a quick trip to Africa to give away a billion dollars of U.S. debt to whatever regime runs the nation of Angola. The trip got him out of public view and avoided questioning about the pardon, but if he had just gone to visit some billionaire friend in the Caribbean it would have been cheaper for the rest of us.

Also, he is apparently trying to finish his presidency by stirring up war in Syria again. The former U.S. proxies in Syria who go back to the days of al-Qaeda in what appears to be a repeat of Obama’s Assad must go policy. I haven’t even had a moment to touch on the Middle East, specifically Gaza with its mass casualties, its dead women and children, its famine and mass starvation, and its complete destruction of the infrastructure including medical facilities of that entire country. I mean folks, what kind of man would try to make it harder for his successor to bring it to an end. Our President, I guess.

In conclusion, folks, I want to leave you with a quote from the great Dr. Ron Paul.

“Upending the card table just because you lose the game not only shows blatant disregard for the “democracy” his party constantly preached on the campaign trail, but by pouring gasoline on these two very dangerous conflicts as he heads for the door President Biden puts each and every one of us in grave danger.”  Dr. Ron Paul

Finally, folks, power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely as Lord Acton said, and the power of a president to pardon is about as absolute as power gets in this constitutional Republic.

At least that’s the way I see it,

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.

Photo Credit: Getty Images via

CASTLE REPORT: Only 60 Days to Destroy the World

Episode 1,000!


Darrell Castle talks about the decision of President Biden to authorize Ukraine to fire U.S. made ATACMS missiles deep into Russia putting The United States and NATO on a path of nuclear confrontation with Russia.

Transcription / Notes


Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 22nd day of November in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the decision of President Biden or whatever cabal that runs this country, to authorize Ukraine to fire U.S. made ATACMS missiles deep into Russia. With only about 60 days left to serve the President has to work fast to get the United States into a nuclear confrontation with Russia. That will be his legacy I predict.


Please remember that next week is Thanksgiving week so no Castle Report. I plan to spend some time with family just catching up and giving thanks for another year and I hope you will do something similar as well.


I will start by giving you a quote from Dennis Kucinich who Had the best take on this decision:

“When President Biden approved the use of supersonic Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS) to strike Russia, he placed in jeopardy the national security of the United States, the safety of our troops abroad and violated the U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 8 which provides that only Congress can declare war.” And, “Biden has made a decision to insert the U.S. into an unambiguous, escalatory phase, using the territory of Ukraine to attack Russia directly with missiles which can reach 190 miles deep. This is an illegal act by the President which puts our nation on a path to war with Russia. The American people voted for Trump to end the wars. Biden apparently wants to end the world. Trump is listening to the American people. Biden is listening to NATO’s malignant agenda.”


Yes, apparently President Biden has decided, or someone decided for him, that the best memory the American people could have of his time in office should be that he started World War lll. I don’t see any way to view this other than a direct attack by the U.S. on Russia. I hoped and prayed that I would live my life without experiencing war between two armed to the teeth nuclear powers, so I suppose we are left with holding our breath for 60 days and praying for the forbearance of Vladimir Putin.


This is reminiscent of the last time the U.S. and Russia stood toe to toe with nuclear war as a distinct possibility. In October of 1962 Russia placed offensive missiles just 90 miles from the U.S. border. The world was on a path of nuclear annihilation absent the wisdom of John Kennedy and the forbearance of Nikita Khrushchev. He could have launched those missiles, and Kennedy could have refused any accommodation to Russia, but cooler heads prevailed, and Kennedy’s legacy was assured. It’s difficult to think of Kennedy without remembering those dark days.


What a difference 62 years makes. In 1962 the world was literally living in terror hoping and praying that no nuclear missile would land in our cities. We dug shelters and put blankets over our windows to protect us from flying glass. Now the American media hardly even notices that the U.S. is using American missiles for direct attacks into Russia, thinking, I suppose, that it can be done without consequences.


Trump made peace one of the primary facets of his campaign and subsequent election, but Biden seems willing to do anything including provoke nuclear war to subvert the efforts of his opponent from achieving peace. Congress could and should act, but I doubt that it will do so for its own reasons, but its failure is a glimpse into how far we have fallen. No President has the right to unilaterally order a missile attack against another country using only executive authority. It invites and begs for a retaliatory strike against the U.S. and/or its foreign assets. It should be and it is an impeachable offense, but Congress will ignore it because well, that’s what they do.


Did Biden use the excuse that North Koreans are training inside Russia as a justification of this decision. To my knowledge the presence of North Korean infantry in Russia has not been officially confirmed but it appears to be the case right now. If so, then Russia is simply doing the same thing the U.S. and NATO has been doing to Russia since this war started back in 2014.


Biden has, for his own political reasons passed on many opportunities to end the slaughter and destruction. That includes some 500,000 dead on the Ukrainian side and the destruction of 80% of the infrastructure of that country. Russian casualties are largely unknown but there are undoubtedly a lot of them. I’ve seen reports that Russian casualties are amassing faster than recruiting can replace them. The Ukrainians have started resorting to what amounts to press gang tactics to find fodder for the grist mill. One commentator I read said that Russia is losing, but Ukraine is losing faster.


Let me pause this discussion for a moment and talk about this missile system the U.S. has authorized Ukraine to use against Russia. This is the army tactical missile system (ATACMS), a supersonic missile with a maximum range of about 190 miles. That range means it can hit many important targets in Russia which has already happened, but it cannot reach Moscow from Ukrainian territory.


So, we have that going for us right. I’m afraid not folks because the UK, France, and Germany are all onboard with this decision and have authorized Ukraine to use their Storm Shadow missiles for attacks into Russia. The Storm Shadow is an air launched cruise missile with a range of about 300 miles which puts it, most likely, into Moscow. So, it appears that the U.S. and NATO have decided, unilaterally and for no good reason to go to war with Russia. Perhaps the decision is as crass as damaging Trump’s presidency by giving him a chalice of poison to start his administration.


Biden also agreed to supply within the next few weeks or months depending on availability, Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles (JASSM). These are air launched cruise missiles with a huge 1000-pound warhead and a range of up to 575 miles in the extended range version and 260 miles in the standard version. In addition, the Ukrainians will be receiving U.S. made anti-personnel mines apparently to be sowed inside Russia to kill anyone, man, woman, or child who steps on one for many years in the future. That makes me extremely sad and embarrassed that an American leader would do that but there you have it.


One more thing to let you know that this Democrat administration loves war and is dedicated to its death, and destruction. On November 20th just a couple of days ago, the U.S. vetoed a UN Security Council resolution calling for an immediate unconditional cease fire in Gaza. I don’t know folks, but even I didn’t understand just how evil the people in charge of this country really are. These two wars are forcing us to confront some very uncomfortable truths about who we really are.


The Russian nuclear doctrine has just been changed to reflect, “the use of Western non-nuclear rockets by the Armed Forces of Ukraine against Russia can prompt a nuclear response. “This has already happened since Biden’s authorization U.S. missiles have successfully hit targets inside Russia. I’m trying to find the words to convey my thoughts of how egregious this is so let me do it like this. Suppose the U.S. and Mexico were essentially at war, but the war was confined primarily to the border region but with heavy casualties on both sides. Russia then makes a grand international announcement that it was supplying long range missiles to Mexico to be fired at the U.S. with the use of Russian satellite targeting data. The nations of China, North Korea, and Iran decided to join the Russians by supplying their own, even longer-range missiles. I presume the U.S. would assume that it was at war with those nations.


The new administration has spoken just not through Trump at least to my knowledge.

The President’s son, Donald Trump JR. had this to say. “The Military Industrial Complex seems to want to make sure they get World War 3 going before my father has a chance to create peace and save lives.” On the other side of the sanity spectrum Alex Soros son of George Soros when he heard the news said, “this is Great.” Not everyone thinks risking nuclear war is a good thing, however, because Hungary and Slovakia both voiced disapproval. Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, who halted Slovakia’s military aid to Ukraine when he took office. “This is an unprecedented escalation of tensions, a decision that thwarts hopes for the start of any peace talks and an end to the mutual killing of Slavs in Ukraine.”


Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto had a strong rebuke for Biden. “The pro-war mainstream has launched its last, desperate attack on the new reality. These forces seem to have no qualms about the worst-case scenario; escalating the war in Ukraine to a global scale.” He went on to say the politicians in Washington were launching one last desperate attempt to thwart the will of the people. So, it seems that these gentlemen are right and that despite a clear rebuke from the American people the defeated Biden administration, however it exists, is trying to ship as much money and weapons to Ukraine before January 20th as possible.


Russia has made it very clear that it considers this to be an attack by a nuclear armed country against Russia. The nuclear policy just announced reads like this, “aggression against Russia and its allies by a non-nuclear country with the support of a nuclear state will be considered a joint attack.” So, it seems that a nuclear response from Russia could come at any moment thus plunging the world into the abyss.


The Russians have repeatedly warned us that they will respond and yet this man did it anyway for no apparent reason other than raw provocation and leaving Trump with a world on fire. This is, then, a major turning point in the long post-World War 2 struggle between the Soviet Union now the Russian Federation and the United States. For the first time and for no apparent reason the U.S. is attacking Russia itself. This should be an emotional decision for all of us and we should be screaming to congress about it.


It was a doubly disturbing decision because it was not his decision to make. This vindictive man just decided on his own to subvert the will of the people, so I suppose that’s what all the Democrat talk about “our Democracy” was about. I suppose that’s what all the talk about he’s a fascist, he’s literally Hitler was about. Just like Saul Alinsky taught them in their guidebook, “Rules for Radicals” do what you accuse others of doing. The American people elected a President who pledged to bring the Ukraine/America versus Russia war to an end so Joe Biden wants to make sure that that pledge cannot be fulfilled.


Joe Biden has crossed a Russian Red Line that will be difficult or impossible to uncross. He has only a couple of months left, and he decided to take the world to the brink of nuclear war. Yes, his administration has been a complete and utter disaster and the mandate given to Trump reflects that. It was not his decision to make but he made it anyway. It could end up having catastrophic consequences for every man, woman, and child on planet earth, so yes, Mr. President that’s quite a legacy you’ve made for yourself.


This is the classic story of the change in American politics over the last few decades. In more civilized times the outgoing Party respected the wishes of the people as expressed through the election so they would do nothing to injure the chances of success of the incoming Party. Now it seems that the outgoing Party wants to make it impossible for the incoming Party to fulfill its agenda. This amounts to ideological sabotage of the efforts to make peace. The Democrat Party should consider changing its name to forever war Party which would be more accurate than Democrat.


Finally, folks, it appears that Trump will be a war president and perhaps a World War president. I pray that he sees withdrawal from the wars as an act of courage, not cowardice.

At least that’s the way I see it.

Until December 6th then,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.

Environmental Protection Resolution

Whereas the Constitution Party platform affirms it is our responsibility to be prudent, productive, and efficient stewards of God’s natural resources, and that the Constitution Party supports efforts to preserve the environment and reduce pollution; and,


Whereas there is no power given to the Federal Government in the Constitution to modify weather or perform experiments that affect US Citizens, and the act expressly goes against the government’s purpose of protecting the lives and liberties of the people; and, Whereas geo-engineering (e.g. cloud seeding, experimentation, meteorological warfare, etc.) is causing unknown effects on the weather patterns and ecological systems across the globe as well as the well-being of American citizens; and,


Whereas organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations and the United Nations use climate issues to control the masses; and,


Whereas we identify the fact that with the implementation of government participation in health insurance, such organizations and governments benefit from public health issues along with Big Pharma;


Be it therefore resolved that the Constitution Party National Committee calls on the U.S. Government to immediately end all such experimentation.


“If Congress can do whatever in their discretion can be done by money, and will promote the General Welfare, the Government is no longer a limited one, possessing enumerated powers, but an indefinite one.” – James Madison


“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States,
are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
U.S. Constitution, 10th Amendment

Submitted by the Constitution Party of New Hampshire

Passed by the National Committee in Raleigh, North Carolina in the Fall of 2024.

The Torch is Passed to a New Generation!


The torch has been passed!


A new generation, elected at the National Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah earlier this year, officially takes the lead of the Constitution Party coming out of the Fall National Committee Meeting in Raleigh, North Carolina.

The full roster of Constitution Party Executive Committee membership can be found HERE.



National Chairman – Justin Magill

Born and raised in Northwest Pennsylvania, Mr. Magill is a U. S. Army veteran. He earned a B. A. in Criminal Justice from Edinboro University and went on to earn His J. D. from Roger Williams School of Law and a Masters in Criminal Justice: Public Administration from Liberty University.

Justin and his wife Shari have been members of the Constitution Party for several years, having found the party to be one committed to the Constitution and the Principles of Liberty.



National Vice Chairman – Glen Miller

Glen is the sixth in a family of ten children. He attended college at Brigham Young University and earned a three-year ROTC scholarship. After graduating with a degree in Business Management, he served on active duty as an Officer for eight years and then an additional three years in the reserves where he developed an abiding love for our country and the freedom we have.

Glen is currently the author and editor of the Victory Report, the Party’s Howard Phillips Legacy Society’s monthly newsletter.

Glen has been married to Lori for 47 years. They have six children and 26 grandchildren.



National Secretary – Megan Schmitt


Megan is a homeschooling mom of four, with a long background in dance, theater, and history. Originally from Minnesota, she moved to FL for a brief time with her husband, where she became President of a local non-profit organization focused on helping families in need. They moved to NH in 2019, and have since fallen in love with the beautiful Granite State.

She helped to found the NH state affiliate in 2023, and has been serving as the state secretary ever since. She also served as NH Co-Lead for the People’s Convoy to D.C., helps with several local patriot groups, teaches Constitution classes as often as possible, and is co-founder of a local Legislative Alerts group.



National Treasurer – Donna LaClair


Donna LaClair grew up in central Massachusetts, always knowing that the “Live Free or Die” state was her true home. She earned degrees in Business Administration and Economics from the University of New Hampshire

Donna is a co-founder of the Constitution Party of New Hampshire, serving as their first and only Treasurer. She also serves as a Trustee of the Trust Funds in her home town of Loudon and as a ballot clerk and ballot counter in all elections.

Donna was recently appointed National Treasurer by outgoing National Chairman, Jim Clymer.



CASTLE REPORT: A Disruptive Force at the Pentagon


Transcription / Notes

Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 15th day of November in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about some of the nominees President elect Donald Trump has made for his cabinet should he be allowed to assume the office to which the American people have elected him. Since I have a strong interest in the U.S. military and the best interests of its service members, I will therefore emphasize the nomination of Pete Hegseth to be Secretary of Defense.


I was hoping for Tulsi Gabbard to come out of the turmoil as Defense Secretary but as Trump so often says, hope is not a strategy. She just seemed like she would be the perfect way to give the middle finger to the Deep State, but it seems that Trump has come up with a different way that even I had not thought of. I say even I had not thought of because I spend a lot of time thinking of ways the deep state could get the middle finger.


The way that Trump chose was the nomination of Pete Hegseth who for the last 8 years has worked for Fox news. I will confess to being a little embarrassed because until his nomination was announced, I had not even heard of Pete Hegseth. I had to do a deep dive into who this man is and very quickly so the first thing I did was read his book “The War on Warriors” to learn something about him. Thank goodness for Amazon and especially for Kindle. I probably shouldn’t be too embarrassed though because since I don’t watch TV news or anything else on TV for that matter it’s not surprising that I had not heard of him.


It turns out though, that the administrations of Obama and Biden were littered with appointments from the left side of TV news. I couldn’t, however, find any appointment as significant as Defense Secretary. That job goes to a person who will lead the Pentagon and command its gigantic presence all over the world including some 700 military bases on foreign soil. This choice is certainly an example of Donald Trump thinking outside the box which in and of itself is a good thing considering the attitude of go along to get along and political correctness that seems to guide the Pentagon today.


Pete Hegseth, I predict, will have trouble in the nomination process although with Republicans firmly in control of the Senate his eventual confirmation should be successful. It will be those with the least experience with the military who will oppose him because they will see him as the most vulnerable and because he represents change at the Pentagon. They say he is unqualified because he doesn’t come from the same cabal of liars and propagandists who have ruled the Pentagon and its armament complex since World War ll. I learned enough about him from reading his book to know that he represents the military that I knew, or the old military which believed in the ancient concept of the way of the warrior. He stands opposed to the new military where drag queens are sent into high schools in an effort to recruit new sailors for the Navy.


Surely, he has more qualifications than Fox News to recommend him for the job or otherwise, I guess Senator Elizabeth Warren is right and he is too young and not qualified. He would, at age 44, not be the youngest ever Secretary of Defense because the despicable Don Rumsfeld was 43 when he assumed office. I will take a few moments now to summarize what you probably know, but we need to hear his background in defense. The main objection seems to be that he is a media guy but, as I said, there has been a parade of people going from regime media to government service and back again in recent years. I would guess that the real objection is not the media but Fox News.


It turns out that Pete Hegseth is a really bright guy, something the Pentagon needs right now. He has an undergraduate degree from Princeton and a master’s in government from the John F. Kennedy School of government at Harvard. While at Princeton he went through ROTC training and entered the Army National Guard. When he finished at Harvard he went into to the army and was sent to Guantanamo for a year to preside over that prison where supposed terrorists are held. When his tour in Cuba ended, he volunteered for a combat tour in Iraq as an infantry officer. He then did a long stint in Afghanistan obtaining the Army rank of Major, where he commanded the counterterrorism center in Kabul. He now has been in the guard for 18 years.


He earned the combat infantryman’s badge and two bronze stars for valor in combat. So, he’s young which usually means energetic, he’s smart, and he’s experienced the trauma that military people are constantly exposed to. It is no cliché to say that he feels their pain and he emphasizes with their plight. The reason Trump picked him instead of someone with more executive experience can be determined by paying close attention to the things Trump often says in his speeches. He understands the problems that currently infect the Pentagon, and he is being sent there to do something about them.


Trump believes, and I agree from reading his book, that Hegseth understands the problems in the Pentagon. The paralysis by analysis, the crumbling industrial base that is supposed to feed the millions of people the Pentagon controls, the apparent lack of readiness, and most importantly the infection of wokeism that bleeds resources and accomplishes nothing. The department of defense, after all, has or should have, as its primary mission to fight and win wars in defense of the American people.


Hegseth is apparently a world class communicator as viewers of Fox News would attest from the longevity of his stay there. Those skills as a communicator, his relative youth, and his energy for the job should serve him well in his efforts to revamp recruiting for the military service. This is how Donald Trump described his book.


“The book reveals the leftwing betrayal of our warriors, and how we must return our military to meritocracy, lethality, accountability, and excellence. Pete has also led two Veterans Advocacy organizations, leading the fight for our warriors, and our great veterans. Nobody fights harder for the troops, and Pete will be a courageous and patriotic champion of our “Peace through Strength” policy.”


Fox News had this to say about him:

“Pete Hegseth has been an exceptional host on Fox & Friends and Fox Nation and a best-selling author for Fox News Books for nearly a decade. His insights and analysis, especially about the military resonated deeply with our viewers and made the program the major success that it is today. We are extremely proud of his work at Fox News and wish him the best of luck in Washington.”


Others who know Hegseth speak very highly of him and seem thrilled that he has been nominated. I have read comments from others who know him from the media and also the military and they usually go something like this. He’ a great American patriot and whip smart. He believes our military is a national defense force, not a sociological experiment. I came across a comment in his book that confirms his belief in the military as a defense force not an experiment. I won’t give the quote here since it’s a little off color but in essence he said there are simply not enough of the people the department has been recruiting to man the ranks of the 82nd Airborne Division.


Well, in any event this nomination has taken Washington by surprise, and I suspect that is the primary reason for it. The Secretary of Defense role in the Pentagon is to provide civilian leadership and oversight between those in uniform and those civilians with command authority. Right now, the military has about 750,000 civilian employees to oversee plus roughly 2 million in uniform many of whom are scattered all over the world. The good news is that Pete Hegseth has no faith in DEI, and he wants the military to be a meritocracy again. He wants DEI and CRT out of the military academies so that young officers can be taught warfighting and that’s it.


The downside, and there always seems to be one, is that he apparently believes in the official narratives constructed by the neocons in conjunction with the military, industrial, security, and intelligence complex. Those narratives teach us and constantly remind us that Russia, China, and Iran are enemies. I don’t, therefore, see the 2 trillion in cuts Elon Musk promised coming from the military or from the closure of any foreign bases. If you team him with Trump’s choice for UN Ambassador, his National Security Advisor, his Secretary of State, and his Ambassador to Israel, one might view that list as an Israeli war cabinet.


I personally have no problem with Israel, I just have a problem with being constantly involved in fighting their wars because they and their lobby demand it. I wonder if it can be changed but I hope for the best regarding the American attitude toward other people’s wars. It is difficult to see how the roughly 500,000 dead in Ukraine could have been killed without US money, weapons, technology and manpower. I heard it said the other day that Zelensky intends to let Trump know that he will not accept a compromise ending of fighting because he considers that to be surrender and he prefers war. That would be one of the quickest and easiest conversations of my administration should I be in Trump’s position.


There are a lot of people out there whose souls long for war. They beat their chest and constantly blow the trumpets for more and more war. They send the orders to the defense contractors to build more and more weapons and to the research facilities they order more research into new and better methods of death and destruction. Just think about this for a moment. If I am right, and many more knowledgeable than me are right, and the US instituted a coup in Ukraine in 2014 which led to the Russian invasion as they knew it would. If this was all part of a concerted plan to ignore and subvert the plans for peace agreed to by Reagan and Gorbachev, then the US is complicit in starting this war to begin with.


Those things all served to push NATO, a threatening enemy alliance, as far as the Russians were concerned, to the Russian border, then what decision was left for those charged with protecting Russia and its people. So, the result has been some half a million deaths and the complete destruction of the infrastructure of a country along with its potential for economic survival. If Ukraine could find better leadership, and if it could exploit its own natural resources perhaps it could survive and be a functioning independent nation again, but as they say, when ifs and buts are candy and nuts, then everyday will be Christmas.


In conclusion, the hope for Donald Trump, apparently, is that he will be so far outside the DC box because of what he has been through since 2016, that he will be able to accomplish something in defiance of the primary political trend. That trend is more power concentrated in Washington, bigger deficits, more regulations, more debt, which all lead inevitably to less private economy where real wealth for real working people is created. The trend continues to lower GDP rates, a widening gap between rich and poor, with 90% of the population having no real wage gains in 50 years. This pattern is indicative of most governments. The elites get more and more power, and more and more wealth until the whole system is corrupted by it all. Eventually, and I argue that eventually has come to America, the elites become parasitic shifting more wealth to themselves and those they favor. This phenomenon was studied at Stanford leading the professor, Walter Scheidel to conclude that the trend continues until the people getting ever poorer cause some event to happen. He listed war, revolution, total government collapse, some disease pandemic. In other words, “a four-horseman type of leveling.”


Finally, folks, while most do not see the primary trend, people know something is wrong. I can see that we are in the late stages of the process and a leveling is coming unless Trump can do something to reverse the process. That is what the hope and the mandate mean, so outside the box, yes, it’s time for that type of thinking.


At least that’s the way I see it,

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.


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CASTLE REPORT: Doomsday Adverted — For Now

8 November 2024

Darrell Castle talks about the results of the presidential election. What does Trump’s victory over Kamala Harris and the entire woke agenda mean or at least what does it mean to me?

Transcription / Notes


Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 8th day of November in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the most obvious topic in the world today and that is the presidential election. What does the overwhelming Trump victory over Kamala Harris and the entire woke agenda mean or at least what does it mean to me.

Doomsday averted—for now, what does that mean. It means that certain burdens the nation had been bearing for many years can now perhaps be lifted. There is at least hope they can be lifted. This election was about those burdens and the American people just do not want them anymore. Completely open borders with nations such as El Salvador, Venezuela, and Mexico emptying their prisons and insane asylums onto our border.  Murderers and rapists invited into the country to prey on Americans with no accountability for their crimes.

Little boys and little girls sexually mutilated because of the parents’ mental illness or their school’s mental illness. Despite decades of legal effort to ensure girls have equal opportunity for school sports, they were totally disregarded while men who said they were women were invited into their locker rooms. Costly wars that threaten our future with no benefit to the American people at all. Crime rampant and out of control in our once beautiful cities. Businesses closing because in many places shoplifting and car theft are no longer even crimes. I could go on but those are at least some of the things that a large majority of voters rejected, but many on the left wail and ask why the people don’t want these things as we do.

The headlines in the New York Post on Wednesday read like this, HE’S DOING IT AGAIN. Yes, he’s done it again this man Donald Trump has completed a historic comeback despite very long odds. His determination, perseverance in the face of such hatred, his strength is rare for anyone especially rare for a 78-year-old man. Viciously attacked from day one of his first term, I suppose because the woke army would not surrender easily. Two attempts to impeach him were political assassination attempts, then two literal assassination attempts, lawfare attacks from corrupt prosecutors, and an extremely corrupt Department of Justice aided by a corrupt FBI. Despite all those persecutions the American people seemed to see through them and stuck with him.

He was facing a long string of legal actions once he decided and announced that he would run again. His enemies mobilized the corrupt, state-owned media and the various government agencies, including the Department of Justice and the FBI in an effort to stop him, but nothing stopped him. His coalition included the reliable Republican base of white men and protestant Christians, but he made significant inroads into traditionally Democrat strongholds as well. Harris could not rely, as democrats always do, on the base of Black men and Hispanics as Trump made strong inroads into both.  His efforts among Black Americans and Hispanic Americans apparently made the difference in many cities and states.

His remarks in his victory address were words of inclusion and healing. “This was, I believe, the greatest political movement of all time. This is a magnificent victory for the American people, that will allow us to make America great again.” He added, “we are going to help our country heal. “I hope and pray that he is correct, and the nation can heal, and I hope it can somehow get off the road to war, inflation, bankruptcy and insanity. Do Americans really want to continue the same path down the same direction that leads to more and more war. No, thank God, it appears they do not. I have my doubts however, because democracy, usually thought of as the highest form of government, sometimes leads to tyranny. It leads to the tyranny of the majority and stamping out of individual rights. It leads to a search for equality which leads to mediocrity instead of excellence. Those are some of the reasons the Founders feared democracy and instead built a republic. The Democrats who usually feel they are in the majority, often try to convince us of “our democracy” until sometimes we find ourselves saying it as well.

This country has spent somewhere between 6 and 8 trillion on wars that no one seems able to define what they have to do with us, and no one can explain why we are still fighting them, and no one can find any way for us to get out of them. The title of today’s report reads doomsday averted—for now. By that I mean that we are still involved in wars that have nothing to do with us and could not happen without our aid and support.

Debt continues to pile up at the rate of more than 8 billion plus per day seven days per week. That means that each day more of your tax dollars, the fruits of your labor, must be paid to various creditors than was paid yesterday. Day after day the federal government must finance and refinance more and more debt. It is hard to see how Donald Trump or any other human can make this story end well. There are, however, some hopeful signs and that is one difference this election makes. A Kamala win would have given us no hope but with Trump and the team he has assembled around him, at least there is hope.

For example, Dr. Ron Paul said recently in one of his Liberty Reports that Elon Musk asked him to help cut 2 trillion from federal spending. Dr. Paul said the last thing I need right now is another job, but I would be willing to help in any way I can. It will be very difficult to cut anything because only about 28% of federal spending is subject to cuts. The other 72% is already committed and already spent. In other words, the federal government is committed, long term, to spending about 2 trillion more each year than it can extract from us. It is necessary to cut spending if inflation is to be curtailed and our fiscal train is to be kept on the rails a little longer. More spending means more dollars in circulation thus devaluing each one and causing prices to rise. I remain guardedly optimistic that some of the people in Trump’s administration that he has promised that he would allow to oppose deep state interests, will succeed.

Old friend and economist Bill Bonner doesn’t believe they will succeed because, well, I suppose it’s because Bill is a student of history. He believes the quote from Shakespeare “There are tides in the affairs of men”. He applies that quote to today’s world and concludes that those tides apply in politics as well, powerful currents that have a life of their own. These currents are not driven by what people want or what they think, instead, like an unrelenting river, they carve the valleys, shape the stones, and erode the shorelines of human thought.

This all leads, as Bill sees it, to this conclusion; “And now, in what direction does the water flow? Whatever it is, the president is elected to follow, not to lead. He drifts with the Primary Political Trend; he doesn’t create it.”

Well Bill’s assessment is dead on what happened in the last Trump administration when he added more debt than any president in history. Will it be different this time? I believe it will, I pray that it will and those around Trump, Robert Kennedy, Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, among others give me reason to hope. I’ll tell you this, at least with Trump we know who the President is. We know that leadership is not in the hands of some unelected, unseen group of people that we don’t even know who they are. No committee will answer the 3am phone call for Donald Trump. Kamala Harris would have removed all hope from this country, but with Trump, we can at least hope that things will improve.

I haven’t said much about war to this point, but it is the ultimate doomsday and the participation of the US in other peoples’ struggles and ambitions, which could not happen without U.S. help and encouragement, must stop. Trump has promised many times to stop the wars if elected and now he has been so we will see what happens. It is difficult and perhaps impossible to get the economy under control and headed upward unless the wars are brought under control and headed downward. War is the biggest and most dangerous threat to humanity today because it threatens human existence on a planetary scale. It pleases the globalist depopulation agenda, but it does not please most sane people.

To prevent any hope of peace from developing, just last Saturday the department of defense announced a new round of expenses and commitments to the Middle East wars. US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin has ordered the deployment of several additional Arleigh Burke-Class Guided-Missile Destroyers specializing in ballistic missile defense, as well as fighter squadrons, tanker aircraft and B-52 strategic bombers to the Middle East because, well, because tensions are continuing to mount. I suppose it doesn’t occur to any of these people that tensions mount because of US strategic forces deployed to the area, and their actions just pour gasoline on smoldering coals.

Quote from Air Force Major General Patrick Ryder; “Should Iran, its partners, or its proxies use this moment to target American personnel or interests in the region, the United States will take every measure necessary to defend our people.”

So, the United States is defending itself and its “interests” from Iran. It’s obvious isn’t it that the US is really in this Middle East war to defend Israel and its interests. Why is the U.S. committed to doing it is the question of the day and once again Donald Trump must do something about it but will he. If the world can just hold together for another 75 days until inauguration we will see.

The American people then, have rejected all those things and have given Trump a mandate to fix them or end them. The news sites are full of stories about the total breakdown of the emotions of Democrats who don’t understand why this happened. They say you wanted cheaper burgers, so you voted for fascism. That demonstrates a total lack of understanding of the problem. I don’t mind their weeping though and I will admit to some joy in their lamentations. I look at the weeping of Jocelyn Nungaray’s mother and they cannot compare. Jocelyn was a happy 12-year-old girl in Houston until she was kidnapped, gang raped, tortured, strangled and thrown in a river by five illegals invited in by Kamala and Joe so go ahead and cry. Their cries cannot equal the tears of Laken Riley’s parents since she was raped and murdered by an illegal invited in by Kamala and Joe.

Bernie Sanders is about the only Democrat I’ve heard who was close to being right in his assessment. He said the Democrat Party has abandoned working class people. Bernie is at least partially correct, but he should go one step further and say that the Democrat Party hates working class people. They are much more comfortable around their Hollywood celebrity friends and they seem uncomfortable among ordinary Americans. Many of those celebrity endorsements picked up by Kamala are on Diddy’s party list and with her defeat I imagine they are quite nervous.

I’m not suggesting that Trump behave as a Ceasar or Mongol king driving his enemies before him and enjoying the lamentations of their women because that would make him just what the Democrat lies say he is. I am suggesting that he make this mandate a complete victory because it is perhaps the last chance to defeat the deep state and their globalist ambitions. The deciding question is who will serve in key positions in his administration. I hope and pray that no neocon names emerge. We cannot tolerate a repeat of 2016 but with Kennedy, Gabbard and Musk and the assurances he must have given them I believe it will be different this time.

I could do an entire Castle Report on the overwhelming evidence that now exists that Kennedy is right about the link between childhood vaccinations and autism as well as other chronic diseases. The evidence, long suppressed by the U.S. Government in conjunction with big Pharma, is now pouring out. Yes, the rats are running for their holes now that the lights are being turned on.

Finally, folks, almost everything government does is evil, stupid and the opposite of the right thing. The people have given Donald Trump a cutting torch and a mandate to use it. Time will tell if he knows how.

At least that’s the way I see it,

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.

Photo Credit:  ID 85153826 | America Collapse © Robsonphoto2011 |