Terry/Broden Campaign Gains National Attention!


12 July 2024
5 – 7 pm Pacific Time
Caesar’s Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada


FreedomFest Flyer
Click here for more details about the Free & Equal Elections Presidential Debate moderated by Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY)
FreedomFest Details


Randall Terry Preps for Debate

Some presidential candidates prep for their debate by spending a week in the woods.  Click on this link to see what the CP presidential candidate is doing to prep for his Free and Equal Debate on Friday, July 12.  (1 minute long)


Watch Vice-Presidential candidate, Pastor Stephen E. Broden, speak on the Stacy Washington TV program last week.  He addresses why black voters must DESTROY the DEMOCRATIC PARTY.

Support FREE and EQUAL ELECTIONS!  Help us spread the word by donating to nationwide TV ads. Click to:  Donate to TV Advertising

OR support the Constitution Party here: JOIN/DONATE

The Castle Report: Asleep at Arlington


Darrell Castle talks about the state of our society and the politics that drive and govern it.

Transcription / Notes

Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 31st Day of May in the year of our Lord 2024.I will be talking about the state of our society and the politics that drive and govern it. I argue that politics and demonic Hollywood are moving ever closer to one and the same. Politicians are worried right now because they can’t seem to figure out why more of the American people are becoming wise to their game of weaponization of the law and have stopped believing their propaganda.

Please bear in mind that this Report was prepared before the verdict in the Stalinist Show Trial came in so I will have to discuss that at a later date.

The reason I chose the title, “Asleep at Arlington” was in reference to the president visibly falling asleep on the podium while the secretary of defense was speaking at the annual memorial ceremony in Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day. There are many things the president could have told the nation during that moment, but he chose to make it about himself as usual. Donald Trump is often accused of making every speech about himself and I guess that criticism is valid, but when Trump talks about himself he normally tells stories that he believes to be true unlike the president. I’ve never heard Mr. Trump tell how his son was killed in Iraq when he wasn’t, but that is the same story President Biden tells each time he speaks to veterans, their families, or to the nation in general about the military as he did at Arlington.

What could he have said instead, but I understand that he gets a pass to some degree, because he obviously has dementia and can’t remember which story he told the last time. I thought the president had a staff of speech writers, but I guess he has trouble staying on script. He could have said for example, that next week, the 6th of June is the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings on the coast of France. He could have said that hundreds of thousands of young men were sent to the beaches to liberate Europe and save civilization from Naziism and that tens of thousands died that day. It was a good opportunity to remember them for as General Eisenhower said, we may never see their like again.

He was speaking at Arlington National Cemetery so he could have used the memorial ceremony to mention that he, as Commander in Chief, is aware that the suicide rate among active-duty military personnel is 2.5 times the national average. Why is that, would be a good question and what we can do about it would be the answer. Does that figure say anything about foreign policy and how it is being conducted now?

He and his friends in the media and especially in Hollywood, have other things to worry about than military personnel taking their own lives. He must think about reelection at a time when it’s hard to think about anything. A nagging, persistent question that he must be struggling with is why have my personally orchestrated lawfare attacks against Donald Trump not turned the American people against him. Maybe they are not as stupid and naive as I assumed they were.

The concern about the chances that Biden could lose the election is growing ever closer to panic as is reflected in the growing number of media stories advising the president on how to conduct his campaign. Is advising the president a media responsibility, no but it’s just something they are expected to do for Democrats. He is advised from time to time to show some empathy on the economy. The media can at least sense that people are sick and tired of hearing how great Bidenomics is when they must pay 10% more for food this year than last year. Very few people can enjoy a 10% raise in pay each year, so the real effect is that they are losing their standard of living more and more each year.

If the president could just show some concern, even if he feels nothing for normal people if he could just pretend that he does it might help him defeat the hated Orange Man. The New Republic asks its readers the question “How the hell can people be nostalgic for Donald Trump? Yet-they are.” Well, maybe I could help explain that millions of illegal migrants swarming across the border, wages shrinking, not rising, war in at least two places and a third looking ever more likely. I suppose people somehow, someway, just don’t like the idea of their children mustering to fight a stupid, empire building war against a nuclear armed country. All those things may be factors, but you know the average American so go figure.

Fear is palpable now and it appears to be eating into the Democrat base. Minorities and the young are starting to reject the propaganda of always vote Democrat and don’t think just do it. Maybe even the young, white liberals are tired of being told, we will fulfill all your pet projects like climate change and other regulations that restrict business and cost jobs. Inflation, no savings, unable to live without accumulating unpayable debt, maxxed-out credit cards, no end in sight to deficit spending, I mean, who wouldn’t want that. In response what they see is the president falling asleep at Arlington.

Meanwhile, Trump’s dominance in the polls continues and the Democrats can’t seem to understand it. Can a billionaire be an underdog in America? Yes, it appears that a billionaire can be an underdog in America if he is being constantly persecuted unjustly by Democrats solely for political reasons. The more the Democrats accuse Donald Trump of being a threat to democracy the more contempt they show for the will of the people and even people who always vote Democrat can see it.

Trump’s trial for his accused non-crime is concluding in the once great city of New York, but the real prosecution of Donald Trump is being conducted by Joe Biden and the Democrat Party and even Democrats are starting to see it. They are concerned though, so concerned that they decided to engage in a little blatant jury tampering for a future jury pool. The total corruption of the system of law and justice is on display because there is no one to reign in their open cheating to convict.  They are so blinded by hatred of Trump that nothing matters anymore. The integrity of the system doesn’t matter at all it seems. Why can’t we hurt Trump’s poll numbers with bogus charges and cheating in the trial. Maybe it’s because the public can see through it and they believe the charges are politically motivated, so they prefer him to Biden.

For jury tampering purposes and as a demonstration of total panic the Biden Administration brought out demonic actor Robert DeNiro to speak from the steps of the courthouse and demonstrate that he really is washed up and delusional. His once immense talent now completely gone, he must find it hard to live without millions of adoring fans. The delusional part of his personality seems to be that in his mind he is still stuck in the role of Travis from Taxi Driver. Listening to him speak I expected to hear him say “are you talking to me”, but instead he said something far worse and thus my demonic accusation. I quote Travis DeNiro:

“I don’t mean to scare you. No, wait, maybe I do mean to scare you. If Trump returns to the White House, you can kiss these freedoms goodbye that we all take for granted.”

So, is he delusional or just a blatant liar or both. Does he think he is living in a movie script because if he does, he is likely insane. Just wait folks because it gets worse.

“And elections, forget about it. That’s over. That’s done. If he gets in, I can tell you right now, he will never leave. He will never leave. You know that. He will never leave. What does that mean? Is that the country we want to live in? Do we want him running this country and saying I’m not leaving I’m dictator for life.”

But Travis, Trump has been in office before, and I don’t remember him refusing to leave the Whitehouse. Oh, I get it now, you are probably referring to his having the audacity to question Democrat cheating and ballot box stuffing and tens of thousands of ballots mysteriously appearing days later but only in important states. I guess you are upset that he refused to simply remain silent in the face of obvious fraud. Travis isn’t through unfortunately, so listen to this.

“I hope this new ad campaign reaches outside the bubble to remind supporters of what a danger he is to our lives. This is not a threat. This is a reality. And that’s why I joined the Biden-Harris campaign. Because the only way to preserve our freedoms and hold on to our humanity is to vote for Joe Biden for president. We don’t have a choice.”

Travis persevered in his delusional attack despite car horns and jeers from locals so I will give him that. He comes across as a nut job and Biden comes across as a panic-stricken pathetic loser for trotting out this washed-up actor. Biden has to this point pretended to be disconnected from the trials even when it was obvious that he was very involved so this performance by the once talented Travis DeNiro is evidence of total panic. In the meantime, Donald Trump held a rally in the Bronx the other day and he had a different message for New Yorkers.

“No matter where you went on this planet, everyone knew that. When you said, “I’m a New Yorker,” it meant you had smarts, you had grit, you had energy and above all else you had heart. Big, big, beautiful heart. Everybody wanted to be here. New York was where you came to make it big. You want to make it big. You had to be in New York. But sadly, this is now a city in decline. All my life, I’ve seen New York through good times and bad. Through boom times and crime waves, through market crashes and terrorist attacks. But I’ve never seen it quite like this. We have filthy encampments of drugged out homeless people living in our places that we’ve spent so much time with children where they used to play. We have lunatics, killing innocent bystanders by pushing them onto subway tracks…”

It all serves to make me wonder what happened to America. I don’t expect an actor like DeNiro to suddenly turn into Thomas Jefferson or James Madison because his job is interpretation. His craft requires that he interpret America and in that task he fails miserably. What has happened to America and where did it go. It seems to have been made over in the image of some low talent, fake humor Democrat politician overflowing with crudeness and vulgarity. Hardly anyone can express a thought, even the Vice-President of the United States, without using the F-Word as emphasis.

I offer an opinion here in this Castle Report as to what has happened to us and why the America we once knew and loved has disappeared and, in its place, we are offered only a crude, vulgar, version of a Hollywood that once interpreted our virtues rather than only our vices. Somehow tremendous political power has shifted from the people to the hands of a self-serving class of ideological incompetents. Throughout history, fighting costly, wars on the other side of the planet and plunging the nation into unpayable debt has been a recipe for disaster, not progress.

Now, between inflation, wage stagnation, and massive debt necessary for people to just live generations of Americans have missed out on upward mobility and prosperity that the generation that survived World War II enjoyed.

Government lifers, both elected and unelected bureaucrats run the show from their offices buried deep within the wood that is Washington. Who thought it was a good idea to start a proxy war against nuclear armed Russia. Who decided it was a good idea to open the southern border to anyone in the world who wanted to cross. Do we have any of these questions on the ballot? Not so we can recognize them through the maze of propaganda which constantly bombards us.

Finally, folks, can we vote our way out of this? I would never advise you not to vote, but I wish you good luck when they count the ballots.

At least that’s the way I see it,

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.

Defend, Defeat, Destroy

Defend Children…Defeat Biden…Destroy the Democrat Party!
“The 3 Ds”

June 27, 2024

Dear Friends of Life and Liberty,

“The 3 Ds” is the goal of the Constitution Party presidential/vice-presidential candidates, Randall Terry & Pastor Stephen Broden.


 Click here to learn more about these candidates!



Randall Terry, an outspoken advocate for the unborn, is the Founder of the anti-abortion group, Operation Rescue, who led the largest, peaceful civil disobedience in American history from 1987 to 1994.


Since the election of the Terry/Broden ticket (the Campaign) in the first round of voting at the National Convention in Salt Lake City, much interest in the Party has been generated in many states.  While most ballot-qualified states will be placing the Terry/Broden candidates on their ballots, the energy and message of the Campaign has inspired non-ballot qualified states to work towards obtaining ballot access.




The Campaign’s goal is to be on the ballot in at least 20 states. Any campaign for the presidency that has ballot access in at least ten states qualifies to advertise TV ads nationally, without censorship, 60 days before the election.  These ads can be strategically placed on stations in ballot qualified states which broadcast into states where we do not have ballot access.

Therefore, I am writing to request that our faithful supporters make their most generous donation to help us place ads on TV for the Campaign.  These professional ads will create a media FIRESTORM that will give HUGE attention, like never before, to the Constitution Party. No other presidential candidate in the CP history has placed TV ads to get this type of recognition.


Click here (or copy and paste into your browser) to see this awesome Constitution Party TV ad:  America Is In Crisis!


We are urging all supporters to contribute towards this effort, no matter what the amount. I believe this effort will benefit the Party’s growth and create better name recognition for the future.  The Campaign has already been doing lots of interviews, and a number of articles have been written about them as well as radio and podcast interviews, including interviews by the Washington Post and the Epoch Times.


UPCOMING EVENTS: Stephen Broden plans to speak at the convention of the Constitution Party of Wisconsin, as well as media interviews in the days prior to the convention. Randall Terry will be speaking at the convention of the U.S. Taxpayers Party, which is the Constitution Party affiliate in Michigan.



  1. Will you host a Zoom call?  For more information, contact the Terry/Broden Campaign Manager Joe Slovenec at Joe [at] Terry2024 [dot] com
  2. Contact other Constitution Party members, or like-minded supporters in your state, and ask them to donate to TV advertising and/or ballot access.  Getting these ads in front of American voters is essential for promoting the party and obtaining ballot access in more states in time for the 2024 election!




We are using professional petitioners to help obtain ballot access in a few more states — West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Tennessee, Vermont, and New Hampshire.

Your help is needed to make this happen




Thank you.

Together, for the cause,

Jim Clymer
National Chairman

Support the Constitution Party

Comments or Questions: Click here to contact Donna Ivanovich, Administrative Assistant to the National Chairman

Ballot Access Battle Looms in North Carolina

June 29, 2024

FROM: National Chairman Jim Clymer

TO: All Patriots!

We need immediate help for the Party in North Carolina. They have worked tirelessly for three-and-a-half years to gather the required 13,865 verified signatures, and they submitted over 19,000 signatures with 14,504 verified by the counties.

This should have been the end of the matter.  But an outrage has occurred.


On Wednesday, June 26, the Board of Elections met and refused ballot access because the State Party Chairman’s “address” had changed since the start of the 3-1/2 year process.

According to Richard Winger from Ballot Access News, there is no legal precedent to rule in this fashion. For equally ridiculous reasons, the Board of Elections ruled against the “We The People Party” (RFK) and the “Justice for All Party” (Cornel West). There are five members on the board—three Democrats and two Republicans—and you guessed it, the Democrats voted against us.

The Constitution Party of North Carolina, along with these other two parties, decided to team up together and hire a legal team to sue the state to protect our ballot access.


We must fight and fight we will!

This is where you come in.

Like all state parties, North Carolina is not flush with cash by any means and cannot fight this on their own with no money. We are asking fellow patriots and the party faithful to dig deep into your bank accounts and help finance this legal battle. We cannot sit idly by after North Carolina labored for over three years to acquire this many signatures.

These elites know that minor parties like ours never have much extra money and think they can bully us because we don’t have the means to fight back.  Well, they picked the wrong Party to bully.


We must stand with our brothers and sisters in North Carolina and fight this grave injustice. This hard work must not be in vain. Please be as generous as possible. This fight will not be cheap, but it will cost less because we are banding together with others in the fight.

Please take the time NOW and DONATE TO BALLOT ACCESS. All funds will go to this fight, and if there is any money left over, it will go into our ballot access fund to help other states gain ballot access.


I cannot stress how important and urgent this is. Please click on the link above and donate TODAY!

Click here: DONATE TO BALLOT ACCESS and PLEASE be as generous as possible. Remember, all funds will go to this fight, and if there is any money left over, it will go into our ballot access fund.

Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication to our cause. Together, we will overcome this injustice and ensure that every voice is heard.

Questions or Comments?  Click here to contact Donna Ivanovich, Administrative Assistant to the National Chairman

Republican Endorsement of Constitution Party Candidates Brings Abortion Center Stage in 2024

Written by:  Rebecca Terrell

June 3, 2024 – The New American

Former U.S. Republican House Majority Leader Tom DeLay of Texas has endorsed Randall Terry in his bid for U.S. president. The Constitution Party chose Terry in April as its presidential nominee for the 2024 election. Pastor Stephen Broden of Dallas is Terry’s running mate and a long-time member of the John Birch Society.

“The ‘3-D’ battle plan of the Terry/Broden campaign is political genius!” DeLay announced on the campaign website. “Every Republican should invest in this mission to DEFEND babies, DEFEAT Biden and DESTROY the Democrat Party.”

“My biggest regret after leaving Congress was that we didn’t get rid of abortion,” DeLay told The New American in a phone interview. He has since helped get heartbeat bills passed in Texas and Ohio, but he says that is only a start.

“It’s time to have a national debate on abortion, and those who believe in saving lives must go on the offensive, driving the narrative. Randall Terry is the first person I have see who’s running for president and talking about the truth of what is happening to babies.”

“Our campaign can be the secret weapon — the torpedo — that blows a hole in the Biden camp and the Democrat Party,” Terry told The New American. He founded the anti-abortion group Operation Rescue and led it from 1987 until 1994. His goal is to expose the gruesome reality of abortion — what it does to unborn babies as well as to women, the victims of those who convince them that murdering their offspring is a solution to problems.

Support the Constitution Party and make your most generous donation to help get Randall on a few more state ballots!

Questions or Comments? Click here to reach the Administrative Assistant to the National Chairman

Constitution Party Presidential Nominee Randall Terry Takes the National Debate Stage


Free and Open Elections will conduct a National debate at FreedomFest in Las Vegas on July 12, 2024.
Click here for details:   https://www.freedomfest.com/

So far, 7 candidates have been invited.  Randall Terry, Constitution Party presidential candidate and founder of the pro-life group, Operation Rescue, has confirmed his participation along with Chase Oliver, the Libertarian candidate, and Jill Stein, Green Party candidate.  Independent candidate, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has also been invited to this national debate.

Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) will be the moderator.

Stay tuned for more details…

Help the Constitution Party promote constitutional candidates in 2024 and beyond with your most generous donation.

Donate Here to Ballot Access

Comments or Questions?  Click Here to reach the Administrative Assistant to the National Chairman

We need volunteers too!  https://constitutionparty.nationbuilder.com/


America is in Crisis


America is in a Life Crisis.
We no longer respect Human Life. 
Whether pre-born, children, youth, civilian, or military,
politicians seem hell-bent on our destruction.
Time for a radical change in our thinking.
Time to re-establish America’s Constitutional Republic!


View this urgent message from
2024 Presidential Candidate Randall Terry



Randall Terry Wins the Constitution Party Nomination on the First Ballot

Selection of Pastor Stephen Broden for Vice-President Approved by Acclamation




Randall Terry has been a ProLife Leader, Speaker, Musician and Author for 30 years. He earned a master’s degree in foreign relations and international Terrorism. His speaking ability, his knowledge of history, his candor, and passion to train others makes him a lethal weapon to the enemies of God, and a vital teacher to those who wish to learn. He has made it his goal to raise up an Army of Righteous Leaders and activists.

Pastor Stephen Broden is the founder and Senior Pastor of Fair Park Bible Fellowship for over 35 years (a non-denominational inner-city church) in Dallas, Texas, a resident of the Dallas area for over forty-three years.

These two, outspoken pro-life warriors met on the abortion battlefield and forged a kinship to this day.


Learn more about the candidates at their campaign website: Terry2024.com

Joseph Buchman, Ph.D., writer for the Independent Political Report did an exclusive interview with Randall Terry, Pastor Broden and their campaign manager, Joe Slovenec, just after his nomination on April 27, 2024.


IPR EXCLUSIVE: Interview with Constitution Party’s Randall Terry, Stephen Broden, and Joe Slovenec

The Constitution Party needs your financial support now more than ever before.




Comments or Questions?

Contact Donna Ivanovich, Assistant to the National Chairman