PRESS RELEASE: Constitution Party of North Carolina is Officially on the Ballot




Constitution Party Presidential Candidate Randall Terry is on the ballot

in North Carolina!



North Carolina — In a significant development, the Constitution Party’s presidential nominee, Randall Terry, has successfully secured a spot on the ballot in North Carolina for the upcoming election.


In addition to the presidential candidate, these members of the CPNC will also be on the ballot in the November General Election:

Vinny Smith – Governor
Wayne Jones – Lt. Governor
State Senator, District 26 – Alvin Robinson
U.S. House of Representatives, District 6 – Kevin Hayes
U.S. House of Representatives, District 10 – Todd Helm
Alexander County Commissioner – Darren Warren


Kevin Hayes, Vice-Chairman of the North Carolina Constitution Party, praised the decision of the state board of elections saying,

“The state board of elections did the honorable thing by voting to allow the Constitution Party on the ballot in North Carolina because our petition had more than the required number of verified signatures.”

“Today’s decision was a long time coming, and I’m thankful we will be able to provide the citizens of North Carolina with the ability to vote for candidates who support life and follow the Constitution,” Kevin further stated.


A BIG thank you to all the generous donors who helped the Party win this battle to gain ballot access in North Carolina!

Tennessee is Inches Away!

Friday, August 9, 2024

Hello Friend,

Randall Terry Here – Nominated for Presidential Candidate at the Constitution Party National Convention.


PLEASE FORWARD THIS CRY FOR HELP to ANYONE who is a registered voter in Tennessee.  We ALL know someone in TENNESSEE!


I am carrying this cross – this burden – and I beg you to help right away if you can. Namely, the mission to be a voice for unborn babies in this election.

Now that Kamala is the “Standard Bearer for Death,” we MUST oppose her, and the godless Democrat Party. By noon on this coming Thursday, August 15th, we need only 100 more valid voter signatures from the state of Tennessee in order to be on the ballot.


By being on the ballot, I can run TV ads that tell the truth about child killing.  Click here to see TV ads


All I need you to do is print and sign this petition (if you are a registered voter) and maybe get your spouse or a friend or two, to also sign.






SIGN THE PETITION (and maybe your child or spouse too)




Randall Terry for President
P. O. Box 420
Ellendale, Tennessee 38029

If you have ANY QUESTIONS about the petition, email Joe at Joe [at] Terry2024 [dot] com 


Please friend, please, if you live in Tennessee, or you know anyone who lives in Tennessee, please help us reach our goal.

God bless you,

Randall Terry

Candidate for President of the United States

Last Push for Signatures in New Hampshire

August 7th is the deadline for turning in signatures to the Supervisors of the Checklist – if you want to help us achieve Ballot Access for the next election, please click the link below for our full slate of candidates!

*This is not an endorsement or vote; it simply allows us to be on the ballot in November.


Randall Terry ( for President

Edmond Laplante ( for Governor

Megan Schmitt ( for State Representative


*Print, sign, and mail it to PO Box 3841 Concord NH 03301

Randall Terry to Attend US Taxpayers Nominating Convention

July 13, 2024


DO YOU KNOW:  the Republican National Committee (RNC) has removed ALL references to God and standing for the “Sanctity of Life” out of its Platform?

If this horrifies you, then now is the time for Pro-Life Patriots to come together to save our country and to save our children.


The Great Lakes State of Michigan is ground zero in this fight for America!


We are inviting everyone across the United States to come to Michigan and be a part of the U.S. Taxpayers Party Nominating Convention. (USTP is the official Constitution Party affiliate in Michigan).

Be a part of the solution by joining us on Saturday, July 27, from 10 am to 4 pm

Lost Arrow Resort
1749 Bowmanville Rd
Gladwin, MI 48624

1 hr. NW of Midland/Bay City or 42 minutes north from Mt. Pleasant

Randall Terry, long-time pro-life warrior, will be the Keynote Speaker and our nominee for President of the United States. The campaign theme is to, “DEFEND CHILDREN……DEFEAT BIDEN……DESTROY THE DEMOCRAT PARTY. He is funny, energetic, inspiring, and…


Learn more about Mr. Terry here: Terry 2024

Randall Terry is the Founder of the anti-abortion group, Operation Rescue, and has led the largest peaceful civil disobedience in American history from 1987 to 1994. He’s been arrested 49 times, and spent more than one year in various federal, state, and local prisons for standing in the gap for the unborn.

The target of his and his Vice-Presidential running mate, Pastor Stephen E. Broden, is the black community and Catholics who still vote for the “baby killing” Democrats.


We will begin with each County nominating candidates for local offices followed by the nomination and election of the convention officers and proceed with the nomination of candidates for the November 2024 election.

When:  Saturday, July 27, 10 am to 4 pm

Registration Fee Schedule: 

$55/person for each current paid USTPM Member

$90/person, includes new membership

$35/person for child aged 10 – 17 years

Pay via credit card here:  USTPM Convention Registration

Food Included comprises of grazing snacks & desserts

Contact Person:  Donna Brandenburg
Text or leave message at (616) 430-4410, email  Chairman [at] USTPM [dot] org

This is history in the making.  Please pass this information on to anyone you know in Michigan and invite them to come to our convention.

We are NOT looking for money as much as getting the word out person to person…social media, phone calls, texts, etc. to family, friends, and those in your networks.

Thank you for your support.

We look forward to seeing you in MICHIGAN.


Randall Terry will be on the North Carolina Ballot


Randall Terry, Constitution Party Presidential Candidate, will be on the ballot in North Carolina

July 9, 2024, North Carolina — In a significant development, the Constitution Party’s presidential nominee, Randall Terry, has successfully secured a spot on the ballot in North Carolina for the upcoming election. Prominent candidates, Bobby Kennedy and Cornel West, are still not on the ballot in this state. Randall Terry stated, “Our presence on the ballot ensures we can pursue our battle planDefend Children, Defeat the Democrat Nominee, and Destroy the Democrat Party.’ “Terry emphasized the strategic focus of his campaign, highlighting the specific demographics they aim to influence. “Our television ads target Catholic and African American voters, encouraging them to abandon the Democrat Party,” he explained. Samples of these ads can be viewed on his campaign website, Terry/Broden TV Ads.

Script for TV ad: Catholics and African Americans –

“Stop Voting Democrat! “What do you call people who tell a boy he can cut off his penis…to become a girl? Or tell a girl she can cut off her breasts…to become a boy? Or give children pornographic material and birth control without telling their parents…and call it “sex education? “What do you call people that mock morality, commit black genocide, and cheer killing unborn babies until the day of birth? (Pause)You call them…the Democrat Party. And what do you call people who vote for them? Sadly, you call them (pause) Catholics and African Americans. Why do Catholics and Blacks vote for those who are at war with their families and faith? The Democrat Party – its godless agenda – is a fortress of evil that must be destroyed. Don’t betray your children and your God with your vote. Don’t vote Democrat. I’m Randall Terry, and I approve this message. (The ad will be full of heart wrenching images & video!)

The above TV ad script was written by Vice Presidential Candidate, Pastor Stephen Broden.

Kevin Hayes, Vice-Chairman of the North Carolina Constitution Party, praised the decision of the state board of elections saying,

“The state board of elections did the honorable thing by voting to allow the Constitution Party on the ballot in North Carolina because our petition had more than the required number of verified signatures. Today’s decision was a long time coming, and I’m thankful we will be able to provide the citizens of North Carolina with the ability to vote for candidates who support life and follow the Constitution.”

North Carolina continues to refuse ballot access for RFK, Jr and Cornel West.

For more information or to interview Mr. Terry or Pastor Broden,

Contact: Jackie Jones
Truth PR
Jackie [at] tuthpr [dot] com


BIG thank you to all the generous donors who helped the Party win this battle to gain ballot access in North Carolina.

Questions or Comments, contact Donna Ivanovich, Administrative Assistant to the National Chairman

Terry/Broden Campaign Gains National Attention!


12 July 2024
5 – 7 pm Pacific Time
Caesar’s Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada


FreedomFest Flyer
Click here for more details about the Free & Equal Elections Presidential Debate moderated by Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY)
FreedomFest Details


Randall Terry Preps for Debate

Some presidential candidates prep for their debate by spending a week in the woods.  Click on this link to see what the CP presidential candidate is doing to prep for his Free and Equal Debate on Friday, July 12.  (1 minute long)


Watch Vice-Presidential candidate, Pastor Stephen E. Broden, speak on the Stacy Washington TV program last week.  He addresses why black voters must DESTROY the DEMOCRATIC PARTY.

Support FREE and EQUAL ELECTIONS!  Help us spread the word by donating to nationwide TV ads. Click to:  Donate to TV Advertising

OR support the Constitution Party here: JOIN/DONATE

Randall Terry Wins the Constitution Party Nomination on the First Ballot

Selection of Pastor Stephen Broden for Vice-President Approved by Acclamation




Randall Terry has been a ProLife Leader, Speaker, Musician and Author for 30 years. He earned a master’s degree in foreign relations and international Terrorism. His speaking ability, his knowledge of history, his candor, and passion to train others makes him a lethal weapon to the enemies of God, and a vital teacher to those who wish to learn. He has made it his goal to raise up an Army of Righteous Leaders and activists.

Pastor Stephen Broden is the founder and Senior Pastor of Fair Park Bible Fellowship for over 35 years (a non-denominational inner-city church) in Dallas, Texas, a resident of the Dallas area for over forty-three years.

These two, outspoken pro-life warriors met on the abortion battlefield and forged a kinship to this day.


Learn more about the candidates at their campaign website:

Joseph Buchman, Ph.D., writer for the Independent Political Report did an exclusive interview with Randall Terry, Pastor Broden and their campaign manager, Joe Slovenec, just after his nomination on April 27, 2024.


IPR EXCLUSIVE: Interview with Constitution Party’s Randall Terry, Stephen Broden, and Joe Slovenec

The Constitution Party needs your financial support now more than ever before.




Comments or Questions?

Contact Donna Ivanovich, Assistant to the National Chairman


Eight Candidates Vie for Constitution Party Nomination

May 1, 2024

Dear Friends of the Constitution Party,

The Constitution Party conducted its National Convention this past weekend in Salt Lake City, Utah, and I am pleased to report it was a resounding success having been well attended by a majority of the affiliated states. It was highly organized featuring guest speakers with interesting topics, delicious meals, and amazing musical entertainment by the Sanpete Family Choir and the Curated Arts Center.

Go to the bottom and please read the article below this message from the Independent Political Report, which focuses on third party and independent candidates. The article describes each of the presidential candidates and their persuasive campaign presentations at the Convention.for Then please visit our website to learn more about our subsequently elected presidential and vice-presidential nominees, Randall Terry and Stephen Broden.  Click here: CP Candidates for President & Vice President

Lastly, I hope all of you will mark your calendars and begin planning today to attend the Fall 2024 National Committee Meeting in Raleigh, North Carolina on Friday & Saturday, November 8 – 9, 2024.

For Liberty,

Jim Clymer
National Chairman



Author:  Joseph G. Buchman, Ph.D., Independent Political Report (Edited for brevity)

Click here for the article in its entirety:  Constitution Party Convention: Eight Candidates Vie for Nomination – Independent Political Report

Seven of the eight candidates, who qualified to be considered for the Constitution Party’s POTUS nomination, gave a series of 18-minute presentations to the 110 delegates present from 23 states. The eighth candidate, identified as “Admiral Louis C. Hook”, was not present, provided neither a video nor other campaign materials, and no one spoke on his behalf.


Presentations, in alphabetical order, were as follows:


Dr. Daniel Clyde Cummings

Mr. David Gillie introduced Dr. Cummings as a man of honor who has spent over 60 years as a student of the US Constitution. So much so that Dr. Cummings knows that if elected he would “likely be assassinated.” (Dr. Cummings later shared that his wife shares that concern.)

Dr. Cummings then described the Democratic Party as an “organized crime” enterprise; and the Republican Party as a “disorganized crime” one. He then suggested while it was indeed an honor to be considered as a presidential nominee, it was in fact rather a “trust” and that while he would take an oath to the Constitution, his primary oath was one “written in heaven” and therefore more important than either the Supreme Court of the United States or of the US Congress.

Dr. Cummings also promised zero funding for the US Department of Education, other than the funds required for its “liquidation.”


Brandon L. McIntyre
In what proved to be the most lighthearted presentation of the day, Mr. McIntyre presented his “Let’s Go Brandon” campaign strategy, further noting that his middle initial “L” positioned him to be not only the Constitution Party Presidential Candidate with the best rallying cry (Let’s Go Brandon!) but also as the only BLM candidate (Brandon L. McIntyre).

While Mr. McIntyre is currently only 34, he was born 6 May 1989, he will make the age requirement for president of the United States in a bit over a week. He promised his campaign “will make it to the White House” where he will then ensure that both prayer and the US Constitution are returned to our public schools, private schools, and family homes.


Joel Skousen

Mr. Skousen began his remarks by indicating that he is 77 years old and had served as a pilot for the US Marine Corps. (In answer to a subsequent question, he promised to fly his personal aircraft to campaign events in support of the Constitution Party even if he was not the nominee.)

He then promised to “build the party not on the illusions of victory, but slowly with the truth”, further declaring, “I know conspiracy better than anyone in the USA” and that, “Vince Foster was killed by the deep state”.

Mr. Skousen closed his remarks to the convention by declaring, “I know I will not win (the nomination, because) most of you are locked up for another candidate; but were I to win the Presidency, I would pardon all of the January 6th protesters.”

He then took questions from the audience regarding social security and draining the swamp.


Ben Stewart

Mr. Stewart began his presentation by declaring “My slogan is: Love America, Be an American, Be part of the solution, not part of the problem”.

He then proposed turning the US Mexican border into a “New Panama (like) Canal” where immigrants could only enter over the drawbridges (when they were closed), and where for those who did not seek US citizenship (to be made available at public libraries), the only humanitarian aid would be available on the other side of the US/Mexican border.

He recommended all prescription drugs should be Made in America, because “foreign (made) pills could be poison.”

Mr. Stewart then offered a novel solution to paying down the US debt, saying . . .”I do not like the idea of selling off Alaska to pay for the debt.” He then proposed legalizing and taxing cannabis, asking the delegates, “Do you know how many people would smoke pot saying: ‘I’m helping pay down the national debt’?” Legalizing cannabis he declared would cause people who are currently broke to become business people who profit from producing and selling the product.

Regarding students he proposed, “teaching every American child to hunt, fish, and grow their own food.” Kids today “don’t know the difference between Xbox and a real gun.”


Randall Terry

Mr. Terry began his presentation with three television commercials which were projected on a screen at the front of the room, advocating for abortion prohibition.

Darrel Castle, long-time Constitution Party member, then introduced Mr. Terry saying that he initially declined the request for an endorsement but having had a change of mind regarding the images of the aborted – now wishes he could, “take those baby carcasses, hang one on every politician in D.C., and they could wear it for the rest of their lives.”

“A slaughter is happening in the Black community: the systematic murder of Black babies. Democrats and the Congressional Black caucus are pushing death-by-abortion on Black women and their babies. Our so-called leaders have sold . . . us . . . out. They have blood on their hands, blood from the murder of Black babies.  We must repent of voting for those who promote murder.”

Following the three-video presentation, Mr. Terry began his remarks with: “This is not a face you will see in the White House; I will not get elected. I do not want a place at a table with Planned Parenthood; I want to turn that table into firewood!

Regarding abortion: “The Democrats are running on it; the Republicans are running from it; I want to run at it!  Run to the Roar!  We will not equivocate”.


Samm Tittle

In a rapid-fire, passionate, presentation, the following exemplar quotes were made:

“I am going to be your president.  I ran for you in 2012, 2016, and 2020 and this is it!”

“I want immigration just the way they do it in China; you don’t get to get in for free.”

“I’ve danced with the only five-star General . . . Omar Bradley.:

“I do not fear a man who can take my body; I fear a God who can take my soul.”

“I won New Mexico for the Constitution Party in 2020.”

“All lives matter, stupid!  Jesus rode an ass.”

“I want your vote.”

With 10 minutes remaining, the floor was opened for questions. Comments in the Q&A included:

“We need to get the land back from the Bureau of Land Management.”

“Let’s get children back to work (on their education) after we get the illegals out with a note in their own language that says – If you come back, you will be housed in a federal penitentiary.

“The globalists are right here; China is among us.”

“Lawyers can file class action suits in Utah to reclaim land from the federal government.”


Paul Venable

Mr. Venable was introduced by Donna Brandenberg. “We cannot do this with money. We need knowledge, strategy, and a team.

Mr. Venable shared about an experience in January of 2003 when he awoke with a clear knowledge that he was to move to Idaho and work to preserve the US Constitution.

At some point after he was old enough to discover what was on the other side of midnight, he was up late with his father, a veteran of World War II, and while they were watching TV together, eventually it was time for the station to sign off. The Star-Spangled Banner started, signaling the end of the broadcast day when a little past half-way through, his father got up, walked across the room and turned off the television (we did not have remotes back then).  He noticed Paul’s unspoken but quizzical inquiry. To which he just calmly responded, “I never want to hear America’s song end”.  Paul said that he could not have conveyed in a thousand words what he had taught him in that moment.

“I want to thank my parents; they taught me liberty.  Ephesians 6:12 says there will be wickedness in the high places.  I had no idea how deep the deep state is.  We are fighting an enemy that gains power and money from blood – the bloodshed of the womb, the bloodshed in Ukraine . . . at our border.”

“We need a Constitutional Repentance and Spiritual Revival.  The Constitution is not dead; it is abused, scarred, walked on, and ignored.  By who?  By you!  By We the People. It is We, the people, who must stand up and enforce the Constitution.”

Comments or Questions: Contact Donna Ivanovich, Administrative Assistant to the National Chairman