June 29, 2024
FROM: National Chairman Jim Clymer
TO: All Patriots!
We need immediate help for the Party in North Carolina. They have worked tirelessly for three-and-a-half years to gather the required 13,865 verified signatures, and they submitted over 19,000 signatures with 14,504 verified by the counties.
This should have been the end of the matter. But an outrage has occurred.

On Wednesday, June 26, the Board of Elections met and refused ballot access because the State Party Chairman’s “address” had changed since the start of the 3-1/2 year process.
According to Richard Winger from Ballot Access News, there is no legal precedent to rule in this fashion. For equally ridiculous reasons, the Board of Elections ruled against the “We The People Party” (RFK) and the “Justice for All Party” (Cornel West). There are five members on the board—three Democrats and two Republicans—and you guessed it, the Democrats voted against us.
The Constitution Party of North Carolina, along with these other two parties, decided to team up together and hire a legal team to sue the state to protect our ballot access.
We must fight and fight we will!
This is where you come in.
Like all state parties, North Carolina is not flush with cash by any means and cannot fight this on their own with no money. We are asking fellow patriots and the party faithful to dig deep into your bank accounts and help finance this legal battle. We cannot sit idly by after North Carolina labored for over three years to acquire this many signatures.
These elites know that minor parties like ours never have much extra money and think they can bully us because we don’t have the means to fight back. Well, they picked the wrong Party to bully.

We must stand with our brothers and sisters in North Carolina and fight this grave injustice. This hard work must not be in vain. Please be as generous as possible. This fight will not be cheap, but it will cost less because we are banding together with others in the fight.
Please take the time NOW and DONATE TO BALLOT ACCESS. All funds will go to this fight, and if there is any money left over, it will go into our ballot access fund to help other states gain ballot access.
I cannot stress how important and urgent this is. Please click on the link above and donate TODAY!
Click here: DONATE TO BALLOT ACCESS and PLEASE be as generous as possible. Remember, all funds will go to this fight, and if there is any money left over, it will go into our ballot access fund.
Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication to our cause. Together, we will overcome this injustice and ensure that every voice is heard.
Questions or Comments? Click here to contact Donna Ivanovich, Administrative Assistant to the National Chairman