Tennessee is Inches Away!

Friday, August 9, 2024

Hello Friend,

Randall Terry Here – Nominated for Presidential Candidate at the Constitution Party National Convention.


PLEASE FORWARD THIS CRY FOR HELP to ANYONE who is a registered voter in Tennessee.  We ALL know someone in TENNESSEE!


I am carrying this cross – this burden – and I beg you to help right away if you can. Namely, the mission to be a voice for unborn babies in this election.

Now that Kamala is the “Standard Bearer for Death,” we MUST oppose her, and the godless Democrat Party. By noon on this coming Thursday, August 15th, we need only 100 more valid voter signatures from the state of Tennessee in order to be on the ballot.


By being on the ballot, I can run TV ads that tell the truth about child killing.  Click here to see TV ads


All I need you to do is print and sign this petition (if you are a registered voter) and maybe get your spouse or a friend or two, to also sign.






SIGN THE PETITION (and maybe your child or spouse too)




Randall Terry for President
P. O. Box 420
Ellendale, Tennessee 38029

If you have ANY QUESTIONS about the petition, email Joe at Joe [at] Terry2024 [dot] com 


Please friend, please, if you live in Tennessee, or you know anyone who lives in Tennessee, please help us reach our goal.

God bless you,

Randall Terry

Candidate for President of the United States

Randall Terry will be on the North Carolina Ballot


Randall Terry, Constitution Party Presidential Candidate, will be on the ballot in North Carolina

July 9, 2024, North Carolina — In a significant development, the Constitution Party’s presidential nominee, Randall Terry, has successfully secured a spot on the ballot in North Carolina for the upcoming election. Prominent candidates, Bobby Kennedy and Cornel West, are still not on the ballot in this state. Randall Terry stated, “Our presence on the ballot ensures we can pursue our battle planDefend Children, Defeat the Democrat Nominee, and Destroy the Democrat Party.’ “Terry emphasized the strategic focus of his campaign, highlighting the specific demographics they aim to influence. “Our television ads target Catholic and African American voters, encouraging them to abandon the Democrat Party,” he explained. Samples of these ads can be viewed on his campaign website, Terry/Broden TV Ads.

Script for TV ad: Catholics and African Americans –

“Stop Voting Democrat! “What do you call people who tell a boy he can cut off his penis…to become a girl? Or tell a girl she can cut off her breasts…to become a boy? Or give children pornographic material and birth control without telling their parents…and call it “sex education? “What do you call people that mock morality, commit black genocide, and cheer killing unborn babies until the day of birth? (Pause)You call them…the Democrat Party. And what do you call people who vote for them? Sadly, you call them (pause) Catholics and African Americans. Why do Catholics and Blacks vote for those who are at war with their families and faith? The Democrat Party – its godless agenda – is a fortress of evil that must be destroyed. Don’t betray your children and your God with your vote. Don’t vote Democrat. I’m Randall Terry, and I approve this message. (The ad will be full of heart wrenching images & video!)

The above TV ad script was written by Vice Presidential Candidate, Pastor Stephen Broden.

Kevin Hayes, Vice-Chairman of the North Carolina Constitution Party, praised the decision of the state board of elections saying,

“The state board of elections did the honorable thing by voting to allow the Constitution Party on the ballot in North Carolina because our petition had more than the required number of verified signatures. Today’s decision was a long time coming, and I’m thankful we will be able to provide the citizens of North Carolina with the ability to vote for candidates who support life and follow the Constitution.”

North Carolina continues to refuse ballot access for RFK, Jr and Cornel West.

For more information or to interview Mr. Terry or Pastor Broden,

Contact: Jackie Jones
Truth PR
Jackie [at] tuthpr [dot] com


BIG thank you to all the generous donors who helped the Party win this battle to gain ballot access in North Carolina.

Questions or Comments, contact Donna Ivanovich, Administrative Assistant to the National Chairman

Ballot Access Battle Looms in North Carolina

June 29, 2024

FROM: National Chairman Jim Clymer

TO: All Patriots!

We need immediate help for the Party in North Carolina. They have worked tirelessly for three-and-a-half years to gather the required 13,865 verified signatures, and they submitted over 19,000 signatures with 14,504 verified by the counties.

This should have been the end of the matter.  But an outrage has occurred.


On Wednesday, June 26, the Board of Elections met and refused ballot access because the State Party Chairman’s “address” had changed since the start of the 3-1/2 year process.

According to Richard Winger from Ballot Access News, there is no legal precedent to rule in this fashion. For equally ridiculous reasons, the Board of Elections ruled against the “We The People Party” (RFK) and the “Justice for All Party” (Cornel West). There are five members on the board—three Democrats and two Republicans—and you guessed it, the Democrats voted against us.

The Constitution Party of North Carolina, along with these other two parties, decided to team up together and hire a legal team to sue the state to protect our ballot access.


We must fight and fight we will!

This is where you come in.

Like all state parties, North Carolina is not flush with cash by any means and cannot fight this on their own with no money. We are asking fellow patriots and the party faithful to dig deep into your bank accounts and help finance this legal battle. We cannot sit idly by after North Carolina labored for over three years to acquire this many signatures.

These elites know that minor parties like ours never have much extra money and think they can bully us because we don’t have the means to fight back.  Well, they picked the wrong Party to bully.


We must stand with our brothers and sisters in North Carolina and fight this grave injustice. This hard work must not be in vain. Please be as generous as possible. This fight will not be cheap, but it will cost less because we are banding together with others in the fight.

Please take the time NOW and DONATE TO BALLOT ACCESS. All funds will go to this fight, and if there is any money left over, it will go into our ballot access fund to help other states gain ballot access.


I cannot stress how important and urgent this is. Please click on the link above and donate TODAY!

Click here: DONATE TO BALLOT ACCESS and PLEASE be as generous as possible. Remember, all funds will go to this fight, and if there is any money left over, it will go into our ballot access fund.

Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication to our cause. Together, we will overcome this injustice and ensure that every voice is heard.

Questions or Comments?  Click here to contact Donna Ivanovich, Administrative Assistant to the National Chairman

Thanks to Your Support, MORE Big Things Are Happening!


Just last week we received word from the Hawaii Secretary of State that the Constitution Party is now officially recognized as a ballot-qualified party in that state.  This is the first time ever that the Constitution Party has achieved ballot access in Hawaii in a mid-term election. The party completed the signature drive in mid-February, but by state law, the petition could be challenged within 20 business days of when the final petitions were submitted to the state for verification.  That deadline was  March 7th and the following day the Hawaii Secretary of State confirmed that no one had challenged our petition thereby qualifying the party for ballot status.

Other big news for the party is our ballot petitioning effort going on in North Carolina.  Gaining ballot access in that state will be a landmark achievement.  By this weekend, we should be able to surpass the 6,000 signature mark. If the validity rate of 83% holds up we should be able to secure the required 12,000 valid signatures with a total of about 15,000.  We continue to average  getting about 1,200 signatures a week in spite of the inclement weather being experienced in that state.  At this rate, we should be able to complete the signature drive before the end of April….a full month before the deadline.  Since completing the petitioning in Hawaii Nicholas Sumbles has been gathering signatures in North Carolina.

Besides Nicholas’ work, we have volunteers working gun shows every weekend and the number of volunteers grows each week. The goal of the party leaders is to gather signatures in all 100 counties in the state. At this point, they have succeeded in getting signatures from 93 of the counties.  This is a most remarkable feat and has been possible only because of the increased number of volunteers who are gathering signatures. However, in order to reach our goal we are going to need additional financial assistance from our supporters. We are paying Nicholas $2.00 a signature which is a very reasonable rate compared to what other professional signature gathers have quoted us.

This is where we need your help and we need it very urgently.  We must keep the funds coming in so that we can keep Nicholas there.  A donor from North Carolina has offered to match dollar for dollar any funds that we raise up to $4,250.00. Due to the generosity of our supporters, we are close to qualifying for the total amount of the matching funds, but we are still going to need additional donations to reach our 15,000 signature goal. If you are in a position to donate any amount please go to www.constitutionparty.com and donate what you can to ballot access.  If you wish, you may also send a check payable to the Constitution Party to P O Box 1782 Lancaster, PA 17608.  A donation of $5.00, $10.00, $15.00, $20.00, $25.00. $50.00. $100.00, $500.00, or whatever you are able to donate would be deeply appreciated.  It is urgent that we raise those funds immediately.

Gaining ballot access in North Carolina will open other doors for us in yet more states. Again, I plead with you to give what you are able to. Then share this message with family and friends of like mind. Your sharing this message with others is paying off as we are receiving donations from people who have never donated to the party before. I can not thank you enough for the effort you are making to help us make history in North Carolina.  I have been extremely impressed with the hard work and dedication of the party leaders there.  Together we can achieve heights we have never reached before.

My sincere thanks and appreciation to each of you for your past support and encouragement.

For God Family and Country,


National Chairman
Constitution Party

The New Poll Tax: Ballot Access Laws Foil Independent Candidates

By Peter Gemma
National Executive Committee member

Please Don't Feed These Animals!
There is no free market of ideas, candidates, or political parties on Election Day.

It’s not for a lack of demand. According to the latest ABC News/Washington Post survey, 57 percent of Americans are dissatisfied with the choice between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton; 44 percent say they would prefer a third-party candidate to run. A recent Associated Press/University of Chicago poll revealed that 71 percent of millennials want an alternative to the Republican and Democrat nominees.

In another survey, Public Policy Polling matched “a giant meteor hitting the earth” against Clinton and Trump. The killer asteroid nabbed 13 percent of the vote, far more than any third party now ballot qualified.

The establishment parties benefit from strict ballot access laws that make it difficult for alternative candidates to participate in elections. In order to get on the ballot, independent and third party candidates must meet a variety of byzantine state-specific filing requirements. Complex stipulations and regulations determine whether voters will be able to choose from a larger pool of parties and candidates.

Unorthodox candidates must undergo bureaucratic and burdensome trials in all 50 states before they are permitted to run for office. And the laws have proven effective: no independent or third party presidential candidate has won an electoral vote in 48 years.

To get on the ballot nationwide this year, it is estimated that a maverick presidential candidate must have more than 880,000 signatures on petitions. The major parties regularly challenge the legitimacy of ballot access petitions (leaving out a middle initial is among many reasons that a name can be considered invalid), so securing a ratio of two-to-one of the required number of signatures is the pragmatic strategy for campaigns. That means an army of petitioners going door-to-door should collect about 1.76 million names in 2016. If that becomes difficult to manage, a candidate may hire professional solicitors who charge $2.50-$5.00 per signature. You do the math.

Consider how the ballot access system currently works: Texas requires independent candidates to collect 79,939 signatures (but double that number to be prudent); to become a recognized political party in North Carolina, signatures equal to two percent of the previous gubernatorial election are necessary — that adds up to 89,336 names (secure about 180,000 to be on the safe side); West Virginia demands 6,706 signatures on ballot access petitions if you want to run for the White House (please turn in twice that amount.) Candidates must also pay a hefty filing fee of $2,500.

Nine states don’t even allow voters to write-in names of their preferred candidates.

The Libertarian Party beat Oklahoma’s tightly controlled process by obtaining more than 42,000 signatures. The petition campaign cost the national party $104,000. For third parties, organizational infrastructure, as well as deep pockets, is vital — running for President means conducting 50 races simultaneously. Start-up campaigns simply do not have the money or the manpower to be competitive with Democrats and Republicans because of the barriers the ruling parties have put in place.

The nation’s leading expert on ballot access laws is Richard Winger, editor of Ballot Access News. He maintains that, “Ballot access restrictions vary from state to state, but they have one thing in common and that is to prevent people other than Democrats and Republicans from getting on the ballot.”

Disenfranchising candidates is part of the election game as well. Forty-five states have enacted “sore loser” laws denying defeated candidates the right to run a third party or independent campaign. If a candidate believes political power brokers have quashed any chance to win the Democrat or Republican nomination, there is no second chance.

Third party candidate Ralph Nader has observed, “If we all have an equal right to run for election. If they call third-party candidates spoilers but they don’t call their major opponent in the other party a spoiler, they are assigning a second-class citizenship to the third-party candidacy.”

The Gallup organization has found that, “A majority of Americans, 60 percent, say a third major political party is needed because the Republican and Democratic parties ‘do such a poor job’ of representing the American people.” Yet when voters get inside the polling booth, they often find only two candidates listed. Richard Winger asserts, “The extreme disparity of the burdens placed on old, established parties versus new parties has no parallel in any other democratic nation in the world.”

Reasonable ballot access requirements to set qualifying standards are necessary. However, just as poll taxes were set up to keep certain citizens from expressing their right to vote, today’s ballot access laws are deliberately designed to provide a similar obstacle for freethinkers who challenge the political power elites.

In 1775, John Adams warned future generations of American voters that, “There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.” He was so right.


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Fight for a Fair and Free Election Process

by Richard Winger, Ballot Access News

richard winger

In many states around the country, there are attempts to change the election law and impose a “top-two primary”.   Louisiana used this system from 1975 until 1998, and even today uses a variant of it.   Washington State started using it in 2008, and California started using it in 2011.

A top-two system means that all candidates for Congress and state office run on the same ballot in the primary.  Then, only the two candidates who came in first or second can run in November.

There have been 119 instances when a member of a party other than the Republican and Democratic Parties ran for federal or state office in a top-two system, and in which there were at least two major party members running.  In all 119 instances, the minor party candidate did not place first or second and thus could not run in the general election.

The Louisiana variant isn’t bad, because Louisiana abolished the primary and just has a general election in November.  But the California and Washington systems result in general election ballots with just Republicans and Democrats on the ballot, except in the rare cases when only one major party members filed, so the minor party candidate can’t fail to place second.

Experience teaches that voters won’t pay attention to candidates from parties other than the Democratic and Republican Parties until after the voters know who the two big parties nominated.  And in a top-two system, by then, it is too late for the Constitution Party member to get on the ballot.

Big business interests like top-two and have funded it lavishly in initiative campaigns, especially in Oregon last year.  Michael Bloomberg contributed $2,000,000 to the top-two initiative, as did John Arnold, a Houston billionaire.  But top-two still lost in Oregon 2-1.  It also lost in Oregon in 2008, also by 2-1.  It lost in Arizona in 2012 by 2-1.  But it won in California in June 2010, and in Washington in November 2004.  The reason it passed in California was that for years, the legislature had taken months past the deadline to pass a state budget.  That was because the budget had to pass by two-thirds in each house of the legislature, and Republicans, although in the minority, always blocked the budget.  The voters were sick of gridlock and thought top-two would fix the problem.

More on this important issue can be found at www.ballotaccessnews.com.

Richard Winger is founder of Ballot Access News, the authoritative resource for independent and third party candidates, and those concerned with a free and fair elections.

Free and Fair Elections

Home Front with Cynthia Davis
16 September 2014



What’s involved in getting a candidate on the ballot? Do political parties matter? In this episode of Home Front, Cynthia Davis is joined by Jim Clymer, former chairman of the national Constitution Party, and Gary Odom, former national Field Director to talk about what happened with Ron Paul, what George Washington said about the way we do things and why we need better options when we go to vote. Both Jim and Gary discuss the situation from their own experiences — as candidates, Constitution Party leaders, lawsuits — and why they are pressing on with the battle.

Listen here:  Free and Fair Elections



Cynthia Davis is a former four-term state representative in Missouri, ran for Missouri Lieutenant Governor in 2012, and is the creator of the Home Front with Cynthia Davis podcast.