Could Civics Education Reduce Voter Apathy?

23 September 2014 – 

US Capitol

When it comes to understanding how our government works a shockingly large number of Americans have very little knowledge.

A recent Gallup poll found that fewer than 40% of Americans could identify which party controls each chamber of Congress.

Another survey, by the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania, found about the same number of Americans were able to correctly name all three branches of government.

Read the full article here: Civics Education and Voter Apathy  

Free and Fair Elections

Home Front with Cynthia Davis
16 September 2014



What’s involved in getting a candidate on the ballot? Do political parties matter? In this episode of Home Front, Cynthia Davis is joined by Jim Clymer, former chairman of the national Constitution Party, and Gary Odom, former national Field Director to talk about what happened with Ron Paul, what George Washington said about the way we do things and why we need better options when we go to vote. Both Jim and Gary discuss the situation from their own experiences — as candidates, Constitution Party leaders, lawsuits — and why they are pressing on with the battle.

Listen here:  Free and Fair Elections



Cynthia Davis is a former four-term state representative in Missouri, ran for Missouri Lieutenant Governor in 2012, and is the creator of the Home Front with Cynthia Davis podcast.

Your June Newsletter

by Frank Fluckiger, National Chairman 

2 July 2014


“All politics is local” — that was the advice of former House Speaker Tip O-Neal.  And, as Jim Clymer, our former National Chairman writes in the June newsletter:

True grassroots political action is that which springs up from a cause that catches fire at the local level, and then spreads to communities across the country.  It does not come from the top down.  The fervor for a cause arises like the “brushfires of freedom in the minds of men” as described by Samuel Adams, which spread across the landscape.

It was grassroots action that won us a place on the New Mexico ballot … and Wisconsin too. And it’s tireless Constitution Party activists who are hard at work securing a place on the ballot from Alabama to Alaska.

Your financial help is key to this activity.Please read our latest newsletter — and, as part of your role in organizing at the grassroots level, send it along to fellow patriots and post it on Facebook.

At the same time, I urge you to generously invest in the Constitution Party.

There are only 125 days from now until voters go to the polls. I hope some patriots will be motivated by that number and will give a gift $125 … or just $25. Every donation counts.

Summer is traditionally a slow season for fundraising, but it’s the prime time for grassroots politics. I believe our Constitution Party can meet the challenges of contributing and campaigning.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Constitution Party: No More Meddling in the Middle East

No Syria


23 October 2013

Military intervention in Syrian civil war is unconstitutional and unwise

The Constitution Party platform opposes interventionism, and even saber rattling, unless the vital interests of the nation are at risk—and the House of Representatives authorizes military action. Our plank on foreign policy demands that Congress, “refuse to fund unconstitutional, undeclared wars pursuant to presidential whim or international obligations under which American sovereignty has been transferred to multi-national agencies.”

Whether it is full scale military invasion of Iraq in 1990 or what the Pentagon now calls “limited stand-off strikes” in Syria, the Constitution Party takes seriously John Quincy Adams’ observation: “America abstain(s) from interference in the concerns of others, even when the conflict has been for principles to which she clings … She goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy.” The Constitution Party opposes war by Executive Order as well. The U.S. Constitution is clear: only Congress has the power to “define and punish … offenses against the Law of Nations” (Art. 1, § 8, cl.10). Congress cannot transfer to the president its exclusive power to declare war any more than it can transfer its exclusive power to levy taxes. Such a transfer is illegal.

Intervention in the tragic Syrian civil war is not only unconstitutional, it is a risky strategy. A May 5 Reuters News Service story proves the point: “U.N. investigator: testimony that Syrian rebels used sarin gas.” Dropping American bombs into this complex, confusing, and far away fight will only fortify terrorist rallying cries and further erode the historic U.S. foreign policy based on fairness, justice, and guided by a moral compass. The American people understand this and are resisting the machinations of the military-industrial complex. Polls consistently show 65-75 percent opposition to meddling in the Middle East. The Constitution Party urges voters to reject U.S. jingoism and heed Thomas Jefferson’s sage foreign policy advice: “peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none.”


Howard Phillips: The Conservative’s Conservative

Howard Phillips was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1941.  The son of Jewish parents, he later converted to Christianity, and remained a devout Christian to the end of his life.  He married Margaret “Peggy” Blanchard and together they raised six children.

A 1962 graduate of Harvard College in Cambridge Massachusetts, he was twice elected as chairman of the Student Council.

During the 1970s and ’80s, Phillips also coordinated efforts to build private sector support for anti-Communist freedom fighters in Central America and southern Africa. He played an instrumental role in the leadership of the New Right and Religious Right political movements. Phillips led geostrategic fact-finding missions to Eastern Europe, Africa, the Baltic States, South America, Central America, Western Europe, and the Far East.

During the Nixon Administration, Phillips headed two Federal agencies, ending his Executive Branch career as Director of the U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity in the Executive Office of the President, a position from which he resigned when President Nixon reneged on his commitment to veto further funding for “Great Society” programs.

Howard Phillips founded the U.S. Taxpayers Party (USTP) in 1992 to offer America leadership committed to restoring the Federal Republic to its delegated, enumerated Constitutional functions and returning American jurisprudence to its original “common law” Biblical foundations. Phillips was nominated in 1992 and 1996 to be the USTP candidate for President of the United States. In 1999, the name of the US Taxpayer’s Party was changed to “Constitution Party” to better reflect the party’s primary focus of returning government to the U.S. Constitution’s provisions and limitations, and Howard Phillips was chosen to be its 2000 Presidential candidate.

Phillips also served as President of The Conservative Caucus Research, Analysis & Education Foundation.

Author of four books: The New Right at Harvard (1983), Moscow’s Challenge to U.S. Vital Interests in Sub-Saharan Africa (1987), The Next Four Years (1992), and Victory 2000 (1999).


  • The June 1982 Eagle Forum Award for leadership in the pro-family cause, and “steadfast opposition to the mischief of the federally-financed feminists.”
  • The National Association of Pro-America 1983 Award for “promoting Constitutional government”.
  • The National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools Award, 1995.
  • The Strategic Resource Group’s William Wilberforce Award for “Ministry to the Nation/Public Policy” in September, 1996.
  • The Patrick Henry Center for Individual Liberty conferred upon him the title of “Patriot” in May 2002.

America truly lost one of her most valiant patriots with the passing of Howard Phillips in April of 2013.  Thank you, Howie, for carving the path for us to follow in re-establishing the American Constitutional Republic.  May we live up to your vision and the vision of the Founders of these United States of America.

Darrell L. Castle’s Tribute to Howard W. Phillips, the Founder of the Constitution Party
A Great Man Has Fallen by Chuck Baldwin
Howard Phillips Legacy Society