Terry/Broden Campaign Gains National Attention!


12 July 2024
5 – 7 pm Pacific Time
Caesar’s Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada


FreedomFest Flyer
Click here for more details about the Free & Equal Elections Presidential Debate moderated by Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY)
FreedomFest Details


Randall Terry Preps for Debate

Some presidential candidates prep for their debate by spending a week in the woods.  Click on this link to see what the CP presidential candidate is doing to prep for his Free and Equal Debate on Friday, July 12.  (1 minute long)


Watch Vice-Presidential candidate, Pastor Stephen E. Broden, speak on the Stacy Washington TV program last week.  He addresses why black voters must DESTROY the DEMOCRATIC PARTY.

Support FREE and EQUAL ELECTIONS!  Help us spread the word by donating to nationwide TV ads. Click to:  Donate to TV Advertising

OR support the Constitution Party here: JOIN/DONATE

Defend, Defeat, Destroy

Defend Children…Defeat Biden…Destroy the Democrat Party!
“The 3 Ds”

June 27, 2024

Dear Friends of Life and Liberty,

“The 3 Ds” is the goal of the Constitution Party presidential/vice-presidential candidates, Randall Terry & Pastor Stephen Broden.


 Click here to learn more about these candidates!



Randall Terry, an outspoken advocate for the unborn, is the Founder of the anti-abortion group, Operation Rescue, who led the largest, peaceful civil disobedience in American history from 1987 to 1994.


Since the election of the Terry/Broden ticket (the Campaign) in the first round of voting at the National Convention in Salt Lake City, much interest in the Party has been generated in many states.  While most ballot-qualified states will be placing the Terry/Broden candidates on their ballots, the energy and message of the Campaign has inspired non-ballot qualified states to work towards obtaining ballot access.




The Campaign’s goal is to be on the ballot in at least 20 states. Any campaign for the presidency that has ballot access in at least ten states qualifies to advertise TV ads nationally, without censorship, 60 days before the election.  These ads can be strategically placed on stations in ballot qualified states which broadcast into states where we do not have ballot access.

Therefore, I am writing to request that our faithful supporters make their most generous donation to help us place ads on TV for the Campaign.  These professional ads will create a media FIRESTORM that will give HUGE attention, like never before, to the Constitution Party. No other presidential candidate in the CP history has placed TV ads to get this type of recognition.


Click here (or copy and paste into your browser) to see this awesome Constitution Party TV ad:  America Is In Crisis!


We are urging all supporters to contribute towards this effort, no matter what the amount. I believe this effort will benefit the Party’s growth and create better name recognition for the future.  The Campaign has already been doing lots of interviews, and a number of articles have been written about them as well as radio and podcast interviews, including interviews by the Washington Post and the Epoch Times.


UPCOMING EVENTS: Stephen Broden plans to speak at the convention of the Constitution Party of Wisconsin, as well as media interviews in the days prior to the convention. Randall Terry will be speaking at the convention of the U.S. Taxpayers Party, which is the Constitution Party affiliate in Michigan.



  1. Will you host a Zoom call?  For more information, contact the Terry/Broden Campaign Manager Joe Slovenec at Joe [at] Terry2024 [dot] com
  2. Contact other Constitution Party members, or like-minded supporters in your state, and ask them to donate to TV advertising and/or ballot access.  Getting these ads in front of American voters is essential for promoting the party and obtaining ballot access in more states in time for the 2024 election!




We are using professional petitioners to help obtain ballot access in a few more states — West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Tennessee, Vermont, and New Hampshire.

Your help is needed to make this happen




Thank you.

Together, for the cause,

Jim Clymer
National Chairman

Support the Constitution Party

Comments or Questions: Click here to contact Donna Ivanovich, Administrative Assistant to the National Chairman

Ballot Access Battle Looms in North Carolina

June 29, 2024

FROM: National Chairman Jim Clymer

TO: All Patriots!

We need immediate help for the Party in North Carolina. They have worked tirelessly for three-and-a-half years to gather the required 13,865 verified signatures, and they submitted over 19,000 signatures with 14,504 verified by the counties.

This should have been the end of the matter.  But an outrage has occurred.


On Wednesday, June 26, the Board of Elections met and refused ballot access because the State Party Chairman’s “address” had changed since the start of the 3-1/2 year process.

According to Richard Winger from Ballot Access News, there is no legal precedent to rule in this fashion. For equally ridiculous reasons, the Board of Elections ruled against the “We The People Party” (RFK) and the “Justice for All Party” (Cornel West). There are five members on the board—three Democrats and two Republicans—and you guessed it, the Democrats voted against us.

The Constitution Party of North Carolina, along with these other two parties, decided to team up together and hire a legal team to sue the state to protect our ballot access.


We must fight and fight we will!

This is where you come in.

Like all state parties, North Carolina is not flush with cash by any means and cannot fight this on their own with no money. We are asking fellow patriots and the party faithful to dig deep into your bank accounts and help finance this legal battle. We cannot sit idly by after North Carolina labored for over three years to acquire this many signatures.

These elites know that minor parties like ours never have much extra money and think they can bully us because we don’t have the means to fight back.  Well, they picked the wrong Party to bully.


We must stand with our brothers and sisters in North Carolina and fight this grave injustice. This hard work must not be in vain. Please be as generous as possible. This fight will not be cheap, but it will cost less because we are banding together with others in the fight.

Please take the time NOW and DONATE TO BALLOT ACCESS. All funds will go to this fight, and if there is any money left over, it will go into our ballot access fund to help other states gain ballot access.


I cannot stress how important and urgent this is. Please click on the link above and donate TODAY!

Click here: DONATE TO BALLOT ACCESS and PLEASE be as generous as possible. Remember, all funds will go to this fight, and if there is any money left over, it will go into our ballot access fund.

Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication to our cause. Together, we will overcome this injustice and ensure that every voice is heard.

Questions or Comments?  Click here to contact Donna Ivanovich, Administrative Assistant to the National Chairman

Constitution Party Presidential Nominee Randall Terry Takes the National Debate Stage


Free and Open Elections will conduct a National debate at FreedomFest in Las Vegas on July 12, 2024.
Click here for details:   https://www.freedomfest.com/

So far, 7 candidates have been invited.  Randall Terry, Constitution Party presidential candidate and founder of the pro-life group, Operation Rescue, has confirmed his participation along with Chase Oliver, the Libertarian candidate, and Jill Stein, Green Party candidate.  Independent candidate, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has also been invited to this national debate.

Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) will be the moderator.

Stay tuned for more details…

Help the Constitution Party promote constitutional candidates in 2024 and beyond with your most generous donation.

Donate Here to Ballot Access

Comments or Questions?  Click Here to reach the Administrative Assistant to the National Chairman

We need volunteers too!  https://constitutionparty.nationbuilder.com/


America is in Crisis


America is in a Life Crisis.
We no longer respect Human Life. 
Whether pre-born, children, youth, civilian, or military,
politicians seem hell-bent on our destruction.
Time for a radical change in our thinking.
Time to re-establish America’s Constitutional Republic!


View this urgent message from
2024 Presidential Candidate Randall Terry



2024 Election of Executive Officers and Area Chairmen


DATE:    April 30, 2024

After a total of 16 years serving the Constitution Party as your National Chairman, with three 4-year terms from 1999 to 2012, and then again for one 4-year term from 2020 to 2024, it is time for me to step down and hand the reigns over to someone else.

At the Spring 2024 National Committee Meeting this past weekend and following the National Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah, I am happy to announce that Justin Magill was nominated and was elected to the position of National Chairman.

Justin is an attorney and lives in Erie, PA, where he serves as the Vice-Chairman and the NW Regional Chairman for the Constitution Party of Pennsylvania.  He also served as a Member-At-Large on the Executive Committee for the last 4 years.

I am proud to also announce the following people as newly elected members now joining the Executive Committee.  They are:

Glen Miller from Utah has accepted the nomination as National Vice-Chairman.  Glen joined the Constitution Party in 2008 and has also served on the Executive Committee as a Member-At-Large since 2019.  I’m sure many recognize Glen as the author and editor of the Howard Phillips Legacy Society’s monthly “Victory Report“.

Megan Schmitt of our newest affiliated Party in New Hampshire has accepted the position as our National Secretary.  Megan is a founding member of the Constitution Party of New Hampshire where she serves as their State Secretary and prepares their monthly Newsletter.  She is passionate and energetic, and I know she’s going to be a responsible secretary.

Gerald (Jerry) Wistrand from a Kansas City suburb of Missouri has accepted the very important position as our National Treasurer.  Jerry has been an IT Auditor for 36 years and is the Constitution Party of Missouri’s State Treasurer.  He is currently coordinating Missouri’s ballot access petition campaign while also serving as the Chairman of Jackson County and as an Alternate Member to the National Committee.

Bob Goodrich, the State Chairman of the Constitution Party of Pennsylvania and a National Committee Member, has accepted the position as Eastern States Area Chairman.

Kristen Jackson, the State Co-Chairman of the newest affiliated Constitution Party of New Hampshire and a National Committee Member, has accepted the position as Eastern States Area Co-Chairman.

Dan (Red) Phillips, M.D. has been an active member of the Constitution Party of Georgia for several years as well as a National Committee Member.  He wants to help grow the Party as the Southern States Area Co-Chairman along with re-elected Southern States Area Chairman, Kevin Hayes, from North Carolina.

Dr. Steven Sylvester, the State Chairman of the Constitution Party of Illinois and a National Committee Member, was nominated and accepted the position as Mid-Western States Area Co-Chairman along with re-elected Mid-Western States Area Chairman, Paul Venable, from Missouri.

Janine Hansen from Nevada and Kirk Pearson from Utah were re-elected as the Western States Area Chairman and Co-Chairman.

Won’t you please join me in giving these members a hearty congratulations for volunteering to help lead the Constitution Party in the way it should go.

As my last reminder and request, the Constitution Party needs your financial support more now than ever before.  Your donations will help us garner ballot access in some states as well as promote our newly elected presidential candidate, pro-life warrior, Randall Terry.

This is a critical time in our country.

It is time for concerned patriots to man the ramparts.

It has been an honor to serve you and the Party I have loved from the beginning of its creation.  I will still be around in a training capacity during the transition period until the Fall 2024 National Committee Meeting in Raleigh, North Carolina on November 8-9, 2024.

For Liberty,

Jim Clymer
National Chairman


Constitution Party Files Brief with SCOTUS in Support of Don Blankenship’s Defamation Lawsuit

The Constitution Party has filed an amicus brief in support of Don Blankenship’s defamation lawsuit.  Don was the 2020 Constitution Party candidate for President and previously a Republican candidate for U. S. Senate from West Virginia.

Mr. Blankenship has expended significant resources to clear his name and at the center of the argument is a longstanding interpretation of a previous Supreme Court Case, New York Times v, Sullivan.

Joining the Constitution Party National Committee in this Supreme Court filing are these organizations:

    • Free Speech Coalition
    • Free Speech Defence and Education Fund
    • America’s Future
    • Public Advocate of the United States
    • U. S. Constitutional Rights Legal Defense Fund
    • Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund
    • Restoring Liberty Action Committee

Read the Brief...


Gorsuch Condemns COVID Policies for Violating Civil Liberties


Gorsuch Condemns COVID Policies for Violating Civil Liberties: Where Are the Rest?

Written by: Robert W. Peck, former Executive Committee Member, State Chairman of the Constitution Party of Washington and current continuing supporter

In a statement relating to the case of Arizona v. Alejandro Mayorkas (Secretary of Homeland Security), US Supreme Court Justice, Neil Gorsuch, condemned government-imposed COVID policies that turned the legal and legislative process on its head and violated civil liberties. The justice’s review of actions taken by local, state, and federal governments over the past three years reads like a report on human rights abuses from the socialist Soviet Union era. Previous generations of Americans would have thought the justice’s statements were from a dystopian novel, not current events.

Here are some key passages from Justice Gorsuch’s statement.

“Since March 2020, we may have experienced the greatest intrusions on civil liberties in the peacetime history of this country. Executive officials across the country issued emergency decrees on a breathtaking scale. Governors and local leaders imposed lockdown orders forcing people to remain in their homes. They shuttered businesses and schools, public and private. They closed churches even as they allowed casinos and other favored businesses to carry on… They divided cities and neighborhoods into color-coded zones, forced individuals to fight for their freedoms in court on emergency timetables, and then changed their color-coded schemes when defeat in court seemed imminent.

“Federal executive officials entered the act too… They deployed a public-health agency to regulate landlord-tenant relations nationwide. They used a workplace-safety agency to issue a vaccination mandate… They threatened to fire noncompliant employees, and warned that service members who refused to vaccinate might face dishonorable discharge and confinement. Along the way, it seems federal officials may have pressured social-media companies to suppress information about pandemic policies with which they disagreed.

“While executive officials issued new emergency decrees at a furious pace, state legislatures and Congress—the bodies normally responsible for adopting our laws—too often fell silent. Courts bound to protect our liberties addressed a few—but hardly all—of the intrusions upon them. In some cases, like this one, courts even allowed themselves to be used to perpetuate emergency public-health decrees for collateral purposes, itself a form of emergency-lawmaking-by-litigation.”

Amen Justice Gorsuch–someone finally said it!

But where are the rest?

For over three years now, governors, presidents, and a plethora of agents and agencies under their charge have usurped powers not constitutionally delegated to them and trampled on rights once held sacred. The lawless and oppressive nature of lockdown-shutdown-maskup-vaxup orders was able to be known from day one (Why Covid Orders Are Not Law) . Statements like that of Justice Gorsuch could have and should have been issued by every public official in the land, including two Presidents that presided over the pandemic, 535 members of Congress, 50 governors, 7,558 state legislators, thousands of county commissioners, thousands of county sheriffs, and tens of thousands of mayors and city councilmen.

Yet of those thousands of public officials whose duty it is to defend our God-given rights and uphold the constitutional rule of law, we now have this statement issued by one Supreme Court justice, two governors who either declined to implement, or stood up against unlawful policies (South Dakota and Florida), and Rand Paul, who continues to be a voice for liberty in the US Senate.

So again, I ask, where are the rest?

Are there any others in elected office anywhere in the land who comprehend the concept of inherent, immutable, God-given rights and who hold fidelity to the plain text and original intent of the Constitution provided for the preservation of those rights?

There has been discussion about the effectiveness of masks and the safety of the shots, though relatively little of that has come from elected officials. But frankly, those discussions distracted us from the paramount issue. From day one, the salient question has been whether we will remain free and autonomous souls with rights bestowed by our Creator, or become the slavish wards of an almighty state.

So again, I ask, where are the voices of other public officials championing the rule of law and decrying the violation of rights?

Where were the hundreds of Republican members of Congress who could have provided national leadership by issuing a joint statement denouncing such policies as unlawful and violating civil liberties?

Where was the Republican Party, which could have issued a statement akin to that of Justice Gorsuch, then threatened to expel from the party any governors issuing emergency orders that violate the God-given rights of their citizens?

Where were the large, well-funded organizations of the right–the ones that beg Granny for her social security check so they can save the grandkids from the libs by electing more Republicans–organizations that could have mounted major legal battles in defense of churches, small businesses, and workers rights?

Finally, where was the Christian-conservative-right, the voting block that talks about liberty, complained about masks and mandates, then went back to the polls to reelect nearly every Republican regardless of whether they perpetrated, or merely tolerated the violation of our rights?

It would appear the favored party of the right, nearly all its office holders, and the people who elect them have all collectively lost the understanding of, and forsaken devotion to, the concept of God-given rights and constitutionally limited government.

No, I’m not exaggerating. Just look at the results. The violations outlined by Justice Gorsuch occurred in every blue state and over 90 percent of red states, including states with complete Republican control (23 states after the 2020 election). The land of liberty has lost its constitutional compass, and the conservative right has forgotten the rights it set out to conserve.

This is the fruit produced by a policy of pursuing victory through compromise.

For over 30 years now, I’ve watched as the Christian-conservative-right has consistently moved away from candidates who embodied its professed values in favor of those the pundits and party hacks told them could “beat the Democrat.” Over this same time, the right gradually forgot the principles it was compromising away to win at the polls. Slowly and subtly, conservatives assimilated the policies and practices of those they were taught to cheer for as their perceived deliverers. The result is that today the right supports a party and votes for politicians its predecessors would have tried for treachery.

The loneness of Justice Gorsuch’s voice crying in the political wilderness demonstrates the degree to which there is no longer a major political party or a significant faction within a party that retains the American ideals of liberty through inherent, immutable, God-given rights protected by the constitutional rule of law.

Yes, a few small activist organizations have pursued remedy against COVID policies in the courts, and a rare few alternative media commentators have voiced a constitutional and rights-based view on the matter. But there is no body of elected leaders, no well-funded political organizations, and no populist movement left in the land acknowledging and holding fidelity to the Creator as the source of rights and the Constitution as the source of law. There may be some politicians who give lip service to such, but their inaction during COVID belies them.

Without the acknowledgment of the Creator as the source of rights and the Constitution as the source of law, we are left to drift on a sea of secular humanist philosophy where the passions of human opinion and whims of government edict reign supreme, arbitrarily decreeing who, if any, has rights and what they might be on any given day.

Yes, I’m saying that all our human institutions, including the popular organizations of the right, have failed us, and we’re now beyond all political hope of recovering the republic. But that’s a good thing. It’s good if it leads us to give up hope–false hope that is. And indeed, all hope that looks to man, man-made institutions, and man’s political machinations is false hope.

The only valid basis for all true hope is faith in the integrity of our Creator and the veracity of His word.

Does that mean we should withdraw from the political realm? Not at all. Quite the opposite.

The proper role of the church as ambassadors for the owner and soon-coming king of this planet is to declare our Lord’s counsels, principles, and purposes to mankind, including to the institutions of men and their civil societies, so that they might know how to govern themselves according to His will and be blessed.

However, it is utterly perverse for the people of God to go around looking to human political institutions for power by which to save ourselves, prostituting ourselves and our professed principles in exchange for a seat at their table. Satan has twisted our minds and turned the tables on us. He has us seeing ourselves as beggars seeking power from the world by which to save ourselves from the world.

In reality, all power, both in heaven and on earth, belongs to our Lord, and the power that this world’s leaders currently wield is on loan to them from him. They will soon give an account to him for their use of it. And we will give an account of our ambassadorship and whether we have used it to properly represent our king and the counsels of his kingdom.

No, I’m not saying we should despair of hope and give up.

I am saying that it’s time for Christians in America to turn off the TV news, turn off the talk radio, put down the column by our favorite pundit, and instead go aside, get quiet, get alone with our own thoughts, and ask God to begin showing us again what are the first principles of His revealed will for human society and its civil governance. Then, return to the standard that the Lord shows us and refuse to be moved from it even if it means standing alone; even if it means voting alone; even if it means writing in the name of the one person we know who overtly honors God and upholds the rule of law.

You see, God’s ability to bless, honor, protect, and provide is not determined by who is in office. God’s honor comes upon those who honor Him (1 Samuel 2:30), and blessing is to those who forsake trust in man and human might and return to trusting in the Lord (Jeremiah 17:5).

Please support returning our nation to a constitutional republic by making your most generous donation in support of the Constitution Party.  Click here:

Constitution Party

Comments or Questions: Contact Donna Ivanovich, Adm Asst to the National Chairman

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Created with NationBuilder, software for leaders.

Election Fraud

Election Deniers or Election Questioners?

Another Reason Why America Needs the Constitution Party

According to Sidney Powell, an attorney and former prosecutor, we have been blatantly reminded this past week that Election Fraud is a massive problem in our country.  Although many people have worked on this problem and suffered major consequences from speaking out, efforts to secure the integrity of our elections have been few and meager.

There ARE solutions, but our elected representatives in Washington have not had the courage and strength of character to employ them.

The Democrats cannot win elections without extensive ballot fraud, and the Republicans don’t seem to care.  Rampant fraud was known and exposed following the 2020 election.  Uncorrected, they blatantly repeated their tactics last week.

What did the Republicans do about it?

The Constitution Party may appear small in numbers, but what we lack in size is made up in constitutional principle.

For instance, under the “Election Reform” plank in the Constitution Party Platform, it is stated in part,

“In order to avoid election fraud, we insist electronic and mechanical voting processes provide a clear, auditable and verifiable paper trail. At a minimum, elections should be audited at random at the precinct level after the polls close.”
There is a growing movement within the states and nation to undermine our right of a “Secret Ballot” by making people vote by absentee ballot. This move away from a “Secret Ballot” and “Vote-in-person” approach is an insecure system, not only because the Post office has been losing and misplacing mail for many years, but also because of increasing fraud and vote rigging, such as voter suppression, vote buying, and ballot box stuffing.
Even though Vote- By-Mail seems to increase voting percentages in the short-term, it has proven to cause a long-term decline. Also verifying signatures “after the fact” greatly increases the cost of an election.
Since true freedom requires being inconvenienced and putting forth extra effort from time- to-time, we oppose any movement to codify or use Vote-By-Mail and other such schemes which undermine the liberty-preserving privilege of voting in secret, in person, at precinct-based polling places.”

Click here to read the entire Constitution Party Plank:

Election Reform

There is anecdotal evidence all over the place.

1)  The Gateway Pundit – Maricopa County Election Judge Believes the Machines Were Programmed to Reject Ballots on Election Day.

Michele Swinick was an election judge in Maricopa County on election day last week. Following the election Michele stepped forward to discuss what she experienced in Maricopa County on Election Day.

Michele worked at a center in a heavily Republican district. According to Michele, the tabulators worked perfectly well the night before the election. Then on Election Day they quit working. Only 1 in 10 ballots were accepted through the tabulators. The officials were told to put the defective ballots into a different section called “Door 3.”

Michele believes this was all planned. The election officials knew that republicans were going to come out in force on election day as they did in the primary. This was a planned operation.

It defies logic how many odd unexplained little breakdowns happen on Election Day.

2) The Daily Wire – Nevada County Confirms Livestream Video of Vote-count Areas Went Dark for 8 hours.

“We know that our election livestream cameras went dark overnight. We investigated what happened and how to prevent it happening again,” Washoe County’s Twitter account posted Thursday afternoon.

Unsurprisingly, the tweet went viral, racking up thousands of reactions, which included questions concerning election integrity.

“The livestream computer application lost connection with the courtesy cameras at 11:24 p.m. the evening of November 9,” the county said on its website. “All staff had left for the night about 60 minutes earlier and did not arrive back at the office until 7 a.m. Connection was restored at 7:53 a.m. the morning of November 10.”

Questions over election integrity have dominated news cycles in recent years. One main issue is certainly the influx of vote-by-mail initiatives that lead to vote-counts lingering for days or even weeks after Election Day.

How is it possible to run out of ballots on Election Day?

3) FOX NewsTexas Gov. Abbott calls for investigation into Harris County’s Election Day problems.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott called for an investigation into Harris County’s elections after several polling places failed to open on time and ran out of paper ballots on Election Day last week.

“The allegations of election improprieties in our state’s largest county may result from anything ranging from malfeasance to blatant criminal conduct,” Abbott said in a statement.

“Voters in Harris County deserve to know what happened. Integrity in the election process is essential. To achieve that standard, a thorough investigation is warranted.”Harris County Elections Administrator Cliff Tatum said that his office is “fully committed to transparency” regarding the midterm elections, noting that the county has been selected to participate in the Texas Secretary of State’s 2022 audit.

American Voters need to wake up and have the courage to support the Constitution Party.  Begin preparing for 2024.  We can make a difference.

Click here to see how you can support the  Constitution Party

Questions or Comments: Contact: Donna Ivanovich