Message From the Chairman

Wisconsin and Wyoming

by Frank Fluckiger
– 30 October 2014 –

Here are two more Constitution candidates we should all be proud of: Jerry Broitzman running for Secretary of State in Wisconsin, and Jennifer Young for the same office in Wyoming. More often than not, the races for lower ranked offices — where big money and slick ads aren’t usually part of campaigning — give our nominees a better chance to be noticed by the media and by voters.

In Wisconsin, Jerry Broitzman has been endorsed by five term Milwaukee County Supervisor Mark Borkowski, a Republican. Also, Jerry has produce a professional radio ad — I urge you to listen to this one minute commercial:

Jerry had an opportunity to record a statement on why he is running for Secretary of State which was broadcast in Wisconsin, along with all statewide candidates, by Public Broadcasting television. He did a fine job:

In Wyoming, Jennifer Young was endorsed by the state Right to Life affiliate. That adds credibility among social issues advocates, and inspires much-needed “ground troops” to do the hard work of retail campaigning. Also, in a unprecedented development, Wyoming’s State Superintendent of Public Instruction’s Cindy Hill, a Republican, endorsed Jennifer’s bid for Secretary of State.

As we come down to the wire, I sense a positive movement in our work to educate and motivate patriots, and recruit them to the front lines of Constitution Party campaigns.

This is due to your involvement in party organization, ballot access drives, volunteering for campaigns, and generous donations to the Constitution party.

My heartfelt thanks for all you are doing to raise the Constitution Party banner high.