I wanted you to be among the first to know of a big upset we’ve scored in Alaska.
The former Republican Party state chairman has joined the Constitution Party and endorsed our team of J.R. Myers for Governor and his Lt. Governor running mate, Maria Rensel.
Several Ron Paul supporters in Alaska, including the former state chairman, have switched parties recently — they understand the GOP can’t be “reformed.” They know America needs a new party, one based on timeless principles and courageous candidates. The Constitution Party is their new political home.
Your support is moving our party forward faster than ever. I’ll have more political news very soon.
In the meantime, I must ask you to help underwrite our party — there are only 36 days left before the election. It is urgent that I hear from you right away. Your investment of $250 or $25 or $500 or $50 is vital.
Thank you for all you are doing for the Constitution Party — with your help, 2014 will prove to be a great year for us.