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The Castle Report: Asleep at Arlington

May 31, 2024 Podcast: Download Subscribe: RSS | More Darrell Castle talks about the state of our society and the politics that drive and govern it. Transcription / Notes Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 31st Day of May in the year of our Lord 2024.I will be talking about the state of

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Randall Terry will be on the North Carolina Ballot

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Randall Terry, Constitution Party Presidential Candidate, will be on the ballot in North Carolina July 9, 2024, North Carolina — In a significant development, the Constitution Party’s presidential nominee, Randall Terry, has successfully secured a spot on the ballot in North Carolina for the upcoming election. Prominent candidates, Bobby Kennedy and Cornel

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Terry/Broden Campaign Gains National Attention!

FREE AND EQUAL ELECTIONS PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE: 12 July 2024 5 – 7 pm Pacific Time Caesar’s Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada   FreedomFest Flyer WHO WILL BE HOSTING A “WATCH PARTY”? Click here for more details about the Free & Equal Elections Presidential Debate moderated by Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) FreedomFest Details **************************************** Randall Terry Preps

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Defend, Defeat, Destroy

Defend Children…Defeat Biden…Destroy the Democrat Party! “The 3 Ds” June 27, 2024 Dear Friends of Life and Liberty, “The 3 Ds” is the goal of the Constitution Party presidential/vice-presidential candidates, Randall Terry & Pastor Stephen Broden.    Click here to learn more about these candidates!     Randall Terry, an outspoken advocate for the unborn,

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Republican Endorsement of Constitution Party Candidates Brings Abortion Center Stage in 2024

Written by:  Rebecca Terrell June 3, 2024 – The New American Former U.S. Republican House Majority Leader Tom DeLay of Texas has endorsed Randall Terry in his bid for U.S. president. The Constitution Party chose Terry in April as its presidential nominee for the 2024 election. Pastor Stephen Broden of Dallas is Terry’s running mate

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Constitution Party Presidential Nominee Randall Terry Takes the National Debate Stage

  Free and Open Elections will conduct a National debate at FreedomFest in Las Vegas on July 12, 2024. Click here for details: So far, 7 candidates have been invited.  Randall Terry, Constitution Party presidential candidate and founder of the pro-life group, Operation Rescue, has confirmed his participation along with Chase Oliver, the Libertarian

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America is in Crisis

  America is in a Life Crisis. We no longer respect Human Life.  Whether pre-born, children, youth, civilian, or military, politicians seem hell-bent on our destruction. Time for a radical change in our thinking. Time to re-establish America’s Constitutional Republic!   View this urgent message from 2024 Presidential Candidate Randall Terry