THE CASTLE REPORT: Criminal Negligence or Intentional Act?


Darrell Castle talks about the second assassination attempt against the life of Donal Trump.

Transcription / Notes


Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 20th day of September in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the second assassination attempt against the life of Donald Trump in two months. The question that should be answered is, was this latest attempt just criminal negligence on the part of the federal government and its various agencies or was it an intentional act.

When I look at what happened this time I can’t help but wonder what is going on here with this political party in charge of our government. The same political party that tells us Donald Trump is a threat to democracy and a threat to America. Was this an amazing coincidence or could people inside the federal government and its ruling elite be out to stop Donald Trump at any price.

The two soft approaches that are available to a dissident’s enemies have already and are currently being tried. If the dissident politician has enough money to satisfy him so that money doesn’t tempt him, the next step is to publicly demonize him. Trump is usually referred to by any Democrat as a threat to democracy and a threat to America. He is a would-be dictator and if elected he would turn this glorious democracy into a dictatorship and end freedom forever. The other day I heard a lady interviewed on MSNBC who said that he is exactly the same as Hitler. I doubt that she has a good understanding of who Hitler was and what he did but nevertheless it’s obvious she has bought the propaganda hook line and sinker.

Lawfare attacks are brought against the target at the same time he is being demonized. Lawfare is a take-off on the word warfare meaning that the law and its power to criminalize and financially drain a person is used to put an end to a target politician’s career. A simple bookkeeping transaction is converted into 34 felony charges and a hand selected judge and jury complete the process. Guilty, the jury says but only after the judge instructed them as to what they should find. It’s a perversion of justice but since these neocon Democrats are morally correct anything they do is justified to achieve the goal of stopping Trump.

So, it is incorrect to say the first two soft attacks didn’t work because they did work on many people, perhaps even 50% of the American people or close to that number, but they didn’t take their target out of the race. The only thing left then is the final solution and if you remember from history the final solution involves death, but that’s OK because the end is so noble it justifies any means.

In the first assassination attempt the Secret Service was understaffed because the first lady was speaking at the same time in the same state so understaffed. It turns out that many of the agents assigned to Trump for that speech and rally were not Secret Service at all, but agents reassigned temporarily from Homeland Security. In other words, they were not trained in high value target protection at least not much. It didn’t work because Trump, although wounded, survived the assassination attempt. Well, I guess if at first you don’t succeed try again.

Please understand that the picture I just painted for you is nothing but speculation on my part and could possibly be completely false. There is an awful lot of smoke and an awful lot of coincidence and an awful lot of incompetence from people who are supposed to be the best in the world, but I guess it’s at least possible that it’s all just a massive coincidence.

Last Sunday, September 15, the former president and one of his close friends decided to go out for a casual afternoon of golf at the Trump International Golf Club. There was no problem getting a late notice tee time since he owns the club and the course. The Secret Service did not sweep and clear the entire course but instead they cleared two holes ahead of the one Trump was playing. There were no agents outside the fence which was close to or within 400 yards of two different holes thus exposing the holes to outside the course people. The first is the fifth hole and outside that hole across the fence in some bushes designed to shield the view of a chain link fence, an assassin lay in wait for the Trump party to reach the fifth hole.

That is very significant because Trump’s round of golf was a closely held decision, unannounced and not on his public schedule, only his private one. In spite of all that, the would-be assassin set up his sniper’s nest twelve hours in advance. How did he know that Trump would be playing at that time, inside information perhaps gave him access to the private schedule but who knows. The assassin used an AK-47 style weapon with a scope which would have made shooting from that distance very easy.

This time there was a competent Secret Service agent clearing two holes ahead of the Trump party. He saw the assassin’s rifle barrel sticking through the fence and he did not hesitate but opened fire. Unlike the counter sniper team on the first attempt, he did not wait until the assassin fired 7 or 8 rounds before engaging him. The agent fired three rounds, and the assassin did not get a single shot off before he was forced to flee the scene.

He left two backpacks full of supplies and equipment and a go pro camera at the scene which indicates that he intended to film the event. He chose a place that had easy avenues of egress from the scene but unfortunately for the assassin he was seen by a passerby who took a picture of the black Nissan SUV that he used. He fled north on I-95 and made it 41 miles before he was pulled over and arrested without incident.

If anyone or any group of anyone’s sent this lone nut/patsy on his mission they made at least three mistakes this time and maybe four. No, on second thought it was four mistakes. The first is that this time there was an agent with the competence and guts to do his job thus thwarting the assassin’s efforts. The second is that this would be assassin was not very good and made the mistake of revealing his hide to a good agent before he was able to fire. The third was that this time the lone nut/patsy survived and was arrested. It is so much better if there is no testimony and the powers that be can just make up their own version of what happened and then just shut up about it.

The fourth mistake was that this lone nut/patsy, Ryan Wesley Routh, had a very clear political motivation so he was therefore a lot more than just a lone nut. He also had a history and was quite famous in his own right, having been previously interviewed by many media sources including the New York Times and many TV news services.

In one sense he was a very strange individual but in another he fit right in with the Project for a New American Century and other neocon plans for U.S. dominance over the world by military force. Sometimes his online statements made no sense and were virtually indecipherable, but at other times he sounded like a very determined Washington neocon or a man who thinks ideologically motivated military intervention in foreign conflicts is the right way instead of using diplomacy.

Routh made his political ideology and his political motivation very clear. He tried to take Donald Trump’s life because of Trump’s desire to bring a peaceful settlement to the Russia-Ukraine war. He was so pro-Ukraine that he traveled there and spent several months there to as he put it “assist in the conflict” by recruiting volunteers for the international legion. The Ukrainians rejected him as a military volunteer because he was 58 years old, and he had no military experience. His publicly stated political ideology fit in a lot more with the political ideology of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Dick Cheney than Donald Trump.

This is a quote on that subject from Jeffrey Sachs, well known professor at Columbia University and foreign policy analyst. This quote comes via the Tom Woods letter:

“I think it’s obvious there is one deep state party and that is the party of Cheney, Harris, Biden, Victoria Nuland. Nuland is kind of the face of all this, because she has been in every administration for the last 30 years. She was in the Clinton administration wrecking our policies toward Russia in the 1990’s. She was in the Bush administration junior, with Cheney, wrecking our policies towards NATO enlargement. She was in the Obama administration as Hillary’s spokesperson first, and then making a coup in Ukraine in February 2014. Not a great move. Started a war. Then she was Biden’s undersecretary of state. Now that’s both parties. It’s been a colossal mess. And she’s been Cheney’s advisor. She’s been Biden’s guidance advisor. It makes perfect sense. This is the reality. We’re trying to find out if there’s another party other than the Uni-Party. That’s the big question.”

Yes, Professor Sachs, there is a party other than the Uni-Party and right now the Uni-Party wants that other party dead. Hillary Clinton and Dick Cheney are two peas in a pod and act as cheerleaders for U.S. imperial ambitions. They are perfectly willing to suck the native population of America dry to fund their ambitions. Hillary refers to Trump as destructive of democracy and America and says he should not be allowed to serve because among other things he is a Russian agent. She has made no such disparaging remarks about the war criminal Dick Cheney. Harris may be a bubbleheaded actress, but she will shut up and do as she’s told, and that is good enough for the Uni-Party.

It appears then, that this second assassination attempt happened because the leading figures in the Deep State/Uni-Party who serve as Trump’s opposition wanted it to happen. The would-be assassin was no lone nut/patsy, and he was certainly no unhinged madman. He was an intelligent man who had travelled extensively and had appeared on many international news shows. He wrote a self-published book in 2023 titled “Ukraine’s Unwinnable War. “In his book he advised Iran that “you are free to assassinate Trump.” The book described Trump as a fool and a buffoon for both the January 6 riot which turned out to be an FBI false flag operation, but I digress, and also for Trump’s “tremendous blunder” in leaving the Iran nuclear deal.

Could this once again be a case of willful negligence on the part of the federal government. Is the government and the Secret Service really that incompetent. Joe Biden said, “One thing I want to make clear is that the Secret Service needs more help. I think Congress should respond to their needs.”  Well, Mr. President, the Service doesn’t seem to have any needs in protecting you, Dr. Jill, and Kamala Harris only your opponent who always seems to get the B-team.

The FBI and other government agencies were warned many times by many people that Routh was dangerous. One nurse told them that he said he wanted to kill all world leaders. One might sympathize with that thought but thank God we are rational enough not to act. Routh definitely fits the profile of a neocon terrorist, but the question is, was he the only one and did he act alone. The social media sites quickly scrubbed his accounts as soon as he was publicly identified. By a strange “coincidence” both he and Mathew Crooks appeared in a Blackrock commercial. Blackrock is perhaps the world’s biggest hedge fund so what are the odds. I would guess the odds are so great there is practically zero chance of it happening by random chance.

Fortunately, we have Ron DeSantis as governor of Florida, and he said that the state would conduct its own investigation. He was disturbed by the relatively light gun charges filed against Routh. Quote from the governor:

“The State of Florida is conducting its own investigation into the second attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. It is not in the best interest of our state and nation to have the same federal agencies seeking to prosecute Trump leading this investigation.”

Good on you governor but we will see if the Feds allow anyone to question Mr. Routh.

Finally, folks, Mr. Routh was ideologically ready to go and all he needed was a little cash and a little push. Somehow both suddenly became available to him. I admit it is just circumstantial from all the information I have seen but this man in Ukraine and then in a sniper’s hide in Florida has CIA written all over him.

At least that’s the way I see it,

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.

Photo Credit: Sunday World