National Service Is Anti-Liberty and Un-American

– Ron Paul – 
19 October 2014 – 

Former Clinton Administration Labor Secretary Robert Reich recently called on the government to force young people to spend two years either “serving” in the military or performing some other type of government-directed “community service.” Neoconservative Senator John McCain has introduced legislation creating a mandatory national service program very similar to Reich’s proposal. It is not surprising that both a prominent progressive and a leading neocon would support mandatory national service, as this is an issue that has long united authoritarians on the left and right.

Proponents of national service claim that young people have a moral obligation to give something back to society. But giving the government power to decide our moral obligations is an invitation to totalitarianism.

Read the full article here.

The Constitution Party opposes all forms of National Service – military or civilian.  Read the Constitution Party Platform plank on Conscription.

Free and Fair Elections

Home Front with Cynthia Davis
16 September 2014



What’s involved in getting a candidate on the ballot? Do political parties matter? In this episode of Home Front, Cynthia Davis is joined by Jim Clymer, former chairman of the national Constitution Party, and Gary Odom, former national Field Director to talk about what happened with Ron Paul, what George Washington said about the way we do things and why we need better options when we go to vote. Both Jim and Gary discuss the situation from their own experiences — as candidates, Constitution Party leaders, lawsuits — and why they are pressing on with the battle.

Listen here:  Free and Fair Elections



Cynthia Davis is a former four-term state representative in Missouri, ran for Missouri Lieutenant Governor in 2012, and is the creator of the Home Front with Cynthia Davis podcast.