Don Blankenship National Tele Town Hall

This is an invitation to join us for a Townhall Q&A with the Constitution Party’s Presidential candidate Don Blankenship!

8:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. EDT

Don will be on hand to answer pre-sent questions through email and questions presented at the Townhall. We will do our best to get as many questions to him as possible.
We will open with Don telling us a little about himself and why he is running for President. Then on to the Q&A.
As participants you may send in questions or ask them by text as the Townhall progresses.
There is a limited number of participants so sign in a little early so we can start on time.
The Constitution Party of New York is honored to host this unique event.
Conference Call:
Dial-in number:
(605) 468-8846
Access code:
Video Link: