CASTLE REPORT: Fighting the Wars of Others


Darrell Castle talks about the wars currently ongoing on the border of Russia and Ukraine as well as the wars in the Middle East between Israel and other countries and various terrorist groups all supported and supplied by the various state enemies of Israel. The question is, do these wars have anything to do with our national interests and if not, why are we involved in them.

Transcription / Notes

Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 25th day of October in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking primarily about the wars currently ongoing on the border of Russia and Ukraine as well as the wars in the Middle East between Israel and other countries and various terrorist groups all supported and supplied by the various state enemies of Israel. The question for this Report is, do these wars have anything to do with our national interests and if not, why are we fighting them and why are we even involved in them.

Next week I will be involved in some personal issues near week’s end and so I will not be with you next Friday. This is, therefore, my pre-election Castle Report but God willing I will join you again on Friday the 8th of November.

I suppose Ron Paul had the best line I’ve heard about the US commitment to fighting wars that have nothing much to do with American interests. “When you take on the role of the world’s policeman, don’t be surprised when countries who cannot fight their own wars call 911.” Yes indeed, that is what is happening now, and it continues to threaten America and the future of our people by bankrupting them, by abusing and stealing their labor, and by threatening to drag them into another World War.

I read the other day that President Biden is concerned that he will be leaving office without having established a foreign policy legacy. I strongly disagree with that concept and with President Biden if that is indeed his concern. He has a foreign policy legacy. It’s one of expending American blood and treasure in wars that do nothing for America except advance the cause and careers of neocons and line the pockets of defense contractors. I don’t want to forget the satanic goals of the world’s globalists because his legacy certainly helps their cause of world depopulation and global government.

It seems right now that Ukraine is on the verge of losing its war with Russia that started as a US led and inspired coup in 2014. By the way, I noticed that the author of that coup, Victoria Nuland, a woman who has served each administration for 30 years, just retired. I supposed she was able to see the end of her dream of continuous never-ending war perhaps ending after the US election but who knows why she is stepping down from such a glorious stage.

A few days ago, the president of Ukraine, Mr. Zelensky, came to the United States to campaign for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. He also used the trip to demand more money and more weapons from the American taxpayers. His real reason for coming was to present his victory plan to American politicians. His plan is delusional in its demands which if agreed to would have immediate catastrophic effects for the United States and Europe.

He wants immediate NATO membership for Ukraine which would of course plunge NATO, including the United States, into the quagmire. He wants NATO defensive strikes against incoming Russian missile attacks as well as permission to use US and NATO long range missiles for attacks into Russia including Moscow and St. Petersburg. His real intent is obvious and that is to draw the US and NATO into his war since he is down to the proverbial last Ukrainian. Step up he says, step up and fight the country with the world’s most nuclear weapons. Step up and join in a nuclear conflict that is completely unrelated to you.

Mr. Zelensky also gave information to the Washington Post that North Korean troops are training inside Russia for deployment to the front lines. He warned that the alliance between Russia and North Korea is more than just exchanging missile technology., He said several thousand North Korean infantry soldiers are undergoing training in Russia. South Korea termed the reports “highly likely” but Russia called it a hoax. I would call it complete nonsense and another false effort to get the United States to commit to a war that has nothing to do with us. The United States, with the most sophisticated satellite surveillance technology in the world, I am certain, could detect several thousand North Koreans training in Russia, so nonsense and think of something else Mr. Zelensky. But, if North Koreans are in Russia, I also remember when Cuba sent several thousand Cuban troops to Angola to fight for the communist world revolution and the US managed to stay away from that quagmire.

No, should be the US answer and a firm no at that. No more weapons, no more money, we can help you with negotiations for peace if you want but nothing else. The US finds itself in a position in the world where it is involved in two bloody wars neither of which concern the national interest of the United States and neither of which could continue without US assistance.  The attack of October 7, 2023, by Hamas against Israel created a certain reaction of revulsion and anger within most of the people of the United States. We stand with Israel we hear quite often these days, and we even hear it from the pulpits of many of our protestant churches.

Our reaction was one of outrage, grief and concern for the 1200 people killed and the many hostages taken by the Hamas terrorists. The stories of rape, torture and murder of women and children would provoke any civilized people to riotous anger. Right now, as a response to that attack Israel appears to have launched a war of annihilation against the Palestinians in Gaza. The same civilized world, outraged by the Hamas attacks is now seeing the corpses pile up in the streets of Gaza. Some 41000 corpses to be exact although I question where that figure comes from, and I wonder if it is accurate. It is nevertheless a lot of corpses and apparently most of them are women and children.

The fact that the corpses are mostly women and children is not hard to believe since urban combat is the most destructive kind of war for the innocent civilians. There is a lot of propaganda and a lot of AIs, I know, but sometimes videos and even pictures can be moving and convincing. The other day I saw a picture of a Palestinian woman holding the body of her dead baby and it moved me I’ll tell you that. The politicians and bureaucrats plan their wars and launch their attacks, but the soldiers and civilians fill the cemeteries of the world. I wonder when people will stop believing them and start saying no to more war for this cause or that most of which mean absolutely nothing for the rest of us.

The Israelis also apparently intend to invade and occupy the southern part of Lebanon, and of course they could not accomplish that without first degrading the military and command structure of Iraq and Syria. Once that formidable task is accomplished, they would be free to take on and destroy Iran thus leaving the region virtually unopposed to Israeli objectives whatever they happened to be. The problem is that the Israeli military and the population of Israel have nowhere near the capacity to accomplish such goals alone. Thus, the need to bring the United States into the war to help attack and destroy Iran and its military just as Zelensky wants to do in Ukraine.

I look forward to the day when the leadership of the United States will say, no to such demands. The United States maintains a state-of-the-art military for the defense of the United States and its national interests and for no other reasons. We will not allow our blood and treasure to be sacrificed for the goals of others. If you want to embark on a war against a much stronger opponent or a combination of opponents against whom you cannot possibly prevail well then, good luck.

In support of Israel’s efforts to get the United States into the battle against Iran, the United States has agreed to station one or perhaps two THAAD air defense systems inside Israel each manned by about 100 troops to operate them. That these US military men and women are stationed inside Israel is an absolute outrage and we the people should express that outrage to our leadership and future leadership. They are illegally engaged in combat against an enemy that is not our enemy and worse, they are there as a tripwire to provoke the US to a reason to attack Iran.

The United States, in all likelihood, will soon start taking casualties inside Israel which will create a media blitz for more US involvement and retaliation. I would be in favor of giving Israel the same notice I recommended for Zelensky, more money and no more weapons so figure a way out of this without conquering your neighbors or you are on your own. You are very good at making war so find a way to make peace or make your own war without us.

I know folks, I know, Hamas started it, and Hezbollah is worse, and they both deserve it, but we are civilized people are we not. We, as civilized people are not supposed to gloat while innocents are being killed. We don’t rejoice or just look away from the corpses of women and their babies in the streets of cities in countries that hardly any Americans could find on a map. In Vietnam, the United States dropped more bombs into those jungles than were dropped on Germany in World War II. In Iraq the United States was responsible for the deaths of some 500,000 Iraqis before the mission was accomplished, but it never was. The mission goes on and on in an endless cycle of war, famine, death and destruction and the average American can just watch it all on the news.

Those are real corpses though, and sooner or later those chickens will come home to roost. They are already roosting in some respects since the US has more than 35 trillion in debt and spends about two trillion more than revenue each fiscal year. Ominously, interest is getting ever closer to revenue. If that were all it would be bad enough but there are more and more problems with the new woke but high-tech military and a genuine and thorough house cleaning seems to be desperately needed.

I had and still have high hopes for Donald Trump in all this although there are some disturbing signs. He says he can stop the Ukraine war very quickly and in his speech at the Al Smith dinner he said he will start work on that as soon as he is elected which means before inauguration. I recommend that speech by the way, it is about 30 minutes but well worth your time. What are the disturbing signs that I mentioned.

Nikki Haley is the first and most disturbing sign. She is Ms. Neocon and one of the worst people in the world. If you want continual war with no purpose except profit, then certainly you need Nikki. She has hated Trump so far but now has endorsed him and said she will campaign for him. Tell her no Donald. Tell her to go back to her Neocon world and stay out of your administration. Tell her that you have asked Tulsi Gabbard to be Secretary of Defense and that should do it. I so wish you would appoint Tulsi to that job because Neocon hearts would fail across the world.

The Neocons and their globalist friends, and I know that you know who I am talking about, are in this for the long game. They see any compromise as a victory and just another step on the road to their ultimate goal of a world government run by them. The Russians have an expression for that tactic they call it KTO KORO or Kee Ke Vo in the Russian. It was first used by Lenin and Stalin used it as well to mean the ultimate march to ultimate victory. You can negotiate and compromise from time to time but the march to the victory of communism over the Western economies would continue until victory was assured. My analogy today is that the globalists and Neocons are using the same tactics, and I hope and pray that Donald Trump, if elected, will cast them away and tell them to never come around the White House again. These globalist depopulators are murderous in the implementation of their schemes. They live in a dark world where mass murder seems OK to them if it advances their agenda of depopulation and global control.

In conclusion, folks, American law has long forbidden the transfer of weapons and other aid to nations engaged in gross human rights violations. How can we continue to talk of a rules-based international order and still support such things or engage in them ourselves.

Finally, folks, someone has been running the executive branch for Joe Biden for the several years that dementia has taken his mind from him. Who are those people because they would also run it in place of Kamala Harris. She is an actress playing a role, rather badly I submit, and people who vote for her must know that they are reducing the United States into a system similar to the Soviets in that a committee or secretariat makes the decisions in place of the figurehead. That’s where we are now and our future and that of our progeny depend on the good sense of the American people right now at this moment and that is nail-bitingly tense. Nevertheless, may God’s will be done.

At least that’s the way I see it,

Until November 8th folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.

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CASTLE REPORT: Military Use of Lethal Force in America


Darrell Castle talks about a new Department of Defense directive 5240.01 which allows the US military to use lethal force against American citizens when assisting police authorities in domestic disturbances.


Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 18th day of October in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about a new Department of Defense directive 5240.01 which allows the US military to use lethal force against American citizens when assisting police authorities in domestic disturbances. This Directive changes the relationship between the American people and their military and coming this close to the election might indicate civil disturbances, otherwise known as a coup, are expected in case of a Trump win.

Yes, it seems that politicians on the Democrat side of the political spectrum, apparently unable to articulate any position on any issue that might be of vital importance to the electorate or the American people in general, are unleashing their inner demons to fuel the fantasies of a few prominent people on the left. The DOD directive allowing the use of lethal force by the US military inside the US is particularly frightening to me for many reasons.

It seems to be a clear violation of the Posse Comitatus Act and the intent of that act which prohibits use of US military in a law enforcement capacity. Posse Comitatus originally passed in 1878, limited the power of the federal government in a law enforcement capacity. It was originally intended to get the military out of law enforcement in the south post-civil war. It has been expanded and reinforced many times, the last being the Defense Authorization Act in 2022. The act has some grey areas for politicians to wriggle through such as the fact that it doesn’t apply to the various state guards or even to the Coast Guard which has law enforcement responsibility offshore.

Generally speaking, I am on alert when the federal government starts to push into the grey areas like this latest directive does. In my opening paragraph I mentioned that it changes the historic relationship between the American people and their military, and it weakens to the point of non-existence the concept of Posse Comitatus. Why now just before a very hotly contested election and why the specific permission for lethal force. I have a copy of the directive on my desk. It is about 22 pages of the usual bureaucratic gobbledygook, but it does lay out some of the circumstances under which the military could be called on to use its lethal force against the American people. This specific authorization pushes the boundaries between domestic law enforcement and the military and should set off alarms that soon we may see armed soldiers on our streets as a form of intimidation and suppression of civil rights.

Am I overreacting to this Directive? Perhaps, but we will see, and I hope that seeing comes before it is too late. Opposition to Covid measures set up by the CDC but enforced locally could come under this directive potentially. People exercising their First Amendment rights would seem to me to be most at risk of this “lethal force.” Could a federal mandate to get vaccinated, wear a mask, or stay in your home be enforced by the US military, or is that just too farfetched to believe. I think it could happen, and I am not the only one. Why have this directive if there is absolutely no reason to use it?

Free speech could be chilled under the guise of protecting national security. Covid protesters have already been defined as domestic terrorists by some agencies so expanding that would be the natural thing to do. I am just fearful that this directive along with several of the things I have talked about recently points toward us being herded into a box canyon with no escape and only one point of view can ever be expressed. Farfetched, maybe, but I don’t think so. That is why every breach of civil rights and every Constitution violation by the government cannot be allowed to stand and become normal practice.

Fourth Amendment concerns are also raised by this directive. Why do we need such close cooperation between local law enforcement and the US military to the point that it is hard to tell the difference. The intelligence sharing between the two under emergency conditions raises privacy and unlawful surveillance and search questions. Again, I ask why this directive and why now. Americans have a right to due process of law under protection by the US Constitution and this directive causes concerns about how due process could be guaranteed before some lethal force or other life-altering act is taken.

This causes me to wonder once again why so close to this particular election. Could something ominous be in the works. No media seem interested in this story certainly not on a national scale so everything about it causes me to wonder and doubt whether something ominous is headed our way. I remind myself of all the various violations of US law and even international law by the people in power such as the lawfare attacks and other perversions of the Department of Justice and the call for the overthrow of the United States by calling for an end to the First Amendment. Could they also be planning to resist a peaceful exchange of power because of its terrifying exposure of their works of darkness.

That’s a pretty strong statement I know but listen to this before you conclude that I am over the top. Listen to presidential candidate Kamala Harris from May 2019. She was speaking to the annual NAACP Fight for Freedom Fund dinner in Detroit.

“We will put the Department of Justice of the United States back in the business of justice. We will double the civil rights division, and direct Law Enforcement to counter this extremism.” She went on to say she would “hold social media platforms accountable for the hate infiltrating their platforms because they have a responsibility to help fight against this threat to our Democracy. If you don’t police your platforms, we are going to hold you accountable.”

She or someone in her administration will decide what speech is acceptable to her and what is not. Enforcement means most likely both civil and criminal sanctions for what used to be called free speech. All we hear from her on the campaign trail now is joy and uncontrolled cackling but this 2019 speech I submit is the real Kamala. In other countries such as Great Britain and France people are already being arrested and prosecuted for their speech and I believe it is the global wave of the future. Many politicians I talked about last week have said publicly that the First Amendment is a hindrance to their desire to enforce only one point of view while punishing what they call hate speech and disinformation.

In recent years particularly after 9/11 the department of justice has shifted its focus from going after foreign terrorists to a concentration on what they call domestic terrorism. I quote now from page 13 of the Directive regarding lethal force. Thanks to Leo Hohmann of Gateway Pundit for his information and research on this topic. It appears that he is very concerned as I am about the direction the federal government is taking.

“Assistance in responding with assets with potential for lethality, or any situation in which it is reasonably foreseeable that providing the requested assistance may involve the use of force that is likely to result in lethal force, including death or serious bodily injury. It also includes all support to civilian law enforcement officials in situations where a confrontation between civilian law enforcement and civilian individuals or groups is reasonably anticipated. Such use of force must be in accordance with DOD5210.56, potentially as further restricted based on the specifics of the requested support.”

I keep saying to you that this is very ominous and going in a very bad direction. I trust that everyone listening to me or reading the transcript can see and visualize where they will most likely be in a short time unless something is done to reverse this one party, one view, one voice only is permitted. For many years the federal government has been colluding with and intimidating social media platforms to censure speech that differed from its propaganda. Mark Zuckerberg CEO of Facebook, admitted in a letter to Congress that he agreed to accommodate the federal censors and censor information about the vaccines and about Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Essentially, to avoid the appearance of violating the First Amendment, the federal government has outsourced its censorship to social media platforms and then said, what can we do, that is a private company. Most of their domestic terrorists turn out to be patriotic, usually Christian, Americans. The exceptions usually fit into some group of unwitting, unarmed, until the FBI arms them, suckers for the FBI’s false flag operation.

Word of warning to all Americans, the federal government has not started rounding up truthtellers and putting them in jail yet as other countries in the West have, but that is because England and France do not have a First Amendment so if the Democrats can just get rid of that pesky thing, they will be clear to instigate one party rule. So, what is really the goal of all this that we can expect to see coming our way. Let me quote Leo Hohmann for his answer to that question.

“The goal is to require a biometric digital ID for all internet users at the ISP level. That means you won’t be able to log onto the internet without submitting your digital ID credentials, which will include your record as an obedient serf who only says what’s approved by the government, or a “troublemaker” who thinks independently and critically, always questioning official narratives and sometimes exposing them as lies. Everything you’ve ever posted online will be judged and scored for its level of obedience. No more anonymous commenting on articles. No more posting of articles that challenge the government narratives. All this will be monitored and ferreted out by AI.”

The attitude among members of the press and others on the left is very scary right now regarding the intrusion of the federal government into our lives. Several prominent Democrats including Michael Moore are advising President Biden to take drastic dictatorial powers in the last 3 months of his administration because they say he can get away with it. That seems to be the limit on federal politicians right now, can I get away with it, or will somebody stop me. The authority he is being advised to exercise doesn’t exist so, in effect, they are advising him to gut the Constitution and become a monarch. That is how close we are right now to disaster and that is why I am concerned.

These people such as Keith Olbermann and Michael Moore say they are advising Biden to take action to save Democracy. It is easy to see how ludicrous that is. The president, to accept their advice, would have to violate the Constitution, refuse the directives of the courts, and pursue his own list of desires without acknowledging any restraints all in the name of democracy. The line between tyranny and democracy is a fine one and can be quickly blurred and lost it seems. They want the president to assume the powers of an elected dictator.

The Democrats, of course returning to the advice of Saul Alinsky, accuse Donald Trump of what they are trying to do. Harris tells crowds in Pennsylvania that Trump will put them in camps. Rachel Maddow said he would use the Insurrection Act to deploy the U.S. military against civilians or exactly what Biden has authorized to be done.

Finally, folks, once our First Amendment rights to free speech are gone the rest of the bill of rights will follow quickly. Once lost they will never be recovered, and I submit that is what we are facing in this upcoming election.

At least that’s the way I see it,

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.

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THE CASTLE REPORT: The Anti-Free Speech Movement


Darrell Castle talks about the fate of the First Amendment, especially the freedom of Americans to speak their minds without running their thoughts through a government-controlled censor.


Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 11th day of October, in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about what is perhaps the most important issue on the ballot this November and that is the fate of the First Amendment especially the freedom of Americans to speak their minds without running their thoughts through a government-controlled censor.

Should the federal government be the arbiter of what the public should be able to read or hear. That is the question I will talk about especially how some prominent Democrats have answered that question. Some of the richest and most powerful people on planet earth are now calling for Americans to be censured. That word sounds so benign that it has to be defined before it has any impact. The First Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees that the government cannot legally prevent Americans from speaking their minds or expressing their opinions verbally or in print. In other words, the government is not legally permitted to censor us. That is the basic foundation of free people, and it is the First Amendment for a reason.

Hillary Clinton seems to have taken the lead in the campaign to restrict our freedom and she has taken her efforts globally by encouraging other countries to restrict the speech of their citizens. She recently asked European governments to censor Elon Musk because he permitted unregulated speech on X. She also went on CNN to talk about how discouraging it is that censorship is such a tough sell to the American people. She said the road the anti-free speech advocates have traveled on has been a rocky and difficult one. “There are people who are championing it, but it has been a long and difficult road to getting anything done.”

Yes, I can see why all those anti-freedom Democrats have had such a difficult time because it is not easy to convince free people to give up their freedom. I think it was Abraham Lincoln who said that to be considered a great man one has to free enslaved men or enslave free men, so I suppose we are back to fighting those battles again. She is not the only one of course, only the point person for the effort. Even NPR has gotten on the anti-free speech, anti-truth bandwagon. The new CEO of NPR wants to get things done it seems, but truth sometimes gets in the way. Yes, those Democrats want to get things done and the pesky First Amendment stands there as an impediment to their noble efforts.

This argument goes right to the heart of the cultural and spiritual war now raging in the West. Do you believe truth and freedom are a priority or just a hindrance to getting things done. To quote the new CEO of NPR; “Our reverence for the truth might be a distraction getting in the way of finding common ground and getting things done.” Well, I don’t think I would like walking on a common ground built on lies but that seems to be what he wants. That’s a mild position compared to what some other prominent Democrats have been saying.

So, perhaps the most important issue in this coming election is whether or not we as Americans will protect the Constitution and its guarantee of freedom or whether we will surrender to the one party, one mindset that many Democrats are trying to build. Given the control that mainstream media has over information, the freedom to speak our minds in opposition, especially on social media is vital. Things are bad around the world right now with wars, famines, and other such government instituted madness, but as long as we are free we have at least a fighting chance, so of course, the enemies of freedom are working overtime to take that away from us.

John Kerry, speaking to the World Economic Forum:

“The dislike of and anguish over social media is just growing and growing. It is part of our problem, particularly in democracies, in terms of building consensus around any issue. There’s a lot of discussion now about how you curb those entities in order to guarantee that you’re going to have some accountability on facts, etc., our First Amendment stands as a major block to be able to just, you know, hammer it out of existence.” — John Kerry

Yes, he said the First Amendment is a block to regulating dissenting opinions out of existence and he sees that as a bad thing. I have to remind Mr. Kerry that the government is the worst purveyor of disinformation in the history of the world.

Bill Gates, speaking in an interview on CNBC, had some thoughts on the subject of totalitarian points of view as he usually does. “We should have free speech, but it you’re inciting violence, if you’re causing people not to take vaccines, you know, where are those boundaries, that even the US should have rules. “He went on to suggest that artificial intelligence could be used to censor or even alter dissenting speech since allowing dissent to his vaccines even for a day could be too long. During the covid years of 2020 and 2021 despite the fearmongering and vaccine promotion, social dissent on social media could not be completely suppressed and that is just too much for kindly old gentleman, Bill Gates.

Hillary Clinton went on CNN the other day to speak about the need to control social media saying that it should be at the top of every legislative agenda.

“We should be, in my view, repealing something called section 230, which gave platforms on the internet immunity because they were thought to be just pass throughs, that they shouldn’t be judged for the content that is posted. But we now know that was an overly simple view. Whether it’s Facebook or Twitter or X or Instagram or TikTok, whatever they are, if they don’t moderate and monitor the content, we lose total control and it is not just the social and psychological effects, it’s real harm.” — Hillary Clinton

“We lose total control” that is the purpose of the First Amendment Ms. Clinton to prevent people like you from having total control. The section 230 that she mentioned was put in place to keep the social media platforms from being liable for the content posted by their members. If I post on Facebook that I am opposed to the Bill Gates bioweapon that he chooses to call vaccines, then Facebook would not be liable if that was determined in court to be harmful or defamatory. In Ms. Clintin’s world Facebook would be required to examine every post and determine whether or not it would pass the government’s censors so that only one view would ever be heard or read.

It is indeed difficult for the only one view only one world folks to deal with the idea that we can see and hear a different version of events without having that version filtered through their compliant media organs. We can now make our own determination when the media is lying and post our concerns and our own version. Freedom of thought allows us to see reality and when we come to see and understand the reality of what is being done to us it is frightening.

The current Democrat candidates for president and vice president have similar views regarding free speech. Tim Walz admitted in his debate with J.D. Vance that he intends to criminalize hate speech and misinformation or what he chooses to call speech he disagrees with. He apparently doesn’t think the First Amendment protects speech he disagrees with, but the First Amendment was created specifically for that purpose.

This is what law professor Jonathan Turley said about the position of Harris and Biden on speech they refer to as misinformation and hate speech.

“Governor Walz has been out there saying that misinformation and hate speech are not protected under the Constitution. And there’s a crushing irony there. I mean; in calling for censorship of other citizens accused of disinformation, the governor is spreading disinformation. He’s been told repeatedly by many of us that he’s wrong, that’s just completely and demonstrably wrong. The Constitution does protect those forms of speech.” — Jonathan Turley

Professor Turley went on to comment on Hillary Clinton’s comment about losing total control by saying that she’s revealing where they want to go, so we can fight it. She’s doing it because they know they are losing control.

President Biden often claims that democracy is at stake in the upcoming election and that, if Trump is elected, he will end democracy. The problem that is obvious to many is that he, Joe Biden, has done more to hinder democracy as reflected in our ability to have a free discussion of issues that are, or at least should be, important to voters. He has operated his administration by fiat in his opening of the southern border to mass invasion by illegal immigrants many of whom are violent criminals thus exposing his fellow Americans to rape and murder. He committed the U.S. to participation in two wars neither of which has anything to do with American security at a financial cost of hundreds of billions. He has provided no justification for entering the conflicts let alone a declaration of war.

He has run his electoral campaigns based on the premise that his opponent was in collaboration with a foreign government which he happened to be conducting war against. Perhaps his worst example of corruption at the highest levels of government is his coopting of the national police, investigating, and intelligence agencies into nothing more than arms of his political party. His agencies, one of whom is the department of justice, conducts warfare attacks against his political opponent as well as instigates false flag attacks resulting in hundreds of political prisoners being held in long term confinement many of them without trial.

His cooption of the various agencies has resulted in their becoming incestuously involved with Biden and his political party to the point that he tried to form a “Disinformation Governance Board” within the Department of Homeland Security which was intended to be empowered to discredit citizens based on their complaints about what the government was doing and would describe these complaints as deliberate disruption of the function of government. This went all the way down to education and to parents who complained that their children were taught critical race theory and to question their own gender. Those parents were to be described as domestic terrorists because anyone who disagrees with government policy is a domestic problem and therefore, a domestic terrorist. That is why government officials continually list domestic terrorists as more dangerous and threatening than foreign terrorists.

The greatest fear, in my view, is not that government will lose total control over the internet as Ms. Clinton put it, but that it will gain and solidify total control and build a digital wall around us that will be inescapable. The internet is the single greatest invention for free speech since the printing press and that is why people like Ms. Clinton and Biden/Harris are panicked over losing control of it. If we can just remain true to our values, especially in the upcoming election Ms. Clinton’s Road to total control will continue to be a rocky one.

The elite top 1% may be completely out of touch with reality and with mainstream America, but they wield most of the institutional power and they have built layers of regulatory power that are immune to the checks and balances of elections. They own and operate most media outlets and are therefore able to block or censor the views of most Americans.

Finally, folks, we know who they are and what they will do if elected. As a wise man once said when people tell you who they are, believe them. It seems that in the Democrat Party of today John Kennedy is dead, but Joseph Goebbels is very much alive.

At least that’s the way I see it,

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.

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Darrell Castle talks about Democrats in general and Kamala Harris in particular and their complete indifference to the suffering of the people in the Southeast of the United States along with their priority of making America a one-party state similar to the pre-breakup Soviet Union.

Transcription / Notes:


Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 4th day of October in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about Democrats in general and Kamala Harris in particular and their complete indifference to the suffering of the people in the Southeast of the United States along with their priority of making America a one-party state similar to the pre-breakup Soviet Union.

Times of crises are the toughest test of leadership and in that regard our current non-leadership fails miserably. Yes, it seems that Vice President Harris is a lot more comfortable begging her Hollywood friends for money than she is providing aid and comfort to Americans who are suffering and have truly lost everything. Finally, after several days of photo ops and fundraising she was apparently told by the Secretariat of Democrats who direct her that she should go down to Georgia to show some sympathy to all those southern deplorable peckerwoods who have lost everything.

I thought about calling this Castle Report the devil went down to Georgia, but I was afraid I might run afoul of whoever owns the rights to that song. It would also be an insult to the song and especially to Charlie Daniels. This disaster has been a different kind of disaster for Biden-Harris and her efforts to become President. Who would vote for this completely unfit and unfeeling woman after seeing her response to this disaster. Democrats and illegals, I guess. Well, there are a lot of people in the Southeast United States who will not be able to vote at all this year except maybe the dead ones who can vote Democrat of course.

This is a tragedy of such immense proportions that sometimes a little humor is about the only way to deal with it. The federal government just doesn’t seem to care. George W. Bush took all kinds of criticism for flying over Hurricane Katrina damage but at least he went and released FEMA aid. The Harris campaign has proven so incompetent and uncaring and unable or unwilling to do anything to help people who are helpless that I don’t understand how anyone outside of Hollywood and the New York Times could even consider voting for her.

What happened to all that FEMA aid that was showered on Katrina victims. As reported by the Federalist it has been diverted to services for illegal immigrants. You heard that right folks more than a billion dollars of FEMA money provided by congress for disaster relief has been diverted to the service of illegal invaders who I’m sure will all vote Democrat. The allocation is called the Shelter and Services program to provide humanitarian services to noncitizen migrants from short-term holding facilities. That was a quote from the FEMA website. The director of Homeland Security, Alehandro Mayorkas said “FEMA does not have the funds to make it through Hurricane season.”

So, Kamala Harris surveyed the damage and did her mandatory photo op and then offered $750 to some of the victims. No military assistance, no Army, Marine Corps, and AirForce rescue helicopters and no aircraft carriers full of disaster relief. This is not Ukraine or the Far East after all it’s the Southeast United States. Perhaps all those deplorables perishing in the floods could find a Ukrainian flag and fly it and then the United States military would move mountains to help them. Yes, almost $200 billion for Ukraine but as for the Southeast sorry folks we are tapped out. I hope even Democrats can see how completely evil that is but no that is not something one should even hope for. The response of Donald Trump and Elon Musk, at their own personal expense to the floods has been extraordinary as has many civilian volunteers but this is not about the virtuous but the evil.

Speaking of Ukraine did you see where that pompous little guy in his sweatshirt came to America to campaign for Harris. Yes, he strutted around Ohio with Biden and Harris and visited an ammunition plant where 155mm howitzer shells are made several million of which have been shipped to Ukraine to spread death and destruction to the populations of Ukraine and Russia. He and the Democrat governor of Ohio had a photo op signing the shells. I want to quote Senator Ted Cruz about Zelensky’s visit:

“Who the hell is Zelensky to be trying to interfere in our election. The arrogance of this guy and the guy I’ve got to say is an absolute moron for coming to the U.S. six weeks before the election and attacking Trump and Vance. This is just dumb on his part because if Trump wins, he’s got a huge problem that just got bigger.” — Ted Cruz

I credit Donald Trump with the best line about Zelensky when he said that Zelensky is the best salesman in the world because every time he comes to America he leaves with $65 billion. Personally speaking, I am glad he came because it illustrates to any of the American people who can manage to see and hear through the propaganda that the Democrat Party, once thought of as the peace party, is now clearly the war party. Yes, the party of John Kennedy and Robert Kennedy has now morphed into the servant party of the military industrial complex. I want to take a moment to remind all Democrats who might somehow be listening to me, of JFK’s peace speech at American University in 1963. Many people think it was the greatest call for peace ever and it could have ushered in a new era of peace in this world, but sinister forces intervened to end the chance peace and JFK’s life.

“I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children—not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women—not merely peace in our time but peace for all time.” — President John F. Kennedy, 1963

War is a disaster and perhaps the greatest disaster of all that is inflicted on humanity by its most evil people. Do we want people who actively work toward war and live to make it worse or people who want peace and who work to achieve it though they may from time-to-time, fail. We should expect our leaders to lead especially in times when disaster strikes America, and to exude confidence and courage which the people can at least take some comfort in. When this flood was unfolding Biden was at the beach in Delaware and when asked by reporters why he wasn’t in Washington commanding he said I was commanding by phone. Then he went on to elaborate that he had spent two hours on the phone, and I guess for this president that is supposed to be quite impressive. I mean he actually interrupted his beach time to get on the phone for two hours.

Do you want these evil people to remain in power essentially forever because if America devolves into a one-party state that is what we will have. The Democrats are working feverishly to make sure that happens and we have one last chance at resistance. I know that people always say this is the most important election ever and if we don’t win, we won’t get another chance at least since the early 1990’s but because of events happening now that might actually be true.

Whatever you might think of Elon Musk that is what he is thinking today and that is why he supports Trump. He hasn’t spent his life as a conservative by any means, but he believes Trump’s election is vital to the future of America. In a recent Tweet he elaborated on how close we are to one party rule.

“Very few Americans realize that, If Trump is not elected, this will be the last election. Far from being a threat to democracy, he is the only way to save it. Let me explain: If even 1 in 20 illegals become citizens per year, something that Democrats are expediting as fast as humanly possible, that would be about 2 million new legal voters in 4 years.”  — Elon Musk

The voting margin in the swing states is often less than 20 thousand votes. That means that if the Democratic Party succeeds, there will be no more swing states. Moreover, the Biden/Harris administration has been flying asylum seekers, who are fast-tracked to citizenship, directly into swing states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin and Arizona. It is a surefire way to win every election.

America then becomes a one-party state and Democracy is over. The only elections will be the Democratic Party primaries. This already happened in California many years ago, following the 1986 amnesty. The only thing holding California back from extreme socialism and suffocating government policies is that people can leave California and still remain in America. Once the whole country is controlled by one party there will be no escape. Everywhere in America will be like the nightmare that is downtown San Francisco.

You may notice these days that Democrats don’t talk much about the issues that confront the nation. When asked about the illegal invasion they deny that it is happening. When asked about the thousands of violent murderers and rapists deliberately released into our communities, they deny it, but they offer no counter to the reality of what is happening. I recently talked about a 12-year-old girl in Houston who was kidnapped, tortured, gang raped, strangled and thrown in a river by illegals. I heard an interview with her mother who wants some justice for her daughter, but her mother fell short of saying Kamala Harris, tortured, raped, and murdered my daughter as I would have said. Harris and Biden deliberately let those criminals into America so they could somehow retain power at any cost, and they are therefore at least as liable as the illegal criminals. They care about nothing, but power and they appear to hate the American people especially those who used to live in the Southeast.

Finally, folks, words come hard today because I am choking on my own rage and heartbreak for my beloved Southeast. I think I understand Satan, who he is and where he comes from. I am still able to read the bible after all. I understand that he has agents here on earth and I try to spot them when I can, but I simply cannot understand why people vote for them to hold power.

At least that’s the way I see it,

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.

Photo Credit:  ABC News

THE CASTLE REPORT: The U.S. Government Must Want Trump Dead


Darrell Castle continues his discussion of the two attempted assassinations of Donal Trump in light of the recently released 94-page report by the Senate Committee tasked with investigating the Butler, Pennsylvania attempted assassination in which Trump was wounded.

Transcription / Notes


Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 27th day of September in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be continuing my discussion of the two attempted assassinations of Donald Trump in light of the recently released 94-page report by the Senate Committee tasked with investigating the Butler Pennsylvania attempted assassination in which Trump was wounded.

I really struggled with the topic this week because I normally try to look at the most important issue in the world and that is the brink of nuclear war on which the world now sits. In addition, Israel has alerted its armed forces to prepare for a ground invasion of Lebanon. Therefore, war involving the United States appears inevitable and even imminent. I decided, however, to continue with the assassination story despite the U.S. Government’s willingness to risk the destruction of the world in a nuclear holocaust. Perhaps Trump’s seemingly narcissistic statement that he is the only one who can stop World War III is not narcissism but truth.

Maybe that is why the United States Secret Service (USSS) which is supposed to be the best protective organization in the world appears to be completely incompetent. Yes, there are lots of coincidences appearing in the two attempts to kill Trump and the Senate’s 94-page report, while critical of the USSS, paints them as primarily mistakes and coincidences. I will try to look at all the smoke emanating from Washington, Pennsylvania, and Florida, and point out that there might be a little fire going on in all that smoke.

The USSS was established as a personal bodyguard for U.S. presidents and all things considered has done a fine job, at least until November 1963, that is. Unfortunately, the Service seems to be increasingly involving itself in U.S. presidential politics. Could the USSS have allowed what amounts to an amazing series of coincidences, twice, intentionally and not by incompetence. That is the question that caused me to ponder and then decide to look at it instead of the coming World War that this murder target the Service is supposed to protect, has pledged to prevent.

The Department of Justice released a 10-page pre-trial memorandum in support of pre-trial detention of Ryan Routh that set out within the body of the memorandum the accused assassin’s handwritten letter in which he offered $150,000 as a reward for anyone who is willing and able to kill Trump. Where would that money come from and how would it be paid are separate questions, but the real question is, why would the DOJ publish an offer to commit political murder for money. Why would the U.S. Department of Justice publish that reward offer to the whole world. It can’t be more incompetence or more coincidence at least that’s my opinion.

The DOJ decided to submit a 10-page memorandum to the court in the Southern District of Florida requesting pre-trial detention for Ryan Routh. In other words, they wanted him locked in jail until his case could be tried. Apparently, the DOJ lawyers thought that the fact that he was trying to kill the former and perhaps future President of the United States was not enough to keep him in jail. The memorandum included photos of the assassin’s gun and ammunition along with a close up showing that the serial number had been removed. Why was it necessary to include the would-be assassin’s handwritten reward offer with the memorandum.

I will spare you the entire letter, but I will quote just the most relevant part of it.

“Dear World, this was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump, but I am so sorry I failed you. I tried my best and gave all the gumption I could muster. It is up to you now to finish the job. And I will offer $150,000 to whomever can complete the job. Everyone across the globe from the youngest to the oldest knows that Trump is unfit to be anything, much less U.S. president.”

The illogical message is obvious and that is that if everyone across the globe knows he is unfit then he has no chance of being elected and it would be unnecessary to assassinate him. No, Mr. Routh, the fear is that enough people do not share your paranoid delusion and your love of U.S. imperial ambitions to elect Donald Trump and stop the train carrying us to World War III. Perhaps enough people no longer want open borders and invasion by the third world into their communities. Look on the bright side Mr. Routh, perhaps those 10’s of millions of illegals already in America will all be allowed to vote for Kamala thus assuring a World War. I’m certain that a U.S. war against Russia would make you very happy and you could enjoy it from your prison cell.

Once Kamala is elected and until we are all subjected to nuclear winter, we can continue to struggle to buy groceries with the economy she and President Biden have brought to us. We would not dare say anything though lest we run afoul of one of her hate speech laws and we would not dare post on social media our distrust and dislike of this entire Democrat administration lest we be fined or even arrested as Democrat spokeswoman Hillary Clinton recently suggested on Rachel Maddow. Yes, that’s right she said people should be subjected to criminal sanction for posting misinformation. I suppose that could be defined as any speech that conflicts with the Democrat version of reality.

So, the Senate issued its 94-page report which listed several things that went wrong in Butler, Pennsylvania. Keep in mind that this report is talking about the vaunted USSS, the most competent protective organization in the world. Some of those listed failures were lack of a chain of command, poor coordination with state and local law enforcement, and inadequate resources to ensure the safety of Mr. Trump. Those are only a few of the most important failures and Chairman of the Committee, Gary Peters, speaking to reporters ahead of the report’s release said:

“Every single one of those failures was preventable and the consequences of those failures were dire.”

Senator Richard Blumenthal, who heads the permanent investigative subcommittee, said that it was almost like an Abbott and Costello farce with who’s on first finger pointing. It was stranger than fiction he said. Well, it was Mark Twain who said that the reason truth is stranger than fiction is that fiction has to make sense. I don’t expect the senate committee to be overly critical of the Service but the way they just accept this level of incompetence in such a critical division of the government is amazing. Do people really want to keep electing these incompetent Democrats to run the government. Perhaps they do, but we will see.

The level of coincidence involved in the two assassination attempts boggles the mind, but I suppose Washington is a perfect environment for a coincidence. In the Routh attempt the only thing that kept the attempt from being successful was the assassin’s mistake of sticking his rifle barrel through the fence so a competent agent could see it. If he had a little patience and just waited in the bushes and fired at the last second perhaps, he would have succeeded. We know that there was no prior sweep done of the golf course and no drones aloft, so he was practically invisible in the bushes until he revealed himself. Routh waited for twelve hours in his sniper’s hide but grew impatient at the last minute. Once again, the question that must be answered in the Routh case is how did he know when Trump would be on that golf course. Without that information we are left to wonder and speculate and develop those hated conspiracy theories.

The plot in Butler, Pennsylvania was a little different with a different type of assassin. The security for the speech in Butler was total incompetence from the beginning, so much so that almost nothing happened the way it was supposed to. The Service was so casual about protecting one of the most obvious targets in the world that indifference to his life or death is the word that comes to mind.

There were last minute additions to the schedule so that the First Lady was speaking that day, and the Vice President was added to the schedule in another venue, at the last minute. Those two people drained resources away from the Trump team. The tall men usually assigned that duty, went to the other two people I mentioned and women from Homeland Security were placed on Trump’s personal protective detail meaning they were on the podium and were supposed to take the bullet instead of Trump.

That sounds unbelievable but nevertheless it is apparently what happened. The women received only a two-hour webinar as training. Yes, you heard that right. The people who were sworn to protect this man with their lives received a two-hour webinar as training.  No canine teams, no drones, and improper people accessed the backstage area seemingly at will. The denial of sniper teams and additional trained agents to perform area sweeps etc. all had been denied to Trump for two years personally by USSS deputy director, now interim director, Ronald Rowe.

The denial of resources to protect Trump is reminiscent of the pleas by Robert Kennedy, Jr. for protection before he dropped out of the race and joined Trump. Kennedy had several legitimate threats including intrusions at his home but still President Biden refused to allow the Service to protect him. He tried to lay off the responsibility to Congress saying they should provide assets, but no Mr. President the USSS is your responsibility, and this decision is on you. I realize that you don’t have the mental capacity to know, but it’s like in professional football when an injured player goes on the field. If he is out there, he is a player and can legitimately be treated as such. If you can’t do the job, Mr. President, then do the honorable thing and resign.

Upon the resignation of Director of the USSS, Kimberly Cheatle, Ronald Rowe became interim director making him responsible for investigating the security plan the Service used. In other words, he was investigating himself and the failures, many of which he was personally responsible for. He personally made cuts to the Counter Surveillance Division (CSD) of the Service which was responsible for venue threat assessment. The CSD did not conduct an evaluation for the Trump rally at Butler and was not even present the day of the rally.

Rowe reportedly retaliated against agents who voiced concerns about security plans in the days leading up to Butler. Once again, we have a situation where it was so bad that a few agents who were dedicated enough to take their jobs seriously became what have come to be called whistleblowers. One such whistleblower stated:

“If personnel from CSD had been present at the rally, the gunman would have been handcuffed in the parking lot after being spotted with a rangefinder.”

Well thank you, Mr. Whistleblower, a day late and a dollar short. I could go on and on with the failures of the best in the world Secret Service, but it’s all in the reports. The Service could not properly provide protection, which is its job, so it could not do its job because it didn’t have proper assets to do it, and the ones it had were not properly trained or in some cases trained at all. The criminal defense lawyers would refer to this negligence in the face of attempted murder as depraved indifference.

In conclusion, the DOJ is advertising the attempted assassin’s $150,000 reward for killing Trump. Mathew Crooks failed in one attempt to assassinate Trump. Ryan Routh failed in another attempt to assassinate Trump. Their failures were both in spite of efforts by the Secret Service or at least the complete indifference of Service leadership. Routh offered a $150,000 reward or bounty and DOJ published that for him worldwide. Why would they release the letter offering a reward, and how did he know Trump’s schedule. Nobody outside the government seems to know but I for one would sure like to know.

Finally, folks, they are all in on it. They want him dead because he is too big a risk to prevent World War III. He is too big a risk of finding a way to at least slow the destruction of the country. This coming election is a lot more than a contest between the generational Marxist, Harris, and the billionaire, Trump. The real contest is between two completely different spiritual forces. It doesn’t matter if the contestants do not believe in spiritual forces, they nevertheless represent them.

At least that’s the way I see it,

Until next time folks,

This is Darell Castle,

Thanks for listening.

Photo Credit:  Public Square Magazine

THE CASTLE REPORT: Criminal Negligence or Intentional Act?


Darrell Castle talks about the second assassination attempt against the life of Donal Trump.

Transcription / Notes


Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 20th day of September in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the second assassination attempt against the life of Donald Trump in two months. The question that should be answered is, was this latest attempt just criminal negligence on the part of the federal government and its various agencies or was it an intentional act.

When I look at what happened this time I can’t help but wonder what is going on here with this political party in charge of our government. The same political party that tells us Donald Trump is a threat to democracy and a threat to America. Was this an amazing coincidence or could people inside the federal government and its ruling elite be out to stop Donald Trump at any price.

The two soft approaches that are available to a dissident’s enemies have already and are currently being tried. If the dissident politician has enough money to satisfy him so that money doesn’t tempt him, the next step is to publicly demonize him. Trump is usually referred to by any Democrat as a threat to democracy and a threat to America. He is a would-be dictator and if elected he would turn this glorious democracy into a dictatorship and end freedom forever. The other day I heard a lady interviewed on MSNBC who said that he is exactly the same as Hitler. I doubt that she has a good understanding of who Hitler was and what he did but nevertheless it’s obvious she has bought the propaganda hook line and sinker.

Lawfare attacks are brought against the target at the same time he is being demonized. Lawfare is a take-off on the word warfare meaning that the law and its power to criminalize and financially drain a person is used to put an end to a target politician’s career. A simple bookkeeping transaction is converted into 34 felony charges and a hand selected judge and jury complete the process. Guilty, the jury says but only after the judge instructed them as to what they should find. It’s a perversion of justice but since these neocon Democrats are morally correct anything they do is justified to achieve the goal of stopping Trump.

So, it is incorrect to say the first two soft attacks didn’t work because they did work on many people, perhaps even 50% of the American people or close to that number, but they didn’t take their target out of the race. The only thing left then is the final solution and if you remember from history the final solution involves death, but that’s OK because the end is so noble it justifies any means.

In the first assassination attempt the Secret Service was understaffed because the first lady was speaking at the same time in the same state so understaffed. It turns out that many of the agents assigned to Trump for that speech and rally were not Secret Service at all, but agents reassigned temporarily from Homeland Security. In other words, they were not trained in high value target protection at least not much. It didn’t work because Trump, although wounded, survived the assassination attempt. Well, I guess if at first you don’t succeed try again.

Please understand that the picture I just painted for you is nothing but speculation on my part and could possibly be completely false. There is an awful lot of smoke and an awful lot of coincidence and an awful lot of incompetence from people who are supposed to be the best in the world, but I guess it’s at least possible that it’s all just a massive coincidence.

Last Sunday, September 15, the former president and one of his close friends decided to go out for a casual afternoon of golf at the Trump International Golf Club. There was no problem getting a late notice tee time since he owns the club and the course. The Secret Service did not sweep and clear the entire course but instead they cleared two holes ahead of the one Trump was playing. There were no agents outside the fence which was close to or within 400 yards of two different holes thus exposing the holes to outside the course people. The first is the fifth hole and outside that hole across the fence in some bushes designed to shield the view of a chain link fence, an assassin lay in wait for the Trump party to reach the fifth hole.

That is very significant because Trump’s round of golf was a closely held decision, unannounced and not on his public schedule, only his private one. In spite of all that, the would-be assassin set up his sniper’s nest twelve hours in advance. How did he know that Trump would be playing at that time, inside information perhaps gave him access to the private schedule but who knows. The assassin used an AK-47 style weapon with a scope which would have made shooting from that distance very easy.

This time there was a competent Secret Service agent clearing two holes ahead of the Trump party. He saw the assassin’s rifle barrel sticking through the fence and he did not hesitate but opened fire. Unlike the counter sniper team on the first attempt, he did not wait until the assassin fired 7 or 8 rounds before engaging him. The agent fired three rounds, and the assassin did not get a single shot off before he was forced to flee the scene.

He left two backpacks full of supplies and equipment and a go pro camera at the scene which indicates that he intended to film the event. He chose a place that had easy avenues of egress from the scene but unfortunately for the assassin he was seen by a passerby who took a picture of the black Nissan SUV that he used. He fled north on I-95 and made it 41 miles before he was pulled over and arrested without incident.

If anyone or any group of anyone’s sent this lone nut/patsy on his mission they made at least three mistakes this time and maybe four. No, on second thought it was four mistakes. The first is that this time there was an agent with the competence and guts to do his job thus thwarting the assassin’s efforts. The second is that this would be assassin was not very good and made the mistake of revealing his hide to a good agent before he was able to fire. The third was that this time the lone nut/patsy survived and was arrested. It is so much better if there is no testimony and the powers that be can just make up their own version of what happened and then just shut up about it.

The fourth mistake was that this lone nut/patsy, Ryan Wesley Routh, had a very clear political motivation so he was therefore a lot more than just a lone nut. He also had a history and was quite famous in his own right, having been previously interviewed by many media sources including the New York Times and many TV news services.

In one sense he was a very strange individual but in another he fit right in with the Project for a New American Century and other neocon plans for U.S. dominance over the world by military force. Sometimes his online statements made no sense and were virtually indecipherable, but at other times he sounded like a very determined Washington neocon or a man who thinks ideologically motivated military intervention in foreign conflicts is the right way instead of using diplomacy.

Routh made his political ideology and his political motivation very clear. He tried to take Donald Trump’s life because of Trump’s desire to bring a peaceful settlement to the Russia-Ukraine war. He was so pro-Ukraine that he traveled there and spent several months there to as he put it “assist in the conflict” by recruiting volunteers for the international legion. The Ukrainians rejected him as a military volunteer because he was 58 years old, and he had no military experience. His publicly stated political ideology fit in a lot more with the political ideology of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Dick Cheney than Donald Trump.

This is a quote on that subject from Jeffrey Sachs, well known professor at Columbia University and foreign policy analyst. This quote comes via the Tom Woods letter:

“I think it’s obvious there is one deep state party and that is the party of Cheney, Harris, Biden, Victoria Nuland. Nuland is kind of the face of all this, because she has been in every administration for the last 30 years. She was in the Clinton administration wrecking our policies toward Russia in the 1990’s. She was in the Bush administration junior, with Cheney, wrecking our policies towards NATO enlargement. She was in the Obama administration as Hillary’s spokesperson first, and then making a coup in Ukraine in February 2014. Not a great move. Started a war. Then she was Biden’s undersecretary of state. Now that’s both parties. It’s been a colossal mess. And she’s been Cheney’s advisor. She’s been Biden’s guidance advisor. It makes perfect sense. This is the reality. We’re trying to find out if there’s another party other than the Uni-Party. That’s the big question.”

Yes, Professor Sachs, there is a party other than the Uni-Party and right now the Uni-Party wants that other party dead. Hillary Clinton and Dick Cheney are two peas in a pod and act as cheerleaders for U.S. imperial ambitions. They are perfectly willing to suck the native population of America dry to fund their ambitions. Hillary refers to Trump as destructive of democracy and America and says he should not be allowed to serve because among other things he is a Russian agent. She has made no such disparaging remarks about the war criminal Dick Cheney. Harris may be a bubbleheaded actress, but she will shut up and do as she’s told, and that is good enough for the Uni-Party.

It appears then, that this second assassination attempt happened because the leading figures in the Deep State/Uni-Party who serve as Trump’s opposition wanted it to happen. The would-be assassin was no lone nut/patsy, and he was certainly no unhinged madman. He was an intelligent man who had travelled extensively and had appeared on many international news shows. He wrote a self-published book in 2023 titled “Ukraine’s Unwinnable War. “In his book he advised Iran that “you are free to assassinate Trump.” The book described Trump as a fool and a buffoon for both the January 6 riot which turned out to be an FBI false flag operation, but I digress, and also for Trump’s “tremendous blunder” in leaving the Iran nuclear deal.

Could this once again be a case of willful negligence on the part of the federal government. Is the government and the Secret Service really that incompetent. Joe Biden said, “One thing I want to make clear is that the Secret Service needs more help. I think Congress should respond to their needs.”  Well, Mr. President, the Service doesn’t seem to have any needs in protecting you, Dr. Jill, and Kamala Harris only your opponent who always seems to get the B-team.

The FBI and other government agencies were warned many times by many people that Routh was dangerous. One nurse told them that he said he wanted to kill all world leaders. One might sympathize with that thought but thank God we are rational enough not to act. Routh definitely fits the profile of a neocon terrorist, but the question is, was he the only one and did he act alone. The social media sites quickly scrubbed his accounts as soon as he was publicly identified. By a strange “coincidence” both he and Mathew Crooks appeared in a Blackrock commercial. Blackrock is perhaps the world’s biggest hedge fund so what are the odds. I would guess the odds are so great there is practically zero chance of it happening by random chance.

Fortunately, we have Ron DeSantis as governor of Florida, and he said that the state would conduct its own investigation. He was disturbed by the relatively light gun charges filed against Routh. Quote from the governor:

“The State of Florida is conducting its own investigation into the second attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. It is not in the best interest of our state and nation to have the same federal agencies seeking to prosecute Trump leading this investigation.”

Good on you governor but we will see if the Feds allow anyone to question Mr. Routh.

Finally, folks, Mr. Routh was ideologically ready to go and all he needed was a little cash and a little push. Somehow both suddenly became available to him. I admit it is just circumstantial from all the information I have seen but this man in Ukraine and then in a sniper’s hide in Florida has CIA written all over him.

At least that’s the way I see it,

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.

Photo Credit: Sunday World

THE CASTLE REPORT: Psychotic War Criminals Endorse Harris


Darrell Castle talks about some of the people who have seen the light and decided to work for the election of Kamala Harris – Dick Cheney leading the way.

Transcription / Notes


Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 13th day of September in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about some of the people who have seen the light and decided to work for the election of Kamala Harris. Perhaps the worst and most disgusting, lying war criminal in American history, Dick Cheney and his designated successor, his daughter Liz went public with their endorsement of Kamala Harris.

She must be so proud to have received such a ringing endorsement from such a gentleman as Dick Cheney. I know she is proud to have the endorsement because she said publicly that she was proud. No, on second thought she didn’t say she was proud, and I don’t want to misquote her. She said she was “honored” to have Cheney’s endorsement. So, yay, the man we were calling literally Hitler a few years ago just endorsed us. What does that say about us, about me, well folks, I guess we’ll just call that irrelevant for now.

Joe Biden, before he developed dementia, described Cheney as the most dangerous Vice President in US history. Now, when he was forced out of the race in a palace coup, he left with his endorsement a woman who then acquired the endorsement of the very dangerous Dick Cheney. I’m just speculating here, but maybe Dick Cheney and Kamala Harris have found common ground as despised Vice Presidents.

So, the news is now out that Dick Cheney and his daughter Liz are working to elect Kamala Harris. This situation is the latest demonstration that Washington has become a separate country from America, and we are therefore ruled by a foreign cabal that some call the Deep State, and some call the Uni-party. This cabal has one thing in common and that is a hatred and fear of anything that might threaten the power of the deep state and might just dismantle it. That explains the unnatural fear of Donald Trump and speaks well of him.

The Democrats just a few years ago chided Republicans for their continued embrace of Cheney but now he was a guest of honor at their January 6th commemoration. Not all Democrats love Cheney though, so I suppose a few still try to keep some honor. Left wing magazine said this about the new marriage.

“Compared to Dick Cheney’s crimes against democracy, Trump is an amateur. Chaney reduced nations to rubble, shredded the Bill of Rights, and enacted programs of surveillance, abduction, detention, and torture more in line with the state terrorism of military dictatorships than the norms of liberal democracy.”

Democrat author, Chip Gibbons; “Dick Cheney is an enemy of democracy in America and a war criminal. His warm reception on the floor of Congress by Democrats yesterday at the January 6 Capitol riot commemoration was shameful and disgusting.”

Cheney did much of his destruction for money it appears. He supposedly made about $50 million from his Halliburton stock while America’s youth were killing and dying in the deserts of the Middle East, thus an article in The Atlantic called Remembering why Americans Loathe Dick Cheney:

“The United States had concluded that Iraq, Libya, and Iran supported terrorism and had imposed strict sanctions on them. Yet during Cheney’s tenure at Halliburton the company did business in all three countries. In the case of Iraq, Halliburton legally evaded U.S. sanctions by conducting its oil-service business through foreign subsidiaries that had once been owned by Dresser. With Iran and Libya, Halliburton used its own subsidiaries. The use of foreign subsidiaries may have helped the company to avoid paying U.S. taxes.”

The article went on to accuse Cheney of creating the surveillance state which set the stage for the Russiagate hoax, and all the intelligence agency abuses that have been carried out against Donald Trump and other innocent Americans. I will add on my own that he set the stage for such corruption of the FBI that it was able to propagate the false flag “insurrection” that they invited Cheney to come celebrate with them.

Cheney admitted in his memoirs that he was involved in constructing the spying system against Americans known as the Terrorist Surveillance Program. Years after they had been going along with it the Department of Justice reached the conclusion that parts of it were illegal. He admits to spying illegally on Americans and it is now indisputable that he authored a program that spied on millions of innocent, non-terrorist, Americans without a warrant. He also wanted the program to continue after it was declared illegal.

If you don’t believe any of this stuff about Cheney, I advise you to read his memoirs for yourself. The book was published in 2011 and is entitled “In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir”. The book tells the story of his 40 years in politics and covers his involvement in some of the most important events in our recent history. Some of those events were the 9/11 attacks, the war on terror, the war in Afghanistan, the war in Iraq, torture, which he called enhanced interrogation, and many other things. He was assisted in writing the book by his daughter Liz. Many of his contemporaries such as Colin Powell, and Condoleezza Rice say their private conversations with him were different.

I don’t know about you, folks, but it is really weird to see this man the Democrats called a warmonger, Darth Vader, Adolph Hitler (literally), even Satan claiming he supports them and will vote for them and encouraging others to vote for them. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr had thoughts similar to mine. “Liberals, take note: If you support Kamala Harris, you are now on the same side as Dick Cheney.”

Podcaster Kanekoa the Great said, “Democrats have called Dick Cheney a war criminal for twenty years, and now, all of a sudden, they are clapping like seals to get his endorsement.” I will add that given the hatred, lies, and lawfare attacks against Trump and his supporters, Cheney fits right in.

The best endorsement and one I’m sure all good Democrats will treasure came from the best comedian on the world political stage today, Vladimir Putin. While addressing the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok he said that Russia’s favorite son was Joe Biden but unfortunately, he had departed the stage so the one he left for us is now the chosen one. We all know that Joe Biden was instrumental in creating the Russia—China alliance as well as the BRICS economic alliance so it makes sense that they would choose his natural successor.

Quoting Mr. Putin: “I told you our favorite, if you can call it that, was the current President Mr. Biden. He was removed from the race, but he recommended all his supporters to support Ms. Harris. So, we will do the same. We will support her. Ultimately, the choice is up to the American people, and we will respect that choice. As for the favorites, it is not up to us to determine that, it is after all, the choice of the American people.” He went on to say that her laugh is infectious, and she laughs so expressively and infectiously that he presumes she is doing well.

You probably know that Donald Trump could not sit on the sideline while people such as Dick and Liz Cheney who together probably did more to damage America than anyone in recent memory except the one who signed all the open borders executive orders.

“Dick Cheney is an irrelevant RINO, along with his daughter, who lost by the largest margin in the history of congressional races. They couldn’t get Scooter Libby, who did so much for them (but was so unfairly treated), pardoned. I did it. He’s the king of endless, nonsensical Wars, wasting lives and trillions of dollars, just like comrade Kamala Harris. I am the Peace President, and only I will stop World War lll. What Liz Cheney did with the Unselect Committee of political losers is unthinkable. She and her unselects deleted and destroyed all evidence and information—It’s Gone. Much of it proved that Nancy Pelosi was responsible for J6—Didn’t Provide Security. Cheney and the others should be prosecuted for what they did, but Comrade Kamala is even worse.”  — Donald Trump

I suppose that as an afterthought or as icing on the cake or whatever Liz Cheney decided to endorse Ted Cruz’s opponent in the Texas Senate race. She endorsed Representative Colin Allred, the Democrat running against Cruz. Not only endorsing him but said she would be working on his behalf. The Cruz campaign pointed out that she lost her reelection campaign in Wyoming by a margin of 37 points, a record, I believe, for a sitting member of congress. So, her endorsement of Ted’s opponent did not frighten very many of them.

There are so many things that Americans should be aware of and watch out for in this theater of the absurd. It all really does seem like theater because it is a show put on for the rest of us. Many of us normal people see it the same way we view sports as entertainment. Politics has taken on that atmosphere to many in the public eye. They fight, scheme, cheat, lie, and steal to get their 15 minutes as Andy Warhol used to call it. The problem is that now with the FED and no gold standard or any other standard of measurement or limitation there is literally no limit on the vote buying ability especially of sitting office holders. If you and millions like you will vote for me, I will give, loan, forgive or whatever it takes whether the Constitution gives me the authority or not.

So, its posturing and fake fighting for the sake of political theater to entertain us and keep deep staters in power. A process previously known to the Romans as bread and the circus. While all this is going on there are things of vital importance like due process and the rule of law at stake. It would be nice to have a politician who really believes in those things besides power and has the courage to defend it. I wonder how it feels to be a member, let alone a leader, of a political party but certainly a candidate of that party which is endorsed by the worst people on planet earth. Yes indeed, Kamala Harris can say proudly that one of the worst war criminals in American history and his evil daughter endorsed me and I said I was honored to have that endorsement.

Democrats must really be starting to wonder about what they stand for. Now the queen of pop Taylor Swift has lent her name to the Dick and Liz Cheney bandwagon. I wonder if Taylor spent any time contemplating what it means to be in bed, figuratively speaking, with Dick Cheney. I will give the Democrats this, they have been able to attract some of the worst people to their cause. Dick and Liz Cheney, Vladimir Putin, although I admit Vlad was speaking tongue in cheek, Hamas, I mean who wouldn’t want to be on that list.

Finally, folks, if Kamala Harris will really do all the wonderful things she tells us she intends to do then why doesn’t she do them. Joe Biden is nowhere to be found, and she is apparently the de-facto president so why doesn’t she do something. I know why she doesn’t but I’m certain my Democrat friends presume it’s because she is applying with us for the job of head of state or leader of the deep state, the destroyer of lives and the enemy of freedom and truth.

At least that’s the way I see it,

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.

Photo credit: MEA WorldWide News


THE CASTLE REPORT: Speech is a Privilege to Kamala Harris


Darrell Castle continues to discuss how important free speech is to the American view of freedom with an emphasis on how Vice President Harris views our right to speak freely as revealed by her own words.

Transcription / Notes


Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 6th day of September in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be continuing my discussion of free speech and how important it is to the American view of freedom with an emphasis on how Vice President Harris views our right to speak freely as revealed by her own words.

It seems that to Ms. Harris, as a faithful authoritarian, speech is something that has to be regulated and controlled by the federal government which she hopes to lead someday soon. I wonder if she has ever stopped to consider that when the government claims the authority to regulate speech it is no longer free. It seems that despite all the “joy” attached to her campaign by the media she is the same person she has always been.

Most of her free speech attacks came long before the January 6th controversy which has been the Democrats lynchpin for why Donald Trump should not be allowed to speak freely. She was advocating that his speech be censored on social media back in 2019. Referring to social media sites, she said that there has to be a responsibility placed on them to understand their power.

“They are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation and that has to stop.” She went on, “There has to be a responsibility placed on these social media sites to understand their power.” Translation, if they don’t police content to conform to government approved narratives, they will be shut down. I am certainly no social media expert, but I know that these sites don’t speak to millions, the users speak to each other, and she wants that controlled by people like her.

That statement and her attitude should send a chill down the spine of any American voter and should disqualify her from receiving a single vote for the office of President of the United States but unfortunately very few understand the Constitution anymore and even fewer still understand that it is the safeguard of American liberty.

She is concerned that Facebook and Twitter, now X, have different operating standards. She said they can’t both have separate rules despite the fact that they are private companies. What she is talking about with the comparison is that since Elon Musk acquired Twitter it has started allowing its users to speak freely and is resisting efforts by the federal government and people like her to control and regulate what people say on the site.

Last week I talked about Facebook and its CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, and how he admitted in a letter to congress that Facebook cooperated with the government in censoring the speech of the American people. He admitted to restricting the information people were allowed to see about COVID and allowing only the government’s version of information to be available. Facebook also suppressed truthful information about the Hunter Biden laptop story and led people to think that it was not truthful or real thus depriving voters of vital information.

So, before Zuckerberg’s letter, she expressed dismay that Twitter is freedom while Facebook bends its knees to the government or Democrat Party line. They can’t have separate rules she said, but just think of the implications of that reasoning. She wants the federal government to be able to legally control the world’s largest flow of information so that only government approved speech is allowed.  I can’t understand how anyone could listen to that and not conclude that she is disqualified from the office she seeks. I will give her the courtesy of assuming that she herself is smart enough to understand the implications of what she said but maybe she isn’t.

Let me ask you this, folks, has the federal government ever lied to us about anything. The federal government is nothing but lies and truth is like kryptonite to the federal government. So, this woman who seeks to lead the federal government wants the American people to be restricted to the continuous lies of government as their source of information. It is the kind of position the leader of a Communist dictatorship would hold, and she seeks to apply it in America. Just to reiterate, to her, free speech, guaranteed by the First Amendment to every American, is impermissible without oversight and regulation by her lying government, and has to stop.

That is not the only really frightening and stupid thing she said about the “privilege” of speaking. She also said “he (Musk) has lost his privileges, and it (X) must be taken down.” To her, free speech, the bedrock of freedom, protected by the US Constitution, is a privilege granted by government, and by refusing to accept the federal government’s censorship of speech Musk has lost his “privilege” to operate a social media company which must be taken down.

The First Amendment and the Constitution in general is America. Without the Constitution this would be a different country if it existed at all. Quoting Dr. Paul Craig Roberts:

“Without the Constitution, we would be some other country—which is what they want. The goal is a compliant population with no rights, only privileges that can be revoked for non-compliant behavior. They oppose the idea that government is accountable to people.  Their goal is a people who are accountable to the government. Once Kamala is in office, the transformation will be complete.”

The First Amendment is unambiguous and within it the government’s power is non-existent. The words of the Constitution are clear of course, and they stand on their own and speak for themselves but the thought I just expressed has been upheld by many Supreme Court decisions over the centuries.

We didn’t know who Musk was when he started looking at Twitter because he said he was appalled at its government compliance and restrictions on speech. You can’t say that, or that’s the wrong pronoun for that person, was all we had known. If we said the vaccine is killing people and that is not a failure or undesired side effect but the intended purpose of the vaccine. If we said something like that, Twitter and Facebook made sure that no one saw our statement. We didn’t know what to expect and we didn’t know how committed he was to free speech at the time but we are at least beginning to find out.

The attacks on Musk tell us just how desperate the authoritarians are to shut us out and maintain their suppression of our thoughts. God forbid we are able to speak our minds online without their ability to send our thoughts through their filter. Musk, unlike the government, isn’t trying to shut you up or make you speak the right words, instead he is offering a microphone to the world and those who rely on control through lies simply can’t tolerate that.

The campaign of Ms. Harris is one of “joy” instead of issues according to her PR people in the media. The media in general serves as her PR company, but the difficulty is in trying to put the best spin on her nervous cackle. That laugh, now sold to us as uncontrollable joy, is just an indication that she has nothing of substance to say. She can’t answer a question, no matter how simple, about the issues that confront the nation. She knows nothing about economic matters, and she accepts no responsibility for her complete failure and refusal to act as “border czar.” The media serving as her agent seeks to cover and explain away one of the most catastrophic failures in American history and yet she seeks higher office. Democrats want her to fail up, I guess.

She supported the defund the police movement in 2020 thus contributing to the wave of violent crime sweeping the nation. In the face of an illegal invasion, she supported cutting police budgets so many vulnerable cities lost many of their experienced officers. She tells us that the migrant invasion is just an illusion or a figment of our overactive imaginations. However, the New York Police Department (NYPD) tells us that migrants make up less than 10% of the population of the city but they make up 75% of those arrested for assault, robbery, and domestic violence. On behalf of New Yorkers, thank you Kamala for this diversity gift.

NYPD admits that the sanctuary status of the city makes it difficult to keep accurate records, so 75% is a ballpark estimate. The city as a whole, and all the boroughs, report similar numbers. In Aurora, Colorado, armed gangs of Venezuelan criminals have taken over an apartment building and are using it to extort the residents. No one in public office seems to care about the American people anymore so nothing is done about it. The politicians lie about it, but the local police on the scene do not lie and tell us what is happening. The Democrats are all trying to follow orders and protect Kamala’s campaign, but the Venezuelans don’t seem to care about her campaign.

The violence from the Venezuelan gangs is spreading across Denver and other cities as the gangs are emboldened by the lack of resistance. Homeowners are continuing to report violent break-ins, etc. Now, a group of 32 armed Venezuelans have taken over an apartment building in Chicago. This is the kind of problem we’ve never faced before. These Democrats now led by Kamala Harris have literally invited violent third world countries to empty their prisons on our border. To make matters worse the United States treasury department continues to make matters worse by sanctioning the third world not for their illegals but because they will not economically comply with U.S. demands, thus inflaming them against us.

For example, earlier this week the United States seized a plane owned by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in the Dominican Republic reporting that they found its purchase violated U.S. sanctions and export controls. Homeland Security flew the $13 million plane back to the U.S. landing in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Attorney General Merrick Garland said the plane was illegally purchased through a shell company and smuggled out of the United States for use by Nicolas Maduro and his cronies. However, according to U.S. officials the plane has been flown almost exclusively out of a military base in Venezuela.

Why do I make such an issue out of the seizure of Maduro’s plane. I do it to demonstrate how stupid the foreign policy of the U.S. under Biden/Harris really is. They treat Americans in a similar fashion. You will obey me or else. You will obey me or suffer the consequences. We invite you to empty your violently corrupt country’s prisons and lunatic asylums onto our borders and we welcome all the diverse visitors, but we will take your president’s plane if he doesn’t bend his knee to us. Yes, the 75% of violent crime in NYC, the violent takeover of apartment buildings in Colorado, and in Chicago, the armed home invasion robberies, the rape and assaults on American citizens all I guess are crimes that Americans won’t do.

In conclusion folks, in the mind of government and its agents is there a valid reason for social media companies to exist. Yes, to advance the government’s morality as it is assigned to us.

Finally, folks, let me close this Castle Report with another quote from Paul Craig Roberts:

“Dear insouciant American, try to understand that the November election is not about abortion rights. It is not about inclusion. It is not about any of those issues about which you are being indoctrinated. It is about whether you have any prospect of continuing life in freedom.”

At least that’s the way I see it,

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.

THE CASTLE REPORT: The Feds Admit They Censor Americans

August 30, 2024


Darrell Castle talks about a letter written to the House Judiciary Committee in which Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted to Congress and the American people that under pressure from the Biden/Harris Administration, his social media platform censored American content related to COVID and Hunter Biden’s laptop during the 2020 election.

Transcription / Notes


Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 30th day of August in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about a letter written to the House Judiciary Committee in which Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted to Congress and the American people that under pressure from the Biden/Harris Administration, he censored them. He admitted to a censorship campaign that targeted content related to COVID and Hunter Biden’s laptop during the 2020 election.

Yes folks, in addition to donating hundreds of millions to the Biden/Harris campaign, Zuckerberg admitted to depriving Americans of real information and feeding them false information that was designed to affect their health, possibly fatally. That wasn’t enough for Zuckerberg and Biden, they also had to cheat, lie, and steal an election all the while telling us that trump is Hitler and a threat to democracy. If you don’t lie down while we steal this election through subterfuge, we will tell the rest of America that being a MAGA Republican is akin to being a NAZI.

In a government the size of America the typical voter is hopelessly torn to bits by the flood of information that is constantly fed to him and her. Who is to know what is worthwhile and what is not so one is just blown along by the winds of relentless propaganda fed to him by his own government through its various ministries of propaganda like Zuckerberg and Facebook. The voter hasn’t met any of these people and he doesn’t even know anyone like them. He normally doesn’t associate with power obsessed people but nevertheless they are out there looking to deceive him in order to gain and keep power at any cost.

The elite media seek to wash the voters’ minds collectively and individually clean each day. They control the government, and they tell him they have a higher moral purpose that involves a better use of his money than he could ever make. They have to save the planet from climate change and from all those evil Russians. They have to stimulate the economy so their fake numbers will be even more fake, and they must feed all those poor and sick. Their fake claims are just ways to distribute more and more of the fruits of the labor of hard-working Americans to powerful insiders. The higher purpose is nothing but an illusion and a swindle.

So, Mr. Zuckerberg formally admitted to Congress that he allowed himself and his company to be a part of this swindle of the American people. Facebook, he said, implemented a vast digital censorship regime on behalf of the federal government to suppress the speech of American citizens. Freedom of speech or the protected right of Americans to say what they think and want to say whether it offends or not, is the most basic of freedoms and without it no American is free whether he is a MAGA Republican or a totally sold out Joe Biden/Kamala Harris Democrat.

Zuckerberg’s letter admitted and outlined how Facebook colluded with officials from the federal government including White House representatives to silence content contradicting the establishment consensus regarding COVID and Hunter Biden’s laptop. Quote from Mark Zuckerberg:

“In 2021, senior officials from the Biden administration, including the White House, repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain COVID-19 content, including humor and satire, and expressed a lot of frustration with our teams when we didn’t agree. Ultimately, it was our decision whether or not to take content down, and we own our decisions, including COVID-19 related changes we made to our enforcement in the wake of this pressure.”

He went on to express regret at his company’s accommodation of the government’s “requests”. Somebody, and perhaps a lot of somebody’s, should have to respond in damages for what they did if not also in jail time. They deserve jail much more than the J-6 political prisoners sitting in jail because of an evil false flag event conducted by an evil government led by evil people. This is probably happening right now and will continue because the government is staffed by devoted ideological leftists who believe passionately that they are so morally superior that their end justifies any means.

Zuckerberg’s regret doesn’t resolve the issue, not by a long shot. It really means that he was feeling the heat from congress and needed to get ahead of the game. Joe Biden is a lame duck and already well under the bus. He was removed by Democrat elites so that Harris could pretend to be washed clean of his dirt as if she had nothing to do with it. She might possibly just be low enough on the IQ scale to not know but the same elites who ran the country when Biden was pretending to be president are running it now and will run it if she is elected, and then pretends to be president.

The various social media platforms are now so closely associated with the government that they are virtually one and the same. Free speech conducted and denied on these platforms affects your health i.e. denial of helpful information about COVID and the vaccines as well as wealth, safety and general happiness and enjoyment of life. It seems very wrong to me to allow the federal government to legally provide false information to us about vital events, etc. but the case of Murthy v. Missouri seems to allow it. In that case the Supreme Court ruled that states and individual plaintiffs who challenged the Biden administration’s censorship programs don’t have standing to sue because they cannot establish a clear link between the government’s pressure and the platform’s actions. In light of this Zuckerberg letter what will Congress and the state AG’s do now that the link is clearly established and admitted.

In addition to providing us with government lies about COVID, Facebook spiked the Hunter Biden laptop story thus affecting the election or said differently, allowing or assisting the theft of a U.S. presidential election. Everyone, including the Democrats’ Stasi, otherwise known as the FBI, now admits that the laptop was real and if known could have affected the election outcome. The laptop revealed a lot more than the obvious story that Hunter is a drug addicted sexual pervert. It revealed Hunter’s traveling the world from Communist China to Ukraine, to Romania, to act as broker in the selling of the political influence of his father, the big guy. So, Zuckerberg and Facebook contributed to Joe Biden’s coverup and theft of the presidency.

The fact that this is now a better late than never situation does not detract from the impact of Zuck’s letter. Americans can now look at it and say oh my God Zuck, you lied to us, deceived us, and let us think that Biden was good, and Trump was literally Hitler. He admitted that he was “wrong” to suppress information about Hunter’s laptop and that he regrets doing so. That’s nice isn’t it because his regrets are so meaningful almost four years after the stolen election.

I wonder if Zuck regrets helping Democrats flood the country with illegals thus allowing unprecedented violent crime including rape and murder of many women and little girls. Does he regret assisting Biden with taking us to the brink of nuclear war in two parts of the world while working to foment another in the Pacific. What about the radicalization of our K-12 children to the point that parents are shut out, not listened to and even prosecuted. I don’t give Zuck a pass on anything because he said he regrets giving in to certain demands, not to all demands, so I suppose he picks and chooses his regrets.

Donald Trump had something to say about Zuck’s letter; “Zuckerberg admits that the White House pushed to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story and much more. In other words, the 2020 presidential election was rigged.” Yes, it was rigged, but in light of this admission if we had a real Republican Party and a real Speaker of the House with the courage to do the right thing, perhaps something could be done, but oh well.

Why would it take so much courage for the Speaker of the House or any other public figure to do the right thing and bring forth the charges that this admission deserves. If you take positions in public that have not been approved by the consensus that makes up the powers that be, no one will come forward to debate you, instead you will be referred to as a kook, a nut, etc. The most admirable politicians of our era have been treated that way. Ron Paul was called all those names and much more, often by people in his own party and often by people unworthy of him. Influential people told Americans that Ron was a nut so they repeated it as if they believed it.

Ron tried to tell the American people that the Federal Reserve was robbing them, and he tried to tell them that the military industrial complex was doing the same thing with the Federal Reserve’s help. People wouldn’t listen and they shunned him as a nut but those of us on the outside listened and the young helped bring him forward, but once again the establishment wasn’t having any of it. The Republican nomination in many states was denied to him in what amounted to unfair tactics to deny him votes. It wasn’t as blatantly obvious as what the Democrats have done with Kamala Harris but cheating, nevertheless.

So, here we are just about two months from the 2024 presidential election and the Democrats have selected their chosen candidate for us. Ms. Harris got zero votes, has so far given zero press conferences, zero interviews, but she and Tim Walz did stage buying a bag of Doritos all I suppose to make them look normal. The people who selected her have inflicted a ridiculous anti-democratic joke on the American people. In reality, she is a bubbleheaded actress with the right skin color for today’s Democrats, the right hair and the right smile. It’s all choregraphed without a single original thought.

It is especially distressing when you consider how far American elections have degraded. We are at the point now where candidates who stand in opposition to those selected for us are charged with non-crimes and indicted and convicted of basically nothing and if that isn’t enough, they are shot at, wounded, then the alleged lone nut shooter is cremated before evidence can be processed, just like in the removal to China of World Trade Center evidence and debris. We are supposed to look at it and just say well that’s politics so just move along, nothing to see here.

Nothing having to do with the federal government can be believed or trusted anymore. The department of justice covering the FBI which is supposed to be investigating itself in the Trump near assassination should get a long look as should the government within a government, the CIA but who has the courage.

I’m sure you are aware that Robert Kennedy, jr. has dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed Trump. Tulsi Gabbard, still on the Terrorist watch list, also endorsed him. I read an article in the Babylon Bee humor paper which said that Trump wanted Kennedy in the campaign because he would draw most of the sniper fire away from Trump, funny and a little sobering.

Tulsi said, “We are closer to the brink of nuclear war than we ever have been before. This is one of the reasons I am committed to doing all that I can to send Trump back to the White House where he can once again serve as our Commander-in-Chief.”

Finally, folks, I close this Castle Report once again with the words of the great H.L. Mencken:

“Every normal man must be tempted at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.”

At least that’s the way I see it,

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.

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