Message From the Chairman

Defend Children, Defeat Biden, and Destroy the Democrat Party, the “3-Ds

  June 18, 2024 Dear Friends of Life and Liberty, The Newsletter we are sharing with you today is an article written 10 years ago, but it surely fits for today. The Constitution Party presidential candidate and outspoken advocate for the unborn, Randall Terry, came to my mind while reading it.  Randall is the Founder

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2024 Election of Executive Officers and Area Chairmen

~ JIM CLYMER ~ DATE:    April 30, 2024 After a total of 16 years serving the Constitution Party as your National Chairman, with three 4-year terms from 1999 to 2012, and then again for one 4-year term from 2020 to 2024, it is time for me to step down and hand the reigns over

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Can This Be America’s Last CHRISTmas?

Are we losing our country? Dear Constitution Party Friend, Despite my growing concern for America, the Christmas season reminds me of the countless blessings our Savior has bestowed upon our great country. I am also reminded of the immeasurable good fortune I have to count you as a fellow warrior in the battle to restore

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Deadline to see General Flynn

#1 DEADLINE:   Just a reminder there is only 6 days remaining to take advantage of the “Early Bird” registration to attend the FULL National Committee Meeting and Speakers Conference in St. Louis on October 20-21. After Thursday, September 21, FULL registration increases to $195/person. Click on this link to attend both days, including 3 meals: CPers

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The Inspirational Howard Phillips 1941-2013

By Richard Viguerie     This week marks the tenth anniversary of the passing of my dear friend Howard Phillips. I hope a new generation of conservative activists and leaders will take a few minutes to read the words I penned ten years ago and take inspiration from the example of Howie’s lifelong work to

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National Committee Meeting – 2nd Alert

Please review these details as your 2nd reminder to attend the Spring 2023 National Committee Meeting and Issues Conference in St. Louis April 21-22.  These details along with registration have been posted on the National Website. Here’s your chance to meet and fellowship with freedom-loving, constitutional patriots from all around the country. Remember, our beloved

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The Critical Nature of Gaining Ballot Status Nationwide

The vast majority of Americans are unaware of the obstacles third parties face to place their candidates on the ballot in each state. Some states are very reasonable in regard to the requirements for a party to gain ballot status​​ thereby enabling that party to place their candidates on the November General Election ballot. However, many

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Sweet, Sweet Victory in North Carolina!

  Our candidate for county commissioner in Green County North Carolina, Jerry Jones was elected to office on November 6th.  His election is remarkable since we had barely gotten on the ballot in that state for the first time ever earlier this year. The race was a two way race and Jerry received 3,241 votes

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Thanks to Your Support, MORE Big Things Are Happening!

Just last week we received word from the Hawaii Secretary of State that the Constitution Party is now officially recognized as a ballot-qualified party in that state.  This is the first time ever that the Constitution Party has achieved ballot access in Hawaii in a mid-term election. The party completed the signature drive in mid-February,

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