Video Highlights from the Fall 2023 National Committee Meeting

Video messages from the Constitution Party National Committee Meeting and Issue Conference – St. Louis, Missouri – October 19 – 21, 2023
Welcome Message
A Republic – If WE Can Keep It
Paul Venable
National Issues Conference Fall 2023
Navigating America’s Critical Crossroads: A Patriot’s Dilemma
Joe Miller
National Issues Conference Fall 2023
Getting the Money Out of Politics
Donna Brandenburg
National Issues Conference Fall 2023

The Price of Freedom – Bradlee Dean / The Sons of Liberty
National Issues Conference Fall 2023


Battling Mexican Cartels at the Border
John Ferguson
National Issues Conference
Fall 2023
Childhood Vaccines – What They Don’t Tell You
Jennifer Ann Barker
National Issues Conference Fall 2023

Overcoming Objections to Hand Counting
Linda Rantz
National Issues Conference Fall 2023
How to Run a Successful Campaign with No Money
Donna Brandenburg
National Issues Conference 2023


Activating the Petition Militia – Paul Venable – National Issues Conference Fall 2023

Planned Destruction of America’s Cities
Paul Berry III
National Issues Conference Fall 2023

A Tribute To The Non-Vaccinated
Thom Holmes
National Issues Conference Fall 2023

Waking Up America
General Michael Flynn
National Issues Conference Fall 2023