Republican Endorsement of Constitution Party Candidates Brings Abortion Center Stage in 2024

Written by:  Rebecca Terrell

June 3, 2024 – The New American

Former U.S. Republican House Majority Leader Tom DeLay of Texas has endorsed Randall Terry in his bid for U.S. president. The Constitution Party chose Terry in April as its presidential nominee for the 2024 election. Pastor Stephen Broden of Dallas is Terry’s running mate and a long-time member of the John Birch Society.

“The ‘3-D’ battle plan of the Terry/Broden campaign is political genius!” DeLay announced on the campaign website. “Every Republican should invest in this mission to DEFEND babies, DEFEAT Biden and DESTROY the Democrat Party.”

“My biggest regret after leaving Congress was that we didn’t get rid of abortion,” DeLay told The New American in a phone interview. He has since helped get heartbeat bills passed in Texas and Ohio, but he says that is only a start.

“It’s time to have a national debate on abortion, and those who believe in saving lives must go on the offensive, driving the narrative. Randall Terry is the first person I have see who’s running for president and talking about the truth of what is happening to babies.”

“Our campaign can be the secret weapon — the torpedo — that blows a hole in the Biden camp and the Democrat Party,” Terry told The New American. He founded the anti-abortion group Operation Rescue and led it from 1987 until 1994. His goal is to expose the gruesome reality of abortion — what it does to unborn babies as well as to women, the victims of those who convince them that murdering their offspring is a solution to problems.

Support the Constitution Party and make your most generous donation to help get Randall on a few more state ballots!

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