UP AND COMING WEEKLY:   Prepare to vote; State Board offers free seminars about voter registration; Constitution Party recognized 


MSN – DC NEWS NOW:   Former Del. Wilson joins ballot for West Virginia governor’s race as Constitution Party candidate 


















THE CASTLE REPORT: Malice or Just Massive Incompetence

July 19, 2024


Darrell Castle offers his opinion on the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

Transcription / Notes


Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 19th day of July in the year of our Lord 2024. Like everyone else, I now offer my opinion on the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. It’s tempting to say we must wait for the investigation before we speculate on what happened, but I suspect that we know as much about what really happened as we ever will. JFK, RFK, MLK, and many others around the world are evidence of that.

This story, on the surface, is preposterous and it makes no sense at all. The full resources of the most powerful empire in world history at its disposal and it still cannot protect one man. The United States has 17 intelligence services all of which are supposed to investigate, observe and provide information to the decision-making people in charge. Normally, that would be the president but right now who knows. There are literally thousands of highly trained, highly skilled people on the payroll to protect the nation’s leaders from attack and they all failed miserably. There is an agency called the Secret Service that has a reputation for hiring and training the biggest, strongest, bravest, most intelligent, people available in this country to protect its human assets. That’s its job and at that job it failed when the nation needed it the most.

How could all these people with unlimited resources fail to stop a wimpy, nerdy, 20-year-old kid from getting into a position to take a shot that missed killing Donald Trump by only millimeters. If Trump had not turned his head just slightly at that exact moment, he would be dead right now and the nation would be trying to sort it out or perhaps descending into chaos. So, a kid with a ladder he bought at a hardware store, and 50 rounds of ammo he bought that morning foiled a billion dollars’ worth of professionals. Maybe it’s similar to the billions spent on munitions fired at the Houthis but the Red Sea is still dangerous.

Even this early the entire Secret service/FBI created scenario of an explanation is starting to breakdown and fall apart. We are not supposed to look at facts and ask questions but instead just nod our heads in the affirmative and go along. Yes, we believe the story you have concocted although it makes no sense and is therefore most likely a lie. If we admit to even suspecting that you are lying, then we are tin foil hat conspiracy theorists or at least that’s what we are programed to think.

I have personally fired thousands of rounds through a rifle almost identical to the one Thomas Matthew Crooks apparently used. It was an AR-15 style rifle firing 5.56 mm rounds and mine was an M-16 but they are essentially the same. The M-16 has an automatic fire selector switch and that is the primary difference. I served in the Marine Corps more than 50 years ago, but I qualified with that rifle out to 500 yards and at that range it is really problematic with windage and ballistics affecting accuracy. At 150 yards where Crooks fired, a moderately trained shooter should be able to put his rounds in a 1-inch group most of the time. The AR is light and has almost no recoil with 5.56 ammunition so I will wager that I could have Joan, who has never picked up a rifle in her life, firing in a one-inch pattern within a day of practice. This all means that almost anyone could be a lone nut/patsy with that rifle.

What I am trying to say with this rambling explanation is that there is something really wrong here and we the people better insist that it is looked into honestly. If we want to keep some semblance of this country, never mind what it once was, we better not accept another JFK lone gunman, RFK only Sirhan, explanation. The FBI tells us that there was only one shooter, and he acted alone which is what they always say. Crooks was not a Marine sniper or even a competent shot before the incident. He tried and failed to make his high school rifle team, and the coach said he couldn’t hit the side of a barn, but as I said with that rifle and at that distance, he didn’t have to be competent. He and his father were apparently members of a rife club where he went to shoot and practice. So this shy 20 year old who couldn’t hit the side of a barn but was extremely bright showed up wearing hunting attire, found a line of sight shooting position, remained in public view with his rifle for up to 30 minutes, scared off local police who saw him, then firing from about 150 yards hit Donald Trump’s ear, killed another man with a head shot, and wounded at least one other person.

That all happened before two trained Secret Service snipers sitting in a firing position in overwatch above the speaker’s stand even fired at him. Once Trump was hit and down, they killed the shooter with one shot. Perhaps when they saw Trump go down bleeding, they assumed he was mortally wounded and dead men tell no tales, so they were clear to kill the shooter. I don’t claim to know the motivation of those men, but I do know that it is very bad policy to wait until your protected person is shot before you react. Crooks was allowed to fire about 7 or 8 rounds before they reacted and shot him.

There is audio evidence now that the sounds and video have been analyzed by forensic experts, that suggest the presence of at least one other shooter besides Crooks and the Secret Service sniper. His rate of fire might also indicate the presence of another rifle in the area shooting at Trump. The FBI hasn’t released much information about the rifle except the style and caliber. I’ve seen nothing on whether it had a scope, or was upgraded in any way, but those things would not have been necessary at that range for a shooter of moderate ability. I personally don’t believe the second shooter theory because with the incompetence of the Secret Service detail Trump’s head was exposed for several seconds after his ear was hit so a second gunman would have killed him then. No, it seems reasonable to think that once the Secret Service snipers saw the man they were sworn to protect go down they assumed he was mortally wounded, and they were cleared to eliminate the shooter.

He must have had help, if not in shooting, then in logistics, scouting, etc. He scouted the area including the building for several minutes as the crowd was gathering in the arena. He seemed to know the roof was unguarded although there was a counter sniper team from local law enforcement inside the building where he was located. When the director of the Secret Service was asked why they were not on the roof she said it was a sloped roof so she thought it might be dangerous.

That is obviously an absurd statement but that’s what she said. It was not too dangerous for the assassin but just for law enforcement. Snipers in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan occupied and fired from the most difficult and dangerous positions imaginable, but these Secret Service shooters could not fire from a sloped roof. The two snipers who finally killed Crooks fired from a sloped roof behind the podium from which Trump was speaking. The assassin wondered the area for 30 minutes, retrieved a ladder and a rifle from his car, was seen by several bystanders climbing to the roof, and bear crawling across the roof but still nothing was done to stop him. A local law enforcement officer climbed up to the roof and looked at him, but Crooks pointed his rifle at the officer who then retreated just before Crooks began firing.

The most difficult question for me is that the two Secret Service snipers had him in their scopes for perhaps three minutes before he fired, but they waited until he or perhaps more shooters than just him, fired and Trump was hit before they engaged him. That all allowed him to fire 7 or 8 shots before he was engaged by gunfire and killed. None of that makes any sense and none of it speaks highly of the Secret Service. The vaunted service, consisting of many agents who do all kinds of things besides protecting high value individuals, comes across as nothing but a bunch of keystone kops. They are supposed to take their best people, literally the best of the best and assign them to presidential protection. To be assigned to that detail is a reward because it is a way of saying you are the best we have. Each of those agents knows that he or she is expected to take the bullet instead of the one they are protecting.

This was the first assassination attempt on an American politician since Ronald Reagan in 1981. Forty-three years is a long time but when it comes to explanations not much has changed. Can there be any doubt that the shooting will be attributed to a lone nut. It’s never for political reasons or someone’s political agenda but always just a lone nut. Despite eyewitness reports of 8 shots coming from different directions there was only one shooter, and he was a lone nut. In this case it looks like the shooter was a lone nut but lone only when he shot. Another word for lone nut is patsy.

In an article in the UK Guardian, we are told that multiple people who were listening to the speech outside the rally said they spotted Crooks as he approached the area with an AR style rifle and climbed to the roof. Law enforcement agents and officers did not react to their warning. He was allowed to climb to the roof and assume a perfect firing position because even though they were warned by several witnesses, they refused or neglected to confront him. The other thing they neglected was to cover Trump or remove him from the podium in light of the threat.

Mr. Trump, along with most of the government-controlled media and its politicians all lauded the Secret Service for their quick reactions to the danger. I understand their words at the moment of the shooting were clouded by emotion, but now it seems the Service could and should be criticized for not noticing a man with a rifle climbing to a roof with a direct line of fire some 150 yards away. They could also be criticized for letting Trump get to his feet, with wounded ear clearly visible exposing him to another shot for 3 or 4 seconds. That is a dangerous act indeed if there is a second shooter just aiming, but perfectly OK if you know the lone nut or patsy is already dead. They could be criticized for having the lone nut in their rifle scope but not firing while he fired 7 or 8 rounds. When asked why they didn’t fire as soon as they saw him with the rifle the director of the Secret Service said they were waiting for permission.

When the director of the Secret Service is as grossly incompetent as Kimberly Cheatle, I suppose all this impossible, unbelievable, series of events is a little easier to believe. The lone nut killed former fire chief Corey Comperatore, who had more sense and more guts than all those highly trained agents combined. His daughter reported that as his last living act he covered her with his body thus shielding her from gunfire. When the Secret Service finally noticed the lone nut/patsy on the roof, they opened fire and killed him so there will be no testimony from and no trial of the lone nut/patsy for an attempted assassination.

Applying that theory means that all the gross incompetence and failure of this once vaunted Service was simply a cover-up for a planned assassination of Donald Trump. If so, it further means that those who want to retain power at any cost are so incompetent they can’t possibly pull it off. No wonder every agency from the White House to the military to the FBI, to the CIA, appears to be broken, corrupt, and unsalvageable.

So, what happens now that Trump survived assassination. He has survived so many attempts on his life, his career, his politics, and his money I would say it puts him in a unique position in American history. He has more money than he can use, buildings with his name on them, golf courses, a beautiful wife and family so what amounts to the American dream realized so why does he persist in the face of such hostile forces. Perhaps he really does see his country in peril and believes he is in a unique position to help.

He is more popular than ever because with each attack by his enemies he grows stronger. However, his calls for unity are nothing but a pipedream. There can be no joining on an equal basis with evil, only resistance or surrender.

Finally, folks, the directors of the Secret Service, FBI, and Homeland Security, should be suspended pending investigation with the least of their punishment being firing. Their demonstrated incompetence justifies firing in disgrace, but my guess is that Kimberly Cheatle will receive the presidential medal of freedom but only if Jill Biden stays in office long enough.

At least that’s the way I see it,

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.

Randall Terry to Attend US Taxpayers Nominating Convention

July 13, 2024


DO YOU KNOW:  the Republican National Committee (RNC) has removed ALL references to God and standing for the “Sanctity of Life” out of its Platform?

If this horrifies you, then now is the time for Pro-Life Patriots to come together to save our country and to save our children.


The Great Lakes State of Michigan is ground zero in this fight for America!


We are inviting everyone across the United States to come to Michigan and be a part of the U.S. Taxpayers Party Nominating Convention. (USTP is the official Constitution Party affiliate in Michigan).

Be a part of the solution by joining us on Saturday, July 27, from 10 am to 4 pm

Lost Arrow Resort
1749 Bowmanville Rd
Gladwin, MI 48624

1 hr. NW of Midland/Bay City or 42 minutes north from Mt. Pleasant

Randall Terry, long-time pro-life warrior, will be the Keynote Speaker and our nominee for President of the United States. The campaign theme is to, “DEFEND CHILDREN……DEFEAT BIDEN……DESTROY THE DEMOCRAT PARTY. He is funny, energetic, inspiring, and…


Learn more about Mr. Terry here: Terry 2024

Randall Terry is the Founder of the anti-abortion group, Operation Rescue, and has led the largest peaceful civil disobedience in American history from 1987 to 1994. He’s been arrested 49 times, and spent more than one year in various federal, state, and local prisons for standing in the gap for the unborn.

The target of his and his Vice-Presidential running mate, Pastor Stephen E. Broden, is the black community and Catholics who still vote for the “baby killing” Democrats.


We will begin with each County nominating candidates for local offices followed by the nomination and election of the convention officers and proceed with the nomination of candidates for the November 2024 election.

When:  Saturday, July 27, 10 am to 4 pm

Registration Fee Schedule: 

$55/person for each current paid USTPM Member

$90/person, includes new membership

$35/person for child aged 10 – 17 years

Pay via credit card here:  USTPM Convention Registration

Food Included comprises of grazing snacks & desserts

Contact Person:  Donna Brandenburg
Text or leave message at (616) 430-4410, email  Chairman [at] USTPM [dot] org

This is history in the making.  Please pass this information on to anyone you know in Michigan and invite them to come to our convention.

We are NOT looking for money as much as getting the word out person to person…social media, phone calls, texts, etc. to family, friends, and those in your networks.

Thank you for your support.

We look forward to seeing you in MICHIGAN.


Randall Terry will be on the North Carolina Ballot


Randall Terry, Constitution Party Presidential Candidate, will be on the ballot in North Carolina

July 9, 2024, North Carolina — In a significant development, the Constitution Party’s presidential nominee, Randall Terry, has successfully secured a spot on the ballot in North Carolina for the upcoming election. Prominent candidates, Bobby Kennedy and Cornel West, are still not on the ballot in this state. Randall Terry stated, “Our presence on the ballot ensures we can pursue our battle planDefend Children, Defeat the Democrat Nominee, and Destroy the Democrat Party.’ “Terry emphasized the strategic focus of his campaign, highlighting the specific demographics they aim to influence. “Our television ads target Catholic and African American voters, encouraging them to abandon the Democrat Party,” he explained. Samples of these ads can be viewed on his campaign website, Terry/Broden TV Ads.

Script for TV ad: Catholics and African Americans –

“Stop Voting Democrat! “What do you call people who tell a boy he can cut off his penis…to become a girl? Or tell a girl she can cut off her breasts…to become a boy? Or give children pornographic material and birth control without telling their parents…and call it “sex education? “What do you call people that mock morality, commit black genocide, and cheer killing unborn babies until the day of birth? (Pause)You call them…the Democrat Party. And what do you call people who vote for them? Sadly, you call them (pause) Catholics and African Americans. Why do Catholics and Blacks vote for those who are at war with their families and faith? The Democrat Party – its godless agenda – is a fortress of evil that must be destroyed. Don’t betray your children and your God with your vote. Don’t vote Democrat. I’m Randall Terry, and I approve this message. (The ad will be full of heart wrenching images & video!)

The above TV ad script was written by Vice Presidential Candidate, Pastor Stephen Broden.

Kevin Hayes, Vice-Chairman of the North Carolina Constitution Party, praised the decision of the state board of elections saying,

“The state board of elections did the honorable thing by voting to allow the Constitution Party on the ballot in North Carolina because our petition had more than the required number of verified signatures. Today’s decision was a long time coming, and I’m thankful we will be able to provide the citizens of North Carolina with the ability to vote for candidates who support life and follow the Constitution.”

North Carolina continues to refuse ballot access for RFK, Jr and Cornel West.

For more information or to interview Mr. Terry or Pastor Broden,

Contact: Jackie Jones
Truth PR
Jackie [at] tuthpr [dot] com


BIG thank you to all the generous donors who helped the Party win this battle to gain ballot access in North Carolina.

Questions or Comments, contact Donna Ivanovich, Administrative Assistant to the National Chairman

THE CASTLE REPORT: The Dark Secrets of War

July 12, 2024


Darrell Castle talks about the ordeal of Julian Assange and what his case tells us about what it means to be a real journalist in today’s world.

Transcription / Notes


Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 12th day of July in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the ordeal of Julian Assange but also what his case tells us about what it means to be a real journalist in today’s world. In essence his case tells us that the truth no longer sets us free and telling the truth has become a crime.

Before we get into the matter of Assange perhaps a little background is in order. A free press is vitally important to American freedom and if I can convey nothing else to you today it is that the press, and by that, I mean real, genuine, journalism is there to inform the people of what their government is doing. Those in government should be looking out for and expecting the press to expose their works of darkness, if they have any. That sentiment has been spoken by many from the founders all the way to the Supreme Court in the modern era.

I will illustrate my words with a quote from Justice Hugo Black in the case of The New York Times versus The United States decided in 1971. His quote came to me from an article written by Scott Ritter in his newsletter Scott Ritter Extra.

“The press was to serve the governed, not the governors. The government’s power to censor the press was abolished so that the press would remain forever free to censure the Government. The press was protected so that it could bare the secrets of the government and inform the people. Only a free and unrestrained press can effectively expose the deception in government. And paramount among the responsibilities of a free press is the duty to prevent any part of the government from deceiving the people and sending them off to distant lands to die of foreign fevers and foreign shot and shell.”

That quote is one of the most important in American history because it is fundamental to liberty. The press is supposed to be the servant of the people, not a wholly owned subsidiary of the government itself, and certainly not of any one political party. The case quoting Justice Black goes back to the Vietnam days of Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers.

Ellsberg was not a journalist but an employee of the U.S. Department of Defense working in the Pentagon. He was involved in the production of a report ordered by secretary of Defense Robert McNamara that was a history of U.S. involvement in Vietnam from 1945 to 1968.

The Times printed the report on its front pages and further stated that the report showed that the Johnson administration had lied systemically to Congress and the American people about U.S. entry into and conduct of the Vietnam War. McNamara claimed that he only had the report prepared because he wanted to leave a written record for future policy makers to prevent them from making the same mistake. The report revealed lots of things the government was lying about including U.S. troops raiding into North Vietnam, etc. The optimistic picture of the war presented by the government was false and the government knew the war was unwinnable and a waste of lives. It was top secret information and although Ellsberg was not a journalist he was disturbed by the report, and he violated his security clearance by sending it to the Times who then chose to publish it on the front page.

I lived through that time, so I remember it well. I was not happy that Ellsberg released classified information and I wanted to see him punished. I admit now that I really didn’t understand what was happening and what was at stake. Ellsberg sent the information to the New York Times, but that paper made the decision on its own to publish it. The Times was perhaps not an affiliate of the Democrat Party at that time as it is now and also the Times along with other media was generally hostile to the war and happy to see it discredited. President Johnson was a lame duck and, on his way out, with Robert Kennedy predicted to be his successor.

Julian Assange is, in many ways, the opposite of Daniel Ellsberg in that he didn’t steal any government top secret documents and release them to the media. Assange was, in fact, the media because he was the founder of the internet site, Wikileaks, which endeavored to hold government accountable by revealing its secrets. People sent him information that they had obtained, and he decided whether to put it out on Wikileaks or not.

He received a video that was obtained by a U.S. Army Corporal consisting of gun camera footage shot from a U.S. helicopter. When he saw the video, he knew that it was dynamite and potentially could bring severe retaliation against him if he published. The video shows a helicopter crew being ordered to fire on civilians huddled together on the ground. Nine civilians were huddled together in the street and the machine gunner reported them as civilians, but the order clearly given to him and clearly heard was “light ’em all up.” There was hesitation on the gunner’s part and then the order “come on, fire.”

The people all went down but one and he was killed as he was running away. That is pretty obviously an international war crime and very graphic for those who saw it. Few, if any, outside those involved knew of it until Assange decided to publish it on Wikileaks and that decision sealed his fate. The U.S. came after him for espionage and treason although they never explained how a foreign national can be guilty of treason. Assange is Australian and the crime of treason can be committed only against one’s own government. Espionage was enough, however, to have him relentlessly pursued until his life was destroyed.

He was living in London at the time and was granted asylum by the nation of Ecuador in their British Embassy where he remained for seven years. He actually lived inside that building for seven years and his wife was unable to see him during that time. During those seven years, the President of Ecuador, who had granted asylum, was replaced by one who was more susceptible to American pressure. He was handed over to British authorities who put him in Belmarsh maximum security prison while his lawyers fought American requests to have him extradited to the U.S. where he would have faced long term imprisonment.

He spent five years in Belmarsh most of it in solitary confinement in a cell 23 hours a day. Keep in mind that he was not a criminal and had not been convicted of anything. He had no real due process for 12 years because he knew that his American fate had already been decided. I think I said that Assange was opposite Daniel Ellsberg and that is because he was the New York Times, not Ellsberg. The U.S. went after Ellsberg at first for espionage, but later thought better of it and left him alone. The New York Times, in the case I mentioned, proved that free press was alive then, despite the government’s best efforts.

Assange was the New York Times because he was the publisher of the information. Can you imagine the publisher or editor of the New York Times being confined for 12 years without any charges. The government wanted to make an example of the only one who had the audacity to practice real journalism. Living in a tiny cell 23 hours a day for five years is, according to the UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights, a crime that cannot be justified because it imposes severe mental pain and suffering beyond any reasonable retribution for criminal behavior and thus constitutes torture.

Before someone is so confined in solitary, he should at least be charged with a crime and perhaps even be guilty of one. In Assange’s case the state won and let everyone know that it claims the right to conduct its war crimes and other such deeds in total darkness and the light of day will not shine on it. If you think otherwise, then take a look at Julian Assange and be very afraid. The state sends this message to all would be journalists out in the working press and those in journalism schools. We are everything and you are nothing. We are superior and exceptional and morally correct, and our ends justify any means so don’t think about opposing us.

If you try to oppose us, you will be ostracized by your fellow journalists and that will be the least of your troubles. Just come join us like all your comrades and spit out the propaganda as we give it to you and your life will be one of ease.

In Julian Assange’s case he is guilty of no crime, but they won because they broke him after 12 years. The news of his release was met with joy, but then I started thinking about what it really means. He won his freedom, but to do so he had to compromise and plead guilty to a crime he didn’t commit. The state made him say that he was guilty and that he is sorry about his guilt. He was forced to acknowledge that what he did was a crime and so lying became the price of freedom. The government doesn’t think anything about lying and has become a master at it so making him lie is no big deal to them.

Anybody who says anything the U.S. government doesn’t want him to say is in danger. You could be arrested and thrown into prison for years with no charges and no trial.  His attorneys were finally able to negotiate a plea deal whereby he pled guilty to one felony charge of illegally obtaining and publishing U.S. government documents of various kinds, many of them evidencing war crimes and human rights abuses, and a few others exposing some political crimes during the Clinton campaign. His plea deal justifies the government’s history of abusing his rights along with denial of press freedom because after all, he was guilty of espionage.

One interesting thing about the plea deal is the choice of locations. There is a federal courthouse on the island of Saipan in the Northern Marianas, a U.S. possession. The reason that island is a U.S. possession is because a few thousand U.S. Marines paid for it with their lives in June 1944. That’s right we just memorialized the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in France but just one week after that on June 15, 1944, U.S. Marines landed on Saipan in what was the largest Pacific landing to date. The U.S. was so powerful it could conduct the two largest amphibious assaults in world history on opposite sides of the earth at virtually the same time. So, now I must ask you what’s happened, what’s become of us.

Apparently, it was Assange’s lawyers who wanted that location because it was under U.S. jurisdiction, but not in the U.S. It is fairly remote but also fairly close to his native Australia. I saw a video of him seeing his wife who waited all those years for him. He didn’t want to set foot on U.S. soil, that bastion of liberty that so many were willing to die for in 1944. If he had landed in Washington there would have been no way to prevent the government from reneging on the deal and bringing him to trial in Washington D.C. It’s a shame that his lawyers had good reason to think that a fair trial was not possible.

The New York Times shied away from the Assange story for much of his ordeal, but finally published an article entitled, “Assange Agrees to Plead Guilty in Exchange for Release, Ending Standoff with the U.S.” The best I can make of the deal is that he is free and that is good. What it means in a bad sense is an overturning of the case of New York Times versus U.S. It is an assault on the first Amendment and the concept of the 1st Amendment as a guardian of a free press, and the vital importance of a free press. So, Julian is free, but the press is not.

Finally, folks, are there any people left who still practice real journalism? Yes, a few because although Julian is free, he can’t work anymore, at least not without extreme risk. Some others perhaps, definitely Tucker Carlson, definitely Glenn Greenwald, definitely Matt Taibbi and perhaps I would include Bari Weiss as well.

At least that’s the way I see it,

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.

Terry/Broden Campaign Gains National Attention!


12 July 2024
5 – 7 pm Pacific Time
Caesar’s Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada


FreedomFest Flyer
Click here for more details about the Free & Equal Elections Presidential Debate moderated by Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY)
FreedomFest Details


Randall Terry Preps for Debate

Some presidential candidates prep for their debate by spending a week in the woods.  Click on this link to see what the CP presidential candidate is doing to prep for his Free and Equal Debate on Friday, July 12.  (1 minute long)


Watch Vice-Presidential candidate, Pastor Stephen E. Broden, speak on the Stacy Washington TV program last week.  He addresses why black voters must DESTROY the DEMOCRATIC PARTY.

Support FREE and EQUAL ELECTIONS!  Help us spread the word by donating to nationwide TV ads. Click to:  Donate to TV Advertising

OR support the Constitution Party here: JOIN/DONATE

THE CASTLE REPORT: Who Governs America?


Darrell Castle talks about the recent presidential debate and what it says about America today.

Transcription / Notes


Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 5th day of July in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking today about the recent presidential debate and what it says about America today, and since this is Independence Day weekend, I will be mercifully brief.

Yes, it’s 4th of July weekend here in America when most people have 4 days off from work, but this lonely podcaster sits here on the 16th floor of Memphis, Tennessee to bring you a few words from his heart. I suppose that everyone saw the debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump a few nights ago. If you didn’t see it, you undoubtedly know what happened, but perhaps you are not as terrified as I am. In one sense it was a disaster of epic proportions and in another sense, it was just eye opening and mind boggling.

It was a disaster in that the whole world could see that the person who is supposed to be running this country can’t possibly be doing so. That is the important question for us to consider right now. The issue is not will Biden continue as the candidate or will he be replaced, but who exactly is running this country. Do you know what terrifies me even more than wondering who is in charge. What if its him because he can’t possibly be president. When someone wakes him and says Mr. President, we have detected a nuclear launch from, Russia, China, North Korea, wherever what does he do, He would have literally only minutes to execute launch on warning thus putting us into global nuclear war. That would be scary for anyone but right now it is terrifying. It seems to me that the nation is in extreme peril without leadership that is cognizant of what is happening in this world.

There are other issues that one wonder about but the finger on the nuclear button is of course what he is responsible for. Who signed all those executive orders and policy directives. I know it was the president but was his mind so diminished that he didn’t know what he was doing. Who decided to permit and even invite mass illegal immigration without any vetting so that the crime rate is falling in Venezuela and El Salvador but soaring here because those countries are emptying their prisons onto our borders. Who decided to foment climate change policies so austere that our economy would be slowed perhaps permanently.

Who decided to fuel a proxy war in Ukraine that threatens to draw us into a catastrophic war with nuclear armed Russia. Who decided to give unqualified support to Israel no matter how disproportionate their response to the terrorist attacks of October 7. Was the president behind all or even any of those decisions and if so, how would we know. His mental state was laid bare for the whole world to see the other night. His responses were incoherent, confused, lost, without the ability to complete even the most basic thoughts.

This is a period of national shame, and the country is left without any confidence as to in whose hands our future lies, at least humanly speaking. It is so funny that it is hard not to laugh at the president’s responses but when one realizes the magnitude of what is at stake it becomes sobering indeed. Do you think Mr. Xi, Mr. Putin, the little rocket man, and the Mullahs were watching that debate. You know they were, and I would guess they are wondering the same thing I am, and that is whose finger is on the nuclear button.

The deep state of unelected bureaucrats which the Supreme Court has been trying to chop at the branches of but not the roots of, must be in charge. It is obvious now for the whole world but especially Democrats and most importantly Democrat media that we have been walking on uncharted ground since the 2020 election. Joe Biden was not in 2020, and is not currently, fit or able to discharge the duties of the world’s most important job. His enablers and handlers from his own family to the Democrat power brokers continue to exploit him and the country for their own personal benefit.

Right now, we are indeed walking on uncharted ground, but I think army colonel Douglas Macgregor said it best:

“It is time to ask; who truly governs this country? Is it we the people, as our founders intended, or have we surrendered control to unelected bureaucrats, sprawling federal agencies, and affluent donors who do not have the best interests of ordinary Americans at heart? To say it is a national shame is an understatement. This travesty should end immediately. It is now obvious that the governing power to determine our nation’s destiny lies in unelected hands.”

Yes, the colonel’s analysis is spot on. This nation that we are constantly told must protect “our democracy” is neither a democracy nor republic. When we point out that constitutionally this nation is a republic not a democracy we are called fascists, etc. The truth is now out and can’t reasonably be denied and that is that people who have not been elected are exercising power of an immense nature and are doing a very poor job of it. These unelected people, whoever they are, have something other than the best interests of the American people in mind or else they must all be complete idiots.

The real question that needs to be addressed is not who will replace him because at this point it’s impossible to have any confidence in any Democrat politician. The real question that the news media should be asking but isn’t asking, is how long you have known and why didn’t you tell us. That question is being avoided instead of asked so it’s obvious that the captive media is in league with the devil serving as his assistant instead of reporting his actions.

Did he suddenly lose his mind in 90 minutes or have you known all along and kept it secret from us. People knew before his campaign when he ran it from his basement. Government and media have been perpetuating a hoax on us and that hoax is that for this entire administration’s time in office, someone other than the president has been running the country, someone not answerable to voters. Who are these people who live in shadows, answerable to no one. The media cover-up for them, they don’t ask who they are.

Finally, folks, the system is supposed to work in reverse of how it is currently working. The media is there to protect the governed from the government, but instead it protects the government from the governed. That has to change if we are to live without fear of an out-of-control government, or no government at all. If we reward these people by reelecting them, I guess we deserve what we get.

At least that’s the way I see it,

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.

Photo Credit: © GearstdDreamstime.com


THE CASTLE REPORT: Who Left the Zoo Unlocked?


Darrell Castle argues that the one who enables the dangerous animal to walk out of his cage at the zoo is more responsible for the animal’s actions than the animal.

Transcription / Notes


Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 28th day of June in the year of our Lord 2024. I take a brief break from war today, at least from foreign wars, and talk about the war going on right here in America. I will be talking about horrible subjects, such as murder, torture, and rape of children. My argument is that the one who enables the dangerous animal to walk out of his cage at the zoo is more responsible for the animal’s actions than the animal is.

Animals live and survive by instinct unlike humans who have souls and self-awareness. The rattlesnake doesn’t want to strike you but if he feels threatened, he will strike. The tiger and the leopard kill the deer and the antelope, not because they hate them, but because they are their food, and they act out of instinct to survive.

Not everyone has the opportunity to see exotic animals like big cats and dangerous reptiles in their natural habitats so we have zoos, even in our big cities people can go to the zoo and see a tiger, leopard, or cobra safely held in cages. What would happen if the zookeeper was a deranged lunatic or just someone who hated his fellow human beings, and he intentionally left the cage doors open. It would be even worse if he opened the cages and then left tasty snacks around the local neighborhood just to whet the appetites of the hungry animals.

When the animals leave the zoo, having no conscious and never hearing that voice that says no don’t do that because it would be despicable, vile, disgusting, and human society will punish you if you do. The animal is devoid of that capacity to reason so simply reacts on instinct and he kills. The unfortunate victim of the animal just happened to be available when the animal felt the instinctive drive of hunger or fear. In the wild the tiger and the leopard will look at the herd of antelope to determine if there are any sick or crippled in the herd because they would be easier to catch and less able to defend themselves.

The sick, diseased, animals who live and circulate among normal humans pretending to be human themselves operate the same way. Their victim is usually a child or a vulnerable woman. Why do we never hear about a Navy Seal, or Delta Force Trooper being raped and murdered by the animals among us. The answer is the same as the leopard and the antelope and the reason the leopard picks the slowest not the fastest.

My point with this introduction is not to argue that the humans among us who prey on the weak and helpless, are without guilt, far from it. In my opinion the laws designed to protect us should offer more concern and compassion for the victim while respecting the Constitutional right of the accused to be judged fairly. The debate about the death penalty for horrible crimes is for us to take up another day. My argument today is that the one who intentionally leaves the zoo cage open and entices the leopard into a civilized human neighborhood is more guilty of the crime than the leopard.

The leopard has to be put down because he is now a human killer. That is because in a civilized society we respect human life and put a high value on it. That value is so high that if you unlawfully take one, you just might forfeit your own. In order to start the process of regaining our way as free Americans we must begin to respect and protect human life again. The issue in this Castle Report is who is the most responsible when the leopard kills a child, the leopard or the zookeeper.

President Joe Biden and his Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, are the zookeepers in America today. People voted for Joe Biden, but no one voted for Mayorkas except those in the United States Senate who confirmed him. Blame falls on them as well as on everyone with any capacity to remove these men from public office and who fail to do so. Mr. Mayorkas, who I realize is just the gun in the hand of Joe Biden, was born in Havana, Cuba in 1959. I wish his family had remained in Cuba where Alejandro would undoubtedly have been more comfortable living under that communist system.

I might be wrong about that on second thought because the Castro brothers would probably have been less tolerant of child rape and murder than our present Democrat administration. Let me speak now about specific crimes of the most horrifying nature, at least they would be to any normal human. These two men are guilty of these crimes just as if they had literally committed them by themselves because they left the zoo cage open and they invited the leopards into the surrounding neighborhoods, and they did it intentionally.

Women are at risk from men and always have been. Our laws are designed to preserve the lives of the weak and helpless from the monsters who live among us but lately this country through its president has been importing monsters in record numbers. These monsters have been going about their animalistic crimes in a mind-numbing number of places around the country. Snatching random women off the streets, raping, torturing, and murdering them seemingly at will. Horrifyingly, many of the victims have been children so let me take just a moment to calm down because this triggers something in me. Perhaps it is a long dormant training from 50 years ago which taught me that we were to fight to protect the women and children back home.

To speak of all the victims would numb our minds and might even be disrespectful to the victims. I would never use the names of these women and children under normal circumstances, but their deaths have been so publicized that their names and pictures are all over the internet. If you don’t use the internet for news and rely on the New York Times, the TV networks, or your local paper, well then you might have a different view and one that is less clear than mine.

I will give you just a few examples to illustrate my point. Please keep in mind that these examples are just the obvious and most publicized but there are literally dozens of rapes and murders, and they are happening far too often to keep up with. Rachel Morin, mother of five children, 37 years old decided to go for a run on a quiet trail in her peaceful, suburban, hometown of Bel Air, Maryland where she was raped and murdered.

Twenty-three-year-old Victor Martinez Herandez was finally arrested after DNA evidence linked him to the crime.  He was invited into the country in January 2023 after murdering a woman in his home of El Salvador. Once in America, he attacked and brutalized a mother and her 9-year-old daughter during a home invasion in March 2023 in Los Angeles. DNA linked the two cases together and tied them to Mr. Herandez. Ms. Morin’s murder, according to the sheriff, was the second in Harford County, Maryland in two years, by an illegal from a criminal gang in El Salvador. We are 1800 miles from the border so this should not be happening, he said.  This is where I point out that absent the invitation of Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas, Mr. Herandez would be sitting in an El Salvador prison or dead. To put it bluntly, dozens of women and girls would be alive and safe today if it were not for Joe Biden and his henchmen.

Here’s the latest atrocity, at least the latest that I am aware of. A 12-year-old child, Jocelyn Nungaray, was found strangled to death in a creek in Houston, Texas. Two illegal aliens from Venezuela were arrested for her death. Those two men are Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, and Franklin Jose Pena Remos, 26. Mr. Ramos had his bail set at $10 million. The two men reportedly lured the child under a bridge where they assaulted her for hours before they murdered her and left her body in a drainage canal.

Mr. Ramos was detained by the Border Patrol in El Paso, Texas on May 28, but under the catch and release orders of Joe Biden, they released him to rape, torture, and murder this poor child.

According to the local District Attorney, Kim Ogg, both suspects could face the death penalty so I must assume that she wasn’t appointed to her position by George Soros. I know that down in Texas, if you kill one of theirs, sometimes they kill you back so let’s hope justice is done. No, on second thought, justice is not achievable because the real rapists, torturers, and murderers are protected and above the law. This November, literally tens of millions of Americans will vote to endorse what the real killers have done.

Texas Governor Gregg Abott said, “kill kids in Texas you get the death penalty. That little girl would be alive today if Biden enforced immigration law at the border”. Donald Trump called the child’s mother to offer sympathy and support, but Joe Biden issued a press release saying he wished condolences to the family, the identical statement to the one for the mother of five who was murdered and raped in Maryland. The community around Jocelyn’s neighborhood has contributed to her Go Fund Me account as one might expect, and that is fine but nothing will bring Jocelyn back and nothing will relieve the suffering of her family.

One more case to let you know that some children are able to escape from their rapists and murderers despite the efforts of the undocumented guest. Last week a 13-year-old girl and another child were walking home from school in Flushing Meadow, New York. It was about 3:30 PM so the attack occurred in broad daylight in a public place. Her attacker, Christian Inga-Landi, was from Ecuador and entered the country, it is believed in 2021. Inga was ordered by an immigration judge in New York City to leave the country on February 2, 2022, but he didn’t. He crossed the Mexican Border on June 25,2021 with his son and entered Eagle Pass, Texas where he was captured, processed and released. The two were deemed inadmissible by the Border Patrol, but under the Biden rules, what can you do.

He grabbed the girl and a male friend and forced them with a machete into a secluded area where he tied them with shoelaces and raped the little girl. He stole their cell phones but did not kill them which was an unusual act of mercy for a wild animal. I imagine the child will remember the event for the rest of her life, but I hope and pray she finds some peace. Everyone in the system contributed to her suffering from the agents who are just doing their jobs all the way to the White House. Joe Biden is, however, responsible for her rape as he is the leader who invited it by opening the zoo cages.

Here are just a few more some of whom I have talked about before. February 22, 2024, Laken Riley a 22-year-old nursing student went for a run on her college campus and was kidnapped, assaulted and bludgeoned to death by illegal, Venezuelan, Jose Ibarra.

July 27, 2022, Frederick, Maryland, yes, it looks like Maryland is dangerous, but I surmise it’s just close to D.C. the very epicenter of crime. Kayla Hamilton age 20 was raped and strangled to death with a phone-charging cord. He was 17, the murderer, so a juvenile and his name weren’t released but he entered the country illegally in 2021 despite his known affiliation with the violent El Salvador gang, MS-13. His tattoos, even his shirt screamed violent MS-13, but they let him in anyway because that is their orders

I could go on all day with examples because Joe Biden, and Alejandro Mayorkas, are allowing their invited guests to go on raping and murdering at a phenomenal rate but enough is enough. The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, a division of the United Nations, tells us that sexual violence against females is rampant in Latin America. In fact, what the organization calls femicide is soaring in Latin America and is one of the drivers of immigration. OK, hearing that, why do our leaders want so badly to create the same atmosphere of fear and violence in America, and why do American women vote for it.

Democrats Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas know the people they are inviting into the country are rapists, murderers, criminals, thieves, and monsters, along with those just seeking a better life, but they just don’t care. I have to assume they are getting what they want from it but I do wonder why so many women support them. I don’t want to be too hard on Democrat women because it seems they are so committed to abortion that everything else is just lies and fake news. It’s Baghdad Bob again, i.e. you are not seeing this, and this is not happening.

Finally, folks, there are three levels of guilt here. The first is the murderer and rapist who is just the gun in the hand of the zookeeper. The second is the zookeeper who is Joe Biden and his toadies. He is the most responsible and most guilty of the rape, torture, and murder of at least dozens of women and girls in America on his watch. The third are the people who vote to put such people in power I suppose because they don’t believe the stories. To those Democrat women who don’t believe the stories I would suggest calling Jocelyn, but I remember now she was raped and murdered.

At least that’s the way I see it,

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.

Defend, Defeat, Destroy

Defend Children…Defeat Biden…Destroy the Democrat Party!
“The 3 Ds”

June 27, 2024

Dear Friends of Life and Liberty,

“The 3 Ds” is the goal of the Constitution Party presidential/vice-presidential candidates, Randall Terry & Pastor Stephen Broden.


 Click here to learn more about these candidates!



Randall Terry, an outspoken advocate for the unborn, is the Founder of the anti-abortion group, Operation Rescue, who led the largest, peaceful civil disobedience in American history from 1987 to 1994.


Since the election of the Terry/Broden ticket (the Campaign) in the first round of voting at the National Convention in Salt Lake City, much interest in the Party has been generated in many states.  While most ballot-qualified states will be placing the Terry/Broden candidates on their ballots, the energy and message of the Campaign has inspired non-ballot qualified states to work towards obtaining ballot access.




The Campaign’s goal is to be on the ballot in at least 20 states. Any campaign for the presidency that has ballot access in at least ten states qualifies to advertise TV ads nationally, without censorship, 60 days before the election.  These ads can be strategically placed on stations in ballot qualified states which broadcast into states where we do not have ballot access.

Therefore, I am writing to request that our faithful supporters make their most generous donation to help us place ads on TV for the Campaign.  These professional ads will create a media FIRESTORM that will give HUGE attention, like never before, to the Constitution Party. No other presidential candidate in the CP history has placed TV ads to get this type of recognition.


Click here (or copy and paste into your browser) to see this awesome Constitution Party TV ad:  America Is In Crisis!


We are urging all supporters to contribute towards this effort, no matter what the amount. I believe this effort will benefit the Party’s growth and create better name recognition for the future.  The Campaign has already been doing lots of interviews, and a number of articles have been written about them as well as radio and podcast interviews, including interviews by the Washington Post and the Epoch Times.


UPCOMING EVENTS: Stephen Broden plans to speak at the convention of the Constitution Party of Wisconsin, as well as media interviews in the days prior to the convention. Randall Terry will be speaking at the convention of the U.S. Taxpayers Party, which is the Constitution Party affiliate in Michigan.



  1. Will you host a Zoom call?  For more information, contact the Terry/Broden Campaign Manager Joe Slovenec at Joe [at] Terry2024 [dot] com
  2. Contact other Constitution Party members, or like-minded supporters in your state, and ask them to donate to TV advertising and/or ballot access.  Getting these ads in front of American voters is essential for promoting the party and obtaining ballot access in more states in time for the 2024 election!




We are using professional petitioners to help obtain ballot access in a few more states — West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Tennessee, Vermont, and New Hampshire.

Your help is needed to make this happen




Thank you.

Together, for the cause,

Jim Clymer
National Chairman

Support the Constitution Party

Comments or Questions: Click here to contact Donna Ivanovich, Administrative Assistant to the National Chairman