IT was a HIT!

Constitution Party National Committee Meeting Exceeds Expectations!
Meet Me in St. Louis ReportPrepared by: Donna Ivanovich, Assistant to the National Chairman As I prepare this report, I want to first acknowledge some people who worked behind the scenes to help make the Spring 2023 National Committee Meeting and Issues Conference the most exciting, well organized and well attended conference in recent history:
A report of official business will be forthcoming; but, in the meantime, here are some photos of the dozen speakers who blessed us with their presence and shared their knowledge in order to equip us to help “SAVE AMERICA”. (left to right) Cindy Redburn, National Secretary, Donna Ivanovich and MO State Rep. Holly Jones.
Rep. Jones, known as a conservative, freedom-fighter, gave a brief update on House Bill 1169 she sponsored that calls for informed consent by clearly and conspicuously labeling food containing medicines or therapies designed with the intent to alter a person’s genome; Gene therapies; and Messenger ribonucleic acid or other DNA or RNA products engineered or manufactured to have an effect in the human body and more. Sadly, even with a Republican super majority, the Bill was voted down!
Dr. Eric Nepute, accompanied by his wife, JoDee, was an immense help to Rep. Jones in crafting the Bill. He gave a riveting presentation that even blew the socks off Dr. Malone! And then, of course, the “Star Main Attraction” was Dr. Robert Malone, accompanied by his wife, Dr. Jill, the original inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology, who has now emerged as an outspoken leader of the movement to expose the dangers of this vaccine.
![]() ![]() Dr. Malone was extraordinarily generous with his time providing answers to the dozens of attendees who lined up asking him questions following his in depth presentation of the “5th Generation Warfare” . He took lots of photos and signed autographs on his book, “Lies My Gov’t Told Me” and his picture, which is on the cover of the New American provided by Dan Sexson, who tended the John Birch Society vendor table. Dr. Malone’s favorite instruction for everybody to smile was, “Say IVERMECTIN”
![]() Darrell Castle, 2016 Constitution Party presidential candidate, lawyer, former US Marine and Viet Nam veteran gave his presentation on WW III.
![]() Michelle Latham, World Economic Forum Expert informed us of the major hub creeping into her hometown (and that of Rush Limbaugh) of Cape Girardeau, MO with Donna Brandenburg (MI)
Caleb Collier, Turning Point USA Faith Contributor and US Marine, is a successful radio host of “Church and State”. He will partner with CP and help drive young people and college students to your state to help build the Constitution Party.
![]() Charlene Moore, mom of 10 and homeschool activist, gave an in depth presentation of how the state legislature is taking control of our kids and striving to designate parents as domestic terrorists.
![]() Heather Hobbs, 5 ft. tall, redheaded dynamo showed amazing drone videos of the cartel and alien invasion at the border consisting of 90% fighting-age Chinese males. She rescues 10-15 yr. old girls at the AZ & TX borders from the rapists and forced abortions. Wanna sign up?.
![]() James Patrick, documentary film director made the film, Planet Lockdown, filmed in 9 countries in 17 languages. We watched Nitrogen 2000, the plight of the Dutch farmers and soon coming to America! Search YouTube to watch James on the Laura Ingraham TV program.
![]() Linda Rantz (on the right) is the MO leader of “Cause of America”, an organization founded by Mike Lindell, the My Pillow Guy. Linda presented how hand counting the vote can save time and money and provide results on election day with transparency and better security.
![]() CDR David R. Gillie, USN (ret) served 30 years as an Enlisted Sailor and Cryptologic Warfare Officer in the United States Navy. He has served as the founding Vice President for Military Affairs of OATH KEEPERS and is the CPUT Cache County Chairman. David spoke about, “Rejuvenating the Several State Militia as a Means to Avert a National Divorce”
![]() Colin Sorhus is a retired economist who has worked in International Development at Oregon State University. He presented a Gross Receipts Tax proposal and the concept of eliminating property taxes. This constitutional solution can benefit other states as well.
![]() And, last but not least, Paul Venable, State Chairman of the host state of Missouri, wrapped it up on how uniting on the Constitution applies the root solution to our nation’s ills and is the key to Reclaiming the Republic!
JOIN YOUR STATE AFFILIATE OF THE CONSTITUTION PARTY AND MEET US IN ATLANTA FOR THE NEXT NATIONAL COMMITTEE MEETING & ISSUES CONFERENCEComments or Questions:: Click here to Contact Donna Ivanovich Please support the only alternative to the UNI-Party either physically or financially. Click here: Constitution Party To find the Constitution Party in YOUR state, click HERE! |
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