Invitation to Submit a New Logo

The Constitution Party is looking for a new logo design. You are invited to submit your own original version of a Constitution Party eagle logo or banner. All submissions will be reviewed by the Constitution Party Executive Committee, and any submissions approved by them will be voted on by the Constitution Party National Committee. Any chosen logos will be used for our branding for our new website, our literature, and our merchandise and will be offered to our affiliates for their use as well.  This is not a contest, and no prizes will be awarded. All submissions must be your own original work and must not be Trademarked, Registered, nor Copyrighted. Now is your chance to give the Constitution Party logo your own vibe!

Anyone wishing to participate should send their original logo(s), along with the release form HERE, to contactcp [at] constitutionparty [dot] com or mail it to 2820 W. 23rd St., Ste 100, Erie, PA 16506. Submissions must be received by February 28, 2025.


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