Grassroots ACTION for Reclaiming the Republic
- The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land. Get to know it. You probably already have a hard copy of the Constitution and I suggest keeping it on you. I recommend that you read it through, if you haven’t already and reference it often. It’s only about five thousand words and you can read it in one sitting. You can find the transcript of it from the National Archives, HERE. You can also download a reading of the Constitution, read by David Curie of the University of Chicago Law School HERE.
- A great learning resource for self-directed learning on the Constitution can be found HERE from my friend Keith Broaders. More advanced resources will be shared in an upcoming communication.
- Discover your government:
- For your information:
- Who are your County Commissioners?
- Who are your Mayor and City Counselors (or equivalent)?
- Who are you state and federal elected officials?
- What are the terms of these officials and when are they next up for office?
- Information for action and collaboration:
- What is the name of your County?
- Find the townships; voting precincts for your county?
- Please gather this information and keep it for reference. Our success depends on drilling down to the neighborhood level.
- For your information:
- Who do you know who shares your concerns?
- Would you like to host a Constitution Class?
- Crash Course on the Constitution is an Update on the original Institution on the Constitution and can be used as a group teaching resource. ~30 minute lecture followed by group Q&A discussion.
Here is Lecture 01 – A Biblical View of History, Law and Government. There are twelve of these lectures offered by my friend, John Eidsmoe. - The Constitution is the Solution is a six lecture study course shared by my friend, Robert Brown.
These are both workable as beginner group study courses and I may be able to help you initiate these in your area.
- Crash Course on the Constitution is an Update on the original Institution on the Constitution and can be used as a group teaching resource. ~30 minute lecture followed by group Q&A discussion.
Our strategy for YOUR STATE involves networking with those who are interested in the Constitution Party there and in Advancing the Cause of Liberty. As I am able to connect with concerned Citizens throughout the state and region, we will start meeting to strategize and organize. What’s been shared in this communication is a pattern for you to follow for those contacts you develop. If you see any way in which this message or process can be improved, please let me know.
Our first goal is to identify a contact or contacts in every county of the state. County contacts do the same for every township or voting precinct in the county, township/precinct contacts identify neighborhood contacts who may eventually take the lead in these areas. This document is an outline for how we do that, – Educate and Activate
Our next goal is concurrent with the first; to determine what is required for ballot access in the state. This chart can be referenced but should be verified with your Secretary of State or whoever the statewide voting official may be.