The Howard Phillips Legacy Society

Howard Phillips, founder of the Constitution Party, said:

“We stand for what George Washington stood for: limiting the federal government to its delegated, enumerated functions, and restoring American jurisprudence to its biblical common-law foundations.”

His vision was to build an alternative party based on the Founding Father’s timeless convictions. We have done that, and through sustaining donations, we continue to grow.

In recent years, our party has been blessed with measurable and sustainable growth. That’s due in large part to a band of patriots who pledge their support on a regular basis. To run the “business” end of the party, a fixed income is necessary to balance the books. Monthly donations of just $10, $12, $20, or more is the lifeblood of our day-to-day work. Thanks to the Phillips Society members, for example, more than 40,000 pieces of promotional literature have been distributed.

This is an open invitation to join the Howard Phillips Legacy Society and become a special investor in the Constitution Party Victory Fund. Among the special premiums members receive, the VICTORY REPORT newsletter – published exclusively for members – mailed every month.

There are other special incentives to join, including the inspirational and accurate full-length feature movie, “A More Perfect Union, that dramatically portrays how the Founding Fathers crafted the Constitution. Shot on location at Independence Hall, Williamsburg, and other historical sites.

Your membership in the Howard Phillips Legacy Society not only offers special premiums, but is vital as we continue to grow our party. A lump sum annual gift or a monthly pledge of $30, $12, or just $10 goes directly into the Constitution Party Victory Fund and provides funding to empower our founder’s ideas and ideals.

The Howard Phillips Legacy Society is designed for patriots who have a commitment to the platform, candidates, and courageous political path we are taking. Your pledge of $10, $20, or even $50 a month goes a long way toward preserving our freedoms via a vibrant, determined, and influential Constitution Party. The Phillips Society honors the vision of Howard Phillips showed when he founded our party. He believed then – as we do today – that “our party exists because it bears the standard of America’s founders.”


Members also have the opportunity to receive other premiums including the book, The 5000 Year Leap: A Miracle That Changed the World by W. Cleon Skousen. The New York Times calls Skousen “the constitutional guru of the Tea Party movement.”
Another benefit for certain levels of membership is receiving, How to Read the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. It is a handbook every voter should have to fully understand why the polling booth transcends politics. An easy-to-read guide to the logical reasoning behind the writings of the Founding Fathers, here is powerful ammunition for Patriots on the front lines in the fight for Liberty. Discover why we call ourselves Constitutionists, and not just Conservatives.


























Your membership in The Howard Phillips Legacy Society not only offers special premiums and is vital as we continue to grow our party.  A lump sum annual gift or a monthly pledge of $75, $50, $30, $20, $12, or just $10 to the CONSTITUTION PARTY VICTORY FUND honors the vision and courage Howard Phillips showed when he founded our party. Howard Phillips took to heart, and the Constitution Party has as its core, the wise admonition given by John Adams:

“There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.”

The Howard Phillips Legacy Society honors his leadership and provides funding to empower his ideas and ideals. It is designed for patriots who have a commitment to the platform, candidates, and courageous political path we are taking.

Join The Howard Phillips Legacy Society by mail (download form application), or join HPLS online with your monthly pledge or one time annual payment.


To learn more about Howard Phillips, read his biography here: Howard Phillips, The Conservative’s Conservative.



