Message From the Chairman

Our Country is in Danger but Not to Be Despaired of

“That personal freedom is the natural right of every man; and that property, or an exclusive right to dispose of what he has honestly acquired by his own labour, necessarily arises therefrom, are truths which common sense has placed beyond the reach of contradiction. And no man, or body of man, can without being guilty of flagrant injustice, claim a right to dispose of the persons or acquisitions of any other man, or body of men, unless it can be proved that such a right has arisen from some compact between the parties in which it has been explicitly and freely granted.”

Dr. Joseph Warren, in 1775, spoke these words on the events of the Boston Massacre that had occurred five years before. He spoke of the invasion of a standing army in times of peace and the death and suffering caused by it. He spoke of the Natural Rights of every colonist and their right to defend themselves and their posterity. He applauded those who sacrificed themselves and their money for a cause that was barely underway yet.


“You then, who nobly have espoused your country’s cause, who generously have sacrificed wealth and ease; who had despised the pomp and shew of tinseled greatness; refused the summons to the festive board; been deaf to the alluring calls of luxury and mirth; who have forsaken the downy pillow to keep your vigils by the midnight lamp, for the salvation of your invaded county, that you might break the fowler’s snare, and disappoint the vulture of his prey, you then will reap that harvest of renown which you so justly have deserved. Your country shall pay her grateful tribute of applause. Even the children of your most inveterate enemies, ashamed to tell from whom they sprang, while they in secret, curse their stupid, cruel parents, shall join the general voice of gratitude to those who broke the fetters which their fathers forged.”


We now have the same issue of tyrannical government trampling our rights. But we also have those who have committed themselves and their fortunes to the fight. We have those who have looked past the struggles ahead to the freedom to be gained for us all.


“Having redeemed your country, and secured the blessing to future generations, who, fired by your example, shall emulate your virtues, and learn from you the heavenly art of making millions happy; with heart felt joy, which transports all your own, you cry, the glorious work is done. Then drop the mantle to some young Elisha and take your seats with kindred spirits in your native skies.”


Will you join us?



“But, pardon me, my fellow citizens, I know you want not zeal or fortitude.

You will maintain your rights or perish in the generous struggle.

However, difficult the combat, you never will decline it when freedom is the prize.”



For the full speech of Dr. Joseph Warren Delivered at Boston on 6 March 1775, Link HERE