Darrell is an attorney and founder of Darrell Castle and Associates law firm of Memphis, TN. He has held many leadership positions in the Constitution Party since attending the party’s founding national convention in 1992. While earning his JD at University of Memphis in the 70’s, Darrell met and married his wife Joan. The Castle’s daughter Joanna is married to Michael.
Darrell served as a 1st Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps and trained under then 1st Lieutenant, Oliver North. He was stationed in the Far East for 13 months and his service in Viet Nam followed a family military tradition, with his oldest brother serving in World War II, another brother having served in the Korean War. Darrell’s experiences during those years contributed to his strong belief that war should not be entered into capriciously and, that the decision to go to war must be made according to the U.S. Constitution which makes it clear that only Congress can declare war.
Darrell has served as a deacon and deacon chairman in his local church. In 1998, Darrell and Joan founded Mia’s Children Foundation, a Christian mission in Bucharest, Romania which ministers to homeless gypsy children. www.miaschildren.org
Darrell’s political activism includes:
- Author of the Castle Report on national and international affairs www.castlereport.us
- 2016 Constitution Party Presidential Candidate
- 2008 Constitution Party Vice-Presidential Candidate, running mate of Chuck Baldwin.
- Board member since 2005 of the Conservative Caucus, founded by Howard Phillips
- Three terms as the Vice-Chairman of the National Committee of the Constitution Party
- Two terms as the Platform Chairman of the National Convention of the Constitution Party
- Two terms as the Constitution Party of Tennessee State Chairman