See You in Fayetteville!

Fall 2021 Constitution Party National Committee Meeting  Fayetteville, North Carolina


October 2223, 2021

Registration Information:

Venue Information: 

This is a freedom-loving, “Mask Free/Vax Free” facility!


    Please note the Party will not be reserving a block of rooms for this meeting, but here are a couple of suggestions you might check out.  They are near the Fayetteville Regional Airport and the venue at River House Church.  It’s also recommended to check for hotel protocols before making reservations.
    3111 N. Main Street
    Hope Mills, NC  28348
    (910) 429-9990
    1965 Cedar Creek Rd.
    Fayetteville, NC  28312
    (910) 323-8282
    And……..there’s always “Airbnb”.  Team up with a fellow patriot, and share a whole house!



    If you require transportation, Kevin Hayes will coordinate your travel arrangements from the airport to the  hotel and  from the hotel to the venue.  Keep Kevin’s number in your phone book. 
    It is:  (919) 394-4446


Meal Information Included in Registration Fee:

(Vegan & Gluten-Free Available)

  • Friday lunch provided by CPNC
  • Friday evening banquet will be catered
  • Saturday lunch provided by CPNC
  • While you’re on your own for breakfast, CPNC will provide coffee & breakfast pastries at the venue
  • SURPRISE Saturday luncheon – the N. Carolina Party members will be roasting a whole pig for a real southern style tradition of “Pig Pickin’”!  You won’t wanna miss this!



  • J. Antoine Miner… the cooking bishop, is a candidate for Mayor of Fayetteville and a dynamic speaker.  He will speak on, “What if it was all Part of the Plan?  The 5 Cs – Create a Conflict, Chaos, Confusion and Control”.

To learn more about this amazing man, father, veteran, cook, church leader, podcast host and why when he speaks, the nation listens, please visit his website at:




  • David W. Goetze
    Major (Ret), US Army Military Police Corps

    International Business Development Consultant

    Major Dave is a graduate of the US Army Command & General Staff College at Ft. Leavenworth, KS and received the US Army Meritorious Service Medal among other awards during his 20 years in uniform. He is a former Assistant Professor at NC A&T State University in Greensboro where he taught courses in Organizational Effectiveness, Military History and Leadership, and also served as a periodic Guest Instructor in Mobilization Management at the National Guard’s Professional Education Center in N. Little Rock, AR and in Human Resource Management at the Command and General Staff College at Ft. Leavenworth, KS.

    He has dedicated his life over the past 5 years to investigating election fraud in NC and is one of the few private individuals ever invited to address legislative committees on this issue.

    He will be a featured guest speaker on “Election Integrity”.


  • Brett PikeBrett Pike will challenge individuals on how to prepare for our coming loss of freedom in his presentation,  “Building to Freedom”Brett holds a Masters of Education, is President of Classical Learner Homeschooling Company, and Author of the Cubs to Bears Children’s book series.To learn more about him, visit:Website:
    Instagram: ClassicalLearnerToday
    Tik Tok: ClassicalLearner
    Cubs to Bears Books:



  • Mindy and Tara are 2 North Carolina moms, medical freedom fighters and vaccine educators. They battle against medical tyranny and fight to regain our constitutional rights from the perspective of a biblical worldview. They will talk about “Health Freedom”.Visit their website at:

Infrastructure, Boondoggles, and Greasy Palms

Darrell Castle talks about the 2,700 page new Bipartisan spending bill that is known as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.


Listen here...


Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 6th day of August in this the year of our Lord 2021, and on this Report, I will be talking about the new Bipartisan spending bill that is to be finally voted on this week or next week. The 2700-page bill known as The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is not an investment and whether it creates any new jobs remains to be seen.

Fortunately for the Castle Family we do have jobs despite the federal government’s policies this week and it is indeed a beautiful summer week in Memphis. The July heat has moderated leaving mid 80’s temperatures. The family daughter remains safe in the glorious and golden state of California.

I am going to introduce this Report with a quote from Dr. Ron Paul which is a very good representation of my own views and the premise of this Report. “For Libertarians—and even many non-Libertarians—it’s not shocking to discover that a US Administration lies and deceives the electorate. For government on all levels, lying to the American people is as American as apple pie. Sometimes the liars are held to account for their deception, but most often they are not.”

I can’t personally think of many lies where the government liars have been held to account so let’s take our subject for today as an example. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is a lie by its very name because the planned spending is not an investment and words can not change that. If we assume that the infrastructure of America, the roads, bridges, tunnels, waterways, water systems, airports, need emergency work then we should certainly make those repairs when the money is available. These expenditures, normally made in good economic times are expenses, perhaps necessary, but not investments.

No matter what slight of hand the government uses this 1.2 trillion is borrowed money. When you own a business, and you use credit there are two kinds, productive and non-productive. The business owner borrows 100k and buys a new Mercedes, that is nonproductive debt. The business owner borrows 100k and buys new equipment that will greatly expand and speed up his capacity that is productive or investment capital. Should he need to repair an existing machine so he can regain former capacity he has an expense.

The roads, railways water works and airports the federal government will borrow to repair are already there therefore the credit is for expenses. The argument may be simple semantics, but it illustrates the point Dr. Paul made earlier. The $1.2 trillion in this bill is an amount that senate Democrats and Republicans agreed to as a compromise measure. The Democrats in the house want $3.5 trillion to spend and they may still get it soon but for now it’s $1.2 trillion.

The $3.5 trillion house bill was to be for “human infrastructure” which of course is another government lie. The term just means that congress would not pass a bill with so much money if the real purpose were admitted. The real purpose was to fund every Democrat social program and Green New Deal program that the Democrat minds could dream up as well as rob the rest to reward their supporters. The bipartisan bill now scheduled for final vote in the senate was a compromise in which they agreed to at least call the spending infrastructure so people would not be so alarmed. Whether the bipartisan bill passes or not the human infrastructure bill is still on the table pending ultimate passage.

Some people have referred to this principle as turning water into wine. In other words, 1 dollar of expenditure is predicted to gain 2 dollars of revenue, but it just doesn’t turn out that way. In fact, the dollar of borrowed money must be paid back or at least the interest paid forever. The other factor is that we are now repairing structures that cost pennies to build compared to what the repairs will cost. A lane of highway might have cost $10,000 per mile to build but now it will cost billions to repair. That fact is true across the board for everything the government does. Money has lost its meaning for those who don’t work for it because it is simply added to the debt.

The bill provides $110 billion for roads and bridges, $39 billion for public transit, $66 billion for rail, $55 billion for water and wastewater infrastructure, and billions for airports, billions for port facilities, billions for broadband internet and billions for 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations. The charging station expense will have to race to be spent before increasingly powerful batteries make them obsolete.

The idea to pay for all this with new taxes has apparently been rejected. The two parties could not agree on which voters were to get the shaft, so they just shafted all workers and savers. $205 billion of the money is to be redirected COVID relief money. Some states decided to stop paying people not to work and gave back part of their borrowed money.

There is one very interesting proposal in the bill that is worth mentioning along with the charging stations. The more you drive the more you pay is introduced on a trial basis at first. The trial is just to numb us for what is coming. Electric vehicles are apparently the future and that would decrease gasoline tax revenue thus you pay per mile. The secretary of the treasury would recruit volunteers from all 50 states to monitor and then report on what amounts to the loss of what remains of privacy. Your car becomes the government’s spy.

A lot of the money is to be spent on green energy projects like solar. Virtually all solar panels are made in China in coal fired plants. Each panel probably causes environmental damage but it’s the thought that counts, I guess. The logic is not there for me but apparently it exists somewhere.

The term corporate welfare comes to mind when this bill is considered. Most if not all the work will be done by existing corporations in favor with the government. Perhaps a gift can be made to the unions which will make everything cost more or there will be less of it. In any event there will be a lot of people squeezing into the cracks of each dollar and expecting their palms to be greased along the way. This or that senator or representative must be satisfied or his or her vote on desired legislation must be secured so a few billion must go into that district.

For example, $1 billion of the money is scheduled for a commission run by the wife of Democratic West Virginia, senator Joe Manchin. Senator Manchin has been a thorn in the side of the Biden Administration on budget items so one can’t help but wonder.

In conclusion: How will this boondoggle be paid for? Payment comes in two forms debt and inflation which is a stealth tax that helps pay the interest on the debt. Inflation cuts wages and lowers the living standards of working Americans. It also destroys savers who attempt to plan for the future casting all onto government dependency. It is a tax, but people never seem to catch on because the ruling party doles out the money to “the people” who are then expected to vote them into office for another four years. Then they will be continually robbed by the ruling party whichever one it is.

Finally, folks, how should necessary infrastructure repairs be paid for. With money saved and money earned as affordable. Perhaps with fewer wars like the war on poverty, war on drugs, war in Iraq, war in Afghanistan and now the war on COVID. These enemies are always fought as wars that never end and cost trillions. That’s a lot of infrastructure folks.

At least that’s the way I see it.

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.


Darrell Castle is a Memphis attorney, former USMC combat office and the 2016 Constitution Party nominee for President.

His blog, The Castle Report – Defending Western Civilization, can be found HERE.

The Castle Report: Big Tech + Big Media + Big Government = A Society Destroyed By Experts

Spring 2021 National Committee Meeting


April 23 – 24, 2021





(click on hotel name for site info; address for directions):


Shuttle Van available for Flint and Lansing Airports only:
To arrange for the shuttle van contact Christine Schwartz at
cornercreek6 [at] gmail [dot] com or 616-498-1426


The Castle Report – Stalin Often Got 100% of the Vote

Darrell Castle talks about Democrat efforts to complete the necessary political structure to gain a permanent hold on power.

Listen HERE!



Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday the 5th day of February in the year 2021 and in this Report, I will be talking about Democrat efforts to complete the necessary political structure to gain a permanent hold on power. I remind you that what the Democrats are working toward has been done before. In 1937 95% of the Russian people voted and Joe Stalin received 100% of that vote. It was all reported as headlines in the New York Times. Stalin was elected but he had absolute power for as long as he lived.

The Castle family is doing well this week despite all the upsetting political news, we carry on. Earlier this week we celebrated the family daughter’s birthday by Zoom. We could not be together as a family, but we celebrate as best we can, and we are grateful for the video capabilities of Zoom.

Joe Stalin had absolute power and complete control of the voting process and the vote count. Opposition to his candidacy tended not to survive very long. The Democrats in America are not there yet but they are building toward permanent power all the while describing their efforts as unity. They continually ratchet up the tension when they have opportunities to calm it down. Joe Biden and Joe Stalin share some frightening similarities. Joe Biden on behalf of the Democrat Party seeks total power by way of majority control of the Senate, House, Supreme Court, and the Presidency. Stalin did it by purging and executing those he feared as disloyal or enemies.

I have not heard that Joe Biden is executing his enemies or those he considers disloyal, but he is purging them. Joe Stalin was so afraid of ranking military officers that he had hundreds of his most competent officers executed. When the Germans invaded his purges cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers because they did not have competent officers. Joe Biden had the FBI vett and reject disloyals from the 25000 national guard troops sent to occupy Washington D.C. When Biden’s new secretary of defense took over the Pentagon, he ordered a 60 day stand down of all U.S. military personnel worldwide. The purpose of the stand down was to purge the military of white supremacy and extremism.

The purge came at the same time a general office at the top of U.S. strategic command publicly stated that nuclear war with China and Russia was a real possibility. It sure sounds like the ghost of Joe Stalin wanders through the streets of D.C. Maybe the Democrats are drunk with power, maybe they serve an outside agenda, or maybe Donald Trump forced them to shed their disguise and reveal who they really are. The things I have mentioned so far have all happened in a period of about two weeks so how much worse can it get.

Marjorie Taylor Greene newly elected Republican Representative from the 14th district of Georgia who was elected with 75% of the votes of her district was stripped of all her committee assignments by the Democrat majority house. They did not strip Ilhan Omar or AOC who recently said her life was in danger from the January 6th incident at the capital when she was not even in the capital. The only reason Marjorie has been treated this way is that Democrats do not like her politics, and she will not shut up and be a nice little girl. Once again, the Democrats are building permanent power and they will not tolerate dissent. The next step which is being prepared now for Marjorie is expulsion from congress.

The Democrat COVID Aid bill just passed the Senate by a vote of 50-49 with one Republican dissenting. The bill will fund 1.9 trillion debt dollars for stimulus and for aiding those affected by the virus. By a vote in the senate of 50-49 with one Republican dissenting, each person who is allowed by Democrats to receive free money is supposed to get $1400 by the last count I have. What that means is a couple hundred billion for people to get free money and 1,7 trillion as simple boondoggle money to supporters, banks, airlines, and other vote buying bribes. It is really a totally corrupt, vile and disgusting display of outright graft.

The Democrats have a bill pending to make Washington D.C. a state thus giving them two more senators. It already has 38 senate cosponsors so it appears that the Democrats will soon have two more to add to their majority. I’m sure that Puerto Rico will quickly follow.

The newspapers talk about unity and bringing the nation together, but they don’t really mean it. If you read the body of their articles you will see that unity is not what they want to achieve but compliance. When they say the words “our democracy” what they really mean is everyone in complete lockstep with the left wing of the Democrat Party.

The president signed at last count 42 new executive orders which I believe is a two-week record. I don’t want to go into them again but some of them are fairly destructive of liberty, some are extremely destructive of liberty and all by their very nature are unconstitutional. With President Biden, congress and the senate are becoming just his cheering section.

At least 73 million people voted for Donald Trump that we know of, and those people are the ones who must be made to realize total defeat and humiliation. They want the Trump supporters crushed into the dirt to impress upon them who runs this new world. Donald Trump, once the presumed most powerful person in the world now can’t even send a tweet. If it is any consolation, I have concluded that unelected billionaire oligarchs actually run the world with Democrats acting as their agents. Why do I think such a thing? I do so because I have listened to videos of people such as Bill and Melinda Gates, and Ted Turner saying those same things.

The Democrat Party, however, appears to be completely terrified of the thought that Trump could ever rise again. I suppose that extends to his followers as well so they must be made to accept his defeat and humiliation. They are trying to impeach him retroactively. They want to deny him secret service protection, they want to prohibit any memorial to his presidency including the writing of any books by him or his staff. The City of New York wants to take away his right to run the Central Park ice rink. The City of Palm Beach, Florida wants to deny him the right to live in a home he owns there. Banks and other financial institutions have ended their relationship with him. How long before all this intimidation and harassment extends to anyone who voted for him.

Once again, I point out that when Lenin and later Stalin gained absolute power in Russia, they took steps to erase all memory of Czarist Russia. Thanks to the work of Leo Tolstoy and others they were not totally successful. To illustrate Democrat fear more clearly, just look at how they have turned the nation’s capital into a militarized city. I remember when any American could go to Washington and walk right into the capital to look at it. That building was the capital of all the people not just the Democrats. Now a fence topped by razor wire keeps out the deplorables.

The place Donald Trump called the swamp is seething with anger and a desire for revenge. That must explain all the efforts to punish and humiliate Trump voters. The administration doesn’t seem to mind at all the public perception that what it is doing is unconstitutional and therefore illegitimate. Instead of an effort to restore legitimacy and with-it unity it is full speed ahead on the drive for permanent power. I suppose the feeling is that we don’t care if you hate us as long as you can’t do anything about it.

The final item I have time to talk about in the drive for total Democrat control made permanent is the appointment of a commission to study court reforms which can only mean court packing. They want the court, the presidency, the senate, the house, the bureaucracy, by any means necessary. That way there would be no opposition to their agenda.

There is one problem though and that is that their power is concentrated in the blue coastal cities. They have built their majority by assembling groups of minorities in the coastal cities and a few interior ones often by illegal means as is traditional with Democrats. They did it by illegal immigration from the third world, and by putting all those people in their cities on the government dole because they have no jobs for them to earn actual wages. When you can destroy the economy so that everyone loyal is on the dole of stolen money that is a pretty good racket.

Finally, folks, it would take real energy, intelligence, motivation and most of all, guts to even begin to solve these problems. Those are all attributes sorely lacking in Washington D.C. today. Joe Biden can be proud though because he has helped bring about the end of the American experiment in self government and individual rights. He has appointed many Czars such as climate Czar, they can make solar panels, John Kerry. Why not just make himself actual Czar then he could really be Joe Stalin.

At least that’s the way I see it,

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.


Darrell Castle – 2016 Constitution Party Nominee for President of the United States

The State of the Union

Darrell Castle talks about the state of the Union,
the actual state of the Union, as he sees it.

Listen Here



Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday, the 8th day of January in the year of our Lord 2021 and on this report, I will be talking about the state of the union. I’m not referring to a speech given by some politician which is just a campaign ad, but the actual state of the union as I see it. When the events at the capitol happened on Wednesday, I had to completely revise this Report from a year in review format to where are we now. Where are we now, that’s the question so let’s take a look.

First, the Castle family had a wonderful Christmas and New Years holiday even though we could not be together with the family daughter. She has been feeling a little under the weather lately which is a concern because Los Angeles is completely locked down and that makes it very difficult to see her if she really got sick. Joan and I leave her in God’s hands and try to deal with that as best we can.

The state of America right now after four years of Donald Trump and after one of the most tumultuous years in my lifetime, is not good. In fact, the situation in this country is a mess or as the old sheriff in the film No Country for Old Men said, it’s a mess but if it ain’t it’ll do til the mess gets here. The best metaphor I’ve heard to describe it all is this one, “America is dead; the Republicans root for the corpse and the Democrats root for the maggots.”

The events that occurred at the capitol on Wednesday of this week apparently in protest of the Senate confirming the Democrat theft of the country, have caused a firestorm of activity, some have called for the president to be removed immediately. It is unknown, at least to my knowledge, whether the people who invaded the capitol were all Trump supporters or whether Antifa invaded their ranks for a false flag attack. As usual, there will be no real investigation. The Washington Post called them a mob, the headline of my paper, the Memphis Commercial Appeal said, “Riot at the Capitol”. It was very uncharacteristic of Trump supporters to be that violent, so I suspect at least some false flag instigators were in the mix.

Remember, there were no riots in Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, New York, or Washington D.C. Those were all mostly peaceful protests although a lot of burning and looting happened. Let’s assume for a moment that those at the capitol were truly Trump supporters. What would provoke them to invade a building that is symbolic of representative government and therefore serve as a threat to that government. To say the capitol is sacred ground is an exaggeration, but it is certainly very important ground. To desecrate it as they did is very uncharacteristic of what any patriot would consider doing.

President Trump missed an excellent chance to finally stand on the moral high ground. He should have said folks this election was stolen, and I have plenty of evidence to that effect, but the courts will not look at the merits of the evidence. I therefore, encourage you to accept this election and join with me in a peaceful transition. That would have set him up as an iconic figure in the future, but the moral high ground is apparently not his home. Many on the left expressed shock and outrage that such people were running around loose. They have no such qualms about Antifa and Black lives matter, however. I admit that I resent being lectured about morality by people who have a political platform the central plank of which supports and demands legalized mass murder.

That double standard is part of the problem, but not all by any means. Once he had stolen the election, Joe Biden called for unity and said we should all come together as Americans. He said that after four years of relentless efforts at division by Democrats who then sought more division and conflict. Democrats have spent many years dividing us into groups and pitting those groups against each other as they compete for scarce resources. Constantly favoring one group over another to keep them at each other’s throats is a common Democrat tactic.

No, there will be no unity, I’m afraid. We will not make peace with our enemies on this occasion. Oh, we recognize that you, Democrats, the enemies of liberty, of representative government, of free elections, of Christianity, of America, and of Western Civilization have won. We recognize that you have taken from us our country and even our children. We recognize that we will probably never win another national election because of your destruction of our country. Your mass immigration, your crowding of groups of dependent people into the massive cities especially on the coasts. Your using of our labor to buy your votes by providing blips on your computers and scraps of paper to people instead of real jobs that produce real wealth. Tell us constantly how wicked we are, and that we carry some type of original sin that makes us all racists from birth. Tell us how uncaring, unpatriotic, and selfish we are if we appear in public without a mask or if we leave our homes at all, then go and do the very thing you accused us of. That’s the Democrat way.

Continue to have your captive propaganda ministry better known as the mainstream or electronic media shut down our freedom of speech rights and deny us the opportunity to respond to your lying accusations, we need those things to fuel our anger and inspire our rage. Just keep tightening the bands little by little and then suggest unity and see what happens.  Little by little and now by leaps and bounds the chains of autocratic top-down control are being forged for us.

Those same chains are being forged for all those self-righteous ones who lick the hand that now feeds them as well. Unfortunately, they are apparently too stupid or perhaps too ignorant to understand. The Jews in the camps who were bigger and stronger were chosen to herd their fellow Jews into the gas chambers hoping against hope that the Nazis would kill them last. When our self-righteous ones wake up one day behind the electronic wire there will be no one left to support them.

No, Mr. Biden there will be no unity and no peace. The trend is probably heading in the other direction toward disunity and chaos. This marriage seems to me to have encountered irreconcilable differences, so when you come home drunk and beat me and tell me its all my fault, I have no choice but to accept your terms or separate from you. If you want peace and unity then join with us in attempting to save liberty.

The ignorance of your supporters is something that we can at least take small comfort in. Representative Emanuel Cleaver from Missouri was called on to open the 117th congress with prayer. He mentioned a few gods that he wanted to recognize and then he closed with amen and awoman, apparently too ignorant to understand that amen is not masculine. We at least have hope and some entertainment when we realize our enemies are that ignorant.

Speaking of entertainment, that has been taken from us as well. The virus and the pontificating, self-righteous, multimillionaire athletes, and multi billionaire owners with their social justice demands have deprived us of the relief we used to find in the circus. They still give us a little bread in the form of their computer blips they hand out when they have done something so egregious that the country is on the brink of breakdown.

Social justice you say, you want justice, but I doubt if that is really what you want. Most of us in the darkness of our hearts realize what is there and we may scream justice but that is far from what we want. If justice is what we want then we should all embrace capitalism because it gives you what you deserve, not what you want, and that is true justice. Capitalism is not a system, it’s just what happens when people are allowed to decide among themselves who gets what. Socialism is a system imposed on people by a centralized governmental authority. In an effort to get what they want; they call it justice and ruin it all.

What, then, is justice social or otherwise?  Websters says that justice is the quality of being just, righteousness, equitableness, moral rightness. Our friends in the UK define it as a system where like cases are treated the same. Considering those definitions, I submit that justice is not what people want at all. They don’t want to be treated the same, they want to be treated differently. For example, they would prefer not to be sent to jail for crimes committed, and they would prefer to have people feed their babies that they won’t or can’t feed. Mercy perhaps, grace perhaps, but justice no.

To conclude this rant, I’m afraid the fatal disease of which this nation suffers was contracted long before Covid 19 and long before Donald became orange man bad. It probably started to manifest symptoms on Christmas Eve in 1913 and right now it is well advanced. Orange man bad promised to cure it but he didn’t. He did not stop mass immigration, did not drain the swamp, did not end political correctness, did not reverse critical race theory, and did not end the Federal Reserve as he said he would, and his supporters expected him to.

A series of catastrophic mistakes compounded it all and now it is completely out of control and probably irreversible. There are so many problems with so many causes that I could go on all day, but it is tiring for me as I’m sure it is for you. Jesus told us to love our enemies, but even the disciples struggled with that directive. How is a soldier supposed to love those he has been sent to kill? I don’t know and no one seems able to explain it to me. Joan tells me every day that I am not supposed to hate my enemies even though they seek my destruction. I know she is right but I also know the imprecatory prayers of David and others in the Psalms.

Looking at these problems in depth as I do each week makes me want to put on dark glasses and stuff cotton on my ears, but then I’d have to put a clothes pin on my nose to keep out the scent of rot. If you saw a man pour gasoline on himself, you would probably avert your eyes as he lit the match because the sight would be too horrifying to watch. Averting my eyes from the looming catastrophe seems appealing right now.

Today is Friday though, and that is happy day for Joan and Darrell. Let’s go home and have a glass of champagne. Yes, I’m sure that would help so let’s do that.

Finally, folks, Western Civilization, well it seemed like a good idea at the time.

At least that’s the way I see it,

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.


Darrell Castle – 2016 Constitution Party Nominee for President of the United States