Inaugural Year of the Constitution Party of New Hampshire

Celebrating Another Success Story (Here’s how to do it)

Written By: Megan Schmitt, State Secretary

On the evening of March 1st, 2023, during a regularly scheduled Constitution party informational Zoom call, the question was raised… how serious are we?

By the end of the call, New Hampshire officially had its five State Officers. Though not necessary, we set a goal to be organized in time for the 2023 Spring National Committee Meeting, which was just seven weeks later. We met as often as possible to discuss different aspects, made trips to the bank for signatures, had discussions with local officials, etc. After many revisions (and a 13 hour in-person working session), our biggest hurdle (bylaws) was completed.

We even celebrated our second vice-chair, Edmond Laplante, being elected to his local school board!


April 16th at the historic 1838 Hope in Christ Church in Chichester, we held our first State Conference. This meeting included introductions, a rundown of the ground-up organization, a speech from the Eastern States Regional Chairman, Dave Kopacz, membership sign ups and voting. The Bylaws were accepted, and three National Committee members were elected. The following week, the bank account was finalized, and we were officially off to St. Louis!




After returning to New Hampshire, we got to work creating newsletters and trying to get our name out there. We walked in a few parades, set up a table at the Sean Feucht Kingdom to the Capitol concert, started attending John Birch Society events to network, and took as many constitutional classes as we could – some officers even became trained coaches! We also invited Caleb Collier from WA for a quick overnight speaking engagement.



As we entered fall/winter, we began focusing more on our committees – participated in a Constitution Day event, began hosting county meetings and preparedness potlucks, even planned a January 6th convoy and screening of J6: A True Timeline.

As we close out our first year, a few new members have joined, created a how-to guide for tracking legislation and how to submit testimony online as well as in-person, we met with the Secretary of State and discussed ballot access, working on constitutional awards for our state representatives, and brainstorming new advertising methods!


Our second annual state conference will take place in March.  We are so excited to continue this journey with the Constitution Party and see what 2024 will hold!

Please help CPNH gain ballot access by making your most generous donation. 
Donate to Ballot Access Here

Questions or Comments? Contact Donna Ivanovich, Assistant to the National Chairman

Let Them Eat Bugs

January 29, 2024



Employees sort out crickets for size at Smile Cricket Farm at Ratchaburi province, southwest of Bangkok, Thailand, on Oct. 3, 2019
Employees sort out crickets for size at Smile Cricket Farm at Ratchaburi province, southwest of Bangkok, Thailand, Oct. 3, 2019.


Dear Friends of the Constitution Party,

The link/article below was brought to my attention by Missouri State Representative Holly Jones, founding member of the Freedom Caucus.  Rep. Jones was a guest speaker at the Spring 2023 National Committee Meeting featuring keynote speaker, Dr. Robert Malone. While this farm is not in her District, she did admit that if it were, she’d be in their face every day!

Are bugs listed on our food labels?

Is there a cricket farm near you?

Cindy Redburn, Donna Ivanovich & Rep. Holly Jones
Cindy Redburn, Donna Ivanovich & Rep. Holly Jones

This is not just talk, It’s reality.

WILDWOOD — A Fenton-based startup that is pioneering the use of crickets as a protein source is trying to cultivate its own crop of chirpers in Wildwood.

The Mighty Cricket, founded in 2018, was awarded a grant this month from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to collect food waste from local restaurants and grocery stores on which to raise the six-legged crew and fine-tune their flavor.

The inclusion of insects as a dietary choice — aside from the 2 pounds of bug bits people consume unwittingly each year — is still rare in the United States. But as attention turns to sustainability and health, palates are broadening.

Vegan burgers are on the menu at fast-food chains. Two companies producing lab-grown meats earned Food and Drug Administration approval in June. The U.S. market for protein alternatives surged 60% between 2019 and 2021, according to Nielsen data, though that stemmed mostly from products made of beans and legumes.

Bugs-as-nourishment can be a difficult concept for Americans to swallow, even as options are multiplying.

“It’s not just grasshoppers on pizzas,” said Jeff Tomberlin, an entomologist who teaches at Texas A&M University. “You don’t ever see the insect.”

In many parts of the world, mealworms, beetles and ants are not a novelty but a staple. About 2 billion people — mostly in Africa, Asia and Latin America — regularly put insects on their plates. The market is expected to reach $9.6 billion worldwide by 2030.

“The U.S. is behind the curve,” Tomberlin said. “The Western world is catching up to the rest of the world.”

Two years ago, he co-founded the Center for Environmental Sustainability Through Insect Farming with two other universities to study how to advance insect production for animal and human consumption.

Bugs aren’t burdened with the same environmental baggage as the big three meats: beef, pork and chicken. Livestock emits methane, a gas that contributes to atmospheric warming, and takes up more than two-thirds of the globe’s agricultural land.

“I think if people knew where their food came from, it would be very enlightening,” Tomberlin said.

Crickets, while saddled with an unsavory reputation, are a model of efficiency. Their space requirements are almost as small as they are. They don’t need much food or water. And they grow quickly: The population turns over in six to eight weeks.

When the nocturnal jumpers reach their final day, they get popped into the freezer where they slide into a state of hibernation called torpor, just like they would during the cool nights of late autumn. After 24 hours, they die.

“It’s really lovely,” said Sarah Schlafly, the owner of Mighty Cricket.

The crickets are then blanched, roasted and milled. The powder is blended in Mighty Cricket’s Fenton warehouse into bags of oatmeal — apple cinnamon, dark chocolate and coconut cream — or protein supplements in plain, vanilla and chocolate.

For five years, outside suppliers have provided the Mighty Cricket’s eponymous ingredient. But they weren’t always reliable. Some went out of business. And the taste could be inconsistent — sometimes mild, sometimes earthy.

The only way to get exactly what she wanted, Schlafly thought, was to farm her own team of tiny omnivores and tinker with their diets until she landed on the right menu. She applied for a $131,500 Small Business Innovation Research Grant in October and found out in May that she got it. It allowed her to bring on another full-time employee, purchase equipment and rent space for research and development at the Helix Center, a biotech incubator in Creve Coeur.

Schlafly knows precisely what she is chasing: a batch she sampled a couple years ago that has never been equaled.

“They were amazing tasting,” she said. “Exactly like pistachios.”

With some reverse engineering, she’s trying to replicate the inputs that will elicit the same nutty quality.

A cricket farm is not a complicated operation. Schlafly is starting with 10 plastic bins inside her garage. Her initial herd — or to be precise, orchestra — will number about a thousand. The inch-long scavengers will snack out of little dishes and drink from the same automatic chicken waterers used in coops.

The variable is what they will eat. Schlafly has contacted local grocers and restaurants, such as Whole Foods and Companion bakery, to rescue their discards: carrot tops and wilted greens, stale bread and potato peels. Then she will experiment until the crickets embody her sought-after flavor.

Once she can standardize the feed, she hopes to scale up, first for the Mighty Cricket line and then selling to owners of exotic animals, pet food companies and zoos. That will likely be years down the road, Schlafly said, and will require another infusion of money.

Despite the slow process, if small businesses like Schlafly’s “remain engaged and persistent,” said Texas A&M’s Tomberlin, insects will enjoy a status boost.

No longer just basement pests, he said, but vitamin B12 providers. Mineral powerhouses. Environmental superheroes.

Mighty crickets.

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Questions or Comments?

Click here to contact Donna Ivanovich, Assistant to the National Chairman

Historic Constitutional Crisis!

25 States Back Texas as they Stand up Against the Fed’s Border Invasion

Excerpts from General Michael Flynn and Alex Jones

From General Flynn’s Newsletter:  “Texas is Entitled to Use Military Force to Repel the Border Invasion”:  CLICK HERE TO SEE FULL NEWSLETTER

“Within hours of Biden being sworn into office, he signed a Proclamation that ordered an end to construction of President Trump’s southern border wall. His stated reason was that the wall was “a waste of money that diverts attention from genuine threats to our homeland security.” This statement was so absurd that we knew at once that this man, who had somehow assumed the Presidency, was not on our side. Biden had just sworn the President’s constitutionally prescribed oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,” and within hours he flung open the nation’s borders to all comers.”


History is happening now.  Twenty-Six states, including Texas, (shown in above map) have now combined forces against the tyrant, Joe Biden, and the globalists in their attempt to end our border and end American sovereignty and the announcement that Biden wants to seize the State Guard not so they can stop an invasion but so they will NOT stop an invasion.  Some Democrats are even expected to join this effort.

It’s in the Constitution; the right to self-defense.  Massive human smuggling and sex trafficking is illustrating the treason that is going on and the needed ongoing impeachment proceedings against Alejandro Mayorkas, the head of DHS.

This is what it’s all about.  The states coming together, the people coming together, not to dissolve the Republic, it’s the UN-run globalist government that is doing that, but to reconstitute our Republic.

It’s in the Declaration of Independence.  It’s in the Constitution.  It’s in the Bill of Rights.  It’s not just our “Right”.  It is our “Duty” to defend ourselves. The Constitution Party Platform is predicated on these principles! 

We salute all the states that have joined Texas.  Governor Abbott has made the right move and has forced this crisis out into the open against the globalists.  These 25 states are lined up together repudiating the puppet, Joe Biden.  It’s beautiful. It’s powerful. It’s strong.

Will this alone save the border?  No.  But this act of creating a constitutional focal point or a spotlight to point out the constitutional crisis that is already happening is nothing but positive.

This is a real answer to prayer.

Here is a paragraph from the Plank on IMMIGRATION in the Constitution Party Platform:

We affirm the integrity of the international borders of the United States and the Constitutional authority and duty of the federal government to guard and to protect those borders, including the regulation of the numbers and of the qualifications of immigrants into the country.

Another reason why we must support the Constitution Party’s campaign to gain ballot access and run constitutional patriots for office.
Click Here to Join or Donate!

Questions or Comments?  Contact Donna Ivanovich, Assistant to the National Chairman

~ St. Louis Conference Report ~

See Video Highlights From The Fall 2023 National Committee Meeting

Prepared by:  Donna Ivanovich, Assistant to the National Chairman

As I prepare this report, I want to first acknowledge some of the people who worked behind the scenes and were instrumental in making the Fall 2023 National Committee Meeting and Issues Conference another most exciting, well organized and the most well attended conference in recent history: (even better than last April).

Alan Redburn (MO) RegistrationBecky Hatch (UT) Silent AuctionDonna Brandenburg (MI) Video RecordingsKyle Maas (MI) Audio/Visual Cindy Redburn (MO) Social MediaReed Miller (UT) TimekeeperJanine Hansen (NV) Song LeaderMary Sears (MI) Media ResearchThom Holmes (OK) Roaming Photographer, Silent Auction, Song Leader, Comedian and a Breath of fresh air!

CP members, supporters and friends packed the Embassy Suites Ballroom for General Michael Flynn’s presentation – more than what the hotel and I even anticipated!  Additional tables and chairs were brought in!  And the candlelight dinner was stunning!

22 states were represented in total, while 17 of our affiliated states were represented at the National Committee Meeting on Friday.

Attending these twice yearly conferences is such a fantastic way to get personally acquainted with the many leaders all over the country.  We can help one another grow our state parties, compare notes and build face-to-face relationships with many new friends.

I have personally received a ton of positive feedback from many people.  Thank you all for making the effort and the sacrifice to attend!  Your support of the National Committee is greatly appreciated.

Hope you enjoy some photos of this AWESOME event.

Cindy Redburn (MO) National Secretary and Jim Clymer (PA) National Chairman opening the meeting with the Roll Call of the States.

General Michael Flynn addressed a packed room of Constitution Party members, supporters and friends. (BTW: his favorite Book in the Bible is Isaiah) You can see his videotaped presentation on the Constitution Party FaceBook page.  We have also posted the link here to the Tucker Carlson piece that was intended to play as the intro to the intro by special guest speaker, Joe Miller (AK), but both our projector and the backup projector, unfortunately, refused to play it.  CLICK HERE FOR TUCKER’S TALK ON GEN FLYNN

General Flynn autographed his book, “The Citizen’s Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare”.  If you would like to receive his Newsletter:  CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE TO GENERAL FLYNN’S NEWSLETTER

Lunch with General Flynn: (clockwise) Jim & Lois Clymer (National Chairman from PA), Joe Miller (AK), Frank Fluckiger (UT) (good shot of Frank’s back),then my back too, and special guest, Ann Dorn (MO). Ann is the widow of slain St. Louis Police Captain David Dorn murdered by BLM during the riots in 2020.






One of our amazing guest speakers, Joe Miller from Alaska, spoke Friday evening about his personal experience with voter fraud when he defeated incumbent Lisa Murkowski in 2010. He graduated from West Point in the top 1% and was the youngest at the time serving State Magistrate, then appointed as the youngest U.S. Magistrate Judge.

Newly appointed National Committee Member, Gregory Fisher (SC) with Executive Committee Member and State Chairman, Janine Hansen (NV)





Donna Ivanovich with Kirk Launius, the Founder and Director of Texans for Constitutional Sheriffs.  His 2012 and 2016 candidacy for Dallas County Sheriff was endorsed by “America’s Toughest Sheriff”, Joe Arpaio, and Sheriff Richard Mack.







PA State Chairman Bob Goodrich and National Committee Members, Justin & Shari Magill (PA)






Crazy Thom (Jett) Holmes (OK) Executive Committee Member and State Chairman clowning around as the CP version of PA Senator John Fetterman with National Chairman, Jim Clymer (PA)






 General Flynn surrounded by “Show-Me State” friends of the CP, Nick Ivanovich, Christine Estes and Larry Dawson.


Kirk Launius (TX), Carlos Lopez, CPTX State Contact working to re-organize the Lone Star State, Donna Brandenburg (MI) Vice Chairman and John Ferguson (KS), one of our guest speakers and former U.S. Marine Reconnaissance scout swimmer and head of a cutting-edge drone technology company.  (aka “The Four Entrepreneur Extraordinares”)






Donna with General Flynn. I want to see his new movie that contrasts Globalism vs. Americanism through psychological operations, Into the Light”

Go to:

Thom (Jett) Holmes (OK) reading the “Tribute to the Non-Vaccinated” written by French General  Christian Blanchon


Jerry Kilpatrick (FL) National Treasurer presenting his report and the Budget.  It takes a really special person to keep track of the numbers.  Thanks, Jerry!



(R) Cindy Redburn (MO) National Secretary and Jim Clymer (PA) National Chairman recruiting one of our many MO guests, Tony Monetti, to sign a petition to hep regain ballot access.

“Rendezvous of the Miller Brothers”.  Reed & Glen (UT-NCMs) with Ralph (VT).  Glen writes our amazing Victory Report for Howard Phillips Legacy Society (HPLS) donors.  Check it out by: CLICKING HERE




Wayne (Zimmy) Zimmerschied (MN), Parliamentarian and Credentials Chairman explaining criteria required for states to affiliate.  (Yes, he’s in an ankle boot seen doing wheelies on his scooter!)


 A BIG congratulations to ALASKA for receiving a unanimous vote of the National Committee to be an officially affiliated state!







Executive and National Committee Members, Darrell and Joan Castle (TN) in serious conversation with General Flynn 



Colin Sorhus (MO) David Cantrell (TX) and Carlos Lopez (TX)







Ricardo Davis (GA) State Chairman with Doug Aden (behind Teri Aden) (CO) National Vice-Chairman and State Chairman


My name is Barr….. James Barr (PA) National Committee Member






In Conclusion: For your listening pleasure, here is a list of links to some really rockin’ video/tunes that we were unable to play at the conference. Some feature Drs. Robert Malone and Peter McCullough, America’s Frontline Doctors and the Freedom Convoy.

“God Over Government”, Hi-Rez and Jimmy Levy:CLICK HERE FOR GOD OVER GOVERNMENT  

“Faith Over Fear”, Hi-Rez and Jimmy Levy, with Dr. Malone at opening:CLICK HERE FOR FAITH OVER FEAR

“Rich Men North of Richmond”, by Oliver Anthony:CLICK HERE FOR RICH MEN NORTH OF RICHMOND

“These Are My People”, by Johnny Cash:CLICK HERE FOR THESE ARE MY PEOPLE


Comments or Questions:Click here to Contact Donna Ivanovich

Please support the only alternative to the UNI-Party either physically or financially.  Click here:

Constitution Party

Central Bank Digital Currency Resolution

WHEREAS, the, Executive Order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets, #14067, signed by Joe Biden on March 9, 2022, lays the groundwork for the introduction of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC);

WHEREAS, The Uniform Law Commission, on its website, shows a map of twenty states where measures like this are being proposed and on which the progress is being tracked, revealing that one way this is being implemented is by State Legislatures;

WHEREAS, the implementation of a CBDC violates the principles of private property rights, by making it easier to freeze the financial assets of the People and create government controls over how personal financial resources are spent;

WHEREAS, there is clearly no role, responsibility, or power within the Constitution for the United States formally delegating the authority to the federal government to change the species of money from metal coin to paper let alone to a digital currency;

WHEREAS, Article I, Section 10 of the Constitution, states,

“No State shall… make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.”

WHEREAS, every elected or appointed officeholder under the authority of the United States is required to take an oath to serve in office:

“The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution…
– Article IV, Clause 3

WHEREAS, Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment placed teeth into the Constitution on any and all public servants both federal as well as local and State, who would now be ineligible to hold office for life if they fail to support the Constitution or directly violated it, in essence committing an insurrection against the Constitution.  Section 3 asserts:

“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or Elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State Legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.”

Be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Constitution Party calls on the Legislatures of the Several States to reject the implementation of a Central Bank Digital Currency.

Be it further RESOLVED, that the Constitution Party calls on Citizens throughout the United States and among the several States to hold their elected representatives accountable to the Constitution and initiate steps to apply Section 3 of the 14th Amendment – and/or similar provisions of their respective State Constitutions – to remove from office, any public servant, making said public servant ineligible for any further public service for life, who has supported by legislative or administrative act, the implementation of a Central Bank Digital Currency.

Adopted by the Constitution National Committee on April 22, 2023

America the Beautiful

Written by: Woody Kaye, Loudoun Liberty, Consent of the Governed

Happy Independence Day to Constitution Party Lovers of Liberty,

Knowing you’re busy with BBQ’s and outdoor activities, this Newsletter will be relatively short celebrating America’s greatness and call for all to preserve what America the Beautiful refers to as our ‘lavished precious life’.

Thomas Sowell is one of the great thinkers America has ever produced. I wanted to share his ideas not just because of his clear, noble thinking but also because his legacy will be his willingness to stand for truth regardless of the consequences. His career within academia was hurt because he refused to cowtow to the intelligentsia. We need more Thomas Sowell’s.

One of his pearls: intellect is not wisdom. More of his pithy, memorable insights  HERE

As I grow in a greater knowledge of the Constitution, it becomes more and more apparent that this document is the inexhaustible bedrock of our freedom. Analogous to faith in God’s only begotten Son as the only entryway to the narrow gate leading to salvation, our Constitution is the only constitution of it’s kind in history guaranteeing us a Republican form of government, which is in sharp contrast to a democracy. In a democratic form of government, CA, IL and NY would rule us. Learning has become a bit of an exercise in getting comfortable being uncomfortable.

Tony Robbins has a short on how to resist the temptation to run the other way when things feel uncomfortable. HERE

I want to encourage you to push through the resistance. I can assure you that our political adversaries are counting on us to cave to the desire to watch the ballgame, surf the internet, or play parcheesi.

Have a great Independence Day Celebration!

Enjoy your families.  God bless you all and God bless America.


Daniel Webster:

” Hold on, my friends, to the constitution, and to the republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster, and what has happened once in 6000 years, may not happen again. Hold onto the constitution, for if the American constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world. “


Thomas Jefferson:

” I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society, but the people themselves: and if we think them, not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their indiscretion by education.”

Keep freedom alive.  Support the  Constitution Party with your most generous donation here:

Questions or Comments: Contact Donna Ivanovich, Administrative Assistant to the National Chairman


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Constitution Party Files Brief with SCOTUS in Support of Don Blankenship’s Defamation Lawsuit

The Constitution Party has filed an amicus brief in support of Don Blankenship’s defamation lawsuit.  Don was the 2020 Constitution Party candidate for President and previously a Republican candidate for U. S. Senate from West Virginia.

Mr. Blankenship has expended significant resources to clear his name and at the center of the argument is a longstanding interpretation of a previous Supreme Court Case, New York Times v, Sullivan.

Joining the Constitution Party National Committee in this Supreme Court filing are these organizations:

    • Free Speech Coalition
    • Free Speech Defence and Education Fund
    • America’s Future
    • Public Advocate of the United States
    • U. S. Constitutional Rights Legal Defense Fund
    • Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund
    • Restoring Liberty Action Committee

Read the Brief...


Gorsuch Condemns COVID Policies for Violating Civil Liberties


Gorsuch Condemns COVID Policies for Violating Civil Liberties: Where Are the Rest?

Written by: Robert W. Peck, former Executive Committee Member, State Chairman of the Constitution Party of Washington and current continuing supporter

In a statement relating to the case of Arizona v. Alejandro Mayorkas (Secretary of Homeland Security), US Supreme Court Justice, Neil Gorsuch, condemned government-imposed COVID policies that turned the legal and legislative process on its head and violated civil liberties. The justice’s review of actions taken by local, state, and federal governments over the past three years reads like a report on human rights abuses from the socialist Soviet Union era. Previous generations of Americans would have thought the justice’s statements were from a dystopian novel, not current events.

Here are some key passages from Justice Gorsuch’s statement.

“Since March 2020, we may have experienced the greatest intrusions on civil liberties in the peacetime history of this country. Executive officials across the country issued emergency decrees on a breathtaking scale. Governors and local leaders imposed lockdown orders forcing people to remain in their homes. They shuttered businesses and schools, public and private. They closed churches even as they allowed casinos and other favored businesses to carry on… They divided cities and neighborhoods into color-coded zones, forced individuals to fight for their freedoms in court on emergency timetables, and then changed their color-coded schemes when defeat in court seemed imminent.

“Federal executive officials entered the act too… They deployed a public-health agency to regulate landlord-tenant relations nationwide. They used a workplace-safety agency to issue a vaccination mandate… They threatened to fire noncompliant employees, and warned that service members who refused to vaccinate might face dishonorable discharge and confinement. Along the way, it seems federal officials may have pressured social-media companies to suppress information about pandemic policies with which they disagreed.

“While executive officials issued new emergency decrees at a furious pace, state legislatures and Congress—the bodies normally responsible for adopting our laws—too often fell silent. Courts bound to protect our liberties addressed a few—but hardly all—of the intrusions upon them. In some cases, like this one, courts even allowed themselves to be used to perpetuate emergency public-health decrees for collateral purposes, itself a form of emergency-lawmaking-by-litigation.”

Amen Justice Gorsuch–someone finally said it!

But where are the rest?

For over three years now, governors, presidents, and a plethora of agents and agencies under their charge have usurped powers not constitutionally delegated to them and trampled on rights once held sacred. The lawless and oppressive nature of lockdown-shutdown-maskup-vaxup orders was able to be known from day one (Why Covid Orders Are Not Law) . Statements like that of Justice Gorsuch could have and should have been issued by every public official in the land, including two Presidents that presided over the pandemic, 535 members of Congress, 50 governors, 7,558 state legislators, thousands of county commissioners, thousands of county sheriffs, and tens of thousands of mayors and city councilmen.

Yet of those thousands of public officials whose duty it is to defend our God-given rights and uphold the constitutional rule of law, we now have this statement issued by one Supreme Court justice, two governors who either declined to implement, or stood up against unlawful policies (South Dakota and Florida), and Rand Paul, who continues to be a voice for liberty in the US Senate.

So again, I ask, where are the rest?

Are there any others in elected office anywhere in the land who comprehend the concept of inherent, immutable, God-given rights and who hold fidelity to the plain text and original intent of the Constitution provided for the preservation of those rights?

There has been discussion about the effectiveness of masks and the safety of the shots, though relatively little of that has come from elected officials. But frankly, those discussions distracted us from the paramount issue. From day one, the salient question has been whether we will remain free and autonomous souls with rights bestowed by our Creator, or become the slavish wards of an almighty state.

So again, I ask, where are the voices of other public officials championing the rule of law and decrying the violation of rights?

Where were the hundreds of Republican members of Congress who could have provided national leadership by issuing a joint statement denouncing such policies as unlawful and violating civil liberties?

Where was the Republican Party, which could have issued a statement akin to that of Justice Gorsuch, then threatened to expel from the party any governors issuing emergency orders that violate the God-given rights of their citizens?

Where were the large, well-funded organizations of the right–the ones that beg Granny for her social security check so they can save the grandkids from the libs by electing more Republicans–organizations that could have mounted major legal battles in defense of churches, small businesses, and workers rights?

Finally, where was the Christian-conservative-right, the voting block that talks about liberty, complained about masks and mandates, then went back to the polls to reelect nearly every Republican regardless of whether they perpetrated, or merely tolerated the violation of our rights?

It would appear the favored party of the right, nearly all its office holders, and the people who elect them have all collectively lost the understanding of, and forsaken devotion to, the concept of God-given rights and constitutionally limited government.

No, I’m not exaggerating. Just look at the results. The violations outlined by Justice Gorsuch occurred in every blue state and over 90 percent of red states, including states with complete Republican control (23 states after the 2020 election). The land of liberty has lost its constitutional compass, and the conservative right has forgotten the rights it set out to conserve.

This is the fruit produced by a policy of pursuing victory through compromise.

For over 30 years now, I’ve watched as the Christian-conservative-right has consistently moved away from candidates who embodied its professed values in favor of those the pundits and party hacks told them could “beat the Democrat.” Over this same time, the right gradually forgot the principles it was compromising away to win at the polls. Slowly and subtly, conservatives assimilated the policies and practices of those they were taught to cheer for as their perceived deliverers. The result is that today the right supports a party and votes for politicians its predecessors would have tried for treachery.

The loneness of Justice Gorsuch’s voice crying in the political wilderness demonstrates the degree to which there is no longer a major political party or a significant faction within a party that retains the American ideals of liberty through inherent, immutable, God-given rights protected by the constitutional rule of law.

Yes, a few small activist organizations have pursued remedy against COVID policies in the courts, and a rare few alternative media commentators have voiced a constitutional and rights-based view on the matter. But there is no body of elected leaders, no well-funded political organizations, and no populist movement left in the land acknowledging and holding fidelity to the Creator as the source of rights and the Constitution as the source of law. There may be some politicians who give lip service to such, but their inaction during COVID belies them.

Without the acknowledgment of the Creator as the source of rights and the Constitution as the source of law, we are left to drift on a sea of secular humanist philosophy where the passions of human opinion and whims of government edict reign supreme, arbitrarily decreeing who, if any, has rights and what they might be on any given day.

Yes, I’m saying that all our human institutions, including the popular organizations of the right, have failed us, and we’re now beyond all political hope of recovering the republic. But that’s a good thing. It’s good if it leads us to give up hope–false hope that is. And indeed, all hope that looks to man, man-made institutions, and man’s political machinations is false hope.

The only valid basis for all true hope is faith in the integrity of our Creator and the veracity of His word.

Does that mean we should withdraw from the political realm? Not at all. Quite the opposite.

The proper role of the church as ambassadors for the owner and soon-coming king of this planet is to declare our Lord’s counsels, principles, and purposes to mankind, including to the institutions of men and their civil societies, so that they might know how to govern themselves according to His will and be blessed.

However, it is utterly perverse for the people of God to go around looking to human political institutions for power by which to save ourselves, prostituting ourselves and our professed principles in exchange for a seat at their table. Satan has twisted our minds and turned the tables on us. He has us seeing ourselves as beggars seeking power from the world by which to save ourselves from the world.

In reality, all power, both in heaven and on earth, belongs to our Lord, and the power that this world’s leaders currently wield is on loan to them from him. They will soon give an account to him for their use of it. And we will give an account of our ambassadorship and whether we have used it to properly represent our king and the counsels of his kingdom.

No, I’m not saying we should despair of hope and give up.

I am saying that it’s time for Christians in America to turn off the TV news, turn off the talk radio, put down the column by our favorite pundit, and instead go aside, get quiet, get alone with our own thoughts, and ask God to begin showing us again what are the first principles of His revealed will for human society and its civil governance. Then, return to the standard that the Lord shows us and refuse to be moved from it even if it means standing alone; even if it means voting alone; even if it means writing in the name of the one person we know who overtly honors God and upholds the rule of law.

You see, God’s ability to bless, honor, protect, and provide is not determined by who is in office. God’s honor comes upon those who honor Him (1 Samuel 2:30), and blessing is to those who forsake trust in man and human might and return to trusting in the Lord (Jeremiah 17:5).

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Comments or Questions: Contact Donna Ivanovich, Adm Asst to the National Chairman

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