Constitution Party is Officially on the Ballot in North Carolina!

Constitution Party is Officially on the Ballot in North Carolina!

In a significant development, the Constitution Party’s presidential nominee, Randall Terry, has successfully secured a spot on the ballot in North Carolina for the upcoming election.

CLICK HERE to read the Press Release and to see a list of all CPNC’s candidates!

Invitation from National Chairman

Invitation from National Chairman


The Fall 2024 National Committee Meeting will be held in Raleigh, North Carolina on November 8 – 9!  New Executive Leadership will be officially seated.

CLICK HERE to read a message from outgoing Chairman Jim Clymer.

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Fall 2024 National Committee Meeting. Welcome to North Carolina!

Conference Registration Open NOW!  Click HERE!!  

Ballot Access


Three Pillars

Integrity, Liberty, & Prosperity!  

THE CASTLE REPORT: The Anti-Free Speech Movement

October 11, 2024 Podcast: Download