Constitution Party Nominates Don Blankenship and William Mohr

The Constitution Party held it’s National Convention on May 1 – 2,  The event was it’s first telephonic convention in its history, but the possibility of such a necessity had been prepared for in advance and  the mission of choosing the party standard bearers for the 2020 General Election was accomplished, selecting Don Blankenship of West Virginia as its nominee for President of the United States and Bill Mohr of Michigan for Vice President.


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When Will Patriots Retake Our Cities?

Friend —

I’m a Notary Public. I meet all kinds of people, every day, from all over the country. I like meeting them because I like to hear people’s stories. Today, I met a very interesting woman. She’s originally from Texas but had been living in California for an extended period of time before retiring in Utah. We had a very interesting conversation in which she lamented the influx of California leftists into the Salt Lake Valley. She talked about California once being a great place. I knew this, myself, as I lived in San Jose when I was young. She talked about how insane that state has gone. Especially its big cities.

This conversation took me back to news items I have been following over the past few months. The explosion in homelessness. The drug epidemic. The trash. The feces on the street. And now, the rats.

Rats have always been an issue in the cities. But with the explosion in homelessness and the breakdown of fundamental city services like the vagrants being arrested, jailed, or run out of town, the generally lax attitude towards public use of hard drugs, and the dysfunctional sanitation services in these leftist strongholds, the rats have moved in, and are absolutely taking over.

Citizens of these places ranging from small business owners to court officials and even city council members have reported being unable to go in and out of their places of employment safely due to violent, deranged homeless vagrants and rats. City council members are starting to be hospitalized with cases of Typhus. There are even reports that up to 1.5% of the rat population carries the Bubonic Plague. That’s the Black Plague, for those of you who don’t know. THE BLACK PLAGUE! How is that possible? How awful is the administration of these places when medieval diseases and diseases typically only found in the worst slums of the third world are spreading through OUR cities?

California is in crisis. Is there any question about that? Is there any doubt? I don’t think so. And it’s not only California. Every one of our major cities is in crisis. Almost all of our big cities have had a democrat majority in power for an extended period of time. And almost each and everyone one of them is in an utter state of collapse. Every. Single. One. Name one city, if you can, that is run by leftists or RINOs (Republican In Name Only) that is not in a state of total ruin. And the worst part is that many of these places have either democrat majorities or even SUPERMAJORITIES. And yet, they still can’t figure out how to solve these problems. Even with the ability to rubber-stamp any proposal they want to try to solve the problems.

What’s worse? These places are exporting their abhorrent ideologies to smaller mid-sized cities now. The people that voted these catastrophes into office are moving away to escape them, and they are bringing their politics and culture with them.

As bleak as all of this sounds, it’s actually not a negative.

At least not for us. Not for our kind. The patriotic stock that is, in fact, the silent majority of this country. How could I even dare to say that the absolute downfall of our cities is not a bad thing? I say this because it proves two things.

Number 1: The exodus of these people from these places demonstrates without a doubt the total failure of the leftists that run them. And number 2: The fact that people don’t believe the Republicans are any better, and so don’t vote them in despite the failure of the democrats. People all across the country, and from all political stripes, are waking up to the fact that both of our major political parties are shot through with corruption. Conservative Americans may still vote by and large for Republicans, but that’s because the majority of Americans doing so are simply voting along party lines. They don’t want to vote for third party candidates because they are convinced that third parties don’t have a chance at winning. But this gives us an opportunity.

By spreading the message of Liberty, Integrity, and Prosperity, we can convince these people to abandon the parties that long ago abandoned them. It is not inevitable that these gross facsimiles of the parties we grew up with retain power. It only requires us to act for them to fall from their ivory towers.

We need to take back our cities.

I’ve said numerous times before that we are either in, or rapidly approaching the onset of civil war. And this is still true. Even since my last communication, the number of people who believe this to be the case has grown. As the radical left continues on their path to pure insanity, and as the Republicans continue to be completely ineffective at stopping them, the hairline fractures that have always existed in our “diverse” country are being pried wide open.

But this is not a message of despair. It’s a message of hope. It’s an acknowledgment that our political process is swiftly breaking down. But it’s also an acknowledgment that this breakdown of our civil, political, and societal institutions gives us an opening. The iron-grip on power that both political parties enjoyed for so long is now rusted, scaly, and cracking. It wouldn’t take much for us to collectively pry their iron-fist from its grip on power and open it up for We The People to put that power back into the hands of every citizen of this country equally, as it was intended to be.

We have to start with places like California.

I’ve heard people joke about letting California simply drift off and secede from the Union. What kind of patriot would seriously suggest giving up territory that belongs to US to illegal invaders, mentally ill socialists, and armies of drug-addled zombies? Why would ANY patriot admit defeat like that, before even putting up a fight? We have to raise up candidates from the grassroots of our nation, fund their campaigns, put them in the halls of power, and wield the constitution like the weapon of The People that it was meant to be to deport the invaders, clean up the politics, assert the dominance of our language and culture, and rebuild our great population centers. We have the opportunity to head off national catastrophe by being the example that lights the way back to a constitutional way of life.

We have a once in a century opportunity to wrest power away from the corrupt elites, return the Constitution to its place of primacy, and restore the vision that the Founders had for us.

We have but to shake off the seductive tendency towards the bystander effect and put our collective feet down. There are more of us than you think. We have been cowed into silence by decades of social engineering schemes concocted by the left. Our so-called “conservative” leaders have utterly failed to conserve anything about our society. But we, the silent majority, are vast in number, and as we wake up and raise our eyes to the disaster that our nation has become, we are growing a resolve deep in our hearts to retake our nation and tear the tyrants down from their gilded ivory towers.

It starts now. And it starts by raising the funds, raising the candidates, and spreading the message.

Do your part to ensure victory by continuing your generous donations to fund our operations. Go above and beyond by submitting your name as a candidate for office in your local area.

Let’s show the corrupt elite that, despite what they may think, they DO NOT own us, and they DO NOT control us. THEY rule at OUR pleasure. And we ARE NOT pleased. Let them know that we WILL NOT idly stand by as their infection creeps from city to city.

Their ideologies are the cancer. We are the cure. Now let’s go cure the disease growing in our cities.

Digital Paul Revere

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The Hidden Threat


Donations are rolling in, faster and stronger with each conversation we have. And we of the Constitution Party could not be more grateful. Your gifts make it possible for us to not only continue to fight for Liberty, Integrity, and Prosperity but to expand our operations and march onward towards the restoration of our republic.

Every day patriots around the country continue to raise their faces and behold, with newly opened eyes, the crisis all around us. They cry righteous tears at the horror and devastation they witness daily.

We are seeking patriots to join us; growing our ranks, to be the strength in our arm, the knowledge in our mind, and the wisdom in our heart. For the continued restoration of our republic and the safety and well-being of our children and our children’s children, we, of noble soul and patriotic mind, MUST step forward from among the crowd. From many, we MUST become one. However, we MUST NOT fall victim to the hidden threat. We mustn’t let the bystander effect sap our will to action and turn us from taking our rightful roles within the leadership of our towns and cities.

At this point in our history, only a party that reveres the Constitution and the freedoms it affirms for us has the legitimacy to rule. We all know that. While the traitorous Democrats and Republicans continue to discuss curtailing our rights, the threats that prove the need for our rights continue to grow.

The bystander-effect. What a strange concept. Many of you have probably heard of this, before, but not all of you may know what it means.

Open your mind and imagine if you will.

You are witness to a car accident. Among the flames and wreckage, you see the shapes of people. Not knowing if the people trapped within are capable of getting out on their own, the urge to step forth and render aide wells up from somewhere deep inside you.

You suck in a deep breath. Your body tenses up, and you prepare to take the plunge. You are ready to be that good Samaritan that you know you should be. Willing to risk injury or even death to help your fellow Man. But then, as you prepare to step forth, you notice that a crowd has gathered. People have their cellphones in hand. You are sure that among them, someone is dialing the police. Right? And, it crosses your mind that somewhere in the crowd is another good Samaritan and one that is physically capable of helping more than you are. You get the sense that your help is not as needed as you thought it was, and you step back into the crowd, sure that support is on the way.

The problem, however, is that most everyone else there is thinking the same thing. “I know that I should help, but with so many people here, I’m sure someone else is already working on it.” And so, the wreck burns. Gradually, as the people standing passively around you capture video of the horror unfolding before you, the motion of those trapped within becomes still. All at once, everyone watching realizes the tragedy that has just befallen the scene.

A thick, sickening feeling falls over the crowd as they realize that, had anyone acted on their first instincts, the result would have been dramatically different. The guilt of knowing that you failed in your duty to step forward settles like concrete in your heart. It weighs you down. As time goes on, this weight doesn’t lessen. It grows. The knowledge that you had but to step forth, reach out your hand, and tragedy could have been averted slowly poisons your disposition, like mercury in cheap tooth fillings.

Our nation is crumbling around us. We all cry out for a hero to step forward and right all the wrongs, to bring justice to the evil parasites that have taken up residence in the soul of our nation, sapping it of its vitality and vigor. We know in our heart of hearts that we have but to reach out, seize the steering wheel, and turn this car away from the oncoming semi-truck that we can see so clearly heading straight for us. But we all think that someone more capable than us will step forward if we wait long enough.

Who will be the hero of the story?

The reality that we fail to act upon is – no hero waiting in the wings. YOU must be that hero. YOU must be the one to step forth. YOU have but to make that choice. YOU are the one that is needed. The collective strength of every true patriot is necessary to avert the devastating destruction that awaits us if we fail to act.

Our republic is in flames. The recent terror attacks in Gilroy, Dayton, and El Paso demonstrate that. I won’t even bother going into details about the political leanings of each of these shooters. There’s no point. We don’t want to admit it. It’s easier to think that things will go back to normal if we elect the right politician. But it’s just not so.

Our political elites have sold us out. The Democrats continue to go utterly insane and tear themselves apart, while the Republicans continue to make backhanded deals that use the twisted, fractured wreck of our civilization as a stepping stool on which to elevate themselves.

You know it’s true. Look at any big city in the United States – witness the crime, the violence, the gangs that walk the streets among the drug-addled zombies they use, and witness the lack of fear of consequences they know won’t come. Witness the hordes of invaders flooding across the border by the tens of thousands every month and witness the corrupt, incompetent wretches in D.C. that simply don’t care. Even our mid-sized cities, small towns, and rural communities are not immune to this. The epidemic of drugs has utterly devastated our populace at every level of society. Illegal immigration has decimated the middle-class. Tech censorship has laid waste to our political discourse. Our nation has become a powder keg, and the people we have elected to lead us out of this mess laugh and throw lit matches at it. How much longer can it go on like this?

What can be done about this?

We need to fund our ballot initiatives, our outreach efforts, and to hire and pay staff to do the heavy lifting behind the scenes. But even more than that, we need YOU to not fall victim to the bystander effect. We need YOU to throw your hat in the political ring and become a candidate for the only party in the United States that regards the Constitution as the wellspring from which our civilization draws its greatness. We need YOU to be the hero that steps forth to quench the growing fires of civil conflict. With superior ideas and a return to our traditional way of life, we can put out the flames that encroach all around us.

These conversations are not ones of negativity and pessimism. They are messages of hope and calls to action. What could be more positive than to roll up one’s sleeves to awaken your fellow patriots to the need to rescue our nation and our people from peril?

We have been thoroughly betrayed by our political elites, and therefore we need YOU to step in and replace the parasites that infect our halls of power. We need YOU to reach out and, through the ballot box, take the power away from the parasites of the political class, and place it firmly back into the hands of the People. We need YOU to be that hero. We need YOU to be that good Samaritan and step forth to rescue our people from the burning wreck left to us by the irresponsible drivers of our society.

Donate to the party. Share this content on your social media, email it to friends, print it out and attach it to the leg of a carrier pigeon if you have to. Help us spread the message and donate however much you can spare to help fund our campaign against the blight on our civilization. If you don’t do it, who will?

Digital Paul Revere

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The Weapon of Our Enemies

This message is going to be a long one. But it’s critical that you read through to the end to understand the depth of the danger facing our civilization. If these words speak to you and if in your heart of hearts, you agree, then be sure to share this article with friends, family and in social media. Do your part to awaken the spirit of true patriotism in America.

Your donations are not only coming in but increasing in size and frequency. Your generous investment in the party moves us one step closer to our goal of returning the Constitution and our traditional way of life back to their places of primacy. More and more patriotic Americans are waking up and placing their bets on Liberty, Integrity, and Prosperity. Join the true patriots of our land and continue your support for us in our fight against tyranny. Now onto today’s thoughts.


Words used as weapons of destruction.

Patriots like us are called extremists by people with nefarious intentions at heart. The British called the patriots that founded our nation extremists.  Today, Cultural Marxists of the radical Left and duplicitous, globalist Republicans, who have separate motives, yet mutual interests in mass-migrations, use that term to describe us. They understand the power of words, and they know how to wield these weapons of mass disinformation against us.

Not only are American patriots raising their eyes to behold the catastrophe that is happening before us with regards to censorship of centrist and conservative speech online, even the Federal government is also taking notice and beginning to address it. Could this have been possible without millions of conservative voices calling out in unison?  It took conservatives and centrists alike to join their voices together and shout out our displeasure to gain attention.

Conservatives are, by their nature, peace-loving, individualistic people. Conservatives generally abide by the ancient wisdom “live and let live.” A noble and preferable way to view the world. It captures the very heart of liberty to go about one’s own life and not disturb the lives of others. But it is a double-edged sword and one that we are letting cut us. By being so hesitant to speak up against obvious evils, we have allowed the infection caused by the frequent nicks and cuts to fester, threatening the very life of our great republic.

The reason for this is apparent. Conservatives know just as well as Democrats and their progressive allies that words have immense power. The difference is that conservatives are hesitant to utilize this power. We understand the tremendous harm done to individuals and groups with a well-placed word. Donald Trump demonstrated this when he called out “the squad” of radical progressives on Twitter for their blatant hate of the United States. The Leftists know this too, and they count on it. Even more, they have succeeded in making us too scared to use our words against them. They have so thoroughly cowed us with the threat of being called “racist, bigots, Nazis”  that we remain silent when we know such words are untrue. When you control the ability of people to speak, you eventually control their ability to think. When people can no longer express their thoughts, ideas disappear from public consciousness. They cease to exist. Our enemies are doing  it to us. They are erasing our traditional way of life by erasing our ability to talk about it freely.


“Hey buddy, it looks like you’ve had a little too much to think there. You’re coming with me.”

Our enemies!  It’s a pretty incendiary term, is it not? Try speaking it aloud. Seriously, say it! Many of you will find it difficult. Most will not even try. Many will brush off the suggestion with an internal, self-reassuring laugh. Some of you will say it, but silently, in your mind. A small percentage of those people will silently mouth the words, and an even tinier fraction of you will speak it aloud. But I challenge you to do it. Our enemies!

The reason why it will be difficult is because most know to whom I am referring when I say, “Our enemies”! You automatically understand that I am not talking about some ISIS animals holed up in a cave somewhere in the Middle East. You will know that I am not referring to the Communist Chinese with their endless schemes to undermine Western civilization.  Most will not assume either of those. You will know that I am referring to the radical leftists that have infected our society and their globalist, Republican allies. And herein lies the threat! They are using our language against us to rapidly close the fist of tyranny around our collective throats.

How do we know this? How do we know they are our enemies? The answer is simple. Look at the way the radical leftists in the news media have covered recent events, and you will have your answer. The Mexican flag being raised over US government installations by progressive leftists. The radical leftist, (I will not honor by writing his name) who firebombed the illegal alien detention center in Washington state over the weekend. The insane leftists in our Congress and those during presidential debate calling for illegal immigration to be decriminalized, and illegal aliens (AKA invaders) to be given free, universal healthcare. Then we see Democrat presidential candidates are crossing over the border and CAMPAIGNING IN MEXICO. The collusion between these cultural Marxists, globalists, and the news media to spin and cover it all up is not hidden! The Cultural Marxists within the radical Left have thoroughly weaponized our language.

We are all familiar with the adage, “The pen is mightier than the sword”. But why is that? How is it that random noises emitted from our throats by air from our lungs passing over our vocal cords can have so much power? Go to a speaker of some foreign language and utter the word “pizza” to them. It means about as much to a non-English speaker as “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”. But if you were to say those same words to a speaker of English, then the word would have tremendous physiological and psychological effects.

Admit it, when you read the word “pizza”, your mind automatically conjures up smells of delicious melted cheese, tangy marinara sauce, and spicy pepperoni. Or maybe it was Canadian bacon and pineapple. Whatever pizza you prefer is irrelevant. The important part is that it elicited feelings and sensations from you – scents, tastes, memories, meanings, and a whole host of other reactions. I wonder how many of you thought about placing an order for Pizza Hut just now. That monstrously long and difficult to read word in the last paragraph probably made a lot of people feel confused and maybe even frustrated, if they couldn’t read it right away, until they realized that it’s that silly word from Mary Poppins. But that’s the point – the power of words.

Just by hearing these random vocalizations arranged into familiar, repeating patterns, you had a real, physical response. Now imagine if, over a long period, a devious person was to subvert your understanding of the word “pizza”. Imagine that, gradually over many years, they changed the meaning of the word, so the result was that “pizza” doesn’t mean a delicious, fattening treat. Imagine if they succeeded in getting popular culture to agree that “pizza” now means the same thing as, say, “Nazi”. Upon reading that, most of you suddenly understood where this is going…

The radical Left’s most powerful weapon against the free peoples of the world is their masterful understanding of how language works. They understand that by changing the meaning of words, they can effectively stop people from talking about the ideas those words convey. Think about it. One such example is the Leftists’ changing the meaning of the word nationalism. They have convinced people that nationalism is the same as Nazism. They have persuaded people to stop using the phrase, illegal alien and replaced it with the words, undocumented worker. It has a much softer sound, doesn’t it?  It doesn’t get the blood boiling quite as much as illegal alien or invader! Now, we have replaced undocumented worker with migrants or immigrants.  Notice how each word change somehow lessens any threat posed to our nation. They intentionally conflate the meaning of the words to confuse people. Some in the Democrat Party and the news media have even begun using the term, undocumented citizen.


So, how did the Left acquire such control over our language?

I am sure that many of you have heard of “the long march through the institutions.” For those of you not familiar with the term, it means the gradual takeover of institutions, such as our education system, by radical progressives. Children are now exposed to leftist ideology from day one and almost entirely unopposed. In places where Democrats have super majorities, conservative teachers are silenced and risk dismissal from their jobs for speaking up.  Even worse, leaking personal information to violent radicals, or being accused of sexual impropriety with their students, has a chilling effect on anyone’s free speech!

The Left is escalating its rhetoric against our nation and our people. The reprehensible creature, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, recently called detention centers on the border “concentration camps”. She caught a lot of heat for this, and rightly so. But think about what she tried to do afterward. She tried to weasel her way out of it by saying that she wasn’t referring to Nazi death camps. But we all know that’s nonsense, as she immediately followed it up with the phrase “never again”. Many of us know that “never again” is a direct reference to never again allowing genocidal fascism to take root in the world.

And there is another word twisted and deformed from its actual meaning to be a weapon that the Left can use to bludgeon the rest of us. They say that EVERYTHING is fascist if it doesn’t agree with their political world view. They justify ever-increasing violence against conservatives with this twisting of words. The radical leftist terrorist that firebombed the illegal alien detention center directly referenced “concentration camps” in his manifesto/suicide letter.

They say that defending the border is a form of “hate” (yet another word whose meaning they’ve co-opted for their villainous reasons). They then say that “hate has no place in our country”. They say that “hate” is a form of “violence”. They even try to scientifically justify this by saying that “hate” causes stress hormones in the body, which is bad for people’s health, and therefore, it’s violence to “hate” someone. All the while, actual “hate” and “violence” are used regularly to destroy the lives and bodies of conservative Americans. People are afraid to speak for fear of being persecuted by leftists through their manipulation of language.


In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

If people are so afraid of reprisal, how can they speak out against tyranny? Once tyranny has taken full control of language, then free people can no longer speak out. And that’s the danger we face!. The radical Left, their contemptuous adherents, and their globalist allies in the Republican Party have manipulated our language to such an extent, that even talking about mass, illegal immigration is “racist.” Talking about the crime that the invaders commit is “white nationalist.” Talking about how more and more Democratic districts are giving drivers licenses to illegal invaders is “bigoted.” And bringing up that the same Democratic districts are amending laws to say that when you get a driver’s license, you are automatically registered to vote is considered “voter suppression”. They have twisted the meaning of words so much as to have a complete stranglehold on public discourse.

How many times have you watched or seen a news item, read the blatant lie contained within, and said to yourself, “That is complete BS! I know FOR A FACT that is not true!”  Tell a lie often enough, and it becomes the truth. A clever way to reprogram our culture through manipulation of our language.

It’s time to fight back. Take back our language and shout from the rooftops. Let them know that NO, you WILL NOT be reprogrammed. You are NOT a machine for them to reprogram to their liking. Let them know that you ARE a patriotic nationalist, and you WILL defend your civilization.

The pen truly is mightier than the sword, and it’s time that we take this powerful weapon back under our control. It’s time we turn it against the tyrants of the Left and the globalist traitors. It is utterly imperative that we take back our language. If we don’t defend our civilization with our words, then it won’t be long before we are called to protect it with our rifles. Despite its numerous flaws, THE UNITED STATES HAS BEEN THE SINGLE GREATEST DRIVING FORCE FOR FREEDOM AND PROSPERITY IN THE HISTORY OF OUR WORLD.

If you don’t want the day to come when your sons and daughters must defend your city from seizure by armed, radical leftists, then act now! Take back our language and use the words that the Left uses to demonize us against them. And don’t fall victim to the “it can’t happen here” fallacy. It can happen – it will happen.  We have much at stake. Never forget: The only thing that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

The violence is already increasing. It’s spilling out into our streets. Leftist publications are openly calling for progressive Democrats to “arm themselves in defense of marginalized communities” (that’s an actual quote). The only tool you have to stop this from happening is your right to the freedom of expression. The best way to express yourself politically is by supporting political players that will honor their oath to defend and uphold the Constitution. At this juncture in our history, there is only one such party. The Constitution Party calls all patriotic Americans to abandon both the Democrats and the Republicans.


We must unite in a new political force before we are swept into the dustbin of history.

Nazism, socialism, and communism were responsible for the loss of millions of innocent lives in the past century. What do they care if a few million American patriots have to die so that they can have their leftist utopia? They don’t care. Many of them salivate at the thought of our deaths. Take back our language. Take back our right to express ourselves. It is the only way to prevent the nightmare from which there can be no waking. We cannot allow the ideas of liberty to be lost by our silence.

Click the link below to add your voice to the growing number of patriots shouting out against this tyranny. Donate to the Constitution Party. We need to run candidates in every town and city across the land. We need patriots who will strike down our enemies in the political arena and save us from the need to strike down our enemies in the combat arena. There isn’t much time left.

Digital Paul Revere


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Digital Paul Revere

Venezuelan Invasion Threatens the USA

Friend —

At this point, it should be as plain as day that the situation shaping up in Venezuela is America’s version of the Syrian refugee crisis in Europe (Islamic invasion of Europe). Europe has endured wave after wave of “refugees” crossing the Mediterranean or walking through the Middle East and Eastern Europe to reach the welfare states of Western Europe. Thanks to the structure of the EU, once these “refugees” were able to enter the EU at any point, they were able to move freely through the block.

Now millions upon millions of them are settled all across Europe. No-go zones are increasing in both number and size. Grooming gangs, gangs whose purpose is to recruit local girls into forced prostitution, are being uncovered, and local police and other authorities are frequently accused of knowing about it and turning a blind eye “for fear of being called racist.” All of this started with the US’ destabilizing actions in the Middle East. It continues to happen because mentally ill leftist activists and traitorous “conservatives” do everything they can to facilitate it. Much of this should sound familiar.

At this moment, much of South and Central America is on the edge of catastrophe. Already, our borders are under constant assault by increasingly massive and aggressive “caravans” of “refugees.” They flee failed states south of the border, including Mexico, but when they come, they bring with them the lifestyles and ways of thinking that contributed to the failure of their nations. The culture they bring with them is damaging to the fabric of the US. The Cultural Marxists of the radical left and the corporate globalists of both parties love this.

The leftists like the importation of a class of easily controlled people who have little to no understanding of our history, rights, or values. These “migrants” have been shown to vote mainly along racial lines, and typically vote for candidates that promise more protections for illegal aliens and more welfare benefits for them. The globalist Republicans like them, because they provide cheap, easily manipulated workers.

These groups have used universities, federally funded public schools, and corporate “anti-discrimination” policies to successfully brainwash multiple generations of Americans into believing that open borders are virtuous and that the US is nothing more than a fascist, failed facsimile of its former self, and therefore, not worth saving. We see the culmination of all of their efforts, endless protests by leftist radicals both young and old, students ostracized by both teachers and fellow students for wrong think, people fired from their jobs for being accused of racism or “white supremacy, and banks canceling the accounts of common people for expressing political opposition to radical leftist ideology.

The stage is now set for the globalists and cultural Marxists to take advantage of the situation in Venezuela to trigger the next migrant crisis. Think the EU migrant crisis, only exchange Muslims for South and Central Americans as the “refugees,” and replace Islam with Cultural Marxism as the driving ideology. Venezuela is, for all intents and purposes, in a state of civil war. Once the real violence begins in Venezuela and the surrounding areas, the number of “refugees” traveling north will swell, and our border will be utterly swamped.

Many people who live in Small-Town America have yet to experience the horror of Cultural Marxism, but it is seeping in. As long as they have control of the academic institutions, financial institutions, and social media, their corrosive ideology will continue to spread until the breaking point. Large numbers of radical leftist now serve in Congress. The latest studies depicting the spread of Americans across the political spectrum show that conservatives are coalescing around a shared set of values that are more or less center-right, while people on the left are spreading further and further towards the radical left. The further left they spread, the deeper into Cultural Marxism they get, and likewise the more authoritarian. That’s why they call us “far right.” They have moved so far to the left, that it looks like everyone else is shifting to the right. Their control of the above-mentioned institutions means that they have a continuing means of circumventing the constitution.

They are trying to introduce a form of techno-fascism to the US. They understand that the government can’t censor our speech, can’t restrict our participation in financial transactions, or discriminate against us based on race or ideology. But they also understand that they, as private institutions, can. They use this power to promote a message of open borders. If you disagree with it, or any of their other positions, then you are refused access to any or all of these services.

The EU has fallen to a form of this techno-fascism. People all across the EU are being arrested for sending anti-immigration messages on Twitter. How do they define “anti-immigration”? Asking questions such as why Muslims can do things, but citizens cannot — disagreeing with paying taxes that go into a welfare system that benefits illegal aliens over citizens — or raising awareness about violence and crime. And recently, the EU has passed internet censorship legislation that imposes taxes for people to exercise their right to free speech.

If we don’t assert our sovereignty and our rights as Americans, expel the tens of millions of illegals already here and repel the invasion of our southern border, then the corrosive acid of Cultural Marxism will eat our civilization away entirely the same way it is in the EU. Many of our most beautiful cities, such as San Francisco, have already fallen victim to Cultural Marxism, and they now resemble third-world countries. We have to push back, and we have to do it NOW. The time is NOW.

The good news is that there are two weapons available to citizens of the US with which to fight back. The first is social media. The second is the ability to run for office and vote. We still can speak, and now is the time to do so. For the first time, our society is beginning to ask the question of why we don’t have the same rights online as we have in the real world. To older generations, the internet may seem like a triviality. But to younger people, the internet is an indispensable and critical component of daily life. All aspects of life for younger people are online. If we all speak up at the same time, they can’t censor us all. As artificial intelligence technology grows, though, there will soon come a time when they WILL be able to silence us all.

We, as citizens, can run for ANY office, and we can sue the government to change any aspect of the law that we want. That is one of the things that makes us unique in the world. Fundamentally, our nation is designed to give as much power to the people as possible. The problem is that We the People have become lazy and entitled. We expect to be taken care of and have been manipulated not to notice that the people that we trusted to take care of us, while we went on autopilot, are abusing and taking advantage of us. We have but to wake up, realize that the power of government is only an illusion and that real power is in OUR hands. The system is as broken as it is because we allowed it to be. But we can reach out, take control, and set things straight — now is the time to do it.

Sponsor the Constitution Party with donations. Join the Constitution Party and run for local, state, and national offices on the Constitution Party ticket. Do your part to rekindle the flame of the virtues of Liberty, Prosperity, and Integrity.

Digital Paul Revere

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Fall 2019 National Committee Meeting


October 18 – 19, 2019

Keynote Speaker:
Trent England

Trent England serves as Executive Vice President at the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, where he also is the David and Ann Brown Distinguished Fellow and directs the Save Our States project. He is an adjunct fellow of New Mexico’s Rio Grande Foundation.

He hosts The Trent England Show podcast, and formerly hosted morning drive-time radio in Oklahoma City. He has filled for various radio hosts including Ben Shapiro.

Trent previously served as Executive Vice President of the Olympia, Washington-based Freedom Foundation and had also directed the Foundation’s constitutional studies programs and Citizen Action Network. He was also a candidate for the Washington State House of Representatives and a legal policy analyst at The Heritage Foundation.

Trent is a contributor to two books—”The Heritage Guide to the Constitution” and “One Nation Under Arrest: How Crazy Laws, Rogue Prosecutors, and Activist Judges Threaten Your Liberty.” His writing has also appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor, Washington Times, and other newspapers.

Trent holds a law degree from The George Mason University School of Law and a bachelor of arts in government from Claremont McKenna College. He lives in Oklahoma City with his wife and their three children.


Location Information: 



  • Room rate is $105.00 + tax per night (two guests per room). Reservations must be made by using this reservation link provided by the hotel. Should you run into an issue with reservations, contact Terri Aden at 720-600-9684. Rooms are available at the discounted rate for Thursday(17th), Friday(18th) and Saturday(19th) nights. The Deadline is September 24th but you should go ahead and reserve your room now if you plan to attend. They will not charge you now.


Registration Information:

  • Early registration for both National Committee Members and guests is $180.00 per person until September 24, after which registration will be $200.00. Registration includes a “meet and greet” with light supper Thursday evening, lunch and evening banquet on Friday, breakfast and lunch on Saturday. You can register online HERE.Registration is also available by mail or email by using this form here:


National Committee Members:

  • To enjoy voting privileges, National Committee members must also pay their annual dues here.



“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other”

–John Adams: Letter to Massachusetts Militia, 11 October, 1798

So, Is the New Zealand Attack so Bad?

Friend —

Please share this content far and wide. We are entering an era of unprecedented danger. The only way out is to grow our numbers to counter the attacks being levied against our freedom. With election season already beginning, we need Constitutionist candidates to step forth and throw their hat in the ring. Be a champion of Liberty, Integrity, and Prosperity. Reach out to the Constitution Party to find out how you can save our civilization.




That is a pretty provocative title. I know it. So, first off, yes. It was awful. The unjust taking of life is atrocious no matter the circumstance. It is against the will of God, and it is anti-humanitarianism distilled to its purest form. We of the Constitution Party officially denounce this action. I have to write this at the outset, because radical Progressive Leftists will try to use this article as a cudgel with which to bludgeon conservatives, otherwise. But why is the man who committed this vile act of terror vilified to the degree that he is, while Islamist attacks are swept under the rug, censored from the internet, not reported by the media, and we are told to “keep calm and carry on” when Islamist after Islamist creates an ever-rising body count in the West? Why is he turned into a villain while Progressive Leftists are celebrated as champions of “women’s reproductive rights” when they pass laws allowing the murder of babies? Why aren’t all of them villains?

“Keep calm and carry on” was created by the British government in preparation of WW2 but it has been stolen by the pro-Islamist segments of Western society to try and dissuade people from expressing their righteous anger after yet another one of these barbarians blows himself up, throws acid on women’s faces for not wearing a hijab, or rents a large cargo truck to drive down crowded city sidewalks and kill as many people as possible. This theft of such a noble slogan is a betrayal of our rights and values as citizens of enlightened Western countries. It is an attempt to suppress our justified rage when people whom we have generously allowed to enter our lands commit suicide (which is itself a sin against God’s laws) in order to commit mass murder (Which is yet another sin against God’s laws).

Moreover, it is an attempt by governments in the West to dissuade the peoples of the West from expressing their anger. When these events happen, the governments of the West become spooked that this one might be the one in which the People will wake up and push back. They are afraid the People will turn their anger against their governments for allowing these atrocities to happen again, and again, and again, and again, all in the name of promoting “diversity”. They are afraid that the People will grow tired of being watched, monitored, and surveilled 24/7 to “prevent terrorist attacks”, while Muhammed and Abu blow themselves up at concerts full of little girls and drive cargo trucks through crowds of Christians at Christmas markets.

Questions and considerations.

The question used to be “When will Western People wake up and realize that Islam is completely incompatible with the West?” Now that we have awakened, the question is “When will the People of the West end their silence, speak up, and demand an end to the importation of this abhorrent death cult?”

Below is a link to a list of Islamist terror attacks carried out since the 1970s. You, being an observant reader, will notice something very important: As the years go on, the frequency of Islamist terror attacks increases rapidly. Starting from five attacks altogether in the 70s and 80s, to twenty-seven in 2018 alone. The source is Wikipedia, and knowing that Wikipedia leans slightly to the left in its politics, you can be sure that this article is not written by “right-wing bigots”

I will let you in on a fact that very few people in the civilian world are aware of: Slavery is more active, and slaves are more numerous now than at any point in human history. The vast majority of the slaves being traded are middle eastern and African Christian women and Southeast Asian girls.

I’ll give you three guesses as to which religious death cult is responsible for the lion’s share of the modern slave trade. You will probably only need one guess to figure it out.

Why is it that, when a mass shooting is carried out by a “lone wolf” in the US, the reaction in the media is “White supremacist, right-wing bigot commits a mass shooting.” And “We need gun control!” (even when it’s later proven that the shooter was a leftist), but when an Islamist commits ritual suicide by blowing himself up in a crowded public place, the reaction from the media is “Not all Muslims are terrorists!” Why do they never acknowledge that the vast majority of terror is conducted in “gun-free zones” like schools, businesses, and churches?

When Muslims commit acts of terror, why can’t we demand “Islam control” legislation? After all, Muslims don’t only use guns to murder innocents. They use trucks, knives, acid, bombs, planes, and more. Far more dangerous than the occasional use of firearms to commit murder, since most of those things have no way to be controlled at all. Why not just ban people with the ideology of death and subjugation from entering our lands to begin with? Is it racist? How can banning an ideology be racist? After all, there are Arab Muslims, there are White Muslims, Black Muslims. Every color of the rainbow is present under this horrendous ideology. If it’s just an ideology and not a race, then it can’t be racist.

The man who committed the New Zealand mosque killings is Australian. Why won’t they tell you that both New Zealand and Australia have extremely strict gun control laws? Have those laws helped? Apparently not.

Why is it acceptable to declare that all conservatives are “Evil, racist, Nazi, bigots” when a single person makes a naughty joke on social media, but when an Islamist murders dozens of innocent people, we are told that we have to be tolerant and loving towards the murderous barbarians?

So, what does this have to do with Christchurch?

Circling back around to the shooting in New Zealand, what was the goal of the killer? If you listen to the leftist media, you would believe that he was a white supremacist, right-wing bigot. I tried to get the original link to his manifesto and his Facebook page to share with you, but both have already been largely scrubbed from the internet. The edited versions that still remain are largely in the hands of far-left media outlets, where they highlight only the parts that they can use to demonize the rest of us. They edit out the parts where he admits to being a communist, where he admits that he hates conservatism, and admits that his ideology aligns most closely to that of China.

An extremely important thing that the Progressive Leftist controlled media leaves out is the part where he says point blank that his goal in committing this atrocity is to accelerate the coming of civil war in the United States. His view is that when civil war finally breaks out in the US, that it will bring about world-changing events that will create the conditions for global communism to take hold.

They don’t tell you that he began his journey as a far-left activist, and following his travels around the world, he became a hardcore communist and finally (in his own words) ended up as an “eco-fascist” (think Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’ “Green New Deal” to see what eco-fascism looks like). He admitted in his own manifesto that his goal was to cause Western governments to demand further gun control so that citizens cannot resist communist takeover. He wrote extensively about the collapse of European civilization due to illegal Islamic migration from Africa and the middle east. That last part is demonstrably true. His entire manifesto was tailor-made to be a Leftist Progressive’s propaganda wet dream to crush conservatism – – And he admitted it. But the media won’t tell you that.

The worst part of all: He is getting exactly what he wanted.

There will be retaliation for his actions. All of that retaliation is going to be against conservatives. And it has already begun in the form of censorship and pushes throughout the West for more gun control. There will be Islamist attacks against Western peoples. There will be political retaliation by governments that are increasingly under leftist control. There will be further curbing of our right to freedom of speech and freedom of association. And when the People have had enough of this, they will push back. His attack on the mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand were masterfully planned and executed, and they are already having the intended outcomes.

Western conservatives must be ready. There are far more of us than most people realize, but we have been conditioned to be the silent majority. We are in a catch-22 situation, now. If we act to defend our rights, the leftists will use it as a propaganda win. If we do not act to defend our rights, then they will be taken away and we will sink further and further into tyranny and oppression until we have sunk so deep into the nightmare that there will be no recovering from it.

We are once again at a turning point in history, and truly we must tread carefully. How goes the United States, so goes the world. If we fall, the world falls. And whose hands will it fall into? Whose hands will our lives be in?

Despite the danger that we find ourselves in, we have to remember that the Founding Fathers, in their wisdom, gave us the tools by which our civilization can be defended. The only path forward that does not involve the widespread outbreak of violent revolution is to use the tools given to us by the Constitution to recover our systems of governance from the hands of psychopathic Leftist Progressives, RINO globalists, and their Islamist partners.

It is more important than ever that our Party grow in size, power, and influence, to act as a counterweight against the rising tide of Progressive communism. We must run our candidates, we must rise to the occasion.

Our champions must make themselves known.

Do not underestimate the clear and present danger that we are in. The danger is here, it is real, and it is growing. Do your part by putting your name forward to represent your areas. Do your part by getting Constitutionist Patriots elected to offices all around the country. Do your part by snatching our very way of life from the jaws of the psychopathic Progressives, communists, and RINOs. If you cannot run for office, then do your part by donating what you can for as long as you can so that we can fund Constitutionist campaigns. Do your part by spreading the message of Liberty, Prosperity, and Integrity far and wide. Do your part by showing the world that we are NOT afraid, and that we WILL take back our country, and that we MUST take back our destiny.

Digital Paul Revere



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It’s Better to be American

Friend —

First of all. I want to send a huge thanks to all of our new donors. Our website traffic is up, new donations are increasing, and our message is resonating with Americans all across the land. If you like this content, if you agree with the message, if you want to see American values restored, don’t forget that your donations give us the ability to move forward. Don’t forget to subscribe to our social media. We are building a larger and more inclusive social media presence, so everyone has more chances to interact with us. Please read to the end to find links to our social media and donation pages.

One thing that I often hear about in the media these days is the issue of “our morality”. This bothers me. And it bothers me for a specific reason: Whose morality is “our morality”? And what does it have to do with nationhood?

Americans as a group are unique in the world. Nowhere in the world can you go, apply for a passport, and then be considered to be “one of” their people. You can’t go to Germany, pick up a German passport, and then people will say that you are “German”. What if you go to China and picked up a Chinese passport? Do you think that they would accept you as “Chinese”? They don’t even allow foreigners to apply for citizenship. How about Japan? What about in South Africa, Namibia, South Sudan, Syria, or Russia? Would they look at your local passport and say “Oh. Yep. You are one of us.”?

No. Of course not. And that is why our nation and our people are so unique.

At no point in the history of our species has a country arisen to any meaningful position of power and influence while also saying  “Anyone can be one of us.” The closest that comes to mind would perhaps be the Roman Empire. But even then, it wasn’t just a matter of taking an oath, swapping out one little pocket-sized book for another, and then BOOM you’re Roman. No. They had a complex system of citizenship classes, and the criteria for acquiring them was equally onerous.

Only in our day and age, and only in the United States of America do foreigners even have the chance of not just getting a passport but being able to say with honesty and earnestness “I am American.” Even persons from completely alien cultures, with traditions and ways of life entirely antithetical to our own. Even if they came here ILLEGALLY.

But now we have to consider an important question: Why? Why are Americans, and to a limited extent people from around the anglosphere (English speaking countries that are part of the Common Wealth) pushed further and further into the cultural miasma of “Multi-culturalism”?

You may have grown up being told that all cultures and all nations are equal. Certainly, all human beings are born equal, but why does that equality naturally extend to all cultures, languages, and nations? It doesn’t. If all cultures are equal, then why do waves upon waves of people from all around the world flock to the US? Why don’t they flock to places like Zimbabwe by the millions? Or to Romania? Because not all countries are created equal. Not all cultures are created equal. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but once you think about it, you realize that it’s true.

The traditional culture of the United States built the most prosperous, most powerful nation in the history of the world. That culture is under attack, now.

The Leftist Progressives and their Globalist RINO allies in the Republican party push this narrative that all cultures are equal, because they know that most Americans have never stepped foot outside of America and have no frame of reference on the matter. These Progressives and Globalists know that Americans can be manipulated by appealing to their sense of morality. Their only view is the limited window provided to them by television, and now the slightly larger window of the Internet.

Why do they do this?

They do it because Republican business lobbies benefit due to cheap labor from countries whose cultures have little to no value for individual liberty, and Democrats like them because they are raised in cultures that are socialistic and where Big Government seems like a natural thing and these immigrants vote roughly 85% Democrat.

Most Americans will never know the feeling of stepping out onto the street and seeing gangs of knife-wielding teenagers numbering in the dozens roaming the streets unchallenged, enforcing religious and political doctrines. They don’t know what it means to be cornered by corrupt police, with guns pointed at them and having money or valuable belongings extorted from them. They will never witness swarms of police vans shuttling hundreds of blue-and-white clad officers to descend on impoverished villages, and then see those villagers bundled off in the middle of the night so that corrupt land developers can demolish their homes to make way for a new luxury high-rise. Do we want people who hold these kinds of cultural values? Do they somehow help America become a better place?

They know that by pushing the narrative of cultural equality, Americans will be less likely to resist the importation of millions of people whose cultural values are completely opposite our values. They also know that, when Americans begin to notice that people from these other cultures don’t learn our language, don’t observe our traditions, and don’t respect our values, we won’t push back. Our morality won’t allow for it. It would be considered racist, or at the very least, rude. But we have the right to push back. It is our nation.

How many Americans know that open-air slave markets are run, quite profitably, in places like Libya? Is it white European colonists capturing and selling the slaves? The liberal progressives would have you believe that European colonizers are the only culture in history to have ever kept slaves. They remind us of that history every chance they get. They won’t tell you that it was Conservative Americans that chose to free the slaves, extend citizenship to them, and fought a civil war to do it. They try to hide that it was the Democrats that resisted giving up slavery and formed the KKK. They won’t tell you that the slave markets in North Africa are run by Muslims and that they sell captured Christian women of various ethnicities to be wives to ISIS soldiers.

What do we gain?

Do we want people with these cultural values entering our country, creating communities of their own, and completely rejecting our morals and values? What, exactly, is wrong with demanding that these people abide by our traditions? Why are we forced to accept their cultures, but if we want them to live by our standards, it’s racist?

Recently, Ilhan Omar has been in the news numerous times for promoting antisemitism and Islamic culture in Congress. When people denounce this, they are called racist and Islamophobic. Why is it unreasonable to expect a US representative to obey the customs and morals of our country? She is an immigrant here, after all. If her homeland was so bad that she had to come here as a refugee, why should we accept our generosity being repaid with a slap to the face? Does the US gain by keeping her around?

What does OUR nation have to gain by inviting people from these cultures into our country? Not by the hundreds nor the thousands. But by the millions. How long can our traditions, our values, and our very way of life stand against such an onslaught? As mentioned before, we already have Muslims in congress who demand that our ancient traditions be changed in order to suit their culture. Is that to say that all people from these countries are bad? Absolutely not! Is it so say that respect and a healthy curiosity in their cultures is evil? Not at all. Is that to say that the US should be a white country, to the exclusion of other races? Not even a little bit. The US DOES have plenty to gain by inviting the best and brightest from other countries and other cultures to become American. But that’s the point. They have to want to become American. The problem is that most who are coming here now not only don’t want to transform themselves into Americans, many of them actively hate our country, our values, and our history.

They have weaponized our morality against us.

Americans are loath to take true pride in their unique accomplishments. It is part of the religiosity that helped found this nation. Pride comes before the fall, as the old saying goes. In religious terms, this may be true, but what about in nationalistic terms? When I asked my mother recently if she knows what nationalism means, she said that MSNBC told her it means to be fascist and racist, that only Nazis are nationalists. I dared her to look at the dictionary, and she was completely confused when she saw the real meaning of nationalism.

How can people preserve their nation when they are indoctrinated from youth not to take genuine pride in the unique accomplishments of their nation? What happens when you have enclaves of people living within your borders who don’t share your values, don’t speak your language, and don’t understand or care about your traditions? What happens is that you no longer have a country. You have a disparate collection of mutually-distrustful ethnic groups with competing and contradictory interests. Is that what a “melting pot” looks like? What exactly are the “conservatives” in our government conserving? They aren’t conserving our way of life, that’s for sure. They are selling it out for cheap, easily controlled labor.

How long can such a place remain peaceful?

Certain people in the media and mainstream politics would call even talking about this racist. They would call this “white nationalism”, or “fascist”. But we have to ask some very important questions, then. Why is it racist? How many of you know that there is an activist group in the US called La Raza? If some of you have heard of it, how many know what it means? It’s Spanish for “The Race”. Why aren’t they called racist? How many of you know who Keith Ellison is? Or that he’s a Muslim US congressman? How many of you know that he has made official calls since his late 20’s for African-Americans to claim a portion of US soil, secede from the union, and form a black ethno-state (a country designed to be occupied by only one race)? Why aren’t he and his supporters called racist? Are those the kind of morals that we as Americans should accept?

When Progressive democrats and RINOs talk about “our morals”, that should be a red flag in your mind to start thinking really hard about whose “morals” they are talking about. We have our own values, customs, language, and culture. It’s our values that built this country. And it’s our traditions that will see our Liberty and Integrity restored so that we all may enjoy Prosperity.

It’s Ok to respect other cultures. It’s OK to learn and be fluent in other languages. It’s OK to travel to other countries to appreciate their way of life. It’s OK to have a nation made richer by inviting in vetted and trusted people from around the world to contribute skills and knowledge. It’s OK to be members of different races and ethnicities.

Yes. All of that is fine and well. But more importantly…

It’s better to be American.

With warmest regards,

DPR (Digital Paul Revere)


P.S. – Please like and share this content far and wide. Please donate what you can. Even small donations help to revive the hope for a truly Constitutionist America. Join us on social media to keep the conversation going.


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