Executive Committee

National Chairman

Justin Magill

Justin L. Magill was elected to the position of National Chairman at the 2024 National Convention held in Salt Lake City, Utah.  Born and raised in northwest Pennsylvania, he spent three years in the U. S. Army before returning to Pennsylvania to attend Pennsylvania West University at Edinboro, Pennsylvania, where he earned a B.A. in Criminal Justice and minors in Political Science and Psychology.  He also continued to serve his country as a member of the U. S. Army Reserves.  Justin went on to earn an M.S in Criminal Justice–Public Administration from Liberty University, as well as a Juris Doctor (J.D.) from Roger Williams University School of Law. 

Justin and his wife Shari have been members of the Constitution Party for several years, having found the one party committed to the Constitution and the Principles of Liberty.

Vice Chairman

Glen Miller

Glen Miller was elected as Vice Chairman of the Constitution Party National Committee at the 2024 National Convention held in Salt Lake City, Utah.

He is the sixth child in a family of ten children.  Being in a large family he learned at an early age the value of hard work.  He worked in the family business of selling greeting cards and helping with paper routes.  He also learned from his parents to have faith in our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ.

Glenn attended college at Brigham Young University and earned a three-year ROTC scholarship. After graduating with a degree in Business Management, he served on active duty as an Officer for eight years, and then an additional three years in the reserves, where he developed an abiding love for our country and the freedom we have.

Glen was introduced to the Constitution Party by his older brother and joined in 2008.  He has served both at the County and State level and has served on the National Executive Committee since 2019.  In 2022, he became author and editor of the Victory Report, newsletter of the Party’s Howard Phillips Legacy Society.

Glen has been married to Lori for 47 years. Together they have six wonderful children and twenty-six amazing grandchildren.

National Secretary

Megan Schmitt

Megan was elected as National Secretary at the 2024 Constitution Party Convention held in Salt Lake City, Utah.

She is a homeschooling mom of four, with a long background in dance, theater, and history. Originally from Minnesota, she moved to Florida, where she became President of a local non-profit organization focusing on helping families in need. In 2019, they moved to New Hampshire and have since fallen in love with the beautiful Granite State.

Megan is a founding member of the Constitution Party New Hampshire state affiliate which began in 2023.  She continues to serve as the state secretary.

Megan’s other interests include serving as the New Hampshire Co-Lead for the People’s Convoy to D.C., helping with several local patriot groups, teaching Constitution classes as often as possible, and is co-founder of a local Legislative Alerts group.  In her spare time, Megan enjoys volunteering, reading, planning events, or adventuring with her family.

National Treasurer

Donna LaClair

Donna LaClair was appointed National Treasurer by outgoing National Chairman Jim Clymer.  She grew up in central Massachusetts, always knowing that the “Live Free or Die” state was her true home.  She attended the University of New Hampshire, earning degrees in Business Administration and Economics.  Moving back to Massachusetts after graduation, she obtained her first job in public accounting and earned her Certified Public Accountant’s license.  She continues to work in public accounting today, making it a career of 31 years and counting.

In 1999, she and her husband of 22 years moved back to New Hampshire and continue to raise their 15-year-old son together in that beautiful state.

Donna is a co-founder of the Constitution Party of New Hampshire, serving as their first and only Treasurer.  She also serves as a Trustee of the Trust Funds in her hometown of Loudon, and as a ballot clerk and ballot counter in all elections.  In her spare time, she can be found reading, usually true crime, history, and all things constitutional, or enjoying time with her family and friends.

Eastern States Area Chairman

Bob Goodrich

Alan Robert (Bob) Goodrich is currently Chairman of the Constitution Party of Pennsylvania and was elected to be the Eastern States Area Chairman at the 2024 Constitution Party National Convention held in Salt Lake City, Utah.  He is a native or Tioga County, Pennsylvania and is the Headmaster at Wesley Academy in Knoxville, Pennsylvania.

Bob is an Army veteran, having enlisted right out of high school and served for twenty-five years.  He retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel in 2006 and then in that same year came out of retirement, returning to serve a deployment in Iraq.  On March 30, 2009 — his 708th day of deployment with just 23 days remaining — Bob was wounded. He was visiting the Iraqi leadership that Monday when the compound came under attack and was to Landstuhl, Germany for initial treatment. On the following Friday, he arrived at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, D.C.  “On Monday, the government brought my wife to Walter Reed to be with me. My wife came waltzing in my room and my recovery began,” Goodrich said.  Five months later on Sept. 6, he was discharged.

(Some information in this bio, courtesy of the Westfield Free Press Courier).

Eastern States Area Co-Chairman

Kristen Jackson

Kristen Jackson was elected Eastern States Area Co-Chairman at the 2024 Constitution Party National Convention held in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Southern States Area Chairman

Kevin Hayes

Kevin Hayes was elected Southern States Regional Chairman at the 2024 Constitution Party National Convention held in Salt Lake City, Utah.  He has previously served in the following positions:

> Vice Chairman Constitution Party of North Carolina 2017- Present

> Candidate for U. S. Senate in 2020

> Candidate for Faison, North Carolina Town Council 2021

> Candidate for North Carolina House District 4 2012,2018

Born and raised in eastern North Carolina, Kevin owns and operates his own information technology business, Tar Heel Computer, LLC.

Southern States Area Co-Chairman

Dan (Red) Phillips

Midwest States Area Chairman

Paul Venable

Paul Venable was appointed and approved as Midwestern States Chairman at the Spring 2023 National Committee Meeting in St. Louis, Missouri.  He served as chairman of the Constitution Party of Idaho for seven years and is currently serving as chairman of the Constitution Party of Missouri.  He has also been a candidate for office, most recently, for the Missouri race for United States Senate.

Paul Venable grew up in Columbus, Ohio.  As the eldest of five children, he learned early from his parents, that nothing works like work.  He made his living in the field of Information Technology and is now retired.  His parents also taught him an abiding faith in our Creator and love for our nation, the United States of America.  They also taught him these timeless and priceless truths – that people are more important than things and what someone is on the inside is far more relevant than how one looks on the outside.

As a personal outreach, Paul and his wife, Susan have organized public and private forums to teach the principles of liberty and of the proper role of government through the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.  He has actively lobbied local and legislative bodies in a private capacity on issues of tax relief, limited government, empowering the people and strengthening the family.

Midwest States Area Co-Chairman

Steven Sylvester

Steven E. Sylvester, BA, BS, DDS

“Y מליץ־יושר meylets-yoysher. Defender, intercessor. Μάρτυρες witness. Διάκονος Servant. Rom 8:14 Son”

Steven was elected as the Midwest States Co-Chairman at the 2024 National Convention held in Salt Lake City, Utah.

As a lifelong Midwesterner, Steven was born in Kansas and lived over 60 years in Illinois:  in rural Knox County, in the industrial Quad Cities, deep urban Westside Chicago and also the suburban Chicago area with a yearlong foray into western Wisconsin.  Educated in public primary schools, then at Knox College and UIC College of Dentistry.  He never lets the chance to join an earth-shaking mankind liberating revolution go by, Steven achieved Fastbraces® Senior Master Provider status in 2019.  He is also a Member of the American Academy of Oral Systemic Health, a signatory of the Great Barrington Declaration, and a Researcher in the National Dental Practice Based Research Network.

Steven has been a political activist since 1971, and a Christian activist since 1974.  His activity has included participation in several campaigns including Pat Robertson for President, Alan Keyes for Senate, Ron Paul for President, and for multiple state and local offices.  He has also been involved in many church planting efforts in the states of Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin and Tennessee.  In 1992, he served alongside Randall Terry in the counterprotest to the Women’s’ March on Washington D.C.

He is a husband, Dad, grandfather with many interests which include, entrepreneurship and small business employer of 10 in the same community for 30 years, president of a Condominium Association, and a gardener with emphasis on the preservation of heirloom varieties.

Western States Area Chairman

Janine Hansen

Janine Hansen has a long history of service and activism at both the state and national level.  In 1996, 2004, 2008 she served as National Ballot Access Coordinator of the Constitution Party. She has also served as National Treasurer and was re-elected to the position of Western States Area Co-Chairman at the 2024 National Constitution Party Convention held in Salt Lake, City.

Janine graduated magna cum laude from Brigham Young University in 1976 with a degree in Child and Family Relations.  Her public life has been a lifelong effort to promote family values.  Her service includes:

Eagle Forum:  State President of Nevada Families for Freedom the State Affiliate of Eagle Forum; Editor Nevada Families/Eagle Forum monthly newsletter since 1974; lobbyist for both organizations in the state legislature; Constitutional Issues Chairman; currently coordinating Eagle Forum’s national efforts to defeat an Article V Constitutional Convention including the Convention of the States and National Popular Vote.

State Legislature: Citizen advocate at the Nevada Legislature 1971-2021; instrumental in defeating the state applications for a New Constitutional Convention under Article V and the defeat of the related Conference of the States,

Independent American Party (state affiliate of the Constitution Party): State Chairman Independent American Party of Nevada, formerly Executive Director and National Committeeman; state legislature lobbyist; host of the radio talk show the Constitution and you during the 1987 Constitution Bicentennial.

Nevada Families Voter Guide: founder, publisher, and editor for every general election between 1988 and 2014.

Taxation: Northern Nevada Director Nevadans for Sound Government (Axe the Tax) sponsoring referendum to repeal the $836 million tax increase and an initiative to prohibit government employees from serving in elected office 2004.

Pro-Life:  State Chairman of the Choose Life Campaign 1990 to stop a ballot question, which locked abortion into the Nevada Constitution. First testified opposing abortion in the Nevada Legislature in 1971; Co-Chairman of the Choose Life Coalition, which has sponsored a full-page pro-life ad with 400 sponsors in the Nevada Gazette Journal, Reno News & Review, Elko Daily Free Press for 32 years and previously organizer of the annual Choose Life Rally & Life Chain in Reno for 20 years.

Marriage/Family/Equal Rights Amendment: Initiative Petition Chairman for 16 of Nevada’s 17 Counties for the successful Coalition for the Protection of Marriage to keep marriage between and man and a woman, 2000; Pro-family elected delegate and Pro-family Caucus Chairman to the National Conference on Families in 1980 in Los Angeles; Chairman Pro-Family Coalition, which achieved a 68% victory, defeating the ERA on the Nevada statewide ballot in 1978; Nevada Chairman STOP E.R.A. 1974-1978.

Statehood: Executive Director of the Nevada Committee for Full Statehood which is working to restore jurisdiction over Nevada’s lands to Nevada and implementing the principles of the Tenth Amendment since 2000.

Patriot Act: Organizational member of the Nevada Campaign to Defeat the USA PATRIOT ACT.

Other: Named “Conservative of the Year for 2010 in Nevada” by Citizen Outreach; and is a member of ABATE of Northern Nevada (A Brotherhood Aimed at Education), a motorcycle organization working to protect liberty

Born and raised in Nevada and currently living in Elko, Janine is married, mother of four children (two of whom were homeschooled) and is the grandmother of sixteen.  She raises heritage turkeys, chickens and enjoys gardening.

Western States Area Co-Chairman

Kirk Pearson

Kirk Pearson was elected as Western States Area Co-Chairman at the 2024 National Constitution Party Convention held in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Kirk was born and raised in the Salt Lake City valley of Utah.  He is married to Jill for over thirty-three years.  Together they have three children and three grandchildren.  He owns and operates his own construction business since 1985, specializing in building custom homes and small commercial projects.  After seeing the amount of taxes, he had to pay for all his employees Kirk became frustrated.  When his C.P.A taught him about the Constitution, he became active with the Republican party, hoping to help get America back on track.  in 2002, after sixteen years as a delegate, Kirk left the Republican Party and joined the Constitution Party.  He has served in the following capacities:

> Candidate for U. S. Congress, Utah State Governor, State House, and State Senate.

> Served as the Constitution Party of Utah as a County Chairman, State Chairman, Vice Chairman.


Cindy Redburn

Cindy Redburn is a charter member of the Missouri Constitution Party and has served in various leadership positions in her home state.  She represented the Constitution Party in three campaigns in her home state: U. S. Congress, State Representative, and St. Louis County Council.  She has been the National Secretary for two separate terms and after her last term, has been appointed as a Committee Member-At-Large.

A retired teacher, she is still active in teaching private classes to adults and teenagers on liberty and constitutional governance.  A firm supporter of citizen activism, she attends county commission meetings regularly and is a member of a local activist group.

Married to Alan for 44 years, they have six children and fourteen grandchildren.  When not busy with family and political ambitions, Cindy relaxes by spending time in nature and gardening.


Wayne Zimmerschied

Wayne is the father of two grown children residing in a small rural community beyond the western fringe of the Twin Cities.  A native Minnesotan and graduate of the University of Minnesota – Institute of Technology with a B.S. in Computer Science, he is retired from programming business computer systems.  His primary recreational activity is square dancing, which he has done for over 50 years.

Wayne became active in politics in 1998 through home school contacts, helping with a failed primary run for Governor (the year Minnesota elected Jessie Ventura).  He learned of the U.S. Taxpayers party during the 2000 election cycle while helping to unseat an incumbent Democrat from Congress.  When the Republican proved to not be conservative, he became active with the renamed Constitution Party in 2002.  Having served terms as the state Vice Chairman, state Secretary and Midwestern States Region Co-Chair, he now serves as Vice Chairman and a District representative on the Constitution Party of Minnesota Executive Board and as Parliamentarian for the National Executive Committee.

Past National Chairman

Jim Clymer

Jim Clymer completed his last term as National Chairman in 2024, having been elected at the 2020 Constitution Party National Convention.   He served previously as National Chairman for three terms, from 1999 to 2012.  He is the senior partner in the Lancaster, Pennsylvania law firm of Clymer, Musser and Conrad.

As the Pennsylvania party’s nominee for Lt. Governor in both 1994 and 1998, his candidacy set Pennsylvania vote records for third party candidates.  During his 2004 run for U. S. Senate against Republican Arlen Specter, he received more than 200,000 votes.  Jim Clymer also served as the vice-presidential running mate for 2012 Constitution Party presidential candidate Virgil Goode.

Jim and his wife, Lois, have five adult children.

Frank Fluckiger, National Chairman

Past National Chairman

Frank Fluckiger

Frank was born and raised in Wyoming where he attended the University of Wyoming, earning BS and an MBA in Business Administration. He spent his entire career in corporate finance and accounting. He served as Chairman of the Constitution Party of Utah from its inception until 2012. He also served as Constitution Party Western Area Chairman from 2004 to 2012. In 1971, Frank was one of two youths chosen to represent both the state of Wyoming and the U.S. as International Farm Youth Exchange Students to Indonesia. This experience had a profound effect on his life. He has been married to Sheryl for 37 years and they are the parents of seven children and 18 grandchildren.

2024 Presidential Candidate

Randall Terry

Randall Allan Terry was nominated as the candidate for President of the United States at the 2024 Constitution Party National Convention held in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Randall is the Founder of the anti-abortion group Operation Rescue.  Randall led the largest peaceful civil disobedience in American history from 1987 to 1994.  He’s been arrested 49 times, and spent more than one year in various federal, state, and local prisons.

Randall Terry is a Pro-Life Leader, speaker, musician and author for 30 years. He has a master’s degree in Foreign Relations and International Terrorism.  His speaking ability and knowledge of history, his candor and passion to train others makes him a lethal weapon to the enemies of God, as well as a vital teacher to those that wish to learn.  He has made it his goal to raise up an Army of Righteous Leaders and activists.

2016 Presidential Candidate

Darrell Castle

Darrell is an attorney and founder of Darrell Castle and Associates law firm of Memphis, TN.  He has held many leadership positions in the Constitution Party since attending the party’s founding national convention in 1992.  While earning his JD at University of Memphis in the 70’s, Darrell met and married his wife Joan.  The Castle’s daughter Joanna is married to Michael.

Darrell served as a 1st Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps and trained under then 1st Lieutenant, Oliver North.  He was stationed in the Far East for 13 months and his service in Viet Nam followed a family military tradition, with his oldest brother serving in World War II, another brother having served in the Korean War.  Darrell’s experiences during those years contributed to his strong belief that war should not be entered into capriciously and, that the decision to go to war must be made according to the U.S. Constitution which makes it clear that only Congress can declare war.

Darrell has served as a deacon and deacon chairman in his local church.  In 1998, Darrell and Joan founded Mia’s Children Foundation, a Christian mission in Bucharest, Romania which ministers to homeless gypsy children.  www.miaschildren.org

Darrell’s political activism includes:

  • Author of the Castle Report on national and international affairs  www.castlereport.us
  • 2016 Constitution Party Presidential Candidate
  • 2008 Constitution Party Vice-Presidential Candidate, running mate of Chuck Baldwin.
  • Board member since 2005 of the Conservative Caucus, founded by Howard Phillips
  • Three terms as the Vice-Chairman of the National Committee of the Constitution Party
  • Two terms as the Platform Chairman of the National Convention of the Constitution Party
  • Two terms as the Constitution Party of Tennessee State Chairman